Tittmoning - Tittmoning

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The town Tittmoning is located with the castle and historic old town on the western high bank of the Salzach in Rupertiwinkel in Upper Bavaria and right on the border too Austria. The town square with the facades in the Inn-Salzach style is considered the largest of its kind.

Map of Tittmoning


Tittmoning was first mentioned in a document in 788 as "Titamanninga". 1234 is the date of the town elevation and from 1234 the castle is also expanded by the Archbishop of Salzbug Eberhard II as a border fortification against the enemy of Bavaria.

In the period that followed, Tittmoning experienced a long-lasting economic boom under the Salzburg archbishops as a trading and handicraft center, toll station, administrative center and later also as a hunting residence. Trade and shipping on the Salzach did not have the same importance here as in the neighboring towns of Laufen and Burghausen.

The most important person in the medieval city life of Tittmoning was the city judge appointed by the Salzburg archbishop, who monitored the two mayors and the eleven councilors from the town hall.

In 1571 Tittmoning was devastated by a devastating city fire.

From the late Middle Ages onwards, metalworking became important in the place, in the 16th century the cloth making trade was added, and in the Baroque period the arts and crafts emerged.

As a result of the secularization in Salzburg, the Rupertiwinkel with the place Tittmoning came provisionally from 1810 and then finally from 1816 to Bavaria. Tittmoning gets into the Bavarian outskirts and loses its economic importance.

The first bridge over the Salzach was built in 1842 and replaced by a new one in 1933.

In 1862 the district court was dissolved and the district of Laufen was created, which included the entire Rupertiwinkel as an administrative unit. In the course of the Bavarian regional reform, the district of Laufen was dissolved in 1972 and the northern part came with the town of Tittmoning to the district of Traunstein.

The towns of Ästen, Kay, Kirchheim and Törring still belong to the political municipality of Titmoning.

In addition to tourism, the pharmaceutical industry and a rubber factory are also of economic importance.

The old town is also known nationwide as a film set for the television series, which was filmed from 1968 to 1970 and has been repeated on many channels since then "Royal Bavarian District Court": The outdoor scenes of the fictional and dreamy Bavarian town of Geisbach during the Prince Regent's time in 1912 were shown in Tittmoning and in To run rotated, the town hall portal of Tittmoning was redecorated as the entrance to the "Royal Bavarian District Court".

The most famous resident of Tittmoning was Pope Benedict XVI: Joseph Ratzinger and his family lived in the village from 1929 to 1932 and also went to kindergarten here. Pope Benedict XVI has been an honorary citizen of Tittmoning since January 24, 2007.

getting there

Distances (road km)
Burghausen18 km
To run20 km
Altoetting25 km
Traunstein32 km
Freilassing33 km
Mühldorf am Inn37 km
Salzburg39 km
Berchtesgaden63 km
Passau100 km
Munich140 km

By plane

The nearest major international airport is that Munich Airport (also "Franz Josef Strauss", 123 km, a good hour's drive). Above all, offer from Germany's second largest airport Lufthansa and their partner of Star Alliance Connections to cities in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

The can also be reached quickly Salzburg Airport (40 km, a good half hour by car);

By train

The Tittmoning-Wiesmühl train station (approx. 9 km southwest of Tittmoning) is on the Mühldorf – Freilassing railway line and has in Freilassing Connection to the ICE route Salzburg-Munich.

From Tittmoning-Wiesmühl to Tittmoning by bus or taxi, rail operations on the connection from Wiesmühl to Tittmoning were stopped in 1978.

In the street

  • Of west (Munich): on the federal highway B12 Mühldorf and Altoetting (partly already developed as a motorway - A 94 -) to Burghausen;

Tittmoning is on the Blue route, this is the federal highway B20 from Straubing above Burghausen until after Freilassing. The route runs along the German-Austrian border (blue dot on the signs):

  • Of east (Passau) via Burghausen and the federal highway 12;

By boat

There is no scheduled service by ship on the Salzach; Excursions see in the section trips.


