Palmi - Palmi

Monte Sant'Elia01.jpg
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Palmi is a city of Calabria.

To know

With the nearby beaches of Marina di Palmi and Lido di Palmi, the city is an important seaside resort also thanks to its landscape, which has led writers and poets to call it the Terrace on the Strait. As a function of this, much of the municipal territory (including the entire coastal area and Mount Sant'Elia), are bound since "the aforementioned area has considerable public interest because, for its enchanting and various views, for the 'incomparable panoramic beauty framed by the green of the olive trees and by the suggestive stretches of cliffs sloping down to the sea, constitutes a natural framework of particular beauty. "In addition to being the main administrative, management and school center on the Tyrrhenian side of the province, Palmi is also agricultural and commercial center as well as the seat of the curia offices of the Diocese of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi. For centuries the city has also been one of the cultural centers of Calabria in the literary, musical, historical and archaeological fields. It was the birthplace, among other things, of the composer Francesco Cilea and the scholar Leonida Repaci and houses the museum complex of the "House of Culture" and the "Archaeological Park of the Tauriani", on the ruins of the ancient Bruzia city of Taureanum.

Geographical notes

Bay of the Tonnara di Palmi with, in the background, the plateau of Palmi and Mount Sant'Elia

Palmi, which overlooks the Tyrrhenian Sea, is located close to the slopes of Monte Sant'Elia, on a terrace overlooking a stretch of Costa Viola.

Much of the municipal area is made up of a series of hilly terraces that rapidly descend to the sea through a system of cliffs, small beaches and cliffs. On a terrace at an altitude of 224 meters above sea level there is the historic center with the municipal house while, in another terrace located further north and having a height of about 100 meters above sea level, the hamlet of Taureana is located. The remaining part of the municipal area is constituted, to the south, by Monte Sant'Elia (579 meters above sea level) and, to the north-west, by a flat area on which the bathing districts making up the Lido di Palmi stand.

The main watercourse is the Petrace river which marks the north-east border of the municipal territory, from Pontevecchio to its mouth on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The most ad oves point is called Capo Barbi while, along the beaches, there are some rocks, namely: the Trachini rock, Pietra Galera, the island rock and the Agliastro rocks. Among the latter there is the famous Scoglio dell'Ulivo.

The sea, not far from the coast line, reaches great depths. For this reason the water takes on a dark blue color that the sun, at sunset (between May and September), colors with purple reflections. From this effect derives the name of Costa Viola.

When to go

Since the climate is mild all year round, the city can be visited at any time. A seaside town, Palmi is beautiful to visit from spring to autumn. In the period of July and August there are numerous city festivals rich in traditions and folklore.


Palmi was probably born in 951 when the part of the inhabitants of Tauriana dedicated to trade and seafaring arts chose the upper part of the coast, between Mount Aulinas and the Metaurus river, following the destruction of their city. The small town was hit over the centuries by Saracen pirates until, in 1549, after the last devastation, the feudal lord Duke Carlo Spinelli decided to fortify it. In that century the city grew in importance, attracting all the maritime traffic of the southern coasts of Calabria. Independent from Seminara in 1632, in the seventeenth century the city developed urban planning and economically thanks to the commercial activity through a "fair" wanted by the feudal lord Andrea Concublet. In the eighteenth century Palmi went through one of the most prosperous periods in its history, until 1783, when it was hit by an earthquake that caused 1,400 deaths. The city was placed as the capital of the district in 1806. In 1860 the landing of Giuseppe Garibaldi and his expedition of the thousand to the Marina di Palmi took place, and the event caused the numerous Bourbon garrison present in the city to flee. With the unification of Italy, the district was repealed and the city was placed at the head of the district of Palmi.In 1894 the city was the epicenter of an earthquake but, despite the power of the tremors and the great ruins it produced, the number of dead was only 8 this was due to a circumstance defined miraculous which coincided with the story of the miracle of the Madonna del Carmine di Palmi. In 1908 Palmi was almost totally destroyed by the violent earthquake of December 28, which caused about 600 deaths in the Calabrian city alone. The reconstruction, which involved the entire first half of the twentieth century, made the city look pleasant, with the uniformity of the volumes, with the neoclassical taste of the new buildings and with the creation of monuments and works of art. saw the development of the city in the tertiary sector, placing Palmi as the main administrative, management and school center on the Tyrrhenian side of the province thanks to the establishment of secondary schools, structures of the armed forces, health and judicial structures, as well as offices of other public bodies and private.

How to orient yourself


The city of Palmi is essentially composed of three main inhabited centers. The center of Palmi, Taureana and the Lido di Palmi.

The center of Palmi, located on a terrace on the slopes of Mount Sant'Elia, is the southernmost of the three. It is the main center of the municipality from the point of view of management, services, history, landscape and events. It can be reached from the homonymous motorway junction of the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, which is located on the northern outskirts of the city center.

Taureana of Palmi, also located on a terrace further north of the historic center, is the main center of the municipality from the point of view of archaeological interest. It can also be reached from the Palmi motorway junction of the A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, following the signs for "Taureana".

The Lido of Palmi, made up of the Tonnara, Pietrenere and Scinà districts, is the maritime area of ​​the city. Located in the plain north of the municipal area, Lido di Palmi can be reached from Taureana following the signs for "Tonnara di Palmi". It is the main center from a tourism and entertainment point of view.

How to get

By plane

On the train

  • Palmi station, on the line Southern Tyrrhenian (Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria): almost exclusively regional trains stop at this station;
  • Gioia Tauro Station, on the line Southern Tyrrhenian (Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria): all types of trains stop at this station, with the exception of the Frecciarossa and some Frecciargento trains (others stop there, instead) of Trenitalia and Italo trains;
  • Rosarno station, on the line Southern Tyrrhenian (Battipaglia-Reggio Calabria): all types of trains stop at this station.

By bus

By car

  • A3 motorway: Palmi junction;
  • A3 motorway: Bagnara Calabra-Monte Sant'Elia junction;

On boat

The city can be reached via the Port of Taureana of Palmi, tourist port, located in the locality Lido of Palmi.

How to get around

By public transport

There Piana Palmi Multiservizi S.p.A. is the municipal public transport company, based along the Strada Statale 18, at Km 485 in Palmi. For Information: [email protected], Telephone: 39 0966.22668, Fax: 39 0966.261158. The company operates the following urban lines:

  • Palmi center line AA;
  • Palmi center line AB;
  • Palmi center line AC;
  • Palmi center - Taureana di Palmi - Lido di Palmi;
  • Palmi center - Monte Sant'Elia;
  • Palmi center - Pontevecchio;
  • Palmi center - Railway Station;

Furthermore, the Ferrovie della Calabria s.r.l. and the Lirosi Autoservizi they run urban lines to Palmi, which connect the historic center with the suburbs and Lido di Palmi.

What see


  • 1 Co-cathedral of St. Nicholas (Palmi Cathedral), Piazza Duomo, 39 0966 2674106. It stands in front of the Town Hall and next to the bishop's offices of the diocese of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi. Inside is the venerated relic of the Sacro Capello as well as an 18th century icon of the Madonna della Lettera.
  • 2 Sanctuary of the Carmine, Piazza Carmine, 39 0966 879241. The building is among the bound assets of the Calabria Region by Ministerial Decree 363 of 12 November 2009. The church preserves the miraculous eighteenth-century statue of Maria Santissima del Carmelo and valuable paintings and frescoes.
  • 3 Church of the Crucifix, Piazzetta dell'Annunziata, 39 0966 46809. In the past the place of worship was also known as the church of the Annunziata or the church of the Monks. The building is bound as an "asset of historical and artistic interest" by Ministerial Decree no. 1012 of 30 November 2011 of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. Inside it houses a valuable 17th century wooden crucifix, the work of Fra Umile da Petralia.
  • 4 Soccorso Church, Piazzetta del Soccorso, 39 0966 46809. It is located in the historic city center, a short distance from Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Municipal Villa. Inside it houses the venerated eighteenth-century wooden statue of the Madonna del Soccorso.
  • 5 Church of the Immaculate Conception and San Rocco, Piazza San Rocco, 39 0966 2674106. The current church was built in 1951. Inside, it houses the venerated effigies of the Immaculate Conception (from 1925) and of San Rocco (from the 17th century).
  • 6 Church of the Rosary (Church of San Francesco), Via Galluppi, 39 0966 24094. It stands at the intersection of via del Concordato and via Galluppi, in the upper part of the city center. Inside the church is the venerated statue of St. Anthony of Padua.


