Granada - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Grenade — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

For other places of the same name, see Granada (disambiguation).
Saint George's Grenada.jpg
Flag of Grenada.svg
Capital city
Other languages
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
Tourist information office
12 ° 7 ′ 0 ″ N 61 ° 40 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site
Touristic site

The Grenade is an island state of Caribbean (or Antilles). It is made up of a group of three main islands (the Grenade, Carriacou and Little Martinique) and several small islands in the Caribbean Sea. It spans 32 km, just northeast of Trinidad and Tobago and southwest of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It is famous for its spices and is known asSpice Island, as it is a major producer of nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon and cocoa.

Grenada has beautiful beaches, a turquoise sea, many secluded coves and unspoiled nature. Inside the island, extinct volcanic cones, covered by rainforest and spice plantations, rise up to 900 meters altitude. There is a lot to discover: the crater lakes, numerous waterfalls, hot springs and old forts, not to mention the capital, Saint Georges, one of the most beautiful cities in the Antilles.


Despite its small size, Grenada is an independent state. It has its own parliament and the people of the country are involved in local politics. The population is very religious and predominantly Catholic, but the country also has a mosque, a church of Jehovah's Witnesses, and many small Baptist and Methodist churches.

The temperature, all year round, is around 28 ° C, that of the water around 26 ° C. The weather can change several times during the day. The country has been devastated by numerous hurricanes and still bears the scars ofIvan. Some hotels are still under reconstruction. The period of tropical cyclones and storms extends from June to October. The rest of the year, the climate is humid and hot. It can rain several times a day. The rains are torrential, bring an umbrella.

The country's economy is largely tied to St. George's Medical University (SGU), which is accredited by the United States and prepares physicians and veterinarians. Of the 110,000 residents, 6,000 are students and teachers, most of whom are Americans.

Few tourists stay in the country. However, many cruise ships dock there for the day and their passengers invade the beaches. Travelers on a budget will quickly find that they are not necessarily very popular. The locals much prefer the American clientele of boats, who do not haggle on the beach and who have a somewhat limited budget.

Steel Pan : music played on scrap metal.


Grenada Island

Grenada is of volcanic origin and geologically belongs to the internal arc of the Lesser Antilles. The crater lakes of Grand Etang and Lake Antoine and the ancient volcano of 841 meters tall, the Mount Sainte-Catherine, are witnesses of its ancient volcanic activity and there are a small number of sulphurous springs. The port of Saint-George's is the vestige of an old crater, one wall of which collapsed into the sea. In the north of the island, there are chalk cliffs. From the northeast coast to the east coast, and up to the south coast, there are many islets. On the south coast, spectacular coves go deep into the land.

Grenada has 33 km long and 16 km wide. The central highlands are covered with tropical forests, almost impenetrable, of evergreen trees. The north coast is a bit flatter. To the south and south-east, numerous parallel valleys, the outlets of which are today below sea level, due to the lowering of the continental shelf, form deeply incised bays.

Grenada is called theSpice Island, it covers 40% of the world demand for nutmeg. Ginger, cocoa, bay leaf, cloves, and cinnamon are also grown on the fertile volcanic soil.

The hotels are all located near the new airport of Point Salines, between the bay of Grand Anse and L'Anse aux Epines. The islands of the south coast, Hog Island, Calivigny Island and Adam island are private property.

Flora and fauna

The yellow fruit of the nutmeg tree.
Grenada is theSpice Island : nutmeg jam and chili jelly.

The blue mahoe (Hibiscus elatus), ferns and sharp grasses, Scleria, are widespread in the country. There is not much left of the coastal forests. In the pond of Levera, there are chalices of the Pope (Tabebuia pallida), grape trees by the sea (Coccoloba uvifera), mapous (Pisonia fragrans) and mancenilliers (Hippomaniac mancinella). There are also many mangroves. On the island of Carriacou, the red gum tree (Bursera simaruba), or Gumbo Limbo, is widespread.

Among the country's amphibians is the buffalo toad (Bufo marinus), frog Eleutherodactylus, the mountain frog Eleutherodactylus johnstonei and the forest frog Leptodactylus wagneri. There are several species of lizards. The arboreal lizard Anolis richardi breeds only in Grenada and Trinidad. The Rainbow Lizard (Ameiva ameiva) is only found in Granada and the Grenadines. There is also the domestic gecko Thecadactylus rapicauda and the wall lizard Anolis aeneus. The snake Typhlops tasymicris is endemic. Four species of non-venomous snakes are known, the white-headed worm snake Leptotyphlops margaritae, Cook's boa (Corallus enhydris cookii), arboreal, arboreal snake Mastigodryas bruesi and the boa constrictor Clelia clelia.

Monkeys cercopithecus (Cercophithecus mona) probably arrived in the country with a shipment of slaves. This species of monkey, native to West Africa, now lives in small groups in the rainforests of Grenada. Since then, the hurricane Janet decimated their number on the island of Grenana.

The country's 150 species of birds include the Grenadian Dove (Leptotila wellsi), endangered, which is the country's national bird. It is not known how many specimens of this protected bird remain. On the Levera pond, you can see the scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber). Mammals and marsupials include two species of opossum and one species of armadillo. The common armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus hoplites) is heavily hunted and threatened with extinction. Eleven species of bats are known in Grenada. Among the extinct animals, we must mention the agouti, the pomegranate parrot and the moon snake.

Turtles come to lay their eggs in Grenada and Grenadines. Fishing for turtles, lobsters and mussels is prohibited from May to September. From 1857 to 1927 there was a whaling station on the island of Glover Island. Now only whale watching at sea is allowed.


This small state is made up of three main islands.

The three main islands of Grenada.
Little Martinique

Granada is by far the largest of the three, measuring 18 km wide for 34 km long, with an area of 440 km2Its climax, at 838 meters, is Mount Sainte Catherine.


  • 1 Saint Georges Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – the capital
  • 2 Gouyave Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – and its nutmeg plant.
  • 3 Grand Anse Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 4 Grenville Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element
  • 5 Jumpers Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (far north of the island)
  • 6 Point Salines Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Grenada airport


The official language is English.

To go



  •      Grenade
  •      Exemption from Visa for 6 months
  •      Exemption from Visa for 3 months
  •      Exemption from Visa for 30 days
  •      Visa on arrival conditional
  •      Visa required in advance

For entry into the country, a passport is necessary. Citizens of the countries identified in green above do not need to Visa to visit Grenada for a stay of up to three months. This maximum period is six months for citizens ofAntigua and Barbuda, of the Dominica, of Saint Kitts and Nevis, of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, of St. LUCIA and UK. Since December 15, 2015, citizens of the countries ofSchengen area can stay in Grenada without a visa for a maximum of 90 days over any period of 180 days. Additionally, cruise ship passengers of all nationalities can visit Grenada for a maximum of 24 hours without visa.


Local customs officials can screen each bag and suspicious baggage. Sex toys are illegal in Grenada. For electronic devices that do not appear to be new, it is preferable to have invoices since electronics are expensive in Grenada and customs officials monitor the possible importation of material for resale.

By plane

  • 1 Maurice Bishop International Airport (IATA : GND, ICAO: TGPY, Maurice Bishop International Airport) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element at Point Salines (in the extreme south of the island of Grenada)

Grenada's only international airport, "Maurice Bishop International Airport" (IATA code: GND), is located in the southwestern part of the island of Grenada and at 6 kilometers from the capital. From Europe it is often convenient to pass through London, from where a weekly airline flight departs Virgin atlantic. At the airport, taxi drivers accept US dollars, in addition to local currency, but neither euros nor English pounds. There is no bank or cash machine at the airport, so it is necessary to bring American dollars before arriving.

On a boat

Cruise liner in St. George's

Grenada's capital, St. George's, is a major port for ocean-going cruise ships from the United States, of Mexico and D'South America. There is a ferry service between the nearest islands.


A car is highly recommended, as the island is quite large. Also, since it is an island with volcanic soil, the slopes are steep. Attention, also, the driving is done in the English way. The state of the roads is quite bad, especially during torrential rains.

The roads, narrow and winding, hardly allow you to go fast (count, on average, 30 km / h). The main dangers are the vehicles parked on the roadway (there are no verges, because the roads are lined with deep ditches intended to evacuate the water of torrential and daily rains) and the minibuses which, as in many others countries, stop anywhere and anyhow without warning.

