Amelia (Italy) - Amelia (Italia)

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Amelia is a city ofUmbria, region ofcentral Italy.

To know

It is located in the southwestern part of the region, in the province of Terni, on the border with Lazio. The origin is very ancient, Cato states that the city was restored 963 years before the war of the Romans against Perseus, then in 1134 BC. In Roman times it became the crossing point for the expansion towards theUmbria, through the Via Amerina, which for many centuries remained a communication route of primary importance. In the provincial area Amelia is the fourth municipality by population and the sixth by territorial extension and is surrounded by a series of minor municipalities of which it is the reference center for various services, from schools to hospitals, reception services and others. The city is appreciated for the architecture of the historic center and for the surrounding countryside, rich in agritourism structures.

Geographical notes

The city stands on a hill at the southern end of the sub-Apennine chain of Amerini Mountains, at the foot of the hill flows the Rio Grande, a left tributary of the Tiber, which forms a small lake, Lago Vecchio, on whose banks a park and a green path have been created. The hill of Amelia overlooks the narrow and steep valley carved by the Rio Grande from north-east to south-west, therefore the town extends from the top of the hill towards the east and south, where you reach the surrounding countryside, in hilly territory not particularly sour. The top of the hill is located at 406 m a.s.l., while the lower areas of the inhabited center are at about 310 m a.s.l.

When to go

Maximum (° C)8,39,912,916,821,626,329,729,225,119,313,79,7
Minimum (° C)1,92,44,57,11114,717,21714,510,56,63,4
Precipitation (mm)6869626959593552759310684

The climate is not particularly cold in winter since the exposure is towards the south, even in summer you do not suffer from the heat, given the hilly position there is always a little breeze that refreshes the air. The events and demonstrations generally take place from spring to autumn, while in winter there are fewer initiatives that can stimulate the traveler to visit the city.


Amelia, formerly known as Ameria, from which the inhabitants take their name, is an Umbrian city of very ancient origins. Given its border position it has always had frequent contacts with the surrounding populations, the Etruscans first and later the Romans. Following the expansion of the latter during the third century BC. Ameria becomes a Roman municipality, due to the expansion of Rome towards Umbria it becomes an important crossing point, since the Amerina road was the main road of penetration towards Todi is Perugia. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire it is disputed between the Lombards and the Byzantine Empire, since the Via Amerina was the main link of the Byzantine Corridor, the only link between Rome and Ravenna, seat of the government of the Byzantine Empire in Italy.

In 1050 Amelia was established as a free municipality, then around 1300, following the struggles between the Gelfi and Ghibellines, it returned under the influence of Rome and the Podestà who govern it were nominated by the pope. The historical re-enactments that take place every year during the "Palio dei Colombi", at the beginning of August, represent the arrival of the Podestà from Rome, following the ceremonial reported in the statutes of 1346. During the Renaissance and the modern age it is always The link with Rome is central, among the most important Amerine families there are various exponents of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, architects and artists who work in Amelia often also work in Rome.

How to orient yourself

The historic center is completely surrounded by a wall, essential points of reference are the access doors, listed here:

  • 1 Porta Romana, piazza XXI settembre. Main gate, located to the south, on a large square along the SR205 Amerina. From this door you enter via della Repubblica, the central street of the historic center that climbs towards the highest part of the hill
  • 2 Lion Gate IV (Lion Gate). Door located on the east side, this door leads to via Leone IV, in pure medieval style
  • 3 Porta Posterola. Door located to the north-east, the closest to the Cathedral and the hospital. Outside the door there is a car park and an elevator for easy access to the historic center
  • 4 Gate of the Valley. Door located to the west, pedestrian only. It connects the historic center to a pedestrian path that runs along the walls up to Porta Romana

Tourist information

  • 5 I.A.T. Information and Tourist Reception, piazza Augusto Vera, 10, 39 0744 981453, fax: 39 0744 981566, @. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat: 09: 00-13: 00, Thu and Fri also 15: 30-18: 00.
  • 6 Information point, Viale dei Giardini (at the public gardens). Simple icon time.svgJuly and August: 10: 00-12: 00, 16: 00-19: 00. Closed from September to June.


