Pegognaga - Pegognaga

Pieve Matildica dedicated to San Lorenzo
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
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Institutional website

Pegognaga is a city of Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

In the fertile Po valley of theOltrepò Mantua, Pegognaga is 25 km from Mantua, 48 from Modena, 44 from Reggio Emilia.


According to some, the toponym derives from Latin Pecunius, name of a Roman patrician who in the first century AD he would have founded a small agricultural village here. According to another interpretation, it should instead be connected to the term pecuniary, which in Latin means money, wealth, referring to the local lands capable of offering profitable harvests, in the period between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. the center, which at that time possessed the typical characteristics of a Roman agricultural village, took the name of Flexum. With the beginning of the barbarian invasions it was destroyed and abandoned, disappearing from history for a long time.

In 820 new settlements began to be registered and in 877 the Pigugnaria court appeared, a name that will gradually change over the centuries until it becomes the current Pegognaga.At the beginning of the 11th century it passed under the dominion of Matilde di Canossa, the which tried to give the small town its own physiognomy through new building works.

During the following two centuries the locality was disputed by the Municipalities of Reggio Emilia is Mantua, with a conflict that ended with an administration agreement in a political condominium between the two provinces, signed in Pegognaga in 1257.Subsequently the community became part of the possessions of the Municipality of Gonzaga, under whose regency it lived one of the most prosperous periods in its history.

The main agricultural settlements, a dozen scattered courts, still existing, can be dated back to 1500, while only in 1907 did the millenary reclamation work that transformed the marshy land into one of the most fertile in the Po Valley. established by Royal Decree on November 5, 1876.In 2016 the Municipality of Pegognaga and the Municipality of Motteggiana create a union of services called "Terre di Zara e Po".

2012 earthquake

In January 2012 and in the following month of May 2012 strong earthquakes struck a large area of ​​theEmilia seriously damaging numerous centers of the Emilian Po Valley between the Autostrada del Sole and the course of the Po, especially in the areas of Modena and the neighboring areas of Ferrara and Reggio, also involving the Oltrepò Mantua, belonging to the Lombardy but orographically part of theEmilia. The earthquake, which in Emilia it also cost numerous victims, in the Oltrepò it hit the historic centers of numerous cities causing collapses, subsidence and injuries in churches and ancient monuments and damaging many others. The centers most affected were Wife, Pegognaga, San Giacomo delle Segnate, Poggio Rusco, Quistello, Gonzaga, San Giovanni del Dosso.

How to orient yourself


The hamlets of Galvagnina, Polesine and Sacca are inhabited centers of its territory.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

Highway A22 Italy.svg
  • It has a tollbooth right on the Brenner motorway.

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon
  • 4 Railway station.
  • It has its own station on the line Ferrara - Suzzara

How to get around

What see

San Lorenzo Park
  • Church of San Lorenzo. It was built by Countess Matilde di Canossa around 1082, a few years after the extension of the Polirone. The architectural scheme reveals its Romanesque nature in the structure of the apses. It was remodeled in the first half of the twentieth century and enriched by two aisles, and serves as a famedy for the fallen of the Great War. The earthquake of May 2012 damaged the facade, which was made safe as it risked detaching from the body of the church.
  • Parish Church of the Assumption. Built in 1952-55 in place of the seventeenth-century parish church of San Giorgio, it has a neo-Romanesque style and imposing proportions (60 meters long by 30 wide at the transept). Of the old church remain the wooden confessionals as well as the 5 bells of the ancient bell tower which had to be housed on a tower never built which was in the project of prof. Candiani, author of the current parish church. The main altar was instead sold to the parish of Rivalta sul Mincio. After the 2012 earthquake, the church of the Assumption will be demolished for a temple that is probably smaller and with less heating expenditure, given that this problem existed; the religious building, not yet 70 years old, is not yet listed as a cultural asset. The demolition was decided at the end of September 2018 and carried out in the months of March-April 2019.
  • Archaeological Museum. The San Lorenzo archaeological area, dating back to the Roman period (2nd century BC - 4th century AD), occupies seven hectares of a larger park (54 hectares in total). Several artifacts have been found there which are kept in the local archaeological museum.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun


Where to eat

Where stay


  • 5 Carabinieri, Strada Chiaviche, 17, 39 0376 558034.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 6 He died, Giacomo Matteotti Square, 8, 39 0376 559882.
  • 7 Mancinelli, Via Mantovana, 17 / a (in Polesine), 39 0376 525416.


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 9 Italian post, via Enrico Fermi 2 / a, 39 0376 558187, fax: 39 0376 558187.


  • San Benedetto Po - The Abbey of Polirone perpetuates the memory of Matilde di Canossa, the Grand Countess which linked the name of the town to its fame. The majesty and beauty of the church and the convent structures, combined with the wide breadth of the square, make it a destination of great interest.
  • Mirandola - Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is the most famous and proverbial character of the family who ruled the city for four centuries, from 1311 to 1711. His monumental area was severely damaged by the 2012 earthquake, which also seriously compromised the productive activities.
  • Carpi - Capital of the Pio, boasts a monumental historic center of the first order. Alongside its historical wealth, it has been accompanied by a thriving textile production activity supported by a strong commercial tradition. The 2012 earthquake wounded it, but it did not overcome the tenacity of its population who are working to restore what was damaged.
  • Novellara - It was the county capital of a branch of the Gonzaga family. The fortress built by Guido Gonzaga and enlarged by Count Alessandro I Gonzaga and the Sanctuary of the Fossetta built by Barbara Gonzaga remain visible.
  • Guastalla - It was the capital of the Duchy with Parma is Piacenza; it had also been so first with the Gonzagas and then with the Torelli. Its historic center, with traces of the ancient ramparts, retains an important urban tone.


  • Rice road - The itinerary - to be carried out in particular from May to September - runs through the Mantua area dedicated to the cultivation of rice, between rivers and canals.
  • Matildic churches in the Mantuan Oltrepò - The itinerary goes to the discovery of the churches and oratories that were built between the 11th and 12th centuries by Canossa, whose most representative exponent was the Grand Countess Matilde of Canossa.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Pegognaga
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Pegognaga
  • Collaborate on WikinewsWikinews contains current news on Pegognaga
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