Madonie - Madonie

Monte San Salvatore (1912 m a.s.l.)
Madonie - Location
Tourism site

Madonie is a tourist region of the Sicily.

To know

Geographical notes

The Madonie are located between the rivers Imera (about 50 km east from Palermo) and Pollina which marks the border with the province of Messina and i Nebrodi mountains. To the north they fall into the Tyrrhenian Sea while to the south they dissolve in the central highlands of the hinterland SicilianThe highest peak of the Madonie is the 1 Pizzo Carbonara (1979 m a.s.l.), the second peak of Sicily after theEtna. While appearing compact and similar to each other, these mountains that reach 2,000 meters are actually composed of two main areas, a central core with limestone massifs and the surrounding areas of clayey nature. In the same way the reliefs alternate between harsh and sweeter and more sinuous. From a geographical point of view, the Madonie territory can be divided into three areas: the valley of the northern Imera territory (west), the southern Imera and Salso valley (south-west and south) and the Pollina valley ( East). To the north the Madonie slopes down to the sea between the municipalities of Campofelice di Roccella is Pollina.

The Madonie, from the geological point of view, represent a segment of the Sicilian chain structurally constituted by the stacking of a succession of tectonic units, put in place after the lower Miocene, deriving from the deformation of the original paleogeographic domains identified during the Mesozoic distension phases. The geological, stratigraphic and structural characteristics are those present both in the extreme western sector (Monti di Palermo and Trapani) and in the eastern and southern one (Nebrodi and Fossa di Caltanissetta). We find a series of surface karst phenomena (sinkholes, blind valleys, sinkholes) and underground (caves, abyss, wells), such as those affecting the depressions of the Battaglia and Battaglietta floors.

When to go

Visiting the Madonie means going to the mountains, although it may seem strange being in Sicily, the Madonie have a harsh climate that also allows you to ski in winter (Battle Plan). The choice of the period of visit depends on the activity you want to carry out, spring and summer are very suitable if you choose a visit to discover nature or a historical itinerary. Those who go to practice winter sports will obviously prefer the colder months, in which the Madonie still offer a landscape of effect with all the whitewashed villages like small cribs, an unexpected Sicily.


The Madonie Park was established in 1981 with a territorial extension of 39,941.18 hectares.

Territories and tourist destinations

37 ° 47′42 ″ N 14 ° 2′2 ″ E

Urban centers

  • Caltavuturo
  • 1 Castelbuono - Medieval village characterized by the bulk of the Ventimiglia castle
  • Castellana Sicula
  • Collesano
  • 2 Gangi - The town is part of the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy and has been proclaimed "Borgo dei borghi 2014", it has become famous for the sale of houses for € 1.
  • 3 Geraci Siculo - Included in the list of the most beautiful villages in Italy, it is an excellent place to escape the summer heat being perched at an altitude of 1000 m a.s.l.
  • Scratchers
  • 4 Isnello - Home of the Gal Hassin Astronomical Observatory, as the night sky is particularly suitable.
  • 5 Petralia Soprana - The highest town in the Madonie, it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy
  • 6 Petralia Sottana - A small, very characteristic Madonite village, it is included in the circuit of the orange flags of the Italian Touring club
  • Polizzi Generosa
  • Pollina
  • San Mauro Castelverde - On the border with Nebrodi mountains this small town rises over a thousand meters around its castle
  • Scillato
  • Sclafani Bagni

Other destinations

  • Battle Plan - Location at an altitude of 1500 m, known during the winter season for its ski fields and ski lifts.
  • Zucchi plan

How to get

By car

  • Highway A19 Palermo - Messina
  • A20 motorway Palermo - Catania
  • State Road 113 Northern Sicula
  • State Road 120 ofEtna and the Madonie
  • State Road 286 of Castelbuono
  • State Road 290 by Alimena
  • State Road 643 by Polizzi Generosa

The two motorways surround the Madonie to the north (A20) and to the west / south-west (A19). They allow access coming indifferently from Palermo, Catania or Messina. By car, the best choice is to take one of the two highways and then exit to coincide with one of the state roads that enter the Madonita. On the A20 the exits to go inside are Cefalù from which you can reach Gibilmanna and Castelbuono - Pollina from which you enter with the SS286 towards Castelbuono. On the A19 the most useful exits are Scillato from which the SS643 starts, Tremonzelli to take the SS120 towards Petralia soprana, Irosa to enter by going towards Blufi e They resuct first exit useful for those who enter the Madonie from Alimena from Catania by intercepting the SS290. Being a mountain area, a lot corrugated in all directions expect very winding and deserted roads once you leave the highway. Keep in mind that distributors in the Madonita are rarer than elsewhere in Sicily and are mainly located in inhabited centers.

