Yucatán Peninsula - Penisola dello Yucatán

Yucatán Peninsula
Chichén Itzá
Yucatán Peninsula - Location

Yucatán Peninsula is a tourist region of the Mexico

To know

Map of the gravimetric anomalies of the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatán Peninsula. The white dots indicate the location of Cenotes

Yucatán is the place of impact Chicxulub, that is, the one that presumably partly or wholly caused the end of the dinosaur era 65 million years ago. While almost none of it can be seen today, the location of some cenotes is a good indicator for the size of the crater as they still constitute a circular segment, which following it towards the sea gives the full size of the crater impact.

The Maya civilization flourished on the Yucatán Peninsula for more than a thousand years before Yucatán was conquered by the Spaniards in 1500. The combination of the Mayan and Spanish heritage gave birth to the new one Yucatán culture. Until the mid-20th century, there were no railways or highways connecting the peninsula to the rest of the Mexico, so most of the trade was by sea. The relative long-term isolation of Yucatán has helped make it one of the most culturally characteristic regions of Mexico.

Yucatán is famous for the ancient ones Mayan ruins, how Chichén Itzá. Contrary to a strange misunderstanding, the Mayan people never "disappeared". Most of Yucatán is still predominantly Maya. Maya culture, identity, traditions and language are very much alive, mainly outside the main cities. Referring to the locals as Mexicans rather than Maya could risk offending someone.

THE cenotes are caves or pools of stagnant water that were formed by the erosion of limestone, just like the karst formations of the Southern Germany (e.g. Franconian Switzerland) or the Croatia. They were one of the few reliable sources of water for the Maya during their heyday. While their exact role is still a matter of debate and remains (animal and human) in some of them suggest an important religious role. While some cenotes are closed due to their cultural, archaeological and religious significance, there are many where you can swim or dive with or without guides.

Geographical notes

The Yucatán Peninsula is a region in the Southeast of Mexico, divided between the federal states of Yucatán, Campeche, is Quintana Roo.


Yucatán was the cradle of the Maya civilization which disappeared in the 16th century at the hands of the Spanish Conquistadores. However, the majority of today's population is made up of descendants of the ancient Maya and in several places the Maya language is still spoken.

Until almost the middle of the twentieth century the Yucatán peninsula was quite isolated and the connections and trade with the rest of Mexico took place exclusively by sea so that even today the region has peculiar characteristics that can also be seen in the gastronomic field as well as in that of traditions and uses. locals. The integration with the rest of the country took place in the last decade of the twentieth century thanks to the sudden and impetuous development of tourism. The emergence from nowhere of new and impressive tourist centers such as Cancún is Chetumal on the coast of the sea Caribbean caused an influx of immigrants from other areas of the Mexico trying to take advantage of the tourist boom.

Spoken languages

El Castillo a Chichén Itzá

The Spanish is the main language. L'English it will surely be included in the more expensive resorts and tourist spots. Knowing a few basic Spanish phrases will help away from the main tourist spots and can often help you find the best deals. Yucatán residents are generally tolerant of visitors who are not fluent in Spanish and appreciate their effort to try anyway.

In much of the Yucatán territory some Mayan dialects are spoken. Except in a few small villages, almost all people will have at least a basic knowledge of Spanish.

Maya toponyms are usually accented on the last syllable, in other cases they are generally pronounced as in Spanish. The letter "X" in Yucatán is used for the sound in the Mayan language which is the same as "sh" in Italian (or as "sc" in "go out"). For example, "Uxmal" is pronounced "ushmal".