The city is divided into five districts, this subdivision is emphasized especially in the summer, during historical re-enactments, when almost all the houses display a cloth with the colors of the district. They are:

  • Collis, is the highest part of the city, with green and blue colors
  • Vallis, is the part west of the city, towards Porta della Valle, with yellow and blue colors
  • Crux Burgi, is the lower part of the city which is accessed through Porta Romana and extends up to Croce di Borgo, where you enter the Collis district. The colors are red and blue
  • Stalls, is the northern part, with the colors white and blue
  • Posterola, is the north-east part, towards Porta Posterola, has the colors yellow and red


The hamlets of the municipality are 7. To the east, on a hill from which you can enjoy an excellent view Mouth, due to its position in the Middle Ages it has long been disputed between Amelia, Narni and Todi.Fornole it is the most populous hamlet, located to the south-east, along the SR205 Amerina. To the northwest it is located Spots, surrounded by the woods of the Amerini Mountains. To the south instead it is located Montecampano, even this small town is located on a hill from which you can admire a splendid panorama. Porchiano del Monte and on a hill on the western border of the municipal territory, which overlooks the Tiber valley, due to its position in the Middle Ages it was the subject of attacks by Todi and Alviano. To the northeast it is located Sambucetole, near the remains of the ancient castle of Laguscello. Finally to the north it is located Collicello, the most distant hamlet, also in this case a small town on a hill on the border with the territories once controlled by the municipality of Todi, still retains the appearance of the medieval village with the characteristic walls and towers.

How to get

By plane

By car

Coming from the south (for example from Rome) or from the north (for example from Florence) take the highway A1 until Orte, then take the freewaySS675 Umbro-Laziale in the direction of Terni. After 11 km take the exit for Amelia and take the SS205 Amerina, after traveling 7 km you arrive in Amelia. To the west the main communication route is the freewaySS675 Umbro-Laziale, also to the east the same highway is used, where there is also a confluence with the highwaySS3bis Tiberina, for connections to and from northern Umbria, the Marche and the Romagna.

Main car parks

  • 10 Via Nocicchia parking. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Located at the entrance to the city, capacity 38 seats (estimated)
  • 11 Porta Posterola car park (direction of the town hall, hospital). Ecb copyright.svgfree. Located at the entrance to the city, capacity 42 seats
  • 12 Piazza Caduti sul Lavoro car park (direction Attigliano then city center). Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgClosed on Monday morning for the market. Located 300 m from Porta Romana, capacity 120 seats (estimated).

Other minor car parks are available, usually for a fee (blue lines) or limited time in the historic center or nearby. Select the view "Mapnik" on the map to view them

On boat

On the train

Narni-Amelia station

Amelia is served by two railway stations, that of Narni-Amelia on the Orte-Falconara line and that of Orte on the Rome-Florence line:

  • 14 Narni-Amelia station, piazza Eduardo De Filippo, 1 Narni Scalo. located in the municipality of Narni, it is connected to Amelia by the bus service of BusItalia-SitaNord, lines (E6) 31, (E6) 38 is (E6) 53 Stazione di Narni-Amelia su Wikipedia stazione di Narni-Amelia (Q3970284) su Wikidata
  • 15 Orte station, piazza Giovanni XXIII, 2 Orte Scalo. located in the municipality of Orte, in the province of Viterbo. It is connected to Amelia by the BusItalia-SitaNord bus service, line (E6) 56 Stazione di Orte su Wikipedia stazione di Orte (Q3970360) su Wikidata

By bus

  • BusItalia-SitaNord (Umbria Mobility), viale dei Mille 115 - 50131 Florence. Ecb copyright.svgRates. Simple icon time.svgTimetables. Through the BusItalia-SitaNord bus lines, in addition to the railway stations, it is possible to reach Terni, Narni, Orvieto, Acquasparta, Jupiter and other smaller towns of southern Umbria

How to get around

To fully enjoy the medieval features of the historic center, a nice walk is recommended. The extension of the center is not excessive, in a straight line the most distant points are just over 800 m, but the city is built on a hill and the difference in height between the access area to the historic center and the Cathedral, located at the point higher, it is about 70 m, so you have to face quite steep uphill sections.

Access lifts to the historic center:

  • 16 Lift of the Torre del Sant'Uffizio, piazza XXI Settembre. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Simple icon time.svg07: 30-19: 30 Closed on holidays. Located near the bus station and the Via Nocicchia car park.
  • 17 Elevators of Porta Posterola, via Posterola. Ecb copyright.svgFree. Series of three lifts located near the new Porta Posterola car park, the first leads from the main car park to the door, the second allows you to reach another, smaller car park, not yet finished, while the third is located inside the Complex of Sant'Agostino

By public transport

The 3 urban lines, visible on the map by selecting "Transport network", connect the city center with the peripheral areas (Timetables). To reach the hamlets it is necessary to use the bus lines of the suburban bus service of BusItalia-SitaNord (Timetables)

By car

The main streets of the historic center are restricted access, access is not allowed from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00. It must also be considered that in some places the streets are narrow and it is not easy to pass with larger cars.

