Top 3 of Japan - Top 3 del Giappone

The Japan presents multiple aspects of interest, many time travelers have drawn up rankings on the matter. We have created the three best things to see and do in the country.


Three views

Miyajima floating torii

The most famous list of all is attributed to the scholar Hayashi Gahō who composed it in 1643.

Three new views

日本 新 三 景

Three night views

View from Mount Inasa

三大 夜景 Sandaiyakei

Three new night views

新 三大 夜景 Shin-sandaiyakei

  • Kitakyushu seen from Mount Sarakurayama
  • Nara view from Mount Wakakusayama
  • Yamanashi seen from the Fuefuki River Fruit Park


Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Castles of Japan.
Bitchu Matsuyama Castle, Takahashi
Himeji Castle

Three famous castles

三 名城 Sanmeijō. A list written by Ogyu Sorai in the Edo period. He chose these three castles as the best of those designed by Kato Kiyomasa and Todo Takatora, whom he considered to be the best castle designers in Japan.

Three great mountain castles

三大 山城 Sandaiyamashiro

Three large flat mountain castles

三大 平 山城 Sandaihiroyamashiro

Three famous gardens

Korakuen Garden, Okayama

三名 園 Sanmeien


Gion Matsuri, Kyoto
Nebuta Matsuri, Aomori
Awa Odori
Omagari Fireworks, Daisen

Three great parties

三大 祭 Sandaisai

The Nebuta Matsuri of Aomori is often considered to be one of the top three holidays, but is actually only listed as one of the region's top three holidays Tohoku (look down).

Three great Tohoku parties

東北 三大 祭 り

Three great parties of Kyoto

京都 三大 祭

  • Gion Matsuri
  • Aoi Matsuri
  • Jidai Matsuri

Three great Shikoku parties

四 国 三大 祭 り

Three great Obon parties

日本 三大 盆 踊 り

Three big fireworks

日本 三大 花火

Thermal baths

Shirahama Onsen
Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: Spas in Japan.
Dogo Onsen

Certainly one of the most contestable categories.

Three large spas

三大 温泉 Sandaionsen

Three famous spas

三名 泉 Sanmeisen. Written by Hayashi Razan, father of Hayashi Gaho.

Three ancient baths

三 古 湯 Sankosen

Three Baths of Fusō

扶桑 三名 湯 Fusō-sanmeiyu. Fuso is a poetic name from Japan and this is used in travel Haiku of the poet Matsuo Basho.


Fushimi Inari, Kyoto
Usa sanctuary, Usa
Kehi Shrine Torii Gate

Three great Inari shrines

三大 稲 荷 Sandai Inari

As the head of all Inari shrines, Fushimi Inari Shrine is naturally one of the top three, but there is little historical or current consensus on the others. After Fushimi Inari, the list varies according to the source. Some also suggest Takekoma Shrine to Iwanuma and the Kasuma Inari Shrine a Kasama.

Three Tenjin shrines

三大 天神 Sandai Tenjin

All Tenjin shrines (Tenmangu) are dedicated to the worship of Sugawara Michizane. This list of the top three actually highlights his exile from Kyoto to Dazaifu. Along the way, he stopped at Hofu and built the first Tenjin shrine. The sanctuaries' official dedication to his figure began after his death, when it was believed that a series of natural disasters and tragedies in the capital were caused by his restless soul seeking revenge for his unfair exile. The Kitano Tenmangu was built to pacify him.

Three great Hachiman shrines

三八 幡 San Hachiman

Three great torii

三大 鳥 居 Sandai Torii


Okunoin Tombs on Mount Koya
Sulfur well, Monte Osore
Great Buddha of Kamakura

Three sacred places

三大 霊 場 sandai-reijo

Three sacred places of Ōshū

奥 州 三 霊 場 Ōshū sanreijō. They are the three most famous pilgrimage sites in the ancient land of Oku (奥), now known as Tohoku.

Three famous great Buddhas

三大 大 仏 Sandai-daibutsu

Three pagodas

三名 塔 Sanmeito

Three Hase Temples

三 長 谷 Sanhase


Mount Fuji
Valley of Iya
Osugi Gorges
Kegon Falls

Three famous mountains

三 名山 Sanmeizan (Three famous mountains), also 三 霊 山 Sanreizan (Three sacred mountains)

Three hidden regions

三大 秘境 Sandaihikkyō

Three best gorges

三大 渓 谷

Three caves

日本 三大 鍾乳 洞

Three waterfalls

日本 三名 瀑

Three pine forests

三大 松原 Sandai-matsubara


Chinatown, Yokohama

Three cities of sake

日本 三大 酒 処

Three cities of lacquer

日本 三大 漆器

Three Chinatowns

三大 中華 街Sandai-chūkagai


Kitakata Ramen
Sanuki Udon


三大 そ ば Sandai-soba '


三大 ラ ー メ ン Sandai-raamen


三大 う ど ん Sandai-udon


三大 和 牛 Sandai-wagyu

Some sources also claim that Yonezawa beef (Yonezawa) is one of the top three types of beef.