Assets managed by the FAI - Beni gestiti dal FAI

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The DO - Italian Environment Fund is an Italian foundation founded in 1975 with the aim of acting, non-profit, for the protection, safeguarding and enhancement of the Italian artistic and natural heritage through the restoration and opening to the public of goods historical, artistic or naturalistic received by donation, inheritance or loan. It promotes the education and sensitization of the community to the knowledge, respect and care of art and nature and the intervention on the territory in defense of the Italian landscape and cultural heritage.

In addition to the national census The Places of the Heart , biennial census of Italian places not to be forgotten promoted by the FAI together with a banking group, the Foundation launched the project in 2010 Let's put the spotlight on, thanks to which the FAI delegations can report the assets of their territory abandoned or victims of degradation by promoting their rebirth through awareness raising and fundraising at the local level.

For several years the FAI has been organizing campaigns respecting its own mission. Since 1992 the FAI spring day, an event that offers the opportunity to visit numerous Italian heritage of cultural and naturalistic interest normally closed to the public. In addition to the open goods, thanks to the work of 7,000 volunteers of the Foundation, guided tours and events are offered.

List of managed assets

Assets entrusted, by donation or concession, and regularly open to the public:

Abbey of San FruttuosoCamogliGenoaSanfruttuoso01.jpg
Abbey of Santa Maria in CerrateLecceLecceChurch of Santa Maria di Cerrate.jpg
Venice day hotelMilanMilanDay hotel - Milan.jpg
Alpe Pedroria and Alpe MadreraTalamonaSondrio
Bay of IerantoMassa LubrenseNaplesBucht am Golf von Neapel.jpg
Barberia GiacaloneGenoaGenoa
Talmone military batteryPalauSassari
Wood of San FrancescoAssisiPerugiaWood of San Francesco 17.JPG
Carbone HouseBlackboardGenoaChalkboard-casa carbone1.jpg
Casa NohaMateraMatera
Grumello CastleMountain in ValtellinaSondrioGrumelloDM castello 01.jpg
Manta CastleMantaWedgeSaluzzo-Castello della Manta.jpg
Avio CastleAvioTrentoAvio Castle 01.jpg
Masino CastleCaravinoTurinMasino.JPG
Enrico collectionMagnanoBiella
Liberty newsstandMantuaMantuaMantua-Antica edicola liberty.jpg
Kolymbetra GardenAgrigentoAgrigentoAgrigento kolymbetra.jpg
Pantesco Donnafugata GardenPantelleriaTrapaniPantelleria garden.jpg
The Giants of the SilaSpezzano della SilaCosenzaThe Giants of the Sila 09.jpg
Maso FrattonSpormaggioreTrento
Torba MonasteryGornate OlonaVareseMonasteroretro.JPG
Maurizio Gervasoni millRoncobelloBergamo
Olivetti shopVeniceVenicePaolo Monti - Photo shoot - BEIC 6337226.jpg
Appiani buildingMilanMilan
Campatelli Palace and TowerSaint GimignanoSiena758Gimignano.JPG
Villa Gregoriana ParkTivoliRomeTivoliVillaGregoriana-Cittadella.JPG
Podere Case LovaraLevantoTrapani
Promontory and Tower of Punta PaganaRapalloGenoaSan Michele di Pagana (Rapallo) -Torre Pagana3.jpg
Saline Conti VecchiAsseminiCagliari
Vetriano theaterPescagliaLucca
Tower of VelateVareseVareseTower of Velate.JPG
Villa of the BishopsTorregliaPaduaVilla vescovi entrance left side.jpg
Villa del BalbianelloTremezzinaComo06VillaBalbianello.jpg
Villa Della Porta BozzoloCasalzuignoVareseGarden of Villa della Porta, Cocoon 1.jpg
Villa and Panza collectionVareseVareseVialla Panza2 BMK.jpg
Villa Fogazzaro RoiValsoldaComoOria Valsolda Casa Fogazzaro.JPG
Villa Necchi CampiglioMilanMilanVilla necchi campiglio, exterior 01.jpg

List of assets under restoration

Macchi HouseMorazzoneVarese
Casina MolloSpezzano della SilaCosenza
The VelarcaTremezzinaComo
Lazzaretto of VeronaVeronaVerona
Monte Fontana Secca and Col de SpadarotQuero VasBelluno
Torre del SoccorsoTremezzinaComo

Other projects