What see

Polygonal walls

Amelia boasts a very ancient history, so it is possible to admire monuments and architecture ranging from the pre-Roman period to the modern era. Walking the most attentive eye can see countless testimonies of the past, also because extensive reuse of construction materials has always been made, so it is normal to find friezes and decorations from the Roman period on the facades of medieval buildings. Just after entering the historic center through Porta Romana you can also admire a portion of the ancient Via Amerina, during the works the ancient Roman paving was brought to light for about 100 m. Since that is still the main access road to the city, it was not possible to leave the entire stretch of view, but the original pavement is visible only for a few meters.


Porta Romana
  • 1 Polygonal walls. The oldest stretch is that of Megalithic Walls and is located in Via della Valle. It dates back to the VII-VI century BC. and it is in the upper part of the city, where the initial settlement of the town was established. The Polygonal walls are from the IV-III century BC, the sections where you can best admire the polygonal work are those on the sides of Porta Romana, along Piazza XXI Settembre, where for about 800 m. they are made up of large monolithic blocks of irregular geometric shape perfectly interlocked. The construction is the result of an ingenious work of overlapping the stones, without the use of cement mortar. In some places the walls were raised or completed in Roman and medieval times.
  • 2 Porta Romana, piazza XXI settembre. Main gate, located to the south, is the most majestic of the four access gates to the historic center. It is also the most modern, during the sixteenth century it was modified and built in travertine. In medieval times the gate was called Busolina because the "bussolo" was kept there for the elections of the municipal magistracy. In the pediment of the door in 1703 the Amerini placed a votive dedication to the Virgin Mary for having saved the city from a strong earthquake.
Dodecagonal tower
  • 3 Lion Gate IV (Lion Gate). Gate located on the east side, the surrounding walls were restored in the 9th century by Pope Leo IV, to whom it is dedicated. It overlooks the street of the same name, since ancient times the street where various craft activities took place, until the first half of the last century there were still workshops of blacksmiths, bakers, carpenters, farriers, taverns, etc.
  • 4 Porta Posterola. Door located to the north-east, built in the thirteenth century as a secondary access, the name itself indicates a rear access, on the opposite side from the main entrance, which for Amelia is Porta Romana. From the constructive characteristics this door had to be intended above all for the transit of goods, in fact it consists of two doors placed perpendicularly, in the middle of which the control of those entering the city probably took place, from the documents found it also had to be equipped with a drawbridge for the purpose defensive.
  • 5 Gate of the Valley. Gate located to the west, the gate we see today dates back to the 13th century, such as Porta Posterola. A little further north there is a tower with a circular base, dating back to the same period, during which the walls were subject to reconstruction and fortification. From the door you enter the street of the same name and the district also takes its name from it. From its position it overlooks the Rio Grande valley and the surrounding hills.
Loggia of the Auctioneer
  • 6 Cubic Door (Arch of the square). This is the only door that is not placed on the perimeter of the external walls. It is located between the village, where the crafts and shops were located, and the upper part of the city, where there were the palaces of political and religious power. From Roman times and probably built on the remains of the megalithic walls that defended the arch of the city, it consists of two arches separated by a gallery covered with a barrel vault.
  • 7 Dodecagonal tower, via del Duomo. Simple icon time.svgBy reservation or special events. The Amelia hill is dominated by the dodecagonal tower, built on the highest point around 1050 and 30.20 m high. The reason for its construction is still debated today, some argue that its function is of Bell tower of the adjacent Cathedral, others argue that it was built as a symbol of Free municipality established in those years. Surely the tower has been rebuilt and also elevated over the centuries, the central part has an architectural style typical of the thirteenth century, the highest part of the tower dates back to the eighteenth century, has blind panels alternating with brick arches, on which the five bells are installed. It strikes the visitor even before arriving in Amelia and together with the polygonal walls it is certainly the monument that characterizes it. Torre civica (Amelia) su Wikipedia Torre civica (Q17638766) su Wikidata
  • 8 Loggia of the Auctioneer, piazza Guglielmo Marconi. Just after the Cubic Door is this loggia, it is a raised grandstand reachable by a flight of stairs where notices were disclosed to the population by the municipal auctioneer. Above the Loggia there is a clock which is now a private property built in the eighteenth century.