Culture and traditions

Away from tourist beaches and hotels, walking around in a bathing suit or shorts is considered inappropriate and rude.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Quintana Roo - Heavy tourist traffic is drawn towards the northeast of the state, mainly from the ugliest part of the city of Cancún, but also for the beautiful Caribbean beaches characterized by white sand, from some of the largest diving sites in the world, beautiful cenote, and some excellent Mayan sites.
      Yucatán - The Mayan capital of Mexico is home to famous Chichén Itzá, but also the most beautiful cenote, caves, bewitching colonial cities, one capital vibrant. It is known as the safest state in Mexico.
      Campeche - Definitely off the beaten path or the teeming Yucatán or Quintana Roo. Campeche has its beautiful Mayan ruins, which you can explore in the quiet of your own company, as well as the seaside tourist town, Ciudad del Carmen.
      Tabasco - A state better known for the oil of the same name rather than for tourism. There are still a couple of valid stops here for a passing traveler, most notably the immodestly named seaside town Paraíso.
      Chiapas - At the southern end of the peninsula overlooking only the Pacific coast. Chiapas is mainly known for the impressive Mayan ruins of Palenque, but also for the beautiful natural jungles to the east of the state.

Urban centers

  • Cancún - A seaside resort with numerous large hotels, a destination for international mass tourism. A "beach resort" in full development.
  • Chetumal - State capital of Quintana Roo, located on the Caribbean coast, near the border with Belize. It has a decent cultural museum about the Maya.
  • Izamal - Small Mayan city with a large colonial convent and the ruins of a large Mayan pyramid.
  • Mahahual - Small coastal town, recently a stopover for cruises called the Mayan coast.
  • Mérida - Colonial city and metropolis of the Yucatán.
  • Playa del Carmen - Once a fishing town, today a melting pot of tourist resorts. Its ancient name is Xaman-Ha which means Place where the waters of the North rise.
  • Progreso - Port city with beaches and seafood delights north of Mérida.
  • San Francisco de Campeche - Medium sized town overlooking Campeche bay with Spanish ruins.
  • Valladolid - Small colonial era town.

Other destinations

Caves of Loltún

An impressive number of Mayan ruins are scattered throughout this area, most of which are easily accessible by car or public transport.

Mayan ruins

  • Becan - Archaeological site of the Mayan civilization located near the center of the Yucatán peninsula.
  • Calakmul - Mayan archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Campeche, close to the border with the Guatemala. Finding them within a preserved jungle is off the tourist circuit.
  • Chichén Itzá - The largest, best kept and most visited of all Yucatán Mayan sites.
  • Cobá - Large complex located in the state of Quintana Roo undergoing restoration.
  • Cuzamá - Offers three beautiful cenote.
  • Dzibilchaltún - Medium-sized ruins (some already restored) located in Yucatán, 16 km north of Mérida towards Progreso.
  • Ednza - Well preserved site an hour's drive from San Francisco de Campeche. Only recently discovered (in the 1950s).
  • Kabah - Medium sized ruins south of Uxmal.
  • Mayapan - Historically important, but less interesting to see than other sites in the Yucatán.
  • Palenque - Site not in very good condition in the southeast of the Mexican Mayan region not far from the Usumacinta River.
  • Tulum - Its tropical beaches are the main attraction, which are just behind some picturesque ruins.
  • Uxmal - One of the most beautiful Mayan sites: large and well preserved.

How to get

By plane

Fly to the airports of Cancún, Cozumel, is Mérida. For the best deals, look for charter flights that try to run out of available seats. Flights that have agreements with tour operators usually have remaining seats.

On the train

There is no remnant of passenger rail service left on the Yucatán Peninsula. After the federal government privatized the railways, most passenger transport services nationwide were suspended.

By bus

From the west through the Chiapas. Buy tickets for long journeys in advance, especially at peak times, as well as on weekends, holidays or religious days.

To check Ticketbus for timetables and prices.

How to get around

By car

By taxi

Often also available in small towns. For long distances though, such as the Lol-tun caves, be sure to agree on a price before boarding, or you could be financially ripped off.

In combi

They are collective taxis that offer both services: urban and interurban. Cheaper than a taxi and usually faster than a bus as it makes fewer stops.

