Filignano - Filignano

Filignano: the Town Hall
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Filignano is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

The territory of Filignano constitutes, for those coming from Naples or from Rome, the natural gateway to National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and MoliseIts 12 villages are scattered along three main valleys that follow one another from the Filignano basin (460 m a.s.l.) to the first buttresses of Monte Marrone (1805 m a.s.l.). The provincial road that crosses the town winds through the terraces of an ancient rural landscape, penetrating an environment that is gradually more wild. Past the plateau of Selvonein fact, the road wedges into the Rio Chiaro gorge, and then opens up to the scenery of the Mainarde (2142 m a.s.l.), an authentic natural pearl of the Apennines. A dense network of paths penetrates through the woods, accompanied by stone walls and votive shrines. Traces of medieval fortifications rise almost swallowed by the wood.

When to go

The beautiful season, from spring to autumn, is certainly the best time to enjoy the natural beauty of the area. The territory is cloaked in luxuriant vegetation which, especially in May, has a very intense green. Its particular biodiversity appears in all its richness in autumn when the forest is set ablaze with the red of the mountain maples and cherry trees, the yellow of the field maples, and the purple of the wild pear trees. In the summer, meadows and woods are crossed by festive butterflies and delicate blooms: primroses, violets, soldanelle, nigritelle and daffodils make a fine show of themselves.

The fauna present in the area is that of the forest environments of the Mainarde and more generally of the Park. Among the great mammals, the indefatigable hitter of the mountains is the wild boar that roams in numerous herds; the roe deer, on the other hand, shy and graceful, moves discreetly in the undergrowth. The deer, constantly expanding in the territory of the Mainarde, graze majestically in the quietest clearings while the wild cat dwells in the most remote ravines. Of the great predators, on the other hand, the wolf is the lord of the woods of Filignano: during the winter its melancholy howls cut through the icy nights. The avifauna are innumerable: from finches to the green woodpecker, from long-tailed tit to the lanner falcon, to the black kite, from the tit to the tawny owl, to the owl.


Filignano has origins that are lost in the Middle Ages. Certainly the "Chronicon Vulturnense", an ancient chronicle of the monks of San Vincenzo al Volturno (XII century), mentions it when dealing with a docemento dated July 962 with the name of Fundiliano then transformed over the centuries into Fondemano. of the possessions of the powerful abbey of San Vincenzo as shown by the remains of fortifications dating back to that period. Cerasuolo, one of its current hamlets, also finds its origin in 962, the year in which the abbot of San Vincenzo gave it "level" to cultivate it. Various feudal events brought Filignano first to the Montaquila family and then to the dukes of Miranda who kept it until the subversion of feudalism. The feudal lords of Filignano promoted the colonization of this territory since the sixteenth century, and many of the current villages derive their name from the first settlers.

Filignano belonged to the Terra di Lavoro. In 1807, being a hamlet of Pozzilli, was included in the District of Piedimonte and in the Government (later District, then Mandamento) of Venafro. In 1840 it was declared an autonomous municipality and in 1861 aggregated to the Province of Molise, in the district ofIsernia, remaining in the district dependence of Venafro, also attached to Molise.

Following the unification of Italy, post-unification brigandage was also active in Filignano: the area became the scene of robberies and killings, perpetrated by the Fuoco gang, of armed conflicts with the National Guard and summary executions ordered by army officers who led the repression; some bands of brigands remained active in the area even after the suppression of the Pica law.On August 22, 1866, the carabinieri, the National Guard and Public Security officials, thanks to a report, destroyed the Francesco di Meo band connected to that of Domenico Fuoco near Filignano . A few months later, on November 22, a patrol of the National Guard of Filignano clashed with the joined bands of Domenico Fuoco and "Cannone" with about 60 men strong; the brigands, continuing in the raid, reached Casal Cassinese where they killed an officer and a sergeant of the local infantry detachment, and were then attacked by the Filignano squad reinforced by some carabinieri, by a P.S. and by soldiers of the 39th Infantry, who forced the band to disperse.

In 1882 the municipality grew due to the aggregation of the hamlet of Cerasuolo which until then had been part of the municipality of Rocchetta; In the meantime, the heavy migratory haemorrhages began first towards the Americas, and then towards central Europe.

Between the autumn of 1943 and the spring of 1944 Filignano found himself on the "Gustav Line" that the Germans, in retreat towards Cassino, had garrisoned to resist the advance of the allied forces: it suffered fire, destruction and mourning on the war front In the autumn of 1943, during the Italian campaign, the German army was attached to a natural defensive line that went from Minturno to Ortona following the course of the Garigliano, Volturno and Sangro rivers, crossing the Molise territory in full. The Germans had given the name of the Gustav line to this natural fortification line that leaned on a series of altitudes present in the territory: Monte Cassino, Monte Sammucer, Monte Pantano, Monte Marrone. It was Mount Pantano, one of these altitudes, to be hit by violent and bloody fighting for its conquest. Between November 1943 and January 1944, the 305th and 44th German Infantry Divisions were deployed in Filignano, faced by the 34th and 45th American Infantry Divisions and the 2nd Moroccan Infantry Division. Monte Pantano was hit by violent and bloody fighting for its conquest; Filignano and its hamlets of Lagoni, Mastrogiovanni and Cerasuolo paid a great tribute with the death of many civilians and extensive destruction. The battle of Monte Pantano took place from 29 November to 9 December 1943 and saw the protagonists of the 34th American Red Bull division and the 30th German B Alkan division, which suffered considerable losses.