Civil buildings

Hall of the Zodiac (Palazzo Petrignani)
  • 9 Petrignani Palace, via del Duomo, 3, 39 0744 978120, @. Ecb copyright.svg7 € (Archaeological Museum, Petrignani Palace and Roman Cisterns). Simple icon time.svgJune-September Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.00-14.00. October-December Sunday and holidays 13.30-15.30. January and February closed. March-May Saturday, Sunday and holidays 13.30-15.30. Noble building from the end of the 16th century, designed by the pontifical architect Mascarino. The imposing façade overlooks Piazza Marconi, but access is on the back side, in via del Duomo, since the access staircase that should have connected the large door on the square to the upper floors was never built. The frescoes and decorations are attributed to the Zuccari school, the most important rooms can be visited and are part of the city's museum circuit.
Palazzo Farrattini
  • 10 Nacci Palace. Simple icon time.svgPrivate property, not open to visitors. It overlooks Piazza Marconi, but the entrance is from the opposite side, in via Carleni. Construction began in the fourteenth century by combining three medieval buildings and ended the following century. From the beautiful decorated travertine entrance portal you can admire the courtyard and the elegant staircase that leads to the loggia with finely carved columns and capitals.
  • 11 Palazzo Farrattini, via Farrattini, 52. Palace built between the second and third decade of the sixteenth century, commissioned by Monsignor Bartolomeo II Farrattini, who entrusted the project to the Florentine architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. The building was already considered a masterpiece at the time and the architect re-proposed the model also in the Crispo palace in Orvieto and the Sacchetti and Farnese palaces in Rome. The palace is now a period residence, managed by the descendants of the Farrattini family, currently closed for restoration work. Palazzo Farrattini su Wikipedia Palazzo Farrattini (Q3890088) su Wikidata
Social theater
  • 12 Venturelli Palace, via Pomponia, 30. Palace built in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Venturelli family, a family present in Amelia since 1300 which gave birth to several governors and bishops. This building testifies to the stratifications of a city in which the reuse of the ancient is evident, it insists on a Roman domus articulated on several levels, through the cellars you can access underground rooms with floors decorated with black and white mosaic. These rooms have become a small museum, the Museum of mosaics and wine.
  • 13 Social theater, via del Teatro, 22. Theater built at the end of the thirteenth century, the design was entrusted to the noble Amerino count Stefano Cansacchi, exponent of the Perugian Academy of Design, which also included Gian Antonio Selva, who, ten years later, would have built the Teatro della Fenice, similar in architecture, setting and even decoration to the Amerine model. This theater is one of the rare remains of an eighteenth-century theater made entirely of wood, from the structures to the stage mechanisms that are still fully functional: for this reason the Ministry of Cultural Heritage has declared it a monument of particular historical and artistic interest.

