Gioia Tauro - Gioia Tauro

Gioia Tauro
Jetty in the Marina district during a storm
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Gioia Tauro
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Gioia Tauro is a city of Calabria; is the seat, together with the municipality of San Ferdinando, of the port of Gioia Tauro, an important transshipment hub which, thanks to the proximity of the east-west routes that extends from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Suez Canal, connects the global and regional networks that cross the Mediterranean.

To know

When to go

Certainly being a seaside town, the summer period is more suitable, also due to the increase in population due to the return of emigrants; where you want to experience the traditional festivals of the city it will be necessary to get there between August and the beginning of September, while the winter period does not present particular opportunities for tourist leisure.


Gioia Tauro originates from the Magna Graecia Metauros, built around the 7th century on the plateau coinciding with the current city center, whose existence has been confirmed in numerous excavations. The archaeological finds found are kept at the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, the Metauros Museum of the city and at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.

The city boasted a lively handicraft production of ceramics, bronzes, Attic and Corinthian amphorae and was also distinguished by a fervent cultural activity: in 630 BC. one of the greatest Greek lyricists was born there, Tisia (called Stesicoro).

In 445 BC is invaded by the Bruzi and being placed on the border between the Republics of Locri and Reggio is continually devastated. Around the third century BC you notice contacts with Rome. The ships that will serve the Romans in the Punic wars are prepared in the shipyards of Metauros. These, in 201 BC, settle in the territory and, in addition to changing the name in Metauria, provide in 130 BC. to make via Popilia pass through here (almost the current route of the A2 motorway) and to create new urban systems with an orthogonal system. Over the centuries, however, the city became a simple naval station identified with the name of the nearby river Metauros (today Petrace) and so is remembered during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 AD).

In 69 A.D. it seems to be revived until two waves of pestilence, in 166 and 189, cause its almost total depopulation.

In 568, it fell prey to the Lombards who devastated it and forced the few inhabitants to take refuge in the plain where they remained there until the year 1000. The survivors, in 883, also suffered the first pirate raids.

The city reappears, with the name of Johe, in 1271 in a register of Charles I of Anjou. Due to its strategic importance along the coast, on March 30, 1283, it hosts the first parliament in history where Pope Honorius IV, with dignitaries, ecclesiastics, feudal lords and representatives of the Plain, discuss and approve the "capitula" to stop the imminent invasion of the Aragonese who, who settled in Johe in June 1284, were affected by malaria instead.

When, in 1444, Antonio Centelles reconquers the Calabria for King Alfonso I, the captains Grimaldi and Baldassino set the city on fire.

In 1479 it was purchased for 80,000 ducats by Baron Aniello Arcomone and played a significant part in the subsequent period of the wars between the Spanish and the French for dominance over the kingdom of Naples. On 21 April 1503, in fact, the battle of Gioja (which went down in history as the third “battle of Seminara") Will determine the victory of Ferdinand the Catholic over the French monsignor d 'Aubigny.

32 years later there is an invasion of pirates who clash with the 80 soldiers of the local coastal garrison of Captain Francesco Ruiz who had managed to spot them. The viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo, therefore, ordered the construction (in 1565) of nine watchtowers along the entire gulf where, in each of them, the Cavallari (guards on horseback) would be stationed in visual communication with each other. But, on Palm Sunday in 1568, there is a new landing of pirates with the kidnapping of numerous citizens.

In 1653, following the reform made by Pope Innocent X, the Basilian convent was suppressed.

On 5 February 1783 the city was affected by the "Scourge of Calabria", a terrible earthquake. In the village “Piano delle Fosse” huge currents of mud emerge from the ground which in an instant destroy the granaries and cause the total loss of wine and oil; there are also 18 deaths (including 7 children) and damages for 100,000 ducats.

He is the protagonist in the enterprise of the Sanfedisti in Calabria where Cardinal Ruffo is present on 21 February 1799 when the auditor Angelo di Fiore asks, from Gioja, to Francesco Prestia and Antonio Romano in Miletus to provide necessary housing for 10,000 people.

Just three years later there are new invasions by Algerians and Tunisians but they are shipwrecked and captured. In 1805 Napoleon, accusing the Bourbons of plotting against him, put an end to the dynasty. But in 1807 the Bourbon propaganda is particularly active so that, on the city walls, posters appear to incite the people to revolt. Thus the 4th line regiment under the command of General Gallone is detached.

Having reconquered the Kingdom, in 1814, the Bourbons opened Gioja to trade with Naples, then establishing a regular maritime service in 1844 and facilitating the arrival of many Amalfi which will become the backbone of the city trade, but the population is also tired of the Bourbons and begins to demonstrate more and more openly for the cause Italian. The patriots of Gioia Francesco Gullace and Carmelo Silipigni were captured in 1848 and sentenced to confinement. On 24 August 1860 Garibaldi conquered the city, even if he had to fight the now exhausted Bourbon armies. On 17 March 1861 the kingdom of Italy was proclaimed. Two years later, on March 26, Gioja was granted the title "Tauro".

The industrial plants that arose immediately after the Unification (1864), the improved general economic conditions, the imminent arrival of the railway (1887) led the Municipality to propose, in 1874, to that of Rosarno the construction of a port: the Rosarno administrators respond negatively two years later, but by now the die has been cast. The construction of two narrow-gauge railway lines (today's Ferrovie della Calabria) was also decided (1911-1924).

Glorious pages are written by the joyful fighters in the Italian warTurkish, in the first world war, in the war ofAfrica, in the war of Spain and in the Second World War; this last war will bring serious mourning to the population that undergoes three bombings (1943). As many glorious pages were written by the Gioia navy, registering an impressive maritime traffic in the fifties that led the city to emerge in the south of Italy for its commercial dynamism; so many industries and factories flourish.

In the seventies, also following an imposing popular revolt that has gone down in history as the "Reggio riots", it was decided to build a gigantic port at the service of an elusive fifth steel center (which will never be built); open to traffic since 25 July 1991, it is now used mainly as a container terminal.

At 17.10 on 22 July 1970 the direct train Palermo - Turin was derailed by an explosive device near the city, in one of the attacks related to the Reggio riots.

In 1991, 2008 and 2017 the municipality was dissolved for 'ndrangheta.

How to orient yourself

The sea is to the west, the cemetery to the north (first contact with the city if you come from the industrial areas of the port, Rosarno is San Ferdinando) while proceeding eastwards the city ends with the Annunziata Commercial Park, agricultural areas and some commercial activities.


The main districts are in fact equivalent to those of the main churches (marina, center and eastern suburbs); some wards are known locally, such as In Jossa (residential streets close to Via Francesco Tripodi) e Monacelli (near the elementary school Gagliano).

How to get

By plane

The closest airports are those of the Strait (Reggio Calabria) is that of Lamezia Terme.

By car

The city can be reached via the homonymous motorway exit of the A3 Napoli - Salerno - Reggio Calabria; urban and suburban roads allow the connection with the neighboring centers in the area, such as Palmi, Rizziconi or Taurianova.

On the train

  • 1 RFI station, Piazza G. Marconi. It allows direct connection with the main Italian cities (daily connections with Naples, Rome is Milan) through Intercity trains and two Frecciargento services; the regional train service also allows direct connection with some of the main cities of the region (Reggio Calabria, Lamezia Terme is Cosenza) and with the Sicily, through Villa San Giovanni.

By bus

The Ferrovie della Calabria and Lirosi Autoservizi connect the city with the main regional centers and with some smaller cities.

How to get around

By public transport

There are very few urban bus lines available, recycled from the urban service of Vibo Valentia, used almost exclusively to transport workers to the city port. In the summer of 2015, buses were available that allowed the connection between the eastern outskirts of the city and the seafront, a service repeated also in 2016.

By taxi

You can find a taxi at the exit of the train station.

By car

It is the most used means for internal and external movements.

What see

  • 1 Maria SS. Porto Salvo, Via Porto Salvo, 28, 39 0966 55661.
  • 2 Parish of San Francesco Di Paola, Via Gregorio VII Papa, 4, 39 0966 52299.
  • 3 Metauros Archaeological Museum, Via Roma, 30 c / o Palazzo Baldari, 39 0966 504410, 39 0966 508111, @. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 30-19: 00, Sat-Sun by reservation only. It collects artifacts related to the Magna Graecia and Roman age plus some medieval artifacts; much of what was previously exhibited was in the warehouses of the Reggio Calabria museum.
  • 4 Church of sant'ippolito (Duomo), Via Duomo. Main church of the city, dedicated to the patron saint, whose statue dates back to the 16th century; there are relics of St. Pacific, a wooden crucifix, paintings dedicated to the Madonna and St. Hippolytus and a statue of St. Andrew.
  • 5 Gaslini, Viale Don Luigi Sturzo (A few meters from the sea). Ruins of a whaling products factory which was subsequently decommissioned.