How to orient yourself

The constructions of the villages of Filignano appear to be the result of successive aggregations. The buildings often also included the stables, cellars and warehouses used for various occurrences. The building material is always the one found on site: limestone.


Its municipal territory also includes the villages of Cerasuolo, Cerreto, Collemacchia, Franchitti, Frunzo, Lagoni, Mastrogiovanni, Mennella, Selvone, Valerio and Valle.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Highway A14 Italy.svg Adriatic Highway A14:
  • from the north follow the direction of Rome, take the A 25 motorway, exit towards Bussi /Peoples, follow the signs for L'Aquila (A 24), continue on the SS 17, cross Popoli, SS 652 in the direction of Venafro, continue on the SS 158, turn in the direction of Filignano.
  • from the south follow the direction Pescara, continue on the A16 motorway, follow the direction Benevento, in Benevento continue on the SS 88, exit at Campobasso, take the SS 87 (state road Bifernina) in the direction of Campobasso/Isernia, continue on the SS 17, take the SS 85 in the direction of Venafro, continue on the SS 158, follow the direction for Filignano.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg A1 Autostrada del Sole:
  • from the north exit at San Vittore, follow the direction Venafro on the SS 6, in Venafro continue on the SS 85, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto the SS 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, continue following the direction for Filignano.
  • from the south exit at Caianello, follow the signs for Isernia, SS 85, follow the direction Montaquila/Roccaraso, turn onto the SS 158 in the direction of Roccaraso, follow the direction for Filignano.
  • From Isernia take the SS 85, continue on the SS 158 and follow the direction for Filignano.
  • From Campobasso take the SS 87 (state road Bifernina), near Vinchiaturo take the SS 17, continue on the SS 85 in the direction of Venafro, continue on the SS 158, follow the direction for Filignano.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Station of Venafro (about 10 km away)
  • Station of Isernia (about 25 km away):

Connections to Filignano by bus with the "SATI" bus lines (from Venafro: About 15 minutes of travel; from Isernia: About 45 minutes journey).

By bus

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Church of San Pasquale Baylon (in Cerasuolo). It is the parish church of Cerasuolo, of impressive size. It was commissioned by the last feudal lord of Cerasuolo, Duke Pasquale Marotta, who died in 1884. Construction of the building began at the end of the 19th century, but was only completed thirty years later. Partially destroyed by the Second World War, it was completely restored thanks to the solicitude of the then abbot of Monte Cassino, Gregorio Diamare.
  • 2 Church of the Immaculate Conception. The mother church of Filignano was built by the will of the Duchess of Miranda, with a notarial deed of 1757.
  • 3 Church of SS. Crucifix (in Selvone). It is visible from the Atinense provincial road. It stands at the highest point of the historic center, and its construction dates back to the same period in which the church of Filignano was built (XVIII century).
  • Votive shrines. The territory of Filignano is characterized by the presence of numerous votive shrines. There are several dozen, scattered by popular devotion along the ancient local streets that run through the countryside from one village to another. They are often embellished with refined majolica from the Neapolitan school.
  • Dry stone walls. The dry stone walls clearly characterize the landscape of Filignano. The "macere", built since the Middle Ages by many generations of men with stones extracted in the work of clearing the fields, terrace entire mountains recovering the slopes for cultivation. They perform, among other things, an important function of hydrogeological protection.
  • Straw. Lost in the woods of Filignano there are dozens of these ancient stone manufactories called by the local people "Pagliar" similar to the Thòlos or pastoral shelters. They are dry-mounted stone huts, with a truncated cone shape culminating in admirably woven vaults. The construction technique is very ancient.

Sites of naturalistic interest

  • Cracked. It is what remains of an ancient flooded wood, crossed (as legend has it) by a viaduct built on immense branches of centuries-old English oaks. The toponymy is revealing in this regard: Selvone, Pantano are the names of the villages that arise around it. From autumn it is subject to frequent floods which make it a lovely body of water.

Events and parties

  • Patronal feast of the Immaculate Conception. Simple icon time.svgSeptember 8.
  • Christmas bonfire. Simple icon time.svgDecember 24th. Traditional appointment on the evening of December 24 in Filignano and in the hamlets of Selvone and Cerasuolo
  • Feast of Sant'Antonio Abate (in Collemacchia and Cerasuolo). Simple icon time.svgJanuary 17.
  • Good Friday. Characteristic Good Friday procession
  • Patronal feast of St. Anna (fraction of Selvone). Simple icon time.svgJuly 26.
  • Polenta and sausage festival (to the Valle village). Simple icon time.svglast Sunday of July. festival in Santa Filomena
  • Patronal feast of St. Paschal of Bayoln (fraction of Cerasuolo). Simple icon time.svgfirst weekend of August.
  • Tribute to Mario Lanza. Simple icon time.svgfrom 10 to 14 August. International Opera Song Festival.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Venafro - His long membership in the Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the remains of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.
  • Cassino - For centuries the administrative center of the ancient Land of San Benedetto, the city develops at the foot of the hill on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, for which it is mainly known. However, it also boasts important evidence of its Roman past: amphitheater, theater, mausoleum, nymphaeum, urban walls of the archaeological park Casinum.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Filignano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Filignano
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