Lviv - Lwiw

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Lviv (German Lviv; Ukrainian Львів / Lviv, Russian Львов / Lvov, Polish Lwów) is the largest city in the Western Ukraine. The city is about eighty kilometers east of the polish Border on the Poltwa. The old town has been part of the World heritage of UNESCO. It is in the historical region Red Rus.


The Ukrainian name of the city is Lviv (spoken: Lwiu), the Polish Lwów (spoken: Lwuf), the Russian Lvov, the German Lemberg. However, the latter is slowly falling out of use in favor of the vernacular name.

The oldest traces of settlement date from the 5th century. The real history of the city begins in 1256, when the ruler of that time Daniel of Galicia (Ukrainian Danylo Halyzkyj) had a castle built on the hill above today's city. Daniel was originally Prince of Halych and Volodymyr (Galicia-Volhynia), but also acquired the crown of the Grand Duke of Kiev, converted to Catholicism and was crowned King of the Rus. As the founder of the city, he is honored with a memorial and the naming of the airport and the medical university. However, the castle was not intended for Daniel himself, but for his son Lew. The city name Lwiw / Lwow is derived from its name. Since Lew means “lion” in Old Slavonic, it is the city's heraldic animal and can also be found as decoration on many buildings. The city became in Latin Leopolis, also called "Lion City". A town emerged below the castle thanks to its favorable location on trade routes.

Weakened by the Mongol invasion, Galicia and with it Lviv fell into 1349 Poland. The Polish King Casimir III. settled German-speaking colonists (including both Christians and Jews) in 1356 and granted them Magdeburg city rights. In the same year, a group of Armenians also settled there - since then Lviv has been very multicultural and multi-religious. German was mainly spoken here until the 16th century. For centuries, Lviv was the capital of the Polish Ruthenian Voivodeship, from the Lublin Union in 1569 it belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian aristocratic republic. Lwów became an important trading city and one of the most important centers of Polish cultural and intellectual life (along with Kraków, Vilnius and Warsaw). Polish was the main language spoken in the city, but Ukrainian in the surrounding area.

After the first partition of Poland, Galicia, and with it Lemberg, fell to 1772 Austria. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which celebrates its services according to the Eastern Orthodox rite, but recognizes the Pope in Rome as head, was particularly promoted under Austrian rule. That is why the Metropolitan (Grand Archbishop) of this church has had his seat in Lviv ever since. Empress Maria Theresa forced the use of German, which was at times the only school language, even if the predominantly Polish-speaking children hardly understood it. From 1867 Galicia enjoyed a certain autonomy, Polish and "Ruthenian" (ie Ukrainian) were recognized as further official languages, members of these ethnic groups could climb into the civil service and elect representatives to the Imperial Council in Vienna. Lemberg was the seat of the k.k. Governor (the representative of the emperor and his government), the Sejms (state parliament), three archbishops (Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Armenian Catholic) and a chief rabbi. There were consulates of Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Denmark in Lviv. The Galician capital had a university and a polytechnic, both with Polish as the language of instruction, four Polish, one German and one Ruthenian grammar school. Around 1900 about half of the population were Poles, a quarter Jews and 30,000 Ukrainians. During the First World War, the city was fought over between Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire.

After the First World War and the collapse of the Habsburg monarchy, Lviv was the capital of the short-lived in 1918/19 Western Ukrainian People's Republic. However, this was again independent Poland not recognized, which also claimed this area for itself. The Polish-Ukrainian War broke out. On the Polish side, the militia of the "Lviv eagle boys", consisting of child soldiers (the youngest killed was only 14), fought on the Polish side. When the city was captured by Polish troops in November 1918, there was a bloody pogrom against the Jewish civilian population. Poland won, western Ukraine was annexed, but the Polish-Soviet War (1919-21) followed immediately, which also ended with a Polish victory. Lwów belonged to the beginning of the second worldwar to the Republic of Poland.

According to the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Lwów and the surrounding area were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1939. Two years later, however, the German Wehrmacht marched in, supported by Ukrainian nationalist voluntary associations and welcomed by the Ukrainian residents. Shortly before the Soviets withdrew, the NKVD military police murdered thousands of prisoners. In the first days of the German occupation there were revenge massacres of the - admittedly innocent - Jewish population and the murder of Polish professors. Almost all Jewish residents of Lemberg were subsequently murdered in the Lemberg ghetto, the Lemberg-Janowska forced labor camp or the Belzec extermination camp. The historian Timothy Snyder counts the region to the Bloodlandswho suffered hardest from the incredible atrocities of both the Stalinist Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Towards the end of the war, Lvov found shelter again in 1944 soviet Domination. The Polish population was subsequently expelled: the Polish population decreased from 50% before the war to 4% afterwards. While Jews made up almost a third of the population before the war, it was only 6% afterwards. Conversely, Ukrainians from Poland were forcibly resettled and often moved to Lviv: their share of the city's population rose from 16% to 60%. In addition, there were now 27% Russians, a population group that had hardly been represented in the city before the war. The city's population doubled between 1960 and 1990, and extensive prefabricated housing estates were built for the new residents - as everywhere in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. Since 1991 Lviv has belonged to the now independent republic Ukraine. Ukrainian nationalist tendencies are particularly pronounced here - the right-wing extremist party “Svoboda” was at times the strongest force in the city council.

The historic center of Lviv was included in the UNESCO list in 1998 World heritage recorded.