On boat

The ship, or rather the ferries, must be taken into consideration when docking in Palermo, Messina or Catania as the initial destinations of the visit itinerary. Coming from continent, in terms of mere stress (and not economic) it can be very useful to embark in Genoa, Civitavecchia or Naples (and Salerno) using one of the motorways of the sea Tyrrhenian. The port of entry depends on how you organize your trip to Sicily, if you intend to visit the Madonie as the first stop, the natural port of entry is Palermo. Messina and Catania are to be considered if the Madonie and its park are a subsequent destination on your itinerary.

On the train

The Madonie are surround from two railway lines (which follow roughly the same route of the A20 and A19) but neither of them cross them. Reaching the Madonie by train is strongly discouraged unless you subsequently have the availability of a car or want to use public transport by road. In this case it is better to prefer the station of Cefalù on the Palermo - Messina which is the line with the most frequencies. On the Palermo - Catania the stations that tangle the Madonie are: Cerda, Sciara-Aliminusa Causo, Montemaggiore Belsito, Roccapalumba-Alia, Marcatobianco, Valledolmo and Vallelunga, all on the perimeter outside the area but none used by the direct connections Palermo - Catania but only by local traffic, leaving Caltanissetta-Xirbi as the only alternative rapid being the only nearby stop among the few stops of the direct train. The Palermo - Catania has low frequencies and mostly local trains that make many stops on a very tortuous route, apart from the direct ones, so consider the alternatives well.

How to get around

If the intention is to take a tour in the Madonie, there is no alternative to a private car. Few daredevils have faced the journeys from country to country by bicycle, but the long climbs and gradients and the cold temperatures for a good half of the year allow this choice only to well-trained and organized individuals. Private operators, in the warmer months organize tours on horseback or on the back of a mule (see below).

What see

The southern side of the Madonie as seen from Petralia Sottana
  • 1 Archaeodrome of the Madonie, Famunia suttanu mill c / da Fondaco, Scillato (PA) (Exit Scillato on A19). Ecb copyright.svg€ 7.5 - 10 (summer 2015). Parcodidattico, prehistoric village. Reconstruction of the different phases of civilization from the Neolithic to the Iron Age and ancient agriculture. Educational workshops for schools, courses for both adults and children.
  • 2 Madonita Environmental Museum (MAM), Piazza Castello, 7 Polizzi Generosa (in the center of the town, at the end of via Roma towards the east), 39 3292250048, 39 0921649184, @. Simple icon time.svgopen by reservation from Monday to Sunday from 09.00 to 13.00. In the rooms of a sixteenth-century palace, more than 400 finds of specimens of flora and fauna of the park, some extinct, are collected. The remains have been placed in perfect environmental reconstructions, allowing everyone to see the different environments of the Madonie (lakes, mountains, valleys, wetlands, etc.). Visits on request.
Astronomical observatory
  • 3 Gal Hassin Astronomical Observatory, Via della Fontana Mitri, 39 0921662890, 39 329 8452944, @. Simple icon time.svgTue-Fri 9: 00-12: 00. The particular conditions existing in some parts of the territory, such as the total absence of night light sources, allow a clear view of the night sky in different days of the year. In the nineties the idea of ​​creating an Astronomical Observatory was born. The idea has been collected and carried out in recent years by the municipal administration of Isnello, which manages to obtain substantial funding for the construction of the Observatory. The structure can be visited by appointment and is also open to schools. Gal Hassin Astronomical Observatory (Q99293345) on Wikidata
  • 4 Hydroelectric plant of Catarratti, 39 0921 641811. Industrial archeology site. The power plant went into operation in 1908 and today it exhibits the energy transformation process of this renewable energy.
  • 5 San Brancato Bridge. The bridge is very impressive thanks to the stone arch that crosses the Mandarini stream. The trazzera and also the bridge, in the past, were of great importance, as they were part of the network of trazzere holds. The stream has a continuous flow of water throughout the year.
  • 6 Roman thermal baths (in Castellana Sicula).

