Rome-Ciampino Airport - Aeroporto di Roma-Ciampino

Departures area of ​​Rome-Ciampino airport
Ryanair plane on the runway at Ciampino

L'Rome-Ciampino airport (IATA: CIA) is the second airport of Rome as well as the smallest. It is located on the south-east side of Rome and is 15 km from the city center.

To know

Rome is served by two airports: the main one in Rome-Fiumicino as well as the largest and smallest in Ciampino, served by low-cost flights. Ciampino, with a single passenger terminal, is named after Giovan Battista Pastine. There is also a second terminal, dedicated exclusively to general aviation flights.


Today two low cost airlines operate in Ciampino: Ryanair is Wizz Air.

How to get

On the train

Ciampino station
  • 1 Ciampino station. Regional railway lines FL4 is FL6. Ciampino station is connected to Rome-Ciampino airport by the Trenitalia "Ciampino-Airlink bus" with departures every 20 minutes. Ciampino station on Wikipedia Ciampino station (Q3969417) on Wikidata

By car

Parking lots

  • Parking P3: Car park for accompanying persons and short-term parking. Free for the first 15 minutes.
  • Parking spaces P4, P5 and P6: Long stay parking.

By bus

For the Termini Station

With ATAC city buses

By taxi

Taxis are located outside the arrivals area. The fixed rates for some destinations are as follows:

  • Aurelian Walls: 30,00 €
  • Ostiense station: 30,00 €
  • Tiburtina Station: 35,00 €
  • Rome-Fiumicino Airport: 50,00 €

What to do

Ippodromo delle Capannelle


There is a Duty Free and a bookshop at the airport.

Where to eat

There is a refreshment point at the airport.

Where stay

How to keep in touch

  • Internet access: free Wi-Fi connection. To access, select the "Airport Free Wi-Fi" network and follow the instructions to access the network.


  • Rome
  • Ciampino
  • THE Roman castles, already inhabited in ancient times, are of important tourist interest because the nobles and popes built their residences there, thus populating the area with sumptuous villas and magical gardens around which picturesque residential areas developed including:
  • Albano Laziale: remains of the Porta Pretoria, church of Santa Maria della Rotonda, pool called Cisternone, Tomb of the Horatii and Curiazi, Archaeological Museum, remains of a Roman amphitheater, Lake Albano.
  • Ariccia: Palazzo Chigi, church of Santa Maria dell'Assumption. Events: Sagra della porchetta in July.
  • Castel Gandolfo: Piazza del Plebiscito with Bernini's fountain, church of San Tommaso, Papal Palace (summer seat of the pope), Villa Barberini (Vatican Observatory). Excursion: walk to the lake of Albano.
  • Frascati: Villa Aldobrandini, Villa Falconieri, Villa Mondragone, Piazza Marconi, Piazza San Pietro with the cathedral. Excursion: Tusculum ruins. To buy: the typical wine.
  • Genzano of Rome: Nemorense Museum, panoramic point from piazza Frasconi, Palazzo Sforza-Cesarini. Events: Infiorata with procession to Corpus Domini.
  • Grottaferrata: Abbey, Ad Decimum Catacombs.
  • Marine: Palazzo Colonna, church of San Barnaba. Events: Grape festival (famous white wine of the castles).
  • Mount Compatri
  • Monte Porzio Catone: with the splendid residence of Palazzo Borghese.
  • Nemi: Palazzo Ruspoli, Museum of Roman Ships.
  • Rocca di Papa: church of the Assumption. Excursion: Monte Cavo
  • Rocca Priora: Excursion to the Castelli Romani Regional Park. Events: Porcini mushroom festival

Useful information

Car rent

Rent with driver

Car Sharing

The Car Sharing service is available at the P5 car park and is provided by:

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