Renting a car makes it easy to visit the island of Grenada. Before choosing one of the providers, it would be preferable to compare the services and prices offered [1]. The large car rental companies are absent from the country, there are only local rental companies. The vehicles offered are rarely in good condition. Tires, in particular, are frequently smooth. They are almost entirely 4x4s, which make up about nine-tenths of vehicles traveling in the country. But the condition of the tires makes the use of four-wheel drive illusory.

Tourists need a local driver's license, issued, for a small fee, by the police.

On a boat

The Grand Etang crater lake.


Beach of Morne Rouge.

The geographical location, between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the volcanic origin and the specific history of Grenada make this island an authentic paradise. The coasts feature several idyllic, almost deserted beaches, most with white sand, a few with black sand. The interior is still mainly occupied by tropical and subtropical forest, with numerous waterfalls. In addition, there is still much to see, relating to the colonial past, such as the plantations and processing of nutmeg. Also to be seen in Grenada: historic forts, lakes, spice gardens, flower gardens (Grenada won the gold medal of the 7theChelsea Flower Show, at London, in 2009), rum distilleries (with generous samples), Native American petroglyphs, etc.

All the sites can be visited with the help of a specialized operator. The agencies organize guided tours and are generally very professional and friendly. The list of official operators can be consulted on the website of the Tourist Office [2]. Please note that some of the sites mentioned below may be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Check in advance.


  • Grand Etang Nature Reserve - Located in the parish of St. Andrew, it is famous for its crater lake. Located roughly in the middle of the island, it is easily accessible by car, with ample parking and wonderful views of the surrounding forest. This is where we have the best chance of encountering one of the cercopithecus monkeys in the wild. Bring fresh fruit (mangoes or bananas).
  • Mount Qua Qua - It's a mountain in the Grand Etang Nature Reserve.
  • Mont Sainte-Catherine - It's with 840 meters altitude, the highest mountain in Grenada.
  • Concord waterfalls - Three waterfalls, located in Concord, Saint John, along the west coast, halfway between Saint-George's and Gouyave. They are easily accessible by car.
  • Annandale Waterfall - In the parish of Saint-George's, it is accessible by car and is on the road from Saint-George's to the crater lake of Grand Etang.
  • Mount Carmel waterfall - It is the highest waterfall in Grenada.
  • Waterfalls of the Seven Sisters - It is a group of seven successive waterfalls, near the Grand Étang Nature Reserve, in Saint-André. Up to Sainte-Marguerite, there is a small parking lot. From there, allow more than 20 minutes on foot. These are, probably, the most spectacular waterfalls.
  • Honeymoon waterfall - Isolated in the tropical forest, close to Waterfalls of the Seven Sisters.
  • Bay gardens - A garden mimicking the rainforest, located in the St. Paul's area of ​​St George.
  • Lake Antoine - It is also a crater lake, located in the north, along the east coast, and not far from the River Antoine Rum Distillery.
  • Laura Spice Garden, located on St. Paul's Road, is a wonderful example of Grenada's love of plants and flowers. It is a very beautiful tropical garden.

Historical patrimony

Downtown Saint-George's
  • Belmont Estate Logo indicating a link to the websiteSt patrick (along the east coast, near Lake Antoine, just an hour's scenic drive from the island's capital, St. George's) Logo indicating timetables Closed on saturday. – Belmont Estate is an authentic plantation of the 17e century, which gives visitors, during educational tours, the opportunity to observe the workings of a fully functional historic plantation. Belmont Estate has entered into a strategic agreement with the Grenada Chocolate Company[3], to make the best organic dark chocolate on the planet. The Grenada Chocolate Company and Belmont Estate are members of the Grenada Organic Cocoa Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd., which grows organic cocoa to make the product. The cooperative consists of around twelve farmers, who have received organic certification by the German certification company Ceres. The property's gourmet restaurant is usually closed on weekends and reservations are recommended for other days.
  • River Antoine Rum Distillery - It is the oldest rum factory in the Western Hemisphere. It is still in operation and operates with a water wheel. Definitely worth a visit.
  • Clark's Court Distillery - In the parish of Saint-George's, it is famous for a wide variety of rum products.
  • Westerhall Rum Distillery - Westerhall Estate, at St. David. Museum, ruins and award-winning rum tasting.
  • Dougaldston Estate - It is the oldest spice plantation in Grenada. It is located near Gouyave, in the parish of St-Jean.
  • Gouyave nutmeg factory (Grenada Nutmeg Cooperation) - A "must" in Grenada, theSpice Island. Located in Gouyave, the nutmeg processing station is still in operation and operates as 100 years ago. Processing (sorting, weighing, drying and packaging for export) is still fully manual. Accessible only during the week.
  • Carib leap - The historic site, located in the far north of the island, Jumpers, where the last Arawak Indians resisted, before jumping off a cliff.
  • Fort George - Above the main town of Saint-George's, with a beautiful view of the town and the Carenage.
  • Fort Frederick and Fort Matthew - Above the sea, with breathtaking views of Saint-George's, Grand Anse, Grand Etang and the southern part of the island. Located on Richmond Hill, just east of Saint-George's, on the road to Saint-Paul. This complex of forts, with many well-preserved parts, is a reminder of the bitter struggle between the colonial powers for possession of Grenada.
  • Saint Georges Logo indicating a link to the website – Of course, you shouldn't miss a visit to the crowded capital, especially on Fridays and Saturdays, when the market is at its busiest. It is a fascinating city, with many authentic neighborhoods. The best way to explore it is a ride with the little tourist train (Grenada Discovery Train), which also offers free access to Fort George and the National Museum. The port of Carenage is one of the most beautiful and original natural harbors in the Caribbean. Fishermen sell their "catch of the day" and small cargo ships load and unload all kinds of things.


St. George's Freight Port

The liming is the local term for idleness. Typically the beach is the best place to practice liming.

  • Grand Anse In the tourist area, near most hotels – It is the largest and most famous beach in Granada. She was elected, by Conde Nast Traveler, as one of the 10 most beautiful in the world. It is a white sand beach, of about 2,5 km long, on the bay of Grand Anse.
  • Morne Rouge Bay In a bay close to Grand Anse – One of the best beaches in Granada. Called locally BBC Beach, it is a little smaller than its neighbor, but calmer and more isolated.
  • Levera Beach- Beautiful secluded beach, in the north of Grenada, overlooking the Grenadines.
  • Bathway Beach - A famous black sand beach, in the north of Grenada.
  • Black Beach Bay - Secluded black sand beach on the west coast of Grenada (near Concord Falls).
  • Beach Magazine South of Morne Rouge (in front of the "Rex Grenadian" hotel. The beach can be reached from the road that runs alongside the airport) – Long white sand beach. At the bar-restaurant The aquarium, there is barbecue throughout the day on Sunday.
  • Molinière Park - It is the only maritime nature park on the island. The beautiful reefs are ideal for diving. This site is also the only underwater sculpture park in the world, a unique underwater place. Moliniere Park is accessible via Moliniere Point. Follow the road west, from Saint-George's to Gouyave, to the locality Dragon bay. There, we leave the road to park in a parking lot. From the beach, we go around the point by swimming, so as to arrive at the underwater park. You can also ask one of the "locals" for a passage on his boat, for a small fee.


  • Marlet - A friendly Caribbean market in the recently renovated Spice Market hall in Saint-George's. A great place to get spices, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Saint George's University - The School of Medicine opened in 1976 and now offers a suite of graduate programs. The True Blue campus offers breathtaking panoramic views of the south of the island and is ideal for watching the sunset.


On Sundays, almost everything is closed on the island.

  • Crab races On the beach of the Hotel Flamboyant (Grand Anse Beach) (Walk along Grand Anse Beach in a southerly direction, up to the Hôtel Flamboyant and join the group already formed) Logo indicating timetables Kick off at 21 h. – Very popular activity, recommended for families with children. Choose your hermit crab and place a bet (modest amounts) on the fastest.
  • Island tour  – Rent a car or call on one of the tour operators specializing in these outings. Lots of possibilities and combinations; for example, Grand Etang and one of the waterfalls, Seven Sisters Falls or Annandale Falls, or the life of a plantation, to Belmont Estate and continue to Rivière Antoine Rum Distillery, to observe the rum distillation process, in the oldest still in operation. Another possibility is to visit the nutmeg factory, in Gouyave, where the nutmeg is still dried, sorted and processed in the traditional way, then continue to Carib's Leap, in Sauteurs, the place where, according to tradition, the last Indians threw themselves from the top of the rocks to escape the French troops. A little further, we arrive at Antoine lake. After Grenville, the return to Saint-George's can be done either by Grand Etang or along the east coast. It should be borne in mind that, while the distances do not seem very great, in time a complete tour of the island takes much longer. h, especially if you stop to drink on the way.
  • Gouyave Fish Friday Gouyave Logo indicating timetables Friday. – Countless stalls with all kinds of seafood, rum and music. Take a taxi or drive yourself, keeping in mind that parking in the city on Fridays is very difficult.
  • Prickly Bay Live Music Logo indicating a link to the website Marina of Prickly Bay (by Lance Aux Epines, on the east coast. Large car park) Logo indicating timetables Friday. – A group of musicians play, outside, a varied repertoire of rock and popular dance music. You can eat a fresh pizza or join the buffet (limited). You can also have a drink, enjoy the music and the atmosphere and dance. This evening is particularly popular with boaters and expatriates.
  • Hash Logo indicating a link to the website Meeting point given on the Internet (carpooling possible with other hashers) Logo indicating timetables On Saturday. Logo indicating tariffs Participation fee: 2 XCD. – It is a trek organized in different places of the island. The Hash House Hariers call themselves “drinkers with a walking problem”. Accessible to everyone, residents, expatriates, students, tourists ... There is always an easy route (walkers) and a difficult one (runners). Information on the website or Facebook page.

Scuba diving

Grenada has several dive sites, including that of the Caribbean Titanic, the wreck of the Bianca C. Contact one of the many diving agencies [4], for options and prices.


Morne Rouge beach near Saint-George's gives a beautiful view of the island but is not a great diving spot. The water was cloudy there with a visibility of only a few meters. The bay itself in front of the beach doesn't offer much. On the left side of the bay, beyond the point, there were corals and fish. The current and the waves were strong there, making the site dangerous with children.

Fish and marine organisms seen: french angel juvenile, castagnole, Baguette chest, sea urchins, brent sea rod, common sea fan, little moon jellyfish, brain coral.

Hiking in the National Park

Colorful show at Spice Basket.
  • Morne La Baye Trail  – In about 30 min, an easy path through tropical vegetation.
  • Grand Etang Shoreline Trail  – About 90 min. The marked path, presenting slight difficulties, runs along the shore of the crater. It is often wet and slippery.
  • Seven Sisters Falls Trail Logo indicating tariffs To enter private property, tax of 10 dollars Caribbean per person, the guide costs 60 or 100 XCD. – About h. Located on the right side of the road, this path leads, in 2 km, through the banana plantations, to the north, to the seven waterfalls.
  • Mount Quaqua Trail  – About h, hard. This path leads along the escarpment on the edge of the crater. Along the way, turn left at the two junctions. The second path, on the right, at the second junction, leads to the Concord falls.
  • Concord Falls Trail Logo indicating tariffs Guided hike: 100 XCD. – About h, hard. Just before Mount Quaqua, the path turns towards the west coast. Beyond the waterfalls, it is possible to continue to the village of Concord and return by bus to Saint-George's.
  • Fedon´s Camp Trail  – About h, very difficult. Even though the trail is marked, it shouldn't be done without a guide. Julien Fédon, one of the rebel plantation owners, took refuge here in 1795 with his supporters after the British governor and 47 others were murdered. The path leads to an altitude of 730 m, roughly in the center of this small forest.


  • Champagne & Lobster Cruise Logo indicating a link to the website On board the catamaran Shadowfax Logo indicating timetables Duration: approximately h, departure at 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs Lunch and drinks on board included. – The route, from Grand Anse, follows Saint-George's to Moliniere Point, where we have the possibility of snorkeling, with the advice of an experienced guide, on the magnificent underwater park, along the reefs and sculptures from the only underwater sculpture park in the world (material provided). The sailboat then passes Point Salines, to reach Hog Island, where a lobster barbecue is offered, with champagne and white wine. After lunch, the boat returns to Grand Anse.
  • Sunset Cruise Logo indicating a link to the website Grand Anse Beach Logo indicating timetables Departure at 16 h. Logo indicating tariffs Snacks, champagne and all drinks included. – Sailing for an hour or two, aboard a catamaran, which allows you to admire the spectacle of the setting sun, while sipping champagne. Mandatory reservation.


