Cycle routes in Saxony-Anhalt - Radrouten in Sachsen-Anhalt

Saale cycle path near Naumburg

The resin With Chunks, the wine country "Saale-Unstrut", Elbe meadows with beavers and the sandy one Altmark - Saxony-Anhalt offers diversity.

The first to mention the river routes are the Elbe and Saale. But there are a number of other long-distance cycle routes and regional routes. (including European cycle path R1, Altmark circuit, Unstrut cycle path ...)

When it comes to signposting, a lot of emphasis is placed on sights. Intermediate signposts almost always have the logo of the associated route (very positive!).

Regional trains in Saxony-Anhalt take bicycles with them for free. There is Hopper ticket, with which you can travel 50 km for € 4.90, there and back for € 7.90 (June 2016).

Long-distance cycle routes

Saale breakthrough at Bad Kosen: View of Stendorf with Saaleck Castle

Regional routes

Norm-compliant guide in the Anhalt way

MTB regions

MTB region Wernigerode-Harz

Help for creating new cycle route articles:

  • Wikivoyage: skeleton for cycle routes - basic framework for cycle routes
  • Wikivoyage: specification for cycle routes - explanation of the basic structure
  • finished example: Fulda cycle path

Simply insert missing routes into the lists available here (definition of regional route: up to 150 km in length).

Web links

Article draftThe main parts of this article are still very short and many parts are still in the drafting phase. If you know anything on the subject be brave and edit and expand it so that it becomes a good article. If the article is currently being written to a large extent by other authors, don't be put off and just help.