Events and parties

  • Feast of Sant'Ippolito (Center area). Simple icon time.svgAugust 13. Patronal feast, usually based on an outdoor mass and a procession for the religious part and stalls near the church (on the "corso"), a concert near the Piana delle Fosse and fireworks at the Lungomare for the civil one.
  • Feast of Maria SS. of Portosalvo (Marine area). Simple icon time.svgSeptember 8. Marian festival, is characterized by a procession that culminates with the transfer of the statue of the Madonna on the boats to make it reach the sea as far as the city port and the subsequent return to land; characteristic is the final "fujuta" (race, in Italian) along via Francesco Tripodi up to the church square, where it is welcomed by the crowd and the procession ends with an open speech. The civil celebrations are made up of some events, such as outdoor games and theatrical comedies in the local dialect, in the previous days, while on the day of the festival a concert is held near the church, followed by the extraction of the winning ticket of the raffle connected to the party and the fireworks launched from the seafront.

What to do

In the summer months, the most suitable activity is to spend your time on the beach, taking a swim in the sea if the water conditions allow it; those wishing to spend a day on the beach if they do not want to bring a packed lunch can buy something in the nearby pizzeria and ice cream shop.

Typical gymnastic activities, which can be carried out all year round, are the race to the Vialone (Viale Don Sturzo) and the promenade along the Lungomare (perpendicular to the Vialone), which can be extended up to the historic pier; it is obviously possible to be able to carry out one or both activities in both areas, even on an ongoing basis.

Study opportunities

  • 1 Windsor - Language Center, Via Sicilia, 4 (Close to the central post office), 39 328 3663717. Language school, offers the possibility of following courses and certifications for English and French.
  • 2 British Institutes, State Road 111, 165 (Not very far from the Eurospin), 39 0966 501010, fax: 39 0966 501010, @. Ecb copyright.svgVariables. Language school specializing in English courses; offers both general and sectoral English courses and British, ESB, TOEFL, IELTS and ESOL Cambridge certifications.


The main shopping street is Via Roma (known locally as the course), where on both sides of the road there are commercial establishments of various types, including some national chains such as Green shop is Primadonna.

  • 1 "Annunziata" Commercial Park (opposite the A3 exit). Simple icon time.svgThey vary from shop to shop. Commercial park in which there are various commercial activities, divided into 3 distinct areas: in the first there is the clothing store Annunziata, an outlet and other commercial activities, in the second there is a branch of the chain Decathlon and a bowling alley, in the third there is a restaurant McDonalds, a chain electronics store Euronics and other activities.
  • 2 Dave's American Food, SP1, 33 (On the former roundabout, near the Sbaglia roundabout), 393393972117, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 9-13 16-20. Small shop specializing in the import of snacks and drinks, mainly from the United States.

How to have fun


  • 1 Sports Hall, Via VI August.
  • 2 Politeama di Sturniolo Giuseppe (Politeama Cinema), Via Piria Raffaele, 16 (a few steps from the Duomo), 39 0966 51498. The only cinema in the city; usually only one film is shown twice a day, in the late afternoon and early evening.

Night clubs

  • 3 Turn around jazz club, Via Vittorio Veneto, 84, 39 392 2768409.
  • 4 Albanian Teodoro, Via Lomoro, 136, 39 0966 51920. Cafe.
  • 5 The Hole - Irish Pub, Via Roma, 1, 39 0966 506491. Simple icon time.svgFri-Wed 18: 00-4: 00.

Where to eat

The typical citizen product is the slating (struncatura in local dialect), a type of wholemeal pasta originally produced from the waste from the processing of wheat and now produced according to the law; the typical condiment is with breadcrumbs and anchovies.

Moderate prices

  • 1 Ristomax Srl, Via Strada Statale 111, 1, 39 0966 507634.
  • 2 The Ancient Jars, Via Lomoro, 47-49, 39 320 1167702.
  • 3 Ristopub Civico 105, Via Sarino Pugliese, 105 (station area), 39 353 3180961, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 11: 30-14: 30, Mon-Sun 19: 30-00: 30. Bookable for private events; lunch offer first second side drink at € 8.90 (both meat and fish)
  • 4 Real Pizzeria Rotisserie (Real), Viale Don Luigi Sturzo (Close to the seafront), 393486112804. Simple icon time.svg11:00 - 01:00.

Average prices

  • 5 Il Veliero Di Florio Patrizia Restaurant, Viale Don Sturzo, 22.
  • 6 Food Salumeria Vissicchio, Via Duomo, 20, 39 0966 51548. It sells many typical local products.
  • 7 Restaurant Pizzeria Da Mario Di Castiglione Raffaele, Via Armando Diaz, 19, 39 0966 500906.
  • 8 Fuji-San, Provincial road to Rizziconi, 39 333 7498116. Japanese restaurant opened in March 2019; there is an all you can eat menu (excluding drinks and desserts) at € 12.90 for lunch and € 21.90 for dinner.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 Mediterranean Hotel, Via S. Maria, 18 (A few meters from the train station), 39 0966 500485.
  • 2 Armony 111, State Road 111 (SP1), 98 / bis, 39 0966 51926, 39 345 8427862, 39 340 3599028, fax: 39 0966 51926, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 35-125 per night, depending on the type of room. Check in: by 9pm (by prior arrangement it is possible by 10pm, over € 20 is charged), check-out: by 10. For stays of more than 6 nights 10% discount in low season. Services included: en-suite bathroom, Internet connection via Wi-Fi, television, air conditioning, mini bar and hairdryer.
  • 3 Donna Nina Bed & Breakfast, Via Vittorio Veneto, 219, 39 0966 52102, 39 347 9537228 (mobile phone). Ecb copyright.svg€ 35-70 per night, depending on the type of room and the season. A few steps from the sea, it offers rooms with private bathroom and shower, air conditioning, television and linen; there is a panoramic terrace in the common room.
  • 4 Hotel Villa Calliope, Viale Rimembranze, 23, 39 0966 55219, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 60-100 per night, depending on the type of room; the cost decreases if you stay for 3 or more consecutive nights. 4 star hotel - restaurant; the rooms are equipped with air conditioning, pay television (Sky), minibar, telephone in the room, Internet connection via Wi-Fi, hairdryer, mini bar and electronic lock; there is a guarded parking.
  • 5 B&B Il Duomo, Via Duomo, 15 (A stone's throw from the Duomo), 39 349 3389404, @. Ecb copyright.svgFrom € 60 per night per room. B&B born in 2016, offers double, triple and quadruple rooms with television, Wi-Fi service in the structure and Netflix included.

High prices

  • 6 Hotel le Palme, Via Degli Ulivi, 9, 39 0966 51573, fax: 39 0966 57405, @. Hotel 4 Stars; included in the service covered guarded parking, newspapers, telephone, mini bar, air conditioning, pay television (Sky) and safe. Two rooms are fully wheelchair accessible.
  • 7 Palace Hotel, Via S. Statale 18, 39 0966 506474, fax: 39 0966 505231, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 68-220 per night, depending on the type of room and service. 4-star hotel with Wi-Fi connection throughout the building, common relaxation room, 2 meeting rooms, fitness center and secure parking; the rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, minibar, double pillows, safe, balcony and living room.


Present organized crime; among the crimes that can affect tourists, the most frequent is car theft. Seawater was found to be contaminated with hydrocarbons in 2016. The city has been suffering from problems with garbage collection for years, so accumulations of rubbish on the sidewalks are not uncommon. Pay attention to the sidewalk in Viale Don Sturzo, at times it is bumpy and if you run you risk falling.

  • 2 Carabinieri Gioia Tauro Company, Provincial Road 111 (Near the Conad and the municipal seat of the Diocese of Oppido-Palmi), 39 0966 51046.
  • 3 Finance Police, Provincial Road 111, 441, 39 0966 51123.
  • 4 State Police, Provincial Road Gioia - Rizziconi (A few meters from Monte dei Paschi di Siena and the Primar shop), 39 0966 588111.

How to keep in touch

Post office


The 2G and 3G coverage of mobile telephone operators was excellent, Vodafone also activated 4G coverage; telephone booths are rare. TIM and WindTre single-brand stores present, for Vodafone, part of the virtual operators can turn to multi-brand stores; top-ups can be easily found both in stores as plastic cards and in electronic format (both in Sisal stores and elsewhere), in the second case just indicate to the operator the telephone company, the number to be recharged and choose one of the available amounts.


There are no Internet points in the city or large-scale free Wi-Fi networks; you can only connect from a fixed or mobile network, except in accommodation facilities where it is expressly provided for.

Keep informed

City news is available in major local newspapers, such as Southern Gazette, Daily newspaper of Calabria is The Guarantor (Calabria edition); Restless News is a site based in the city, while Landing News, despite having its headquarters in the nearby Taurianova, reports various news about the city.


Cities to visit in the surrounding area are Palmi, Tropea is Scylla, especially in summer; Reggio Calabria it can be reached in 40-60 minutes, depending on the vehicle used, while it takes a little longer to reach Messina (Street Villa San Giovanni).

Through the Ionio - Tirreno highway, reachable from Rosarno or Cinquefrondi, it is possible to reach the main centers of the Ionian part of the Province of Reggio Calabria (such as Locri, Siderno or Gerace) without having to go through Reggio Calabria e Melito di Porto Salvo.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Gioia Tauro
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Gioia Tauro
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).