Religious buildings

Duomo - Interior
  • 14 Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, via del Duomo. The co-cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta stands at the top of the hill on which the historic center of Amelia is built. The initial construction dates back to the 9th century; that building was then seriously damaged by a fire or an earthquake in 1240 and rebuilt in Romanesque style. Later it was subjected to restoration work due to the serious damage suffered by the troops of Frederick II in the thirteenth century. A fire almost completely destroyed the building in 1629, it was then rebuilt in Baroque style. The facade was completed in the 19th century. In the first chapel on the right side you can admire a 15th century baptismal font and in a niche on the right wall there is the sepulcher of the bishop Giovanni Geraldini above which there is a very refined bas-relief by the Renaissance sculptor Agostino di Duccio Duomo di Amelia su Wikipedia duomo di Amelia (Q3716327) su Wikidata
Church of San Francesco
  • 15 Church of San Francesco, piazza Augusto Vera, 1. The church was founded in 1287 by friar Bartolomeo di Amelia. Initially dedicated to Saints Philip and James, later the church and the adjoining convent will be dedicated to San Francesco d'Assisi. The façade, dating back to 1401, is simple and harmonious in finely worked travertine ashlars and in the upper part there is a double concentric rose window; the bell tower of the masters Francesco and Guglielmo di Lombardia was erected in 1447. The exterior of the church is still in its late Romanesque style, with Gothic influences. The Latin cross interior was renovated in 1767 with vaguely Baroque lines. To be noted, on the right side, the chapel dedicated to Sant'Antonio which has maintained its original fifteenth-century appearance and the six tombs of the noble Geraldini family, among which the "Tomb of Matteo and Elisabetta", a monumental work by Agostino di Duccio ( 1477). Other noteworthy works are the wooden choir of 1411 and the medieval frescoes on the walls of a small room in front of the entrance door, which is the only room left intact of the fourteenth-century building, among which a significant Crucifixion stands out. of the Giotto school.
Church of Sant'Agostino - Rosone
  • 16 Church of Sant'Agostino. To house the first community of Augustinian friars who settled in Amelia in 1266, this church was built on a previous parish church dedicated to San Pancrazio, it was consecrated in 1288. Originally it appeared as a building in full Gothic style: the exterior preserves its original appearance and the polygonal apse in particular is noteworthy, which can be admired from Via Posterola, whose tall and slender pointed arch mullioned windows were subsequently filled with bricks. The portal, also with a pointed arch, has a rich articulation of jambs, columns and bands decorated with bas-reliefs. The upper part of the facade collapsed in 1449 and was rebuilt in 1477. The interior, with a single nave, was modified in Baroque style between 1742 and 1762. On the left of the church is the recently restored cloister of the ancient convent, with the portico and loggias supported by Corinthian-style columns, which can be accessed through a portal with a canopy supported by granite columns with Gothic capitals.
  • 17 Church and Monastery of San Magno, via Posterola, 6. Built as a hospital and shelter located on the route of the Via Amerina, at the end of the 12th century it was donated to the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of San Paolo fuori le mura in Rome, with the commitment to maintain assistance for the sick, infirm and pilgrims who they needed hospitalization. At the end of the 13th century the Benedictine nuns were introduced to San Magno and a few years later it became a cloistered monastery; even today the monastic complex is managed by Benedictine nuns. The church houses a seventeenth-century organ, considered one of the most valuable monuments in the entire city of Amelia; object of visit and study by organists and organologists, it is now also included in the tourist itineraries of the city and enjoys a well-deserved reputation in Italy and abroad. The rarity of this organ is the presence of a second keyboard, pedal board and respective register levers on the ground floor, inside the church, to prevent the organist from accessing the monastery where the rule of cloister was in force. This station is also closed by a wardrobe, so that it can be used by any musicians outside the monastery without being able to see or be seen by the nuns present at the religious services in any way.


Germanicus statue - Archaeological Museum
  • 18 Archaeological Museum and "Edilberto Rosa" Art Gallery, piazza Augusto Vera, 10, 39 0744 978120, @. Ecb copyright.svg7 € (Archaeological Museum, Petrignani Palace and Roman Cisterns). Simple icon time.svgJune - September from Tuesday to Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.30 / 16.30-19.00. October - November from Thursday to Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.30 / 15.00 -17.00. December Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.30 / 15.00 -17.00. January-February Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.30 / 15.00 -17.00. March-May Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10: 30-13: 30/15: 30-18: 00. Archaeological museum with numerous finds from pre-Roman and Roman times, the bronze statue of Germanicus of considerable value. The picture gallery preserves works on wood and canvas from the Renaissance period.
  • 19 Roman cisterns, piazza Matteotti, 39 0744 978120, @. Ecb copyright.svg7 € (Archaeological Museum, Petrignani Palace and Roman Cisterns). Simple icon time.svgJune-October from Thursday to Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.00 / 16.00-18.00. November-February Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.00 / 15: 30-17.30. March-May Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.30-13.00 / 16.00-18.00. Roman cisterns for the accumulation of water consisting of 10 intercommunicating rooms.
  • 20 Museum of mosaics and Venturelli wine, Via Pomponia, 30, 39 346 8150292. In the cellars of Palazzo Venturelli you can admire the underground rooms with floors decorated with black and white mosaic, to go back to the time of the Romans. Also on display are the ancient tools used for the production of wine up to the middle of the last century. The Museum of mosaics and wine is a member of the APM, the National Association of Small Museums.
  • 21 Scuderia Traguardo - Vintage motoring museum, Via Federico Zeri, 32, 39 347 5800901, @. Simple icon time.svgFriday from 9.30pm to 11.30pm; Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 12:30 and from 16:30 to 19:30. Dynamic display of vintage vehicles: cars and motorcycles, but also agricultural vehicles. The exhibition varies continuously: every two months the means exhibited and the scenographies change in rotation, while every four months there is an exhibition with a specific theme. The museum is part of the museums of the Italian Historical Automotoclub.