In the city is a multitude of Religions and denominations: According to a survey from 2011, 56% of the population profess to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Eastern rite, but connected to the Pope), 23% to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, 4% to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, 2% to the Moscow Patriarchate, 6% to other Christian denominations. Jews now make up only 0.3% of the population.

getting there

By plane

1  Danylo Halytskyi Airport (Міжнародний аеропорт "Львів" імені Данила Галицького, IATA: LWO), Liubinska St., 168 (5.5 km each to the main station and bus station "Stryiska"). Tel.: 380 3222 98112. Danylo Halytskyi Airport in the Wikivoyage travel guide in a different languageDanylo Halytskyi Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDanylo Halytskyi Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryDanylo Halytskyi Airport (Q282909) in the Wikidata database.Lviv is regularly served by the airports in Dortmund (Wizzair), Vienna (Austrian Airlines), Moscow, Munich (Lufthansa) and Kiev (Ukraine International). There are other destinations as well, but they are only served once or twice a week. The destinations mentioned are offered daily or almost daily. Since there are mostly monopolies of the airlines offering them on the individual routes, the prices are often relatively high. You can get to the city center from Lviv Airport by taxi, which costs between 80-100 UAH. The journey takes about 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can use the bus 48 (7.00-22.00 in front of the new terminal), the end of which is near the St. Andreas Church. The route for the return trip is slightly different. The journey costs 5 UAH and takes about 25 minutes. You pay directly to the bus driver, but you rarely get a ticket. Trolleybus number 9 runs from the airport to Ivan Franko University, not far from the old town. The ticket is purchased directly from the driver (5 UAH, as of May 2019) and has to be validated.

By train

Central station in Lviv

There are daily direct night Trainconnections from and to Danzig/Warsaw, Wroclaw/Krakow, Košice and Moscow, as well as numerous Ukrainian cities.

  • 2  Central Station (Головний залізничний вокзал (Львів), Центральні міські залізничні каси), Akademika Hnatyuka St. 20 (Tram 1, 4, 6, 9 on the forecourt). Hauptbahnhof in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHauptbahnhof in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHauptbahnhof (Q801139) in the Wikidata database.International tickets at counter 2. Small tourist information box at the main entrance. WLAN in the hall. Luggage storage and lockers, all well signposted. In addition to the general one, there is a "luxury" waiting room which is chargeable, but if you have several hours to bridge, its leather armchairs are worth the money.Open: counter at least 8.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
    • 3  Central station local train (Приміський залізничний вокзал) (Regional trains have separate platforms, about 400 m from the main station.). Here, too, there is a waiting room and luggage storage. Ticket control at the beginning of the platform. On the track closest to the street, some Soviet-era wagons and locomotives are set up in a museum. Nice if you have to wait 15-20 minutes.
  • 4  Inner city booking office. There is also a small railway museum in the nearby cultural center (Fedkovycha St, 54/56. Tue-Sun 10 am-6pm).

Detailed information on the trains and through coaches in service can be found here. There are online timetables on the side of the web (engl.).

Direct Day trains from Austria and Slovakia to Lviv there are no more. Since December 2017 there has been a night train from Vienna to Kiev, which stops in Lviv.
From Poland there are only trains from the city near the border Przemyśl directly to Lviv (there you have to change from the direction of Rzeszów / Krakau / Breslau to change lanes). From Hungary an IC runs once a day from Budapest via Debrecen directly to Lviv.

Within Ukraine there are numerous connections from the direction of Kiev, both during the day and at night; Depending on the type of train and the connection, the journey time is between a good 5 and almost 10 hours. The route from Vinnytsia (4½ – 7 hours) via Khmelnyzkyj (3–4¼ hours) and Ternopil (1½ – 2¼ hours) to Lviv is also frequented. After all, trains run several times a day from Uzhhorod (5½ hours) or Chop on the Hungarian border (around 5 hours) via Mukachevo (a good 4 hours) and Stryj (a good 1 hour) to Lviv.

By bus

Kiev540 km
Chernivtsi275 km
Ivano-Frankivsk135 km
Krakow (Poland)325 km
Lublin (Poland)215 km
Prešov (Slovakia)290 km
Ternopil130 km

There are various international bus connections to Lviv, for example from Berlin and Vienna. It can be cheaper to travel with local companies from Prague. However, every potential traveler must be aware of the long journey time and the sometimes very long border control, as most of his fellow travelers will come from non-EU countries.

  • 5  Bus station (Львів автовокзал), Stryiska st 109. Tel.: 380 322 424 505. Often after the “Stryiska” bus station (Центральний автовокзал). Departure / arrival of most international long-distance buses.

Many buses also stop in front of the main train station, Long-distance buses to the right of the main exit in front of the building with the sign "luggage compartment." To the left of the train station is the car vocal for domestic minibuses. (The station forecourt will be redesigned in 2019, changes to the departure points are to be expected.)

  • An independent booking agency is here 7  infobus, Chernivetska St. 9 (About 500 m from the train station, on the avenue leading to the city center, on the right. Entrance on the side.). Tel.: 380 322 320 300. English is spoken.

It is much more convenient to use the mentioned night trains to Kiev, Odessa etc. for long distances in the country.

In the street

It is true generally said about UkraineThere are some guarded parking spaces in Lviv (Avto stojanka).


Map of Lviv

Local public transport is well developed, with trams, buses and trolleybuses operating throughout the city. Central hub in front of the main train station.

There is also a central transfer point for local buses at the northern bus station.

The tickets for the tram and trolleybus are identical and can be purchased directly from the driver for all means of transport mentioned, but can also be purchased at some kiosks (near the stops). The ticket still has to be validated.

Bus: There are a few bus routes that mainly run from Lviv to neighboring villages. The practical market value is low.

Tram: The tram used relatively old trains to open up large parts of the city. It is a slow and at times unreliable means of transport. The line scheme consists of two ring lines (lines 1 and 9) and seven radial lines that cross the city (lines 2 to 8). Repeater trains that only travel part of the route have number A. The fare is 5 UAH (as of March 2018).

Trolleybus: The trolleybus complements the tram network. In addition to older vehicles, there are also state-of-the-art low-floor buses from local production here. The line numbers can be identical to the tram, so there is also line 3 on the trolleybus on a completely different route. The fares are identical to those of the tram.

Marshrutki: are private minibuses that offer numerous direct connections across the city on an unbelievable variety of routes. Due to the large number of lines and the lack of a timetable, they are only partially recommended for foreigners. The condition of the vehicles ranges from brand new to adventurous. The fare within the city is a uniform 4.00 UAH, which has to be paid when boarding. A ticket is usually not issued. Marshrutki with three-digit line numbers offer connections to the surrounding area. A marshrutka may travel 100 km or more. The traveler must take into account the very sporty driving style that is maintained on interurban roads.