San Nicola Palace


  • Palmi Amphitheater


Roman amphitheater of Taureana
  • 8 Archaeological Park of the Tauriani, via del Vescovado snc. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgSun and holidays 10.00-13.00 and 14.30-sunset (from 1/10 to 31/3); Sat 14.30-sunset and Sun and holidays 10.00-13.00 and 14.30-sunset (from 1/4 to 30/6); Every day 10.00-sunset (from 1/7 to 30/9). Inside the park, in addition to a Saracen Tower from 1565, the remains of the Brettian city of Tauriana can be seen, consisting of: a theater with a capacity of 3,000 spectators at the time, a Roman road that led to Via Popilia, a sanctuary Roman, a "Mosaic House" (1st century BC), a residential area in which it is possible to read the superimposition of the Roman structures on the Brettian ones and a protohistoric village with huts dating back to the Bronze Age (4,000 years ago).
  • 9 Tower of the Black Stones, Contrada San Fantino.
  • Grotta della Pietrosa (or Trachina);
  • Caves of Macello-Pignarelle.
  • 10 Arch of the Relief, Strada Statale 18 Tirrena Inferiore.

Natural Areas

  • 11 Municipal Villa "Giuseppe Mazzini", Via Roma. The villa is a public park that is included in the list of National Monuments. From its balcony you can admire the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Strait of Messina, the Aeolian Islands, Bagnara Calabra and Scilla, as well as the underlying Cittadella district and the localities of Palmara and Motta. The villa is equipped with many tall trees, palm trees, flower beds and paths in cobblestones, benches, games for children, a bar-restaurant and a fountain. The works of art placed inside the park are marble busts of local and national characters of the past, such as the bust of Nicola Antonio Manfroce musician sculpted by Vincenzo Jerace. Municipal Villa Giuseppe Mazzini on Wikipedia Municipal Villa Giuseppe Mazzini (Q4012655) on Wikidata
  • 12 Scoglio dell'Ulivo (Agliastro rocks), Costa Viola waterfront. It is a rock-island that rises a few meters from the coast, but is not linked to it, at the top of which an olive tree was born and grown, from which the name derives. The symbol of the city and the most reproduced in photos and postcards. Scoglio dell'Ulivo on Wikipedia Scoglio dell'Ulivo (Q3952621) on Wikidata
  • 13 Belvedere Managò, Monte Sant'Elia.
  • 14 Marinella beach, Via Marinella. The Marina di Palmi (commonly called Marinella), is a fishing village made up of a few houses and a small beach in front of a bay enclosed by high rock spurs. The beauty of the bay contributed, in 2014, to the assignment by Legambiente of 3 blue sails to the municipality of Palmi, placing the city in third place in all of Calabria. Marina di Palmi on Wikipedia Marina di Palmi (Q3848110) on Wikidata
  • 15 Cave of the Sirens.