Events and parties

  • Palio dei Colombi, via Del Duomo, 3, 39 0744 981189, @. Historical reenactments in costume. In the last week of July and the first two of August of each year the districts of the city give life to numerous initiatives to evoke medieval life as reported in the municipal statutes of 1346. Flag-wavers, archers and crossbowmen perform in the streets and squares of the city , the event ends with the historical procession that commemorates the arrival of the Podestà from Rome and the delivery of the keys to the city and with the equestrian carousel. During the period of the event, exhibitions, conferences, guided tours and other initiatives are also held.
  • Ciclopica - Giants in the hills. Festival of literature, philosophy and art. Meetings, shows and events that offer a wide range of cultural and artistic representations: theater, music, painting, philosophy and more. It is held every year in the first week of June
  • AmeliaDOC, 39 0744 978586, @. Southern Umbria Wine Review. An event that brings together the producers of the Amerino area to disseminate and reaffirm their absolute excellence. It is held every year in the first half of June
  • Ameria Festival. Review of music, prose, art exhibitions, meetings and appointments of various humanity, for the cultural, social and economic development of Amelia and southern Umbria. It takes place every year and the appointments are distributed on the weekends of the second half of September and throughout the month of October
  • Amerino Organ May, @. Organ music festival. Since 1975, every year in the month of May, this important review of organ music has been held, in which some important exponents of the national and international organ world participate.
The exhibition was born with the aim of enhancing the exceptional organ heritage present in the amerino, the artists perform on the organs of the territory and at the end of the concerts, normally free, you can attend a guided tour of the instruments.

What to do

  • 1 T.A.V. "La Cavallerizza", SS 205 Amerina - Loc. La Cavallerizza Amelia TR, 39 338 7413057, @. Simple icon time.svgTue, Thu, Sat, Sun and holidays from 2.30pm. Facilities immersed in the woods of the Amerini mountains, ideal for practicing sport shooting, for lovers of shooting with historical weapons and hunting weapons. Are present:
  • Olympic pit
  • Hunting route
  • 6 lines for short weapon (Pistol)
  • Running boar line (45 m)
  • Polygon for antique bench crossbow
  • Historic archery range

Near the lifts there is also a dog training camp on wild boar and hare.


How to have fun


  • 2 Social theater, via del Teatro, 22. The social theater is part of the "Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria" circuit and programs some of its productions of the drama and dance season, also in the second half of September and in October there are musical and theatrical performances in the as part of the "Ameria Festival".

Where to eat

The typical cuisine of the Amelia area includes: appetizers based on bruschetta, mixed cold cuts, sausages, croutons with chicken livers, cheeses; the first ones range from homemade tagliatelle with meat sauce to chicken giblets or seasoned with mushrooms or truffles, or soups with broad beans, beans, chickpeas and other legumes; the latter are generally based on poultry, pork, game and game. Typical Amerine dish is the palombaccio alla leccarda, the palombaccio (wild dove) is cooked on a spit over low heat and seasoned with dripping pan, a particular sauce that can be enjoyed on slices of toasted bread. Bread in Umbria is without salt, like the Tuscan one, extra virgin olive oil is of excellent quality and comes from the numerous olive groves of the Amerini hills, where D.O.C. wines are also produced. "Amelia". Finally, among the typical products of the place we remember the figs, since Roman times Amelia was famous for its figs and since 1830 the company "Girotti" produces dried figs stuffed with cocoa, candied fruit, walnuts or almonds, appreciated throughout the world.

Average prices

Where stay

Prezzi modici

  • 1 Ostello Giustiniani, Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini, 9 (A ridosso della piazza più grande della parte alta della città), 39 0744 981718, @. Struttura ricettiva ricavata da un antico palazzo del XIII secolo. Aperto dal 1° marzo al 7 ottobre.

Average prices

Prezzi elevati


La città non registra particolari problemi di violenza o criminalità comune, è sufficiente mantenere le normali misure di buon senso per poter effettuare una visita in tutta sicurezza.

Servizi di pubblica utilità

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 23 Ufficio postale, Largo Caduti delle stragi di Nassiriya e Kabul, 39 0744 971049, fax: 39 0744 982975. Simple icon time.svgDal lunedì al venerdì 08:20-19:05, sabato 08:20-12:35.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Amelia (Italia)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Amelia (Italia)
  • Collabora a WikinotizieWikinotizie contiene notizie di attualità su Amelia (Italia)
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