Tourist Attractions

Old town

The main attraction of Lviv is the historical ensemble of the old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It covers an area of ​​120 hectares and comprises three parts: the oldest part is the castle hill and the quarter immediately below it (Pidsamtsche - "Lower Castle"), which arose in the 13th century under the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia or the Kingdom of Rus. In the 14th century, when Lviv was under Polish rule, the center shifted to today's "middle town" (Seredmistia) around the market square (Rynok). Since it was largely destroyed in a major city fire in 1527 and then rebuilt, it is architecturally strongly influenced by the Renaissance. The third part is St. George's Hill with the cathedral of the same name and the Metropolitan Palace.

North side of the market square (Rynok) with the Amphitrite fountain
Middle Town (Seredmistia)

The center of today's old town is formed by the 1 MarketplaceMarketplace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMarketplace in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMarketplace (Q1980511) in the Wikidata database (Rynok, площа Ринок), which was created since the second half of the 13th century. In the 14th century it became the center of King Casimir III's. settled German colony and fortified city. The market square extends in a ring around the town hall, which stands in the middle of the square. The Ukrainian and Polish names Rynok or. Rynek derives from the German word ring from. Around the square are 44 buildings from different architectural epochs from renaissance to modern. The Bandinelli House (house no. 2), the "Black House" (no. 4), the Korniakt-Palais (no. 6, now houses the city's history museums) and the "Venetian House" (no. 14, can be recognized) on St. Mark's lion above the door) from the Renaissance and the baroque Lubomirski Palace (No. 10). There is a classicist one at each of the four corners of the square Fountain with a figure from Greco-Roman mythology - Neptune, Diana, Amphitrite and Adonis - created by the Austrian sculptor Hartmann Witwer.

town hall
  • 2  town hall (Львівська ратуша). Town hall in the encyclopedia WikipediaCity hall in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCity Hall (Q4271056) in the Wikidata database.The original medieval town hall was replaced by today's classical building in 1827–1835. The tower can be climbed for 10 UAH, the ticket office is located on the left side of the building when viewed from the main entrance (down the stairs there). The tourist information is located on the ground floor on the west side of the town hall.
  • 3  Bandinelli house (Палац Бандінеллі), Rynok, 2. Bandinelli House in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBandinelli House in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryBandinelli House (Q1985858) in the Wikidata database.City palace in the late Renaissance style, built in 1589 for a pharmacist. The Florence merchant Roberto Bandinelli, who took over the post of royal postmaster in Lviv, bought the building in 1634 and used it as the city's first post office. The building was thoroughly renovated in the 18th century. In the 19th century, this was a bookstore where local writers and intellectuals met. The Polish poet Kornel Ujejski lived in the house for a while. Today the Postal Museum is housed here.Open: daily 13.00-18.00.
  • 4  Korniakt Palace (Палац Корнякта). Korniakt Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKorniakt Palace in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKorniakt Palace (Q1982271) in the Wikidata database.Town house in the style of an Italian Renaissance palazzo, built in 1580 for the Greek merchant Konstantin Korniakt, who was a pioneer of Greek orthodoxy in Lviv and founder of the Dormition Brotherhood. In the 17th century the Polish kings Władysław IV. Wasa and Jan III resided here. Sobieski. The latter turned the building into a palace with more spacious, elegant salons and an audience hall. Here he signed the "Eternal Peace" with Russia in 1686. Today, exhibitions from the Lviv History Museum are housed here: Rococo furniture, clocks, medallions and silverware can be admired.
Latin Cathedral (view from the town hall tower)
  • 5  Lubomirski Palace (Палац Любомирських), Rynok 10. Lubomirski Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLubomirski Palace in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLubomirski Palace (Q1634318) in the Wikidata database.The underlying buildings from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were bought by Prince Stanisław Lubomirski (Grand Marshal of the Polish Crown) in 1760 and converted into a single building in the Baroque style on his behalf. The Austrian governors of the Crown Land of Galicia resided here from 1772 to 1822. In 1941, from the balcony of the house, Ukrainian nationalists proclaimed a short-lived independent state. Today the palace is used by the Ethnographic Museum; there is a café on the ground floor.
  • 6  Assumption Cathedral (Латинський катедральний собор, Latin cathedral), Cathedral 1. Cathedral of the Assumption in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAssumption Cathedral in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAssumption Cathedral (Q122324) in the Wikidata database.Roman Catholic. Built in 1370, late Baroque remodeling of the frescoes by Stanisław Stroiński 1769-75. Rococo altar by Piotr Polejowski. Renovated after 1991 with Polish donations.Open: 8.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Armenian Cathedral
  • 7  Boim Chapel (Каплиця Боїмів). Boim Chapel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBoim Chapel in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryBoim Chapel (Q891038) in the Wikidata database.Renaissance chapel built in 1609–15, next to the Latin cathedral. It was donated by the merchant Georg (György) Boim from Hungary as a burial chapel for his family. The elaborate decoration with reliefs showing various scenes from the Bible is remarkable. On the dome there is a lantern with a figure of Christ as the Man of Sorrows.
  • 8  Armenian Cathedral (Вірменський собор), Virmens'ka St. 7/13. Armenian Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaArmenian Cathedral in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsArmenian Cathedral (Q684239) in the Wikidata database.Church building of the 14th century. The members of the Armenian Lemberg ethnic group belonged to the Catholic Church of the Armenian Rite, which recognizes the primacy of the Roman Pope. Since 2001 the cathedral has been used by the autocephalous (Orthodox) Armenian Apostolic Church used. The building was decorated with murals in the 1920s and renovated in 2000.
  • 9  Church of the Assumption of Our Lady (Церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці (Львів)), Ruska St. 5/7. Church of the Assumption of Mary in the encyclopedia WikipediaChurch of Our Lady Dormition in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsChurch of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (Q575468) in the Wikidata database.Renaissance construction. Ukrainian Orthodox.
In the Dominican Church
  • 10  St. Bernard Cathedral (Костел і монастир бернардинів, Костел і монастир бернардинців), Soborna place 1-3. St. Bernard Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSt. Bernard Cathedral in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSt. Bernard Cathedral (Q1966798) in the Wikidata database.Greek Catholic. Baroque furnishings.
  • 11  Dominican Church (Церква Пресвятої Євхаристії), Pl. Musejna 1. Dominican Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDominican Church in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsDominican Church (Q2994596) in the Wikidata database.Greek Catholic.
Castle hill and lower castle (Pidsamtsche)
  • 12  Former castle (Високий замок, Копець Люблінської унії), Zamkova St.. Former castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaFormer castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFormer castle (Q2623848) in the Wikidata database.The castle stood at the highest point of the city until 1869, of which nothing remained except a remnant of the wall. Today the television tower is located on the edge of the surrounding park.
Saint George's Cathedral
St. George's Hill (Swjatujurska hora)
  • 13  St. George's Cathedral (Собор святого Юра, Архикатедральний Собор Святого Юра), Swjatoho Jura 5. St. George's Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCathedral of St. George in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSt. George's Cathedral (Q1774485) in the Wikidata database.Greek Catholic. Magnificent baroque church.
  • 14  Metropolitan Palace (Митрополичі палати). Metropolitan Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMetropolitan Palace in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMetropolitan Palace (Q1983797) in the Wikidata database.Palace of the Metropolitans (Archbishops) of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church built in 1761–62 in the Baroque, Classicist and Rococo styles. A plaque on the facade commemorates the metropolitan Andrej Scheptyzkyj, who campaigned for the rescue of Jews during World War II, but also advocated the establishment of a Ukrainian Waffen SS division to fight against the “godless” Soviet Union.

