Hamburger Hallig - Hamburger Hallig

Hamburger Hallig

Hamborjer Hali (North Frisian)

Hamborg Hallig (Danish)
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The Hamburger Hallig is in the area of ​​the dike foreland of the municipality Reußenköge Bredstedt, Schleswig-Holstein in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park. The Hallig is through a Spurplattenweg (mostly as dam marked) connected to the mainland in Sönke-Nissen-Koog.


The main wharf from the seaside

Next to the (half) island North beach, the island Pellworm and the Hallig Nordstrandischmoor the Hamburg Hallig is a remnant of the historic island Beachcaused by the great storm surge of 1634 (known as the Second Grote Mandränke or Burchardi flood has been handed down) was destroyed. The terp, which still exists today, about 4 km from today's mainland, was the only one that remained undamaged and at that time saved the lives of many residents of the surrounding terps. Originally as a Amsinck-Koog (on the island beach) is the name Hamburger Hallig handed down since 1781. The own manor district of Hamburger Hallig was dissolved in 1928 and incorporated into Reußenköge.

In 1859 work began on building a connecting dam to the mainland, but it was destroyed several times. The dam has been navigable since 1901. The land formation processes next to the dam were promoted over time through safety measures. After the Sönke-Nissen-Koog was diked in 1926, the Hamburg Hallig remained as a headland in front of the dike. In 1964 the Hallig received a water pipe and in 2001 it was connected to the power grid.

The Hamburger Hallig has been part of the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park. It consists of the main mound, on which the krog stands, and an uninhabited mound, which is used to protect the sheep at higher tide levels. The terp Schafberg, on which the national park station was built, is actually in the Hallig foreland and does not belong to the Hamburg Hallig.

Around the Hallig and the dam, protection zone 1 is the strictest of the two protection zones in the national park.

getting there

Amsinck house behind the dike in Sönke-Nissen-Koog, starting point for all visitors

By bus

Of Bredstedt, the closest train station, there are bus connections through the Reußenköge community. The closest bus stop is at the bus stop Old school in Sönke-Nissen-Koog, from there about a 1 km walk to the Amsinck house, from where you simply walk another 4 km to Hallig.

In the street

Access road to the Hamburger Hallig with a passing point for oncoming traffic. On the right the footpath and bike path.

On the B 5 to Bredstedt, from there via Bordelum to Sönke-Nissen-Koog and on to Amsinck-Haus / Hamburger Hallig. You can leave your car at the Amsinck-Haus and walk to the Hallig, rent bicycles or drive to the Hallig (see mobility).

By boat

There are no jetties and no ferry connections to the Hamburger Hallig.

By bicycle

The Hamburg Hallig is dated by bike North Sea Cycle Route between Nordstrand and Schlüttsiel reachable. The road can be used free of charge by cyclists.

On foot

Those who simply want to walk the 4 km - which many visitors do - can park at the Amsinck house behind the dike. A separate path is available for pedestrians (and cyclists) next to the lane.

Dogs are allowed on the path and on the Hallig, but for reasons of bird protection, as everywhere on the North Frisian coast, they must be kept on a short leash.


Map of Hamburger Hallig

This is the starting point for all visitors 1 Amsinck House on the dike in Sönke-Nissen-Koog.

Motorized visitors can leave their vehicle here and continue on foot or rent a bike (bike rental at the Amsinck-Haus, rental only for the way to Hamburger Hallig).

If you want to go to Hallig by car, you have to pay 6 € at the machine at the Amsinck-Haus (no card payment!) For a day pass (as of 2013). Access to Halligdamm is via barrier and traffic lights, if the parking space on the Hallig is exhausted, waiting times at the barrier must be expected.

Parking spaces (a limited number) are located about 100 m in front of the terp with krog and mud workshop. The path from the parking lot to the Hallig consists of concrete slabs and is therefore also suitable for wheelchair and rollator users. Nevertheless, the parking lot itself and the terp are not particularly comfortable for these groups of visitors - but they are accessible, and assistance with mobility is advisable.

Cyclists can find parking spaces directly at the Krog.

Tourist Attractions

Beach aster

In addition to the nature and fauna of the Hamburg Hallig protected area, the terps and buildings of the Hallig are well worth seeing.

  • The Salt marshes in the Hallig foreland are flooded when the water level is higher. Some sections of the salt marshes are not grazed, so that the plants can develop undisturbed and show a greater diversity than on grazed salt marshes, such as Hallig lilacs, beach asters and carnations. In addition, the salt marshes are the habitat and breeding place for many bird species and resting places for numerous other bird species during bird migration. For reasons of protection, dogs must therefore be kept on a very short leash when you walk with them over the dam to the Hallig.
  • The 2 Salt marsh nature trail at the height of the Schafsberg offers the opportunity to go into the otherwise protected salt marshes.
  • 3  Amsinck House. In the Amsinck House, visitors can find information about Hallig, the National Park and life in the Kögen. There are also service facilities for visitors and users of the motorhome parking spaces (toilets, washing machines, showers).
Bird protection station of the Nabu
  • 4  Nabu nature park station (Claus-Jürgen-Reitmann-Haus). Tel.: 49 152 5612 3212, Email: . The national park station on the Schafberg is occupied in summer by volunteers who provide information about the bird life on the Hallig. The wide veranda at the hut offers hikers on the way to Hallig weather protection, even when the hut is not occupied. The terp on which the station stands (the "Schafberg") is not part of the Hamburg Hallig, but officially belongs to the Sönke-Nissen-Koog, which, however, is dyed in contrast to the Schafberg.
  • 5  Watt workshop. With a magnifying glass and microscope you can look at life in the mudflats from a different perspective in the Wattwerkstatt.Open: Usually occupied from March to October, inquire about opening times in the Amsinck-Haus.


Bathing area

In addition to a hike and bike tour to the Hamburg Hallig, there are opportunities there - depending on the tide -

  • at high tide at the 1 Bathing area to bathe the Hallig (partly guarded by DLRG training station)
  • or a small one Hike into the mudflats close. The mudflats in front of the bathing area are excluded from the protection zone of the national park.

Safety instructions for swimming and for walking on the mudflats are to be observed.


There are no shops on the Hallig or in the Amsinck-Haus. The next place with a wider supply option is Bredstedt, for cyclists on the North Sea Cycle Route Dagebüll.



1  Hallig-Krog, Hamburger Hallig. Tel.: 49 46 71 94 27 88, Email: . Cold and warm dishes, coffee and cake are available in the Krog in the rustic guest room, and when the weather is nice, there are numerous tables outside in the lee of the Krog and on the meadow in front of it.Open: 01.04. - 31.10. & 26.12. - 1st Sun in Jan. daily from 12:00 noon. Closed from November to 25th. Open from January to March only on Sun, and only when the sun is shining. Closed when there is a storm surge warning (call if necessary).


There is only accommodation in the immediate vicinity for mobile home owners: there are parking spaces for them at the Amsinck house directly behind the dike at the entrance to the Hallig.

The next accommodations can be found in the surrounding towns such as Bredstedt, at the ferry terminal Schlüttsiel or in the more distant holiday centers in the region such as Husum or Sankt Peter-Ording. An overview of the smaller accommodations in the region can also be found on the Amsinck-Haus website.


Watt workshop

Mudflat workshops such as the National Park Protection Station on the Schafberg offer guided tours and courses on the natural and animal world of the Hallig.


Volunteers are always sought for the NABU protection station and the Wattwerkstatt to take on visitor information and observation tasks.


High water level on the Hallig

Is up to 60 times a year Land under on the Hallig, then Hallig foreland and the access road are flooded by the water. This can also be the case in summer during spring tide or storm surge! The dam - then closed - and the foreland may not be entered under any circumstances.

When a thunderstorm is imminent, pedestrians and cyclists should refrain from walking or using the open, completely unprotected 4 km long path to the Hallig. If you should be surprised by a thunderstorm, go to the NABU protection station halfway if possible, the veranda of which is accessible for such cases even when the station is unoccupied.


Practical advice

Large parts of the Hamburger Hallig are in protection zone 1 of the national park, i.e. the highest protection level, and are not allowed to be entered.

May be entered: Driveway and salt marsh nature trail, the terp, the bathing area and the mud flats directly in front of it.

You should always have wind and weatherproof clothing with you, especially if you are walking to the Hallig. Outside the wind usually blows much stronger than on land.


Almost 60 km away Flensburg, which has many churches, museums and other sights and can score points with the famous Flensburger beer, but is also home to the "Flensburger points index".

Half that far away Sylt, however, the train loading must be taken over the Hindenburgdamm on the route, which is why the route can drag on due to the waiting.


It appeared in 1992 Book "The girl from the Hallig" by Cornelius Jensen. The story of the life of a girl born in 1921 on the Hallig until 1970 was published in a new edition in 2010.

  • Cornelius Jensen: The girl from the Hallig - true events. Berlin: Callsen-Bracker-Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-941797-01-7 , P. 91.

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