Taurianova - Taurianova

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Taurianova is a city of Calabria.

To know

Geographical notes

Located on an alluvial terrace at the foot of the ridge that welds the greenhouses to theAspromonte, Taurianova is one of the most important centers of the province. It is located at 210 m a.s.l., in the southernmost part of the plain of Gioia Tauro, about 15 kilometers from the sea, 6 from the mountains and 800 meters from the nearest watercourse, the Razzà stream. In the city there is a weather station active since 2011, which formulates the data recorded in the municipal area. The climate is Mediterranean, with an average annual temperature above 17 ° C. The winds are the humid ones of the West, sometimes the sirocco blows in summer.


Officially born as a macro-municipality on March 12, 1928, from the pre-existing municipality of Terranova (which then regained its administrative independence on April 23, 1946), joined to the localities of Radicena and Jatrinoli, plus the annexation of hamlets and districts such as San Martino , Amato, Pegara and Scroforio (the latter later returned to the municipality of Terranova Sappo Minulio).

The name derives from Nuova Taurianum, a toponym deriving from the ancient settlement of Magna Graecia, once inhabited by the Chalcideans of Zancle (today's Messina) and by the bruzi of the Taurian colony (or Taureana), the latter destroyed around the 950 AD

How to orient yourself


The subdivision into districts corresponds roughly with the suppressed municipalities and hamlets.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are those of Reggio Calabria is Lamezia Terme, that of Catania it is more distant.

By car

The city can be reached via the A3 (at the exit of Gioia Tauro turn left and continue crossing Rizziconi).

On the train

The closest RFI station is located in Gioia Tauro; the city has a railway station of the Ferrovie della Calabria but it has been inactive since 2011 due to the suspension of the company's railway service.

By bus

The city is mainly served by suburban buses of the Ferrovie della Calabria and Lirosi Autoservizi; extra-regional connections are possible directly through the company Troiolo Bus and indirectly by changing to Gioia Tauro.

How to get around

By car

The car is the main means of internal travel.

What see

Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Duomo), Macrì Square. The building is in Romanesque style, with Gothic and Moorish influences. The original church, where Santa Maria Ambasiade was worshiped, was destroyed by the earthquake of 1736, rebuilt and consecrated by Monsignor Carafa on 4 June 1737, but a further collapse caused the fall of the Gemelli tower, annexed to the church, then destroyed by the earthquake of 1908. The works for the construction of a new church ended on 5 October 1929 and were carried out by the architect Vittorio Paron.

The imposing façade is decorated with small arches and a rose window and is flanked by two bell towers, which exceed it in height and which receive light from some three-light windows. The interior has three naves and a white marble balustrade divides the central nave from the presbytery, where the main altar is located. A wooden pulpit is leaning against one of the pillars that separates the central nave from the lateral one. The main altar is in marble, and on it is placed the statue of the Virgin of the Mountain, crowned Queen of Taurianova in 1994. There is also a large bronze bell made by Misurra.

The noteworthy works are the wooden pulpit, the marble altar of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with frieze made by Vincenzo Romeo and the central marble altar.