The following are sights that are located outside the core areas of the old town.

Churches and synagogues

  • 15  Carmelite Church (Костел і монастир кармелітів босих), Volodymyra Vynnychenka St. 20. Carmelite Church in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCarmelite Church in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCarmelite Church (Q1981812) in the Wikidata database.Right next to it is the Archangel Michael Church.


Potocki Palace
  • 16  Powder tower (Порохова вежа, Porochowa Wesha, Порохова вежа), Bul. Pidwalna 4 (in the southern part of Na Wallach Park). Powder Tower in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPowder tower in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPowder Tower (Q4373143) in the Wikidata database.Part of the former city fortifications from the 16th century.Open: daily 10.00-22.00.
  • 17  Potocki Palace (Палац Потоцьких), Kopernyka (вул. Коперніка) 15. Potocki-Palais in the encyclopedia WikipediaPotocki-Palais in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPotocki-Palais (Q1576016) in the Wikidata database.Neo-Baroque-Classical palace (French Beaux-Arts style), built in 1880 for the former Austrian Prime Minister Alfred Józef Potocki. Since the 2000s, the palace has hosted the Lviv Art Gallery's exhibition of European art from the 14th to 18th centuries.Open: Tue-Sun 10.30am-5pm.Price: 30 UAH.
  • 18  Main building of the university (Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка), Bul. Universytetska 1. Main building of the university in the encyclopedia WikipediaMain building of the university in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMain building of the university (Q80207) in the Wikidata databaseMain building of the university on FacebookMain building of the university on InstagramUniversity main building on TwitterMain building of the university on YouTube.Built 1873–77 as the seat of the Galician Landtag (Sejm) in the representative Austro-Hungarian style.
  • 19  Polytechnic (Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"), Bul. Stepana Bandery 12. Polytechnic in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPolytechnic in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPolytechnikum (Q1817355) in the Wikidata databasePolytechnic on Twitter.The main building of the National Polytechnic University was built in 1874-77 and is also very impressive to look at, especially the stairwell. The architectural model at that time was the building of the Munich Polytechnic School. The first telephone call in Austria-Hungary was made here in 1877. The auditorium is decorated with murals by Jan Matejko.
  • 20  Opera house (Львівський національний академічний театр опери та балету імені Соломії Крушельницької), Swobody brochure 28. Opera House in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOpera House in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOpera House (Q1246092) in the Wikidata database.One of the city's landmarks is the magnificent opera house, built between 1897 and 1900, in a historical mix of Renaissance and Baroque. Stylistically, you feel very reminiscent of Vienna's Ringstrasse, especially the State Opera. The architect was Zygmunt Gorgolewski. The opera house was built in a previously swampy area on the course of the Poltwa, which was channeled underground for this purpose (the rushing of the river can be heard in the basement of the theater). For the first time in Europe, a reinforced concrete foundation was used as the foundation. The construction cost 6 million Austrian crowns. The roof of the opera is crowned by three bronze statues allegorically depicting music, poetry and fame.


Adam Mickiewicz Monument

On the central square, Prospect Svobody (Проспект Свободи), Freedom Square, there are three striking monuments.

  • The representative in the south 21 Adam Mickiewicz MonumentAdam Mickiewicz monument in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAdam Mickiewicz Monument in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryAdam Mickiewicz Monument (Q348387) in the Wikidata database for the Polish national poet. It dates from 1904, a time when Lviv was mostly inhabited by Poles.
  • The monument to the Ukrainian national poet falls further north 22 Taras ShevchenkoTaras Shevchenko in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTaras Shevchenko in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTaras Shevchenko (Q4343370) in the Wikidata database on. To this day he is considered an important figure in the efforts of the Ukrainians for national self-determination and identification. Right next to him is a symbol of the rebirth of the Ukrainian nation, the so-called "wave of popular rebirth." Both were unveiled on August 24, 1992, on the second independence day.
  • 23  Mychajlo Hrushevskyi monument. Mychajlo Hrushevskyi monument in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMychajlo Hrushevskyi Monument (Q28703701) in the Wikidata database.Historian and revolutionary politician in the early days of the Ukrainian SSR. His portrait is also featured on the 50 UAH banknote.
  • 24  Union memorial (Пам'ятник на честь створення першої профспілкової організації). Close to the remains of the city wall with a flower clock.
  • 25  Danylo Romanovych monument. Equestrian statue of Daniel Romanowitsch of Galiciawho ruled over large parts of what is now Ukraine in the 13th century, founded the city of Lviv and was crowned the first king of Russia. The airport and medical university of Lviv are named after him.