Monuments and fountains

Saracen Tower
  • 16 Monuments to the Fallen of Palmi, Town Hall Square. The monument was built by Michele Guerrisi, in memory of the city victims caused by the First World War. The sculpture consists of a base in granite blocks on which two groups of bronze figures stand. At the center of the monument there are two columns of white marble and at the base the names of the 203 citizens who died in the war are engraved. Palazzo San Nicola # Monumento_ai_Caduti on Wikipedia
  • 17 Fountain of the Palm, Piazza Giovanni Amendola. It was built in the Baroque style, of the modern Berninian type, by the architect Jommi and the sculptor Giuseppe Sutera. In 1977 a postage stamp was issued, which reproduced the work, within the "Fontane d'Italia" series. La Palma Fountain on Wikipedia Fontana della Palma (Q3747390) on Wikidata
  • 18 Source of San Rocco, Piazza San Rocco. The fountain was built in 2010, by the artist Maurizio Carnevali, and reproduces a bronze sculpture of San Rocco lying, with the dog, in the act of drinking. The sculpture is placed on a granite base.
  • 19 Mausoleum of Francesco Cilea, Pentimalli Square. The mausoleum (1962) was built by Michele Guerrisi and the architect Nino Bagalà to house the body of the artist. it consists of a masonry wall on which bas-reliefs are arranged with depictions of scenes from the myth of Orpheus and Euridice, all around a bronze sculpture representing the muse Erato. The mausoleum contains a crypt decorated with mosaics containing the remains of the Cilea couple. Mausoleum of Francesco Cilea on Wikipedia Mausoleum of Francesco Cilea (Q3852981) on Wikidata
  • 20 Monument to St. Francis of Assisi, Belvedere Gi.Sa.. The bronze sculpture (1987) was created by the artist Susan Loeb Luppino, on behalf of the Superintendence for historical heritage. The statue, positioned on a stone and marble base with a fountain and a small garden around it, represents the saint with open arms as a sign of protection towards the city.
  • 21 Obelisk of the Madonna del Carmine, Piazza del Carmine. The monument, inaugurated in 1983, consists of a high granite stele on the top of which there is a bronze statue of the Madonna del Carmine.
  • 22 Monument of the Three Crosses, Belvedere Managò. The monumental complex is composed of a monument to Domenico Antonio Cardone, a large iron cross (illuminated at night and visible from the whole plain) and precisely the monument of the three crosses (20th century). The monument represents three white crosses, with the central one larger, in memory of Mount Calvary where Jesus was crucified.
  • 23 Cross of the dead, Contrada Acqualive. The work is an aedicule dedicated to the Madonna del Carmine, having mainly a historical value commemorating a 16th century clash between the locals and the Saracen pirates.
  • 24 Fountain of the Canals, Lo Sardo square. The work is the oldest city fountain and was used to convey the waters coming from Mount Sant'Elia. The monument was renovated in 2011 with the addition of bronze images depicting city and peasant scenes from past centuries, by the artists Fabio Belloni, Carnevali and Achille Cofano.
  • 25 Roman column, Matteotti Square.
  • 26 Fontana Muta, Piazza Carmine Fiorino. The work, of the twentieth century, is composed of a supporting wall in which, in the center, a fountain is placed while, on the two sides of the latter, two stairways start to access the Pille district above.
  • 27 Stele of the Madonna and Child, Piazzale Rosa dei Venti.
  • 28 Monument to work, Town Hall Square. The monument is a work created by the sculptor Carnevali and represents a palm plant with a carved marble shaft and a crown of steel branches. The marble base depicts work and family scenes. Palazzo San Nicola # Monumento_al_Work on Wikipedia


