Upper Normandy - Alta Normandia

Upper Normandy
0 Fécamp - Quai et Bd Bérigny - Église St-Etienne (1) .JPG
Upper Normandy - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Upper Normandy - Coat of Arms
Upper Normandy - Flag
Institutional website

Upper Normandy (Haute-Normandie) is a region of the France located between Paris and the English Channel.

To know

Geographical notes

The territory of the region borders on that of the Picardy to the east ofÎle-de-France to the southeast, del Center south and of the Lower Normandy West. The north coasts are washed by the English Channel.

Upper Normandy is crossed by the Seine, which flows into Le Havre, after crossing Rouen. The Seine flows in a more or less wide valley surrounded by hills. There are many meanders, particularly downstream from Rouen. This section is crossed by 3 notable bridges: the Tancarville suspension bridge, the Brotonne bridge and the Normandy bridge.

The Upper Normandy coast is mainly located in the Seine-Maritime, with the exception of a few hundred meters in the Eure. It is characterized by large chalk cliffs and is called the alabaster coast. This cliff is almost uninterrupted, interspersed with only a few valleys.


It was created in 1956 by the grouping of two departments: Seine Maritime ed Eure. The territory corresponds with the eastern part of the ancient province of Normandy. From the beginning, politicians tried to "reunite" the 2 Normandies, unsuccessfully until 2016, when the region administratively merged with Lower Normandy.

Spoken languages

French is the language spoken in Upper Normandy. There are some dialects, especially in the country of Caux, but they are less and less spoken.

Territories and tourist destinations

49 ° 22′12 ″ N 0 ° 58′12 ″ E
Upper Normandy

It is made up of 2 departments:

      Eure - Much less populated and much more rural than the Seine-Maritime, the Eure is not lacking in charm. To see in particular: the sites of Giverny, Andelys and the swamp of Vernier.
      Seine-Maritime (Seine-Maritime) - It is the most populated, industrialized and touristic region of Upper Normandy. There Côte d'Albâtre with the site of Étretat and the cities of Rouen is Le Havre they are indispensable steps.

Urban centers

  • Rouen - Historic capital of the region.
  • Clères - Small village with a zoological park and a museum of vintage cars.
  • Dieppe - Seaside resort, ferries toEngland and site of the disastrous landing of the allies during the Second World War.
  • Fécamp
  • Giverny - City where the house of the impressionist painter Claude Monet is located and the water lily pond with the Japanese bridge.
  • Jumièges - It houses the imposing abbey of Notre-Dame de Jumièges.
  • Le Havreunesco Port city located on the right bank of the Seine estuary. Heritage ofUNESCO.
  • Les Andelys - Medieval city where there are remarkable castles and churches.
  • Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville - Abbey with gardens and art exhibitions.
  • Vascœuil - Small restored castle with permanent art exhibitions of outdoor sculptures.
  • Étretat - It is one of the main towns on the Alabaster Coast. Its natural rock arches on the sea are very famous.
  • Évreux - Capital of the prefecture.

How to get

By plane

Airports a Rouen is Le Havre. These airports offer daily scheduled flights to Lyon, three times a day. Le Havre Airport also offers daily flights to Amsterdam is Toulouse. The two airports are also connected daily to Brighton Shoreham in southern England. The airport of Deauville is connected to London Stansted with Ryanair.

By car

From Paris and the south and east of France take theAutoroute française 13.svg and theAutoroute française 14.svg direction Rouen.

From the north take the Autoroute française 29.svg or the Autoroute française 28.svg

From the west there Autoroute française 84.svg and then the Autoroute française 13.svg Street Caen

From the south-east the Autoroute française 28.svg starting from Tours.

On boat

Connections withEngland from Le Havre.

On the train

Paris-Rouen-Le Havre line from Saint-Lazare station

Lille-Rouen line.

By bus

There region and the departments ofEure (south) e Seine Maritime (north) operate several bus lines.

How to get around

By car

Good road network, especially from Le Havre with the Autoroute française 13.svg, the Autoroute française 29.svg, the Autoroute française 28.svg (free north of Rouen), the RN154 and the RN13.

On the train

It is not practical to travel by train, unless you travel on the national lines mentioned above.

What see

The white cliffs of the alabaster coast in Étretat

Discover the Alabaster Coast: Spectacular chalk cliffs and a number of quaint towns and villages invite visitors to explore, discover and enjoy their surroundings:

  • TO Étretat, take a stroll across the beach to admire the famous pinnacles and pinstripe arches.
  • The beaches of Quiberville is Pourville, where you can indulge in a portion of excellent oysters!
  • Varengeville it has an old church perched on a rock and a lovely park.
  • Veules-les-Roses is known for its old water mills on the smallest river in France
  • The Benedictine monastery of Fécamp.

Inland there are many wonderful places to discover, for example the valley of the Saâne with its moated castle of Imbleville or the Miromesnil castle, hometown of novelist Guy de Maupassant.

What to do

Upper Normandy has numerous antique shops which surprised many hunters of unexpected finds!

  • Tapovan Normandy (Yoga & Ayurvedic Massage Center), Hameau de Anneville, 76540 Sassetot le Mauconduit (Between Fécamp (12 km) and Dieppe (43 km).), 33 1 45 77 90 59. Simple icon time.svgClosed in winter. Located in peaceful natural surroundings, this Ayurvedic center offers week-long treatments and courses in various Ayurvedic arts: Hatha and nada yoga, reiki, Ayurvedic / oil massage, Shirodhara (oil treatments), vegetarian cuisine, pre / post-natal massage , etc. An international meeting is hosted in May.

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Upper Normandy
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Upper Normandy
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