Italian courtyard of the Korniakt Palace, main building of the City History Museum
  • The City history museum (Львівський історичний музей, Lvivskyj istorychnyj musej) runs several exhibitions on historical and cultural-historical topics at different locations, especially in historical buildings in the old town:
    • 26  Museum of historical treasures (Львівський історичний музей, Музей історичних коштовностей), Rynok 6 (in the Korniakt palace). Tel.: 380 32 235 83 04. Museum of Historical Treasures in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of historical treasures in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMuseum of Historical Treasures (Q4271084) in the Wikidata database.In the same building is the "Italian courtyard", which can be visited for 2 UAH (reduced rate 1 UAH).Open: daily except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.Price: full payer 10 UAH, reduced 5 UAH.
    • Museum of the History of Western Ukraine and the Ukrainian Diaspora (Музей історії західноукраїнських земель), Rynok, 4th (in the "Black House"). Exhibitions on the history of Western Ukraine from the second half of the 19th to the 20th century and the history of Ukrainian emigrants around the world.Open: every day except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.Price: full payer 10 UAH, reduced 5 UAH.
    • 27  Postal Museum (Музей пошти (Львів)), Rynok 2, площа Ринок, 2, Львів, дупа пупа 79000 (in the Bandinelli house). Postal Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPostal Museum (Q4306434) in the Wikidata database.Open: daily except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.Price: full payer 10 UAH, reduced 5 UAH.
    • Glass museum (Музей скла (Львів)), Rynok 2 (Entrance from the Bul. Stavropihijskoji). Glass museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGlass Museum (Q12130581) in the Wikidata database.Exhibition of historical glass products from antiquity to the present.Open: daily except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.Price: full paying 5 UAH, reduced 2 UAH.
    • Ukrainian Prehistory and Archeology Department, Rynok 24. Open: every day except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.Price: full payer 10 UAH, reduced 5 UAH.
    • 28  Arms Museum "Arsenal" (Арсенал (музей)), Pidwalna 5, вул. Підвальна, 5. Weapons museum Arms museum “Arsenal” in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWeapons Museum .At the south adjoining square the monument for Ivan Fyodorov.Open: every day except Wed 10 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.
    • Museum "Literary Lviv in the First Half of the 20th Century", Gwardijska 18. Tel.: 380 32 238-62-07. Price: Full paying 2 UAH, reduced 1 UAH.
National Museum

Close to each other are:

  • 29  National Museum (Національний музей у Львові), Svobodny prospectus (пр. Свободи) 20. Tel.: 380 32 235-88-56. National Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNational Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNational Museum (Q2037262) in the Wikidata databaseNational Museum on Facebook.The museum is dedicated to Ukrainian culture in all its forms.Open: Tue-Sun 10.00-18.00.
    • A second building of the museum is a good 1 km further south in the 30 Bul. Dragomanowa 42 near the citadel.
  • 31  Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art (Музей етнографії та художнього промислу), Svobodny prospectus 15. Tel.: 380 322 553 131. Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of Ethnography and Folk Art (Q4306518) in the Wikidata database.With an attached specialist library.Open: Thu.-Sun. 11.00-17.30.
  • 32  Natural History Museum (Державний природознавчий музей НАН України), Bul. Teatralna 18. Tel.: 380 322 356 917. Natural History Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNatural history museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNatural History Museum (Q4155883) in the Wikidata database.Open: Wed.-Sun. 10.00-19.00.

Other museums in the old town area:

In the pharmacy museum
  • 33  Museum pharmacy (Під чорним орлом, Аптека-музей "Під чорним орлом"), Bul. Stavropihijskoji 3 / Drugarska 2 (ул. Друкарская, 2). Museum pharmacy in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum pharmacy in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMuseum Pharmacy (Q1989108) in the Wikidata database.In the historic pharmacy "Zum Schwarzen Adler" from the 18th century.Open: daily 10.00-18.00.Price: 15 UAH.
  • 34  Johann Georg Brush Sculpture Museum (Музей сакральної барокової скульптури Пінзеля, Музей скульптури Йогана Георга Пінзеля), Pl. Mytna 2. Johann Georg Brush Sculpture Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaJohann-Georg-Brush-Sculpture Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsJohann Georg Brush Sculpture Museum (Q4235779) in the Wikidata database.Sculptures by the baroque (wood) sculptor Johann Georg Brush.Open: Tue-Sun 10.00-18.00.
  • 35  Museum of Religious History (Львівський музей історії релігії, музей історії релігії), Pl. Musejna 1 (in the Dominican Church). Museum of Religious History in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of Religious History (Q4306348) in the Wikidata database.Open: Tue-Sun 10.00-17.00.
  • 36  Archaeological Museum (Музей археології), Volodymyra Vynnychenka St. 24. At the Institute of Ukrainian History.Open: Tue-Sun 9.00-18.00.
  • Teodosia Brysh Museum (Меморіальний музей-майстерня Теодозії Бриж), Martovycha St. 5. In the artist's former studio.Open: Tue-Sun 10.00 / 10.30-17.00.Price: 24 UAH.

Outside the old town are:

In the art gallery
  • 37  National Art Gallery (Львівська національна галерея мистецтв), Stefanyka 3. National art gallery in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNational Art Gallery in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryNational Art Gallery (Q2391444) in the Wikidata database.
    • 38  Museum of the "Virgin of the Dniester" (Музей Русалки Дністрової, Дністрова русалка). Museum of the “Virgin of the Dniester” in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of the “Virgin of the Dniester” (Q4271090) in the Wikidata database.Church tower painted sky blue with a small annex.Open: Tue-Sun 11.00-18.00.
  • 39  Brewery Museum (Музей пивоваріння (Львів), Музейно-культурний комплекс пивної історії Musejno-kulturnyj kompleks pywnoji istoriji), Kleparviska (Клепарівська) 18. Brewery Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBrewery museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBrewery Museum (Q4306415) in the Wikidata databaseBrewery Museum on Facebook.Open: daily 10.00-19.00.
  • 40  Zoological Museum (Зоологічний музей імені Бенедикта Дибовського), вул. Грушевського, 4. Zoological Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaZoological Museum (Q12107052) in the Wikidata database.Worth seeing hodgepodge of skeletons, antlers and prepared fish. That closes directly behind it herbarium and the University Botanical Garden.
  • 41  Lviv Museum of Ancient Relics (Музей пам'яток стародавнього Львова, Музей Найдавніших Пам'яток Львова), Uzhhorodska 1. Lviv Museum of Ancient Relics in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLviv Museum of Ancient Relics (Q12130571) in the Wikidata database.Small church building by the hospital.
  • 42  Metrological Museum (музей метрології), Kniazia Romana St. 38.
  • 43  Museum of Folk Architecture and Country Life Shevchenko Grove (Шевченківський гай) (just under 3 km east of the city center). Museum of Folk Architecture and Country Life Shevchenko Grove in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of Folk Architecture and Country Life Shevchenko Grove in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMuseum of Folk Architecture and Country Life Shevchenko Grove (Q4522268) in the Wikidata database.Open-air museum of folk architecture in the Snezinnya Regional Landscape Park. 150 Gebäude – landwirtschaftliche Anwesen, Schmieden, Schulen, Walkmühlen, Sägewerke, Wassermühlen, Windmühlen und mehrere Holzkirchen – wurden von verschiedenen Orten aus den Regionen der Westukraine hierher versetzt und zu sechs typischen Dörfern angeordnet.

Streets and squares

The 44 Prospekt SwobodyBrochure Swobody in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSwobody prospectus in the Wikimedia Commons media directorySwobody brochure (Q546470) in the Wikidata database ist die Hauptstraße in der Stadt mit einer schönen Allee in der Mitte.


Im Iwan-Franko-Park
  • 45  Iwan-Franko-Park (Парк імені Івана Франка (Львів)). Ivan Franko Park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaIwan-Franko-Park in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsIwan-Franko-Park (Q4345301) in the Wikidata database.Ein weiterer wichtiger Nationalschriftsteller ist Iwan Franko, nach dem die Universität in Lemberg benannt worden ist. Vor der Universität ist deshalb ein Monument von ihm zu finden, der dahinter liegende Park trägt ebenfalls seinen Namen.
  • Über die Straße schließt sich der 46 Garten des MetropolitenpalastsGarden of the Metropolitan Palace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMetropolitan Palace Garden (Q4404503) in the Wikidata database (Сад собору святого Юра) an.
  • 47  Stryjskyj-Park (Стрийський парк). Stryysky Park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaStryysky Park in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryStryjskyj-Park (Q1980030) in the Wikidata database.Einer der ältesten und schönsten Parks in Lwiw. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts als Landschaftsgarten im englischen Stil gestaltet und anlässlich der Galizischen Landesausstellung 1894 eingeweiht. Auf einer Fläche von 52 Hektar gibt es abwechslungsreiche Spazierwege, Bäume unterschiedlichster (z. T. exotischer) Arten sowie ein Denkmal für den polnischen Freiheitskämpfer Jan Kiliński.
  • 48  Lytschakiwski-Friedhof (Личаківський цвинтар, Lützenhofer Friedhof). Lychakiv Cemetery in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLychakiv Cemetery in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLychakiv Cemetery (Q1316721) in the Wikidata database.Der bekannteste historische Friedhof der Stadt, angelegt 1787. Hier wurden Angehörige der Mittel- und Oberschicht sowie Intellektuelle beigesetzt. Folglich findet man hier die (zum Teil aufwändig gestalteten) Gräber von bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten der galizischen Geschichte und Kultur (sowohl Polen als auch Ukrainer), darunter die Schriftstellerin Maria Konopnicka (1842–1910), der Dichter Iwan Franko (1856–1916), der General Tadeusz Rozwadowski (1866–1928) und der Mathematiker Stefan Banach (1892–1945). Abeilungen des Friedhofs sind den Opfern der polnischen Aufstände von 1830/31 und 1863/64, des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs, des Polnisch-Sowjetischen Kriegs (siehe unten) sowie der Repressionen durch die sowjetische Geheimpolizei NKWD.
Friedhof der Verteidiger von Lwów
  • 49  Friedhof der Verteidiger von Lwów (Меморіал львівських орлят). Cemetery of the Defenders of Lwów in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLwów Defenders' Cemetery in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLwów Defenders' Cemetery (Q2393904) in the Wikidata database.Ehrenfriedhof für die polnischen Kämpfer (darunter die Kinder- und Jugendmiliz der „Lemberger Adlerjungen“), die während der Nachwehen des Ersten Weltkriegs in Ostgalizien im Polnisch-Ukrainischen Krieg 1918/19 oder Polnisch-Sowjetischen Krieg 1919–21 fielen. Der Friedhof mit über 3000 Gräbern wurde in der Zwischenkriegszeit angelegt, als Lemberg zu Polen gehörte, aufgrund des Ausbruchs des Zweiten Weltkriegs aber nicht fertiggestellt. Nach dem Krieg, unter sowjetischer Herrschaft, wurde der Friedhof vernachlässigt, 1971 sogar mit Panzern und Bulldozern eingeebnet und anschließend als Müllhalde genutzt. Ab 1989 wurde er von polnischen bzw. polnischstämmigen Freiwilligen wiederhergestellt und 2005 offiziell wiedereröffnet. Heute gilt er als Ort der ukrainisch-polnischen Versöhnung.
  • 50  Regionaler Landschaftspark Snesinnja (Регіональний ландшафтний парк «Знесіння») (2 km nordöstlich des Stadtzentrums). Snezinnya Regional Landscape Park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRegional landscape park Snesinnja in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRegional Landscape Park Snesinnja (Q4192952) in the Wikidata database.Mit 312 Hektar der größte Park von Lwiw. Er ist weitgehend naturnah belassen. In dem Gebiet befindet sich der 389 Meter hohe Lewaberg, der Kaiserwald aus Kiefern, Fichten, Birken und Eichen, durch den der Kaiserpass führt, aber auch steppenartige Flächen. Hier befinden sich Überreste mittelalterlicher Siedlungen, ein Soldatenfriedhof der Sitscher Schützen sowie das Freilichtmuseum für Volksarchitektur und Landleben Schewtschenko-Hain.
  • Bärenwald Domazhyr, 1 Vedmezhy Krai St, Zhornyska, Yavoriv District (im UNESCO Biosphärenreservat Roztochya). Tel.: 380 67 5093058, Email: . Bear forest Domazhyr in the encyclopedia WikipediaBear forest Domazhyr (Q65120525) in the Wikidata database.Der 20 ha umfassende Bärenwald Domazhyr befindet sich in der Nähe von Lwiw und wurde von Vier Pfoten im Jahr 2016 eröffnet. Das Schutzzentrum ist seit Oktober 2017 für Besucher geöffnet. Es werden Führungen und Ausstellungen zu Umweltbildungszwecken angeboten.


Free walking tours

In Lviv gibt es tägliche Free Walking Tours. Diese Stadtführungen basieren auf dem Konzept, dass es keinen festen Preis gibt, und jeder zahlt, was er kann. Lviv Buddy Tours bieten täglich solche Touren an. The Lviv Free Walking Tour trifft sich täglich am Amphitrite-Brunnen am Marktplatz. Die Touren dauern 2-3 Stunden und haben verschiedene Themen. Trinkgeld zu geben wird empfohlen, ist aber kein Muss. Am Ende der Tour verteilen die Stadtführer kostenlose Stadtpläne mit Hinweisen für Restaurants, Bars und das Nachtleben in Lviv.


Lemberger Oper.

Nahe beieinader am nördlichen und westlichen Rand der Altstadt sind:

  • 1  Oper & Ballett-Theater, Prospekt Svobody 28. Tel.: 380 728860. Die Oper, ein sehenswertes Gebäude, wurde 1897-1900 von dem polnischen Architekten Zygmunt Gorgolewski mit Elementen aus den architektonischen Stilen der Renaissance und des Barock errichtet. Gegen den Neubau gab es damals Widerstand aus der Bevölkerung und man prophezeite dem Architekten, dass das Gebäude einstürzen würde. Angeblich hielt Gorgolewski den öffentlichen Druck nicht aus und beging deshalb 1903 Selbstmord. Karten für die Oper- und Ballett-Aufführungen können an den Kassen im Hauptgebäude oder in dem Kartenvorverkauf in der Prospekt Svobody 37 (schräg gegenüber vom Hauptgebäude) gekauft werden.
  • 3  Puppentheater (театр ляльок), Pl. Danyla Halyzkoho 1. Tel.: 380 322 355 832.
  • 4  Kinopalast (Кінопалац), Teatralna St. 22 (zwischen armenischer Kathedrale und dem Nationalmuseum).
  • 5  Philharmonic (Львівська обласна філармонія), Chaikovs'koho St. 7. Tel.: 380 322 358 136. Philharmonic in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPhilharmonic in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPhilharmonic (Q2278002) in the Wikidata database.


Lwiw hat seit 2018 zwei Fußballteams, die in der höchsten Spielklasse Premjer-Liha spielen. Beide teilen sich das für die EM 2012 erbaute 6 Arena LwiwArena Lviv in the Wikipedia encyclopediaArena Lviv in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsArena Lviv (Q215399) in the Wikidata database mit knapp 35.000 Plätzen als Heimstadion. Es befindet sich 8 Kilometer südlich der Innenstadt. Aufgrund der ungünstigen Lage und oftmals bescheidenen Auslastung tragen die Clubs einen Teil ihrer Spiele stattdessen im etwas kleineren, innenstadtnäheren 7 Stadion UkrajinaUkrajina Stadium in the Wikipedia encyclopediaUkrajina Stadium in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryUkrajina Stadium (Q2296961) in the Wikidata database (28.000 Plätze) aus. Die zweite und die Jugendmannschaften von Karpaty spielen im 8 Stadion SKAStadion SKA in the encyclopedia WikipediaStadion SKA in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSKA stadium (Q2025714) in the Wikidata database, das auch vom American-Football-Klub Lviv Lions sowie für Speedway-Rennen genutzt wird.

  • Karpaty Lwiw (ФК «Карпати» Львів) Karpaty Lviv in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKarpaty Lviv in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKarpaty Lviv (Q223360) in the Wikidata database


Eine sehr billige und in der Ukraine verbreitete Form des Einkaufens ist der Bazar.

  • 1  Pryvokzalʹnyy-Bazar (Привокзальний), Horodotska St. 25. Ein Bazar befindet sich gegenüber des Vorortbahnhofs. Es gibt dort neben Lebensmitteln alle möglichen Waren und zumindest einheimische Produkte sind dort sehr billig. Das Warenangebot ist sehr vielfältig. Achtung: am Bazar sind immer sehr viele Menschen unterwegs und es herrscht oftmals dichtes Gedränge. Daher kommen vereinzelt Taschendiebstähle vor. Einheimische haben am Bazar meist nur wenig Geld bei sich da in Anbetracht der niedrigen Preise auch keine großen Summen notwendig sind.Geöffnet: 7.00-19.00.

Man kann sich am Bazar auch sehr günstig verpflegen. Von kleinen Selbstbedienungsbuffets bis zur am Tisch kochenden Babjusa (Großmutter) findet man einfach alles. Ein deftiges Gericht („Fingerfood“) und ein Getränk sind oftmals schon um 5 UAH zu haben. Wenn man unterwegs ist, wenig Zeit hat und lecker essen will, ein ideale Lösung.

In der Innenstadt findet man die üblichen internationalen „westlichen“ Produkte eher etwas teurer als in Österreich, der Schweiz oder Deutschland. Wer des ukrainischen oder russischen mächtig ist, kann sich auch mit Büchern eindecken. Computerspiele sind ebenfalls relativ günstig, die Urheberrechte allerdings nicht immer klar.


Da Lemberg auch bei Ukrainern ein beliebtes Ausflugsgebiet ist, hat es in der historischen Innenstadt unzählige gutbesuchte Cafés, Restaurants und Bars.


Vareniki auf Sauerrahm.

Im Grunde sind die meisten Möglichkeiten in Lemberg zu speisen für den mitteleuropäischen Touristen als günstig einzuschätzen. Allerdings sind die Arten der Einrichtungen vielfältig.