Grenada's currency is the East Caribbean dollar (EC $, dollar, XCD).


Food on the island is overpriced. Everything is imported. Even local fruits are about the same price as in Paris.

Have a drink / Go out

Nightlife in Grenada is not as developed as in many other Caribbean islands, but there is nightlife there, however. For a young audience, who likes loud music, there are clubs like the Banana, at True Blue, on Fantazia, in Morne Rouge, or the Karma, on the Carenage.

Then, many restaurants organize entertainment, some evenings, usually with live music shows, provided by local groups, of different styles: steel bands, popular music, or even jazz, and all possible mixtures. A typical example is Friday night at Prickly Bay Marina, where a steel band usually occurs first, followed by a group of musicians with a rock and pop repertoire. You can also dance here.

Of course, some hotels also often organize shows. Ask at reception for more information.

On the island, there is a network of small bars, called rumshops, frequented by locals. Often it's just four wooden walls, with a small bar, sometimes even without chairs or tables. Rumshops are everywhere and, despite their name, also serve other drinks, usually at budget prices.

  • Banana Logo indicating a link to the websiteTrue Blue – International / American nightclub and bar.
  • Dogdy Dock True Blue – Bar, nightclub and international / American restaurant.
  • Karma Carenage, Saint-George's – Native nightclub, often with parties Free Drinks.
  • Fantazia2001 Logo indicating a link to the websiteMorne Rouge Bay – Indigenous nightclub.
  • Cloud9 True Blue – American bar with swimming pool.
  • Woody's Bar Near Maurice Bishop International Airport – Indigenous / Latino bar.



Middle class



To work


Manage the day-to-day

As in Europe, the mains voltage is 220 volts. However, an adapter is required. It is provided, on request, by most hotels.


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
All emergency services:911

Grenada has a solid reputation as one of the safest countries in the Caribbean region. It has the lowest crime rate in the Caribbean archipelago. The people are very friendly and helpful. Of course, the general rules and precautions that apply everywhere also apply here: do not carry large sums of money with you, do not openly display jewelry, avoid isolated places after dark. In short, don't do what you wouldn't do at home.

In the unlikely event that you are the victim of a crime or accident, contact the local police force, the Royal Grenadian Police Force (RGPF). Ask any resident or spectator where the nearest police station is. In a hotel, or nearby, go immediately to the reception, which provides assistance and organizes the necessary contacts with the police or emergency services.

On the various tourist places and visits, we run no risk. You can walk with confidence in the capital Saint-George's or on the beach of Grand Anse. You just have to expect to be accosted by locals who offer various services or souvenirs. In the city, this is usually limited to taxi drivers who offer to take a tour of the island or drive to the beach. They tend to be reliable, but it's best to clearly agree on the price up front. You can explore the city on your own on foot, despite its often narrow and steep streets, or by train (Grenada Discovery Train[5]) which travels through the city, going around the main attractions and giving free access to some of them. On the beach, we are often accosted by vendors ((vendors) that offer all kinds of souvenirs, or even services like a foot massage or the application of dreadlocks in the hair. As with taxi drivers, clearly agree on the price. While they obviously try to run their business, they are not overly intrusive and usually leave behind those who make it clear that they are not interested.

You can be fined for public insults if you wear a bathing suit outside the beaches. It is not recommended to go to residential slums at all times of the day. Ignore beggars, who can be very intrusive.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


Hillsborough, on Carriacou.

Most of the hospital equipment is insufficient. Thus, the wounded and seriously ill are generally sent to hospitals in neighboring islands: Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. It is therefore advisable to leave with a first aid kit.

Mosquito vector of dengue virus.

Local mosquitoes carry the dengue virus. They are especially active at dawn and at sunset. Dangerous mosquitoes differ from normal species by the presence of white bands.

Try to avoid the local grilled beef. Solar radiation is intense, even when the sky is overcast (which is usually the case). Remember to protect yourself with sunscreens.


It works in Grenada as it does everywhere in the world: who is friendly, is treated with kindness. A smile speaks more than a long conversation. The inhabitants of the island are very friendly people, but the privacy of individuals must be respected. Don't photograph someone without asking.

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Destinations located in the region