  • the RVO (Regionalverkehr Oberbayern / DB) operates the bus routes in the region;
Regionalverkehr Oberbayern GmbH, base in Traunstein; Chiemseestraße 58, 83278 Traunstein; Tel .: 0861 / 70863-0; www.rvo-bus.de;

Tourist Attractions


Cemetery chapel
  • Parish church St. Laurence: The late Gothic church was built as a collegiate church in 1514, the baroque interior was mainly created after a church fire in 1820.
Particularly worth seeing inside are the mercy seat altar with evangelist figures (1699) based on a design by Mondseer's Meinrad Guggenbichleln in the Kreuzkapelle and the two paintings "Guardian Angel" and "Immaculata" by Cosmas Damian Asam from 1720.
  • All Saints Church, with a black and gold altar from 1683 typical of the Salzburg area.
The church is the former collegiate church of the monastery of the Augustinian Hermits from Munich, founded on October 9, 1681, the monastery was dissolved during the secularization of 1806.
  • Cemetery chapel in front of the southern city gate, was built after the fire in the collegiate church in 1815 and the subsequent relocation of the cemetery to the outskirts. Inside, the altar by Landshut sculptor Hanns Dreysmich from 1625, originally created for the St. Catherine's Chapel on the town square, which was demolished in 1816, is particularly worth seeing.
  • Pilgrimage chapel Maria Brunn in Ponlach: Today's baroque chapel was built in 1715 and replaced a previous building from 1624. The vaulted frescoes by local artist Adam Panhamber, the high altar by Thaddäus Baldauf from Salzburg and the two side altars by J. G. Itzlfeldner are worth seeing. Miraculous healing is attributed to the source stream at the chapel.
Location: in the Ponlach district to the west of the center, on foot from the town square in about 15 minutes through the Ponlach grove.
The Pon-Lach (= Bann-Wald) belonged to the archbishop's castle complex as a commercial forest until 1611 and the citizens of the city were not allowed to enter.

Tittmoning Castle

A fortified system on the strategically favorable mountain spur above the Salzach is suspected as early as 1150. A construction phase, which is clearly documented by documents, begins in 1234, in 1324 the fortification was conquered by the Bavarians after betrayal and occupied for three years before Archbishop Friedrich III. could be bought back expensively.

From 1420, through reconstruction and extensions, today's castle complex was created as a bulwark for the Salzburg bishops against "hostile" Bavaria on the important Salzach trade route.

After suffering siege damage, the castle was converted into the hunting lodge of the Salzburg archbishops from 1614, the facility was no longer able to cope with the modern artillery of the time.

  • Castle chapel the castle, worth seeing is the marble altar with the fall of the angel painting, created by Rottmayr in 1697;
  • To the Museums at the castle see the corresponding section;


  • town hall, built in the 13th century and subsequently redesigned several times. In addition to the roof turret, the building overhang to the south is also noticeable, in order to give the city judge and the other officials a special overview of the town square.
Salzburg Gate / southern city gate
  • The city ​​wall 80% of its substance from the 14th and 15th centuries is still preserved;
  • Burghauser Gate, the northern city gate towards Burghausen;
  • Salzburg Gate, also Laufener Tor, the southern city gate on the road to Salzburg.


  • Home of the Rupertiwinkel, Tittmoning Castle, 84529 Tittmoning. Tel.: (0)8683 700710. Price: Local history museum with tannery museum: Adults and young people aged 14 and over: € 2.50.
Collections of folk art, handicraft and agricultural implements, stoves and paintings; Largest collection of shooting targets in Bavaria from 1600 to 1930.
  • Tannery Museum, Tittmoning Castle, 84529 Tittmoning (in the former granary of the castle). Tel.: (0)8683 700710. Price: Local history museum with tannery museum: Adults and young people aged 14 and over: € 2.50.
The museum shows the workshop equipment of the Wandinger red tannery (1878-1953), which stands for the tradition of the tanning trade, which has been documented in Tittmonig since the 16th century.
You can see cultural assets from the displaced areas (Gablonzer jewelry, traditional costumes, Bohemian glasses and ceramics), with a focus on the interrelationships between Bavaria and Bohemia.

