Plain of Gioia Tauro - Piana di Gioia Tauro

Plain of Gioia Tauro
Plain of Gioia Tauro

Plain of Gioia Tauro is a region of the Calabria.

To know

Geographical notes

It is an alluvial plain of Calabria, which borders to the west with the Tyrrhenian Sea (Gulf of Gioia Tauro), to the north with Monte Poro, to the east with the Dossone della Melia and to the south with Monte Sant'Elia di Palmi.


In the "Vallis Salinarum" famous people were born (starting with the Friars Angelo and Francesco da San Martino) and the marriage of Giuditta d'Evreux and Ruggero il Normanno and the solemn Parliament of 1283 were celebrated in 1062. Both events took place in the Castle of S. Martino (castrum Sancti Martini). From a historical point of view, the plain has been affected in the past by various events, which have given a turning point to the life of many centers, creating the conditions for the birth of new settlements. Like the whole Reggio area, the Piana was also marked in particular by two earthquakes that had a considerable influence on its urban history: that of 1783 which literally upset the territory forcing the population to rebuild many inhabited centers, and that of 1908 which has caused considerable damage in many countries.

Territories and tourist destinations

38 ° 25′30 ″ N 16 ° 2′53 ″ E
Plain of Gioia Tauro

Urban centers

How to get

By car

  • A2 (Salerno-Reggio Calabria), with the exits of Gioia Tauro, Rosarno and Seminara (called di Bagnara Calabra)
  • SS682 (Gioiosa Ionica-Rosarno), with the exits of Rosarno, Melicucco, Polistena, Cinquefrondi and Limina;
  • SP1 (ex SS 111) (Gioia Tauro-Locri), crosses Taurianova (and the hamlet of Amato);
  • SP5 (ex SS 281) (Rosarno-Marina di Gioiosa Ionica), crosses Cinquefrondi, Polistena and Melicucco.
  • SP32 (Palmi-Taurianova), crosses Gioia Tauro, Seminara and Rizziconi.

On the train

Southern Tyrrhenian Railway, from Reggio Calabria towards the north (Salerno) with the stations of Palmi, Gioia Tauro and Rosarno;

By bus

There are numerous suburban buses that stop in Rosarno or Gioia Tauro.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Plain of Gioia Tauro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Plain of Gioia Tauro
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