  • 29 House of Culture, via Felice Battaglia, 1, 39 0966 262249, fax: 39 0966 411080, @. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8.00-13.00, Thu 15.00-18.30. Inside the House of Culture there are the following structures:
  • 30 "Leonida and Albertina Repaci" Art Gallery. The art gallery houses works by masters of painting such as Édouard Manet, Tintoretto, Amedeo Modigliani, Giorgio De Chirico, Renato Guttuso etc., donated by the writer Leonida Repaci and his wife Albertina to the city. The collection is one of the most important modern and contemporary art galleries in Southern Italy.
  • 31 "Domenico Topa" Municipal Library. The library has over 120,000 volumes and specializes in the history and literature of Calabria, with particular reference to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.
  • 32 "Raffaele Corso" Ethnographic Museum. The museum collects objects of everyday life, of faith and of Calabrian folklore and, of its kind, is the most important in southern Italy.
  • 33 Antiquarium "Nicola De Rosa". Containing materials from the ancient Tauriana and objects found on the seabed along the Costa Viola, including capitals, urns, anchors, coins, marble statuettes, amphorae and a bust of the emperor Hadrian. House of culture # Antiquarium_Nicola_De_Rosa on Wikipedia
  • 34 Musical Museum "Francesco Cilea and Nicola Antonio Manfroce". The museum collects, among others, numerous documents of the two composers (scores, manuscripts, sketches and sketches), memorabilia of Vincenzo Bellini, portraits of Gioachino Rossini and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, photographs with dedications by Giacomo Puccini and Arturo Toscanini.
  • 35 "Michele Guerrisi" plaster casts gallery. It collects plaster casts of the sculptor's works and several watercolors of the same, offered by his wife. Furthermore, in the gipsoteca you can see sculptures by Francesco Jerace and Alessandro Monteleone.

Events and parties

Religious events

The procession of San Rocco
The Varia di Palmi from 2008

The following Catholic holidays are held in the historic center of Palmi:

  • 1 Feast of the Most Holy Crucifix, Cittadella district. Simple icon time.svgMay 3.
  • 2 Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, Ajossa district. Simple icon time.svgJune 13.
  • 3 Feast of the Most Holy Mary of Carmel. Simple icon time.svgJuly 16 and November 16.
  • 4 Feast of Maria Santissima del Soccorso. Simple icon time.svg5th August. Feast of Maria Santissima del Soccorso (Palmi) on Wikipedia feast of Maria Santissima del Soccorso (Q3743936) on Wikidata
  • 5 Feast of San Rocco (with "corteo degli Spinati"). Simple icon time.svgAugust 12 - August 16.
  • 6 Varia of Palmi (Feast of the Most Holy Mary of the Letter). Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of August.
  • 7 Feast of the Most Holy Immaculate Mary. Simple icon time.svgDecember 8.

The following Catholic holidays are celebrated in the hamlets:

  • 8 Feast of Sant'Elia, Monte Sant'Elia. Simple icon time.svgPenultimate Sunday of July.
  • 9 Feast of the Most Holy Mary of the High Sea, Taureana. Simple icon time.svgLast Sunday of July.
  • 10 Feast of San Fantino, Taureana. Simple icon time.svgJuly 24.
  • 11 Feast of the Most Holy Mary of the Mountain, Monte Sant'Elia. Simple icon time.svgFirst Sunday of September.

Other events

Below is the list of other manifestations or events, regularly held in Palmi:

  • City of Palmi International Literary Prize;
  • Parade of the Giants, in conjunction with the aforementioned Catholic holidays;
  • Francesco Cilea National Music Competition;
  • Octave of Carnival, the Sunday following Ash Wednesday;
  • San Rocco Fair, in the days of the feast of San Rocco;
  • Magna Grecia Theater Festival.

What to do


  • 1 Standa Affiliate Domenico Ortuso & C. Sas (Ortuso), Via Bruno Buozzi, 218, 39 0966 46353.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Cremeria K2 ice cream parlor, Martyrs of Hungary Square, 39 339 7728577.
  • 2 The Merendone, Via Rocco Pugliese, 14, 39 338 9963231.
  • 3 Pizzeria del Corso, Corso Garibaldi, 70, 39 380 1324634.

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 12 Palmi Post Office 1, Via Cesare Battisti, 1, 39 0966 419949.
  • 13 Palmi Post Office 2, Via Bruno Buozzi, 227, 39 0966 25117.
  • 14 Taureana Post Office, Via Taureana, 1 (Taurean hamlet), 39 0966 479360.


The 2G and 3G coverage of mobile telephone operators was excellent; Vodafone has also activated 4G coverage.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Palmi
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Palmi
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or on Palmi
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Palmi
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).