By bus

Many different class buses are available to / from all major cities and many smaller ones. first-class Mexican buses are very good value and remarkably comfortable; comparable to European rail services. Many cheaper services are also available; from second class (little difference with the first) to very basic minibus and truck services. However, safety seems to decrease with the price. Second and lower classes may lack seat belts. Beware of excessive conditioning which seems to be a feature on most services; buses can be many degrees cooler than the outside air, and being stuck on a twelve-hour journey without proper clothing can make a journey particularly unpleasant. Traveling second class is not recommended for people taller than 1.55cm, as these buses have smaller seats than first class ones and there is hardly any legroom. The main first-class bus line is Autobuses del Oriente (ADO). Most of the smaller lines (Mayab, for example) are owned by ADO.

What see

  • Mayan archaeological sites - Yucatán is home to several famous Mayan archaeological sites. The best known and most widely visited by tourists is Chichén Itzá, the site of the pyramid of Kukulcan, the Mayan observatory, and the sacred cenote. A contrasting cultural style can be observed at Mayan sites along the Ruta Puuc. The most famous Mayan sites in Quintana Roo are located in Cobá is Tulum.
Temple of the Warriors a Chichén Itzá
  • Equinox - The period in which the terrestrial Sun is directly above the equator; on March 20 and September 23 of each year. The Maya are very dependent on astronomy which is reflected in their art and temples. TO Chichén Itzá, during the sunset of the equinox, the shadow of the snake god Kukulcan moves downwards along the pyramid, a very suggestive sight! Other structures have equinox-related events taking place on those days, as well Tulum.
  • Ecological parks - The Yucatán Peninsula is home to several ecological parks, such as Xcaret, Xel-Há and Garrafón; aimed at the conservation of the flora and fauna of the region, which serve as tourist attractions. In these parks you can learn more about Mexican culture and also practice various activities such as swimming with dolphins and snorkeling.


  • Route de los Cenotes - The cenotes are complexes of sinkholes and caves in the karst geological landscape of Yucatán. Some cenotes contain spectacular formations, while some are important archaeological sites, many were considered sacred by the Maya. Some are open to the public for swimming and diving. The states of Yucatán is Quintana Roo they have established a "tourist corridor" called The Ruta de los Cenotes along which many of the most spectacular or famous cenotes are located.

What to do

At the table

Yucatán food has its own culinary traditions elaborated from the long blend of native Mayan and Spanish traditions. While some dishes can be very spicy, many others are not.

The most common meats are turkey, chicken, pork and venison. Yucatán venison is quite good and doesn't taste like game.

Typical dishes are:

  • Pibil - The most common version is the "chicken pibil", it's a slow-cooked chicken in a banana leaf, very tender and tasty."cochinita pibil", the version made with a suckling pig; a Yucatec classic. Both dishes are seasoned with a light red spice called achiote. "Pib"is a Yucatec-Mayan technique which consists in wrapping the food in banana leaves and then cooking it in a pit.
  • Poc Chuc - Marinated pork with salt, onion, lime juice and spices.
  • Huevos Motuleños - They're eggs up tortilla with black beans and cheese, often with other ingredients such as ham, peas and tomato sauce.
  • Motuleño chicken - A dish of chicken cooked with orange juice, achiote and bananas.
  • Sopa de lima - Tasty lime-based vegetable soup with pieces of tortilla of corn.
  • Panuchos — "Sopa"with pork (called cochinita pibil).

Seafood is also very important, especially a Campeche. Pulpo (octopus), cazon (shark), camaron (shrimp) and various other tropical fish are very popular.

Contrary to the opinion of many guide books, the food served at all-inclusive resorts may have been prepared in far less safe conditions than those available in local establishments further away from the main tourist areas. Poor refrigeration, keeping foods beyond safety terms and poor hygiene have been reported in many locations. While the street vendors frequented by locals have no choice but to maintain high standards, as their business depends on their reputation with locals and not passing foreign tourists.

A good approach for regular restaurants is to spot those with lots of locals.


L'water tap is generally not recommended for drinking in Mexico, particularly for visitors. In many places (facilities frequented by backpackers) water containers can be filled with drