Experimental Travel - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Voyages expérimentaux — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

the experimental tourism was defined by Joël Henry and his Latourex, Experimental Tourism Laboratory, as a new, more playful way of considering the tourism, namely to use to design and carry out trips voluntary constraints.

Voluntary constraints

Voluntary duress is a way of traveling with personal limits, either for fun or for a sense of adventure.

DisclaimerWikivoyage is not responsible for any injury, loss or damage caused by the practice of any activity below.


  1. Stay in an airport but without flying away.
  2. Use only different health, commercial and gastronomic resources offered in the airport
  3. Take flights to other countries but don't leave the airport


  1. Your movements must follow the order of the alphabet


  1. Your destination should be determined by an arrow thrown on a planisphere.

With a friend

  1. Traveling in a friend's town without having the will to go and see him or have told him so
  2. Send him the photos of your trip


  1. Photographing not the view of a monument, but the view from the monument.

Human body

To visit :

In Francein EuropeIn the world

Half tourism

  1. Draw a line that divides the plane into 2 equal parts
  2. Browse the city as close as possible to this line

Two stars

  1. You cannot stay in a hotel with a rating of more than two stars.


  1. Stay in rooms ending in 12
  2. Only use 12 , 12 $ Where 12 GBP per day
  3. Take only means of transport that leave at 12 h or at the 12th minute of each hour.
  4. Spend your holidays in the administrative district numbered 12 (Aveyron for France for example)
  5. Go as closely as possible to the twelfth parallel (north or south)

Chess and checkmate

  1. You take a grid plan
  2. You draw a coin except the pawn
  3. You visit the places accessible by the movement of the room


  1. your route must not be paved (except to cross the said lane)

Gastronomic tourism

  1. Visit only towns known for their gastronomic specialty
    • Cambrai
    • Fired
    • Caen
    • Dijon
    • etc.


You have to behave like an inhabitant. Go to the market, do some couchsurfing and make little or no visit to tourist facilities.


  1. You cannot use any means of transport except the bicycle not having electric assistance.


  1. Carry out a visit using the glasses simulating alcohol consumption

Play at home

  1. Travel in your own city without ever returning home during the set time

Until the end of the night

  1. Sightseeing only at night
  2. Travel and sleep only during the day


  1. Your photos must contain your mascot


  1. Buy a country's monopoly
  2. Go to the city containing the streets of these
  3. Roll two dice
  4. visit the street or the station / company

Mono-foreground on poly-background

  1. Take a series of photos where the foreground is the same, only the background changes

Piece of plan

  1. Tear up the plan in 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 (or in as many days of presence)
  2. Assign the piece of plan to each day
  3. You cannot exit the piece of plan (except and only to switch from one day to another)

Wikivoyage search engine

  1. Roll 2 dice of 2 different colors
  2. Find the combination in the table
  3. Type the letter in the search bar
  4. start over until you get 1 single direct proposition (if there is no direct proposition, go back to the previous one and choose the first one from the list)
Dice n ° 2
dice n ° 11TOBVSDEF

Night Bird

  1. Your journeys should only be done at night.

Random wikivoyage page

  1. roll 1 dice
  2. click as many times on Special: Random page as the number appearing on the dice


  1. Go around a city (administrative limit) without ever entering it.


  1. You can't stay at one place for more than one night
  2. You can't go back to this place
  3. You cannot rent a car.

Follow the line

  1. Choose a transmission line
  2. You can't get away from more than 300 m line stations

Tour of a country by train

  1. You have to go around the country as closely as possible by taking only the train
Logo representing 1 star half gold and gray and 2 gray stars
These travel tips are a rough sketch and need more content. The article is structured according to the recommendations of the Style Manual but lacks information to be really useful. He needs your help. Go ahead and improve it!
Complete list of other articles in the theme: Thematic trips