  • Church of the Rosary. The oldest in the town: initially it was dedicated to San Basilio and was annexed to the Dominican Convent founded on 12 March 1537 by Niccolò Severino. Both buildings were destroyed by an earthquake and rebuilt with the contribution of the State, as mentioned on the marble fixed on the portal of the Church. The convent was suppressed by order of the French military occupation government on 7 August 1809, while the church was damaged by the 1908 earthquake and restored. During this phase several changes were made.
  • Church of the Immaculate Conception (of Radicena). The church of the Immaculate Conception of Radicena, so called to distinguish it from the homonymous in the Jatrinoli district, was built in place of that of the Ss. Sacramento, probably during the 1800s. Qualified as a subsidiary church, it is part of the parish of Maria Ss. Delle Grazie and is located in Via Roma, near Piazza Concordia. The church contains an important marble group by Rinaldo Bonanno depicting Mary with her right arm, armed with a club, raised to defend Jesus in her arms from a monster; at the woman's feet there is a putto. The church was decorated in stucco by Fortunato and Vincenzo Morani da Polistena in 1898 which were then destroyed by the 1908 earthquake as stated by the Arc. Francesco Maria De Luca, in the monograph by Iatrinoli printed in 1922.
The works of relief are a marble group depicting the Madonna del Soccorso with the Child in her arms (1587) and the ciborium slab carved in bas-relief depicting angels in prayer.
  • Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The church, located in the Jatrinoli district, in ancient times consisted of three naves with a copula at the intersection of the arms. Following the various earthquakes, it was demolished by order of the Royal Civil Engineers and only a few walls and pillars of the central nave were left. Among the important works there is a marble statue attributed by some scholars to Antonello Gaggini, who lived between 1400 and 1500, located in a niche in the main facade of the church. To allow everyone to admire this work, the restoration of two chapels inside the church has been planned, where the marble statue and an ancient wooden crucifix will be placed.

    Altar of the Madonna del Carmine: The works of relief are a marble statue of the '400, the oil on canvas "Sant'Antonio con Bambino" (1600), the statues of St. Peter and St. Paul, the painting of Our Lady of the Rosary and a wooden crucifix .

Events and parties

  • Infiorata. Simple icon time.svgJune. Representation of various images through flowers, plants and seeds scattered on a city street; the event usually lasts 3 days.
  • Feast of the Madonna del Carmine. Simple icon time.svgJuly 16. Second religious festival of the town, it is usually preceded by related religious events and followed by a concert in the evening, after the procession and the return of the statue of the Madonna to the church.
  • Competition of the Madonnari. Simple icon time.svgAugust. Representation of figures, both religious and not, through drawings with chalks on the road surface.
  • Feast of Maria SS. of the Mountain. Simple icon time.svg8-9 September. Main religious festival, it is preceded by connected events of both religious and civil matrix and followed by concerts both on the day of the procession, September 8, and the following one; a connected lottery is organized, which usually gives away a car as the first (and often only) prize and whose drawing takes place on the evening of 9 September.

What to do


There are numerous shops, both food and non-food; at the level of national chains there is a Eurospin branch and a Lidl branch.

  • "La Cometa" commercial park. Simple icon time.svgVariables. Commercial park with numerous shops inside, such as Crai, OVS, Bata and a shop run by Chinese.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • The Sweet Chili Pepper, Via Principessa di Piemonte, 1, 39 0966 610507, 39 346 6798166. Local where you can eat both on site (there are a few tables with some chairs) and to take away; some examples are the hamburger menu (take-out only, a sandwich with hamburger, tomato, lettuce and mayonnaise plus canned Coca Cola plus french fries for € 7.90) and the chicken menu (a spit-roasted chicken with baked potatoes plus two arancini plus two potato croquettes plus a portion of fries for € 9.90).

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Post Office, Via Solferino, 18, 39 0966 618249, fax: 39 0966 643243. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-19: 05 Sat 8: 20-12: 35. It is the main office of the city; it is equipped with a Wi-Fi network and seat reservation via the Internet.
  • 2 San Martino post office, Via Garibaldi, 82, 39 0966 638479, fax: 39 0966 638016. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45 Sat 8: 20-12: 35. Located in the hamlet of San Martino.


Average cellular coverage.


Present 3G and 4G cellular networks and fixed network connection in private homes; no public Wi-Fi networks.

Keep informed

News about Taurianova is available in local newspapers; Approdo News is a site based in the city.


Tourist destinations to keep an eye on are Reggio Calabria all year round e Scylla is Tropea in the summer months, in addition to the beaches of Palmi, quite frequented by both local inhabitants and Taurianovesi residing outside the region who return to the city in the summer months for the holidays; much less frequented by locals are the beaches of Gioia Tauro, a city that however allows the connection with the main regional and national cities (and not only).

TO Molochio there is a promontory that allows you to see much of the Plain of Gioia Tauro, to the sea.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Taurianova
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Taurianova
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