Siderno - Siderno

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Siderno is a municipality in the Calabria in the province of Reggio.

To know

The city is composed of the ancient nucleus, located on a hill, called Siderno Superiore and the modern part, called Siderno Marina, which developed close to the Costa dei Gelsomini and a renowned tourist-seaside area of ​​Locride.


The origins of the town are uncertain. The name could derive from the Siderones family or from the Greek Sideros which would indicate the ancient district of the foundries of the ancient Locri. Some historians believe that it was a Greek colony dating back to the VIII-VI century BC, others instead that the city dates back to the Roman period based on some findings in the area.In 1250 Siderno was under the dominion of the Ruffo di Catanzaro, to which other feudal lords followed. The town suffered numerous damages following the earthquake of 1783 which struck almost the whole Calabria. With the consequent reconstruction, the coastal area began to populate, becoming an important commercial center, landing of goods from the major Italian ports. In 1806 Siderno ended the feudal period and, after various historical events, in 1811 it became an autonomous municipality.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are at Reggio Calabria is Lamezia Terme.

On the train

In the city there is an RFI station, where, however, only local trains stop mostly coming from Reggio Calabria is Catanzaro, therefore, to arrive from areas not served by the local line, it is necessary to arrive at the stations of the aforementioned cities and change from there; the rides are infrequent.

By bus

How to get around

What see

In Siderno there are several monuments, mostly in the historic center of Siderno Superiore where there are the churches of S. Nicola di Bari which houses a baroque altar and some precious paintings of the Neapolitan School of the seventeenth century, the church of S. Carlo Borromeo, Palazzo Falletti with a stupendous portal declared a national monument, the late Baroque palace of the noble family of Spanish origin De Mojà, Palazzo Englen where King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon slept, the spectacular courtyard of the Amato house, a cultural reference point in the summer events, and the church of S. Maria dell'Arco. Other buildings of interest are Palazzo Calauti, Caccamo, Pedullà, Correale-Medici. In Siderno Marina there are the church of S. Maria di Portosalvo, the Albanese villa where the senator of the Kingdom Giuseppe Albanese lived and members of the Savoy-Aosta royal family stayed, and the monuments to the Fallen, to the Sailors created by the famous Sidernese sculptor Correale, to S. Francesco da Paola, to Padre S. Pio, to the muse Calliope, to the martyrs of the famous sculptor Sylar, to Michele Bello. In Siderno there are also modern places of interest such as: Piazza Risorgimento with the beautiful fountain surrounded by imposing lions, the two squares next to the Municipality, the Municipal Villa located next to the YMCA, a place of entertainment that still contributes to growth today. physical and moral of young people.

Events and parties

  • White Night. It takes place on January 5th every year and has a large number of participants.
  • Sidernese Carnival.
  • Holy Week.
  • Easter Monday day. With the Easter cake festival, which in the past featured citizens and thousands of people who came from outside to grab a piece of the longest sguta in the world.
  • Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. In May.
  • Feast of the patron saint of San Francesco da Paola. The first Sunday of July with the procession to the sea.
  • The Siderno summer. In August with concerts.
  • Patronal feast of the Madonna di Portosalvo. In September.
  • Procession of the Madonna to the sea. September 7.
  • Feast of St. Nicholas of Bari (Patron of Siderno). In December since the fourteenth century.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Siderno
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Siderno
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