Streets and squares

Town square, northern section: Herrenmarkt with town hall (roof turret)
  • The Town square with its development in Inn-Salzach style With a length of approx. 300 m and a width of approx. 30 m in the south and approx. 60 m in the north, it is the largest and most extensive in the region; with its colored facades in the style of the Baroque, Rococo and Biedermeier periods, it is also considered the most beautiful valued of its kind. The town square was created in its current form after a major fire in 1571 and has remained essentially unchanged since then.
The northern part of the town square is the "gentleman's market" for the townspeople, the southern part is the "Saumarkt" for the craftsmen. Until the devastating fire in 1571, the two squares were still divided into two by a row of houses. The St. Catherine's Chapel in the middle of the square stood until 1816, today only the city stream remains.
In addition to many historical buildings, the town square also has numerous monuments:
  • The Marian column (1758) with the Virgin Mary on the globe surrounded by snakes. The work comes from the local Joh. Georg Itzlfeldner;
  • The Nepomuk statue Joseph Anton Pfaffinger (1717) comes from the Stadtbach;
  • The Florian's Fountain in front of the town hall dates from 1706;
  • Stork fountain: on the column stands a stork with a snake in its beak, it symbolizes the victory of good over evil. The stork is also considered the real symbol of Tittmoning.


  • Tittmoning with the water-rich environment is the breeding place for some stork families.


Regular events

  • Georgiritt: Up to 300 horses with riders, decorated carriages and music bands move from the historic town square in Tittmoning to Kirchheim, just under three kilometers south, where the blessing of the horses also takes place. The tradition of the event was revived in 1921 after a break of almost 300 years. The appointment is around the patron saint's day of St. George on April 23rd.


  • Wine and cheese shop Dörfel (national and international delicatessen), Stadtplatz 15, 84529 Tittmoning. Tel.: (0)8683 373. Open: Mon. to Fri. 9 am-1pm and 2 pm-6pm; Wed afternoon closed; Sat: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.


The prices are rather low in comparison, in standard restaurants the schnitzel is still available for less than ten euros.





  • General practitioners are represented several times in Tittmoning.
  • City pharmacy, Stadtplatz 12, 84529 Tittmoning. Tel.: (0)8683 247.
  • The next hospital for basic medical care is the
Salzach Clinic Fridolfing, Krankenhausstrasse 1 83413 Fridolfing (Fridilfing is about 9 kilometers north of Tittmoning an der Salzach). Tel.: (0)8684 9 85-0, Fax: (0)8684 9 85-1 70.
Brief information
Phone code08683
Post Code84529
Time zoneUTC 1
Emergency call112 / 110

Practical advice

Deutsche Post branch in Tittmoning: Stadtplatz 6, 84529 Tittmoning;


  • Flat ride on the Salzach from Tittmoning to Burghausen, from May to mid-September, with reservation, every Sunday at 2 pm: The plateaus are replicas of the medieval "flat" salt barges that were used to transport the "white gold" from Hallein down the Salzach river. Travel time approx. 90 minutes, price € 14.50 / person;


  • City of Tittmoning (Ed.): City of Tittmoning 1234-1984. Festschrift for the 750th anniversary. Blow out, Walter, 1984.
  • Erwin Keller, Helmut Bender, Günther E Thüry: Tittmoning in Roman times. Blow out, Walter, 1984, ISBN 978-3925712005 ; 92 pages.


  • ADAC Wander- & RadMarte 79 Altötting, Burghausen, Marktl, Tittmoning, 1: 40,000. 2007, ISBN 978-3826417597 .

Web links

  • Tittmoning Castle at the House of Bavarian History (hdbg): www.hdbg.eu;
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