Natural attractions

Gorges of the Tiberius
  • 7 Gorges of the Tiberius (Exit onto the A20 a Castelbuono-Pollina if you come from Palermo or Tusa if you come from Messina. Follow for San Mauro Castelverde taking the SP52. At the Borrello crossroads, take the SP60 for Gangi and after about 1 km turn right onto a carriage road that leads to a small village. At the first crossroads, continue on the left reaching the equipped area The fortress which through a path leads to the bed of the Pollina River.), 39 3403954486, 39 339 7727584, @. Ecb copyright.svgGuided excursions € 13 adults, € 7 children (Jun 2020). Simple icon time.svgApril and October: 9: 00-18: 00 Sat-Sun, From May to September: 9: 00-18: 00 Mon-Sun. A spectacular canyon carved by the Pollina River in the limestone rocks. One of the sites European Geopark Network recognized by UNESCO. Possible to take a bath. Private operators organize canoe, raft, horse or trekking excursions. Refreshment area with bathrooms and luggage storage. Gorges of Tiberius on Wikipedia Gole del Tiberio (Q3773084) on Wikidata
Cork trees between Geraci Siculo and Castelbuono
Pomieri oak
  • 8 Evergreen oak woods of Geraci Siculo and Castelbuono (Going along the SS286 between Geraci Siculo is Castelbuono). In this part of the Madonie there are evergreen oak woods among which many cork oaks can be seen along the state road. Evergreen oak woods of Geraci Siculo and Castelbuono (Q55380422) on Wikidata
  • 9 Pomieri oak (Near the Pomieri hotel, path 563). Monumental oak tree 22 meters high with a trunk of 7 meters in circumference, estimated age of 600 years.
  • 10 Scopalacqua waterfall. The waterfall makes a jump of about 40 meters.
  • 11 Wind abyss. A cave about 220 m deep whose exploration is however only suitable for expert speleologists.
  • 12 Swallow-hole of the Battaglietta.
  • 13 Gorgo di Pollicino. Pond used by migratory birds as a resting place.

Religious buildings

Sanctuary of Gibilmanna
  • 14 Sanctuary of Gibilmanna, Contrada Valle Grande, fraction of Gibilmanna (15 km south on provincial 54bis), 39 0921421835. Well known and popular Marian shrine. Inside various ex-votos. Of ancient Benedictine foundation, it also hosted the Capuchins. Attached to the body of the sanctuary, in the monastery, the Fra Giammaria da Tusa Museum with sacred furnishings and local religious objects of considerable interest. In the summer, especially on Saturdays, the sanctuary may host wedding ceremonies. The view on the interior of the Madonie is enchanting. To the side of the main staircase of the sanctuary starts an (easy) path that goes down to the valley totally immersed in the woods. Sanctuary of Gibilmanna on Wikipedia sanctuary of Gibilmanna (Q744135) on Wikidata
  • 15 Abbey of San Giorgio (About 4km southwest of Scratchers). Abbey of San Giorgio on Wikipedia Abbey of San Giorgio (Q96252575) on Wikidata
  • 16 Sanctuary of the Madonna dell’alto, Monte Alto. It stands where a small church dedicated to the Madonna was almost certainly built between the 13th and 14th centuries. It is located at about 1817 m. above sea level. and it is counted among the highest Marian sanctuaries in Europe. The statue of the Madonna, to which a legendary find is attributed, bears the date 1471 on the pedestal, but we do not know if this date indicates the creation of the sculpture or its installation in the Sanctuary of Monte Alto. The place is evocative for the nature that surrounds it and for the enviable view that can be enjoyed at high altitude. The Sanctuary as well as being a pilgrimage destination is part of the Path of Peace.


