Baltic Sea - Ostsee

Chalk cliffs in Jasmund National Park

The Baltic Sea is a Inland sea in Europe. The many places and seaside resorts along the coast are heavily influenced by tourism.


Overview map

Regions and states clockwise starting in the south:


Beach in Sopot near Danzig

Cities clockwise starting in the south:

Other goals


Dornbusch on Hiddensee

National parks


The Baltic Sea will too Baltic sea called, it has a size of 413,000 km² and is 459 m deep at the deepest point. It is considered to be the largest brackish sea on earth. The Baltic Sea has a very low tide, in the west it is 10-15 cm, on average 5 cm. About twice a year there are storm floods that are more than 1 meter above normal water level.


As from the aforementioned neighboring countries.

getting there


The Oresund Bridge crosses the Oresund from Denmark to Sweden.

Ferry routes (selection)

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania ferry (Rostock-Trelleborg line)

To and from Germany

To and from Denmark

To and from Sweden

To and from Poland

Tourist Attractions

  • The 1 Curonian Spit with the National Park "Kuršių Nerija," recognized as UNESCO World Natural Heritage. It is a stretch of land protruding one hundred kilometers into the Baltic Sea, about half of which is closed Lithuania and the Kaliningrad Oblast (Russian Federation) belongs.


A typical holiday on the Baltic Sea is a beach holiday in the summer months in one of the numerous seaside resorts.

In recent years there has also been a strong increase in cruise tourism, which often takes a round trip to the major port cities: Kiel - Copenhagen - Tallinn - Riga - St. Petersburg - Stockholm - Kiel.


Already in the days of the Hanseatic League herringwho too Silver of the sea. The smaller herring species in the Baltic Sea will also Herringbone called. Preserved in brine and stored in wooden barrels, it was one of the most important trading goods in earlier times. Schools of herring migrate to the coast every March and April. Then it is the high season for fishermen, anglers and restaurants. The herring weeks are then held on Usedom and Rügen and in Wismar. The country's restaurants then offer guests herring fried, smoked, pickled or baked in beer batter.

Surstromming is a Swedish fish delicacy made from fermented herring. You can find the inflated cans in many supermarkets in the refrigerated shelves. The smell that emanates from the cans takes a lot of getting used to. Wikipedia recommends opening the can only outdoors, underwater, and gives further tips. Surstromming is allowed on the plane Not get picked up.

The Atlantic Garfish will also be Garfish, May al, or Allis shad (that's actually the name of another fish). It can be recognized by the elongated, cylinder-like shape that is reminiscent of an eel, the pointed mouth and the green bones. It comes to the Baltic Sea coast to spawn for about three weeks in May, when it is garfish season. Restaurants with regional cuisine like to serve it with unusual recipes. The cooks get creative with the side dishes, for example mashed potatoes with rhubarb compote or potato pancakes with apple ragout.



The crossing of the border between Poland and the Russian Kaliningrad Oblast on the beach to the east Nowa Karczma on the Fresh Spit is not allowed. However, anyone who overcomes the border fence from Poland to Russia risks criminal proceedings in Russia.



Sun protection is a matter of course on the beach, but is often forgotten on the ship. When crossing on ferry ships or on cruise ships, you should always ensure adequate sun protection when the sun is shining. Even when it is cool and a constant wind keeps the temperature low, the UV radiation is very intense.


Fire jellyfish

Jellyfish can be found all over the Baltic Sea. Most of the time, the jellyfish that you meet while swimming are harmless. However, encountering a fire jellyfish can be very uncomfortable. Their almost invisible tentacles, some several meters long, cause reddening and burning of the skin with their poison on human skin. Fire jellyfish are orange, up to 1 m tall, with a flat umbrella and long tentacles. It is best to avoid the jellyfish while swimming.

After contact with a fire jellyfish, the affected areas should be treated with vinegar or shaving foam. Carefully scrape off any threads and tentacles, for example with a plastic card or with sand or salt water. Under no circumstances wash off with fresh water or alcohol. Then apply burn ointment or anti-allergic ointment and see a doctor if you feel unwell or have allergic reactions.


Demolitions on cliffs, for example on Rügen


Even as an inland sea, storms can occur on the Baltic Sea, with corresponding dangers for shipping.


Lumps of phosphorus from sunken ammunition can be washed ashore on the beaches, which repeatedly leads to accidents. They are similar to amber, but after drying they self-ignite and can then hardly be extinguished. Phosphorus is also poisonous, as is the smoke that is produced when it is burned. Collected (presumed) amber should therefore not be kept in your trouser or jacket pocket, but rather in a lockable glass or metal vessel. Burning phosphorus can only be extinguished by removing oxygen, for example with sand.




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