Maiolo - Maiolo

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Maiolo is a center ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

It is a scattered municipality; the town hall is located in Serra. It is part of the City of Bread Association.

Geographical notes

The capital is stretched in an east-west direction in the high Valmarecchia, along the northern slopes of Monte Carpegna. In addition to this small group of houses along the provincial road, there are other smaller villages scattered throughout the area.

In the north-north-east direction is Mount Rocca di Maiolo, on whose top the remains of the polygonal bastions of the ancient fortress rise overhanging. In the distance, in the same direction, it is possible to see the heights of San Leo and of San Marino.

Like all of Montefeltro, Maiolo is located in an area of ​​medium seismicity and a high risk of landslides and landslides.


The current position of Maiolo is due to two displacements of the municipal core. The first nucleus of Maiolum (from the Latin, big, perhaps compared to the nearby San Leo) had been established on top of the current Rocca di Maiolo. Its existence is testified by documents as early as 962,

Towards the eleventh century it belonged to the Church which gave it the fiefdom of the monastery of San Donato di Pubbiano di Gubbio, who in 1308 gave it in emphyteusis to the noble family of Faggiolani di Casteldelci, but it was disputed several times until it reached the hands of the Montefeltro d 'Urbino. In medieval times it assumed considerable commercial and political importance. The Municipality of Maiolo and its Mayor, Homodeus de Giungis, appear as the first signatories for the Guelph party, immediately after the bishop of Urbino, in the peace between the latter and the counts of Montefeltro.

Between 29 and 30 May 1700 the town was destroyed by a gigantic landslide, fueled by a flood that lasted almost 48 hours, which almost completely wiped out the fortified village. The same affected the upper and lower part of the mountain with the collapse of boulders and landslides. Legend attributes the tragic event to divine punishment caused by the orgiastic "angelic dances" that were held there in time of Lent.

It is said that the town was initially destroyed by lightning, but in reality this rumor is unfounded since it is a misrepresentation of the documented fact that lightning in 1647 (or 53 years before the disaster) sent the powder magazine into the air, destroying part of the wall placed on the road leading to the fort.

In united Italy the municipality of Maiolo belonged to the Marche (province of Pesaro is Urbino) until 15 August 2009, when it was seconded together with six other municipalities of Alta Valmarecchia in implementation of the outcome of a referendum held on 17 and 18 December 2006.

How to orient yourself

The municipal territory also includes the towns of Ca 'Bertello, Ca' Migliore, Campolungo, Ca 'Tomei, Santa Maria, Sant'Apollinare and Maioletto.

How to get

By car

  • From the north take the A14 motorway towards Ancona, exit a Cesena North, follow the direction Rome-Ravenna, continue on the SS 3BIS / E45, exit towards Monte Castello / Montepetra / Romagnano, turn onto the SP 138 towards Rome, cross Savignano di Rigo, Perticara, Novafeltria, continue following the signs for Maiolo.
  • From the south take the A14 motorway towards Naples, follow the direction Pescara, exit a Rimini South, follow the direction Republic of San Marino, cross Cerasolo, enter the San Marino territory, cross Serravalle, Fiorina, Domagnano, Borgo Maggiore, Acquaviva, enter Italian territory, cross Pietracuta, Novafeltria, continue to enter Maiolo.

On the train

  • The railway station of reference is that of Rimini, continue by bus with the Emilia Romagna Railways.

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Remains of the ancient fortress. On the homonymous cliff overlooking the town.
  • Church of San Biagio (in the village of Sant'Apollinare). It preserves a frescoed Romanesque apse from the 16th century and a holy water stoup from the 15th century.
  • 2 Church of Santa Maria d'Antico. It houses a glazed majolica by Luca della Robbia depicting the Virgin and Child in life size. This sacred building dates back to the Romanesque period and still maintains a portal with a carved lunette and rose window.

Events and parties

  • Bread Festival. Simple icon time.svgend of June. The festival is dedicated to the bread produced in Maiolo, obtained from local flours derived from tradition. The Municipality is part of the City of Bread Association.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Maiolo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Maiolo
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