Am günstigsten isst man an einem der vielen Imbissstände. Die meisten findet man am Markt und in der Innenstadt, sowie an bekannten und häufig frequentierten Orten, z. B. der Ivan-Franko-Universität und an den größeren Plätzen.

Ebenfalls wie in anderen europäischen Städten findet der Tourist auch hier McDonalds-Filialen, mittlerweile gibt es zwei im Zentrum der Stadt. Ein Vorteil ist hier, dass man beinahe genau wie in allen anderen Ländern seine Bestellung aufgeben kann und das Angebot jedem bekannt sein sollte. Auch sind anständige Toiletten ein Vorteil.

Weitere Schnellrestaurants mit Selbstbedienung gibt es in Form kleinerer Pizzerien. Auch Sushi-Bars findet man häufig, deren Qualität und Service auch mit denen in Deutschland vergleichbar sind.Für umgerechnet bis zu zehn Euro bekommt man in den meisten Gaststätten eine Mahlzeit mit Getränk.

  • 1  Puszate Hata (Пузата Хата), Sichovykh Striltsiv St. 12. Tel.: 380 322 403 265. Hier bestellt man ganz ähnlich wie in einer Kantine oder Mensa und geht mit seinem Tablett die Angebotsstrecke ab. Die Auswahl an Speisen ist sehr groß und beinhaltet vor allem Ukrainische Küche. Vom Salat und Suppe über die Hauptspeise bis zu vielfältigen Desserts. Zu empfehlen sind die mit allen möglichen Füllungen versehenen Teigtaschen - sogenannte Vareniki - eine ukrainische Spezialität. Man bekommt Softdrinks, Säfte und auch Bier. Nicht jeder Mitarbeiter spricht Englisch.Geöffnet: 8.00-23.00.


Gehobene Restaurants findet man in jedem teuren Hotel. Vielfach kann die Qualität jedoch nicht mit dem Preis mithalten.




  • 1  Mini Hostel Lviv, Sichovyh Streltsov Str., 12, Ap. 16. Tel.: 380-97-9315628, Email: . Das Mini Hostel Lviv befindet sich im Zentrum von Lemberg, mit seinem UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Die Herberge bietet kostenloses W-LAN, Stadtkarten, Kaffee, Tee and bietet regelmäßig kostenlose Kneipentouren. Gäste des Mini Hostel Lviv bekommen Ermäßigung für Übernachtungen im Mini Hostel Kiev.Check-in: 12:00.Check-out: 11:00.Preis: Ab € 5.


Grundsätzlich ist in der Ukraine keine besondere Sicherheitsgefährdung zu erwarten. Es gibt Taschendiebstähle, falsche Taxis, die allerdings nicht zwangsläufig ein Sicherheitsrisiko sind, sehr vereinzelt Überfälle. Konflikte innerhalb der organisierten Kriminalität werden mittlerweile intern ausgetragen. Unter den ukrainischen Städten mit über 500.000 Einwohnern hat Lwiw die geringste Kriminalitätsrate.

Eine Besonderheit sind die Taxis. Nicht daß eine Taxifahrt immer gefährlich wäre, sie kann jedoch sehr teuer werden. Man sollte möglichst immer mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (z.B. Tram oder Trolleybus) fahren und wenn ein Taxi unumgänglich ist, den Preis vorher ausmachen und die Fahrt nicht am Bahnhof oder am Flughafen beginnen. Ausländer zahlen immer deutlich mehr.

Lemberg ist mit Sicherheit die touristischste Stadt in der Ukraine, von daher entstanden in den letzten Jahren einige Touristenfallen im Stadtzentrum, die überteuerte Preise verlangen. Vor dem Bestellen unbedingt auf die Karte schauen!


Auch hier ist es nicht notwendig, die Lebensweise grundlegend zu verändern. Manches Gericht verträgt sich vielleicht nicht mit einem empfindlichen Magen. Das Wasser ist trinkbar.

Apotheken gibt es sehr zahlreich und Medikamente sind relativ billig. Rezepte gibt es nicht; es wird frei verkauft.

Radioactive.svg Es gibt auch außerhalb der Zone um Tschernobyl noch Gebiete mit erhöhter Strahlenbelastung. Zumindest auf den Genuß der in Märkten angebotenen wild gesammelten Pilze und m.E. Beeren sollte weiterhin verzichtet werden.

Practical advice

Vorwahl ☎ 380 322
Postleitzahlen: 79000-490

Allgemeine Notrufnummer ☎ 112.

  • 1  Tourist Information, Pl. Rynok 1 (im Rathaus am Marktplatz). Es gibt auch einen Informationsschalter in der Haupthalle des Bahnhofs.

Am besten kommuniziert man auf Ukrainisch. Russian wird fast immer verstanden, ist aber nicht besonders beliebt. Oftmals wird auch Polnisch verstanden. Jüngere Leute sprechen sehr oft ein wenig Englisch, ältere manchmal Deutsch.

Die kyrillischen Schriftzeichen sollten unbedingt erlernt werden, da ohne diese nichts geht. Allerdings gewöhnt man sich nach wenigen Tagen daran und wenn man vorher Schriftzeichen gelernt hat, kommt man gleich gut klar.

Internetcafés sind sehr häufig und sehr billig. Allerdings sollten nach Verwendung alle Daten aus dem Cache gelöscht werden, was nicht immer einfach ist, da der Computer auf russische Benutzeroberfläche eingestellt ist.

  • 2  Post office, Bul. Slowazkoho 1. Open: Mon.-Fri. 8.00-20.00, Sa., So. bis 15.00.


Etwas südlich vom Hauptbahnhof liegt in der Horodotska-Straße der 8 VorortebahnhofSuburban train station in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSuburban train station (Q4271107) in the Wikidata database (Приміський Вокзал). Von dort gibt es eine Verbindung mit einem sehr modernen Triebwagenzug nach Worochta (Ворохта) in den Ukrainischen Karpaten und zu zahlreichen anderen Städten und Dörfern in der Umgebung.


  • Kleveman, Lutz C.: Lemberg: Die vergessene Mitte Europas, Aufbau Verlag, 2017, ISBN 9783351036683 .

Web links

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