  • 17 Pizzo Carbonara. With its 1979 m it is the second highest mountain in Sicily after Etna. Pizzo Carbonara on Wikipedia Pizzo Carbonara (Q965689) on Wikidata
  • 18 Monte dei Cervi. High 1,794 m a.s.l. falls within the territories of Scillato is Polizzi Generosa. It is one of the highest peaks in the Madonie group; the mountain is located south-west of the Carbonara-Mufara complex, nestled between the limestone reliefs of Monte San Salvatore (1,912 m), Monte Mufara (1,865 m) and Monte Fanusi (1,472 m). Considered the largest container of water in the Madonie, numerous tributaries arise from it and flow into the southern Imera river. Monte dei Cervi on Wikipedia Monte dei Cervi (Q55831452) on Wikidata
Summit of Cozzo Luminario
  • 19 Cozzo Luminario. A mountain of 1512 m with a cross on top.
  • 20 Mount Mufara. 1865 m high Monte Mufara on Wikipedia Monte Mufara (Q12954336) on Wikidata
  • 21 Dipilo lace. Pizzo Dipilo on Wikipedia Pizzo Dipilo (Q25559867) on Wikidata
  • 22 Pizzo Sant'Angelo. Pizzo Sant'Angelo on Wikipedia Pizzo Sant'Angelo (Q3906011) on Wikidata
  • 23 Rocca of Sant'Otiero (U vazu of S. Otiero). High 1327 m a.s.l. it is built from dolomitic limestone.

What to do

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Paths of the Madonie.
  • 1 Sicily Horse Tours, S.S. 286 Km 4,7 (15 km on the state road to Castelbuono), 39 0921931133, @. Organization of horseback ridingeco-sustainable of one or more days to discover the most beautiful paths and landscapes of the coast and of the interior.
  • 2 Madonie Outdoor ASD, Madonnuzza junction, Petralia Soprana, 39 3473237734, @. This institution organizes various activities with the municipalities of the Madonie including:excursion by rubber boat to the gorges of Tiberius (Pollina river), trekking on the back of a mule (but also horse and bicycle) to the Byzantine village of Canalotto, excursions along the paths and trazzere of the interior of the Madonie between Gangi, Sperlinga and geraci Sicula. They also organize themselves rock climbing is snowshoeing.
  • 3 Madonie Adventure Park (Arriving from Palermo just before arriving in Petralia Sottana, continue towards Piano Battaglia on the SP54 for about 3 km, arriving from Catania, pass Petralia Sottana and continue towards Piano Battaglia for about 3 km.), 39 0917487186, @. Adventure park with picnic areas e acrobatic courses in the trees for all ages. Archery, orientering, trekking, nording walking and many other outdoor activities.
  • Trekking on the paths of the Madonie.
  • 4 Equipped area Santa Focà. Area equipped with toilets, pond, fountains and cooking points. Great for a picnic.
  • 5 Equipped Area Piano Zucchi.
  • 6 Piano Battaglia ski lifts. During the winter season these lifts allow skiers to go up.
  • 7 Regaleali winery (Tasca D'Almerita - Regaleali Estate), Contrada Regaleali, Sclafani Bagni, 39 0921 544011, @. This winery has been owned by the Tasca d'Almerita family for generations. Interested visitors can participate in guided tours of the beautiful cellar and tastings (possibly with snacks), as well as cooking classes. These are provided by Fabrizia Tasca Lanza, daughter of Anna Tasca Lanza, who has written several books on Sicilian cuisine. You can also spend the night in the cellar.
  • 8 Zipline Sicily, San Mauro Castelverde (next to the former Capuchin convent), 39 3331293487. Ecb copyright.svg€ 40 (Mar 2021). Flying over the Madonie hanging on a 1600 m long rope.

At the table

The peculiar products of the Madonie are those linked to local mountain and agro-gastronomic activities. TO Gibilmanna and Castelbuono there are still two producers of manna (the only ones in Italy). Also in Castelbuono a niche product is Castelbuono panettone. Scillato is famous for its citrus fruits, Cerda for its artichokes. In all the towns of the Madonie there are specialized retailers of these gastronomic products regardless of where they are produced (for example in Castelbuono you can find the manna of Gibilmanna or the artichoke jam of Cerda). It is also advisable to keep an eye on the normal neighborhood shops (bakers, butchers, butchers, etc.) because they often sell niche products at lower prices than those of delicatessen. Both cheeses are renowned (pecorino cheese and mixed) and cured meats (black Madonie pig or Nebrodi).


Many connecting arteries, even important ones, between inland municipalities are subject to landslides. Several state roads and even more provincial roads show signs of deformation of the road surface. In the provincial roads the sudden depressions or the absence of asphalt for several meters is often poorly marked or even totally without signaling. Drivers are advised to always proceed with moderate speed to avoid serious damage to the car or going off the road. In case of heavy rain it is not recommended to drive on the most exposed roads.

In particular, the SP 60 and the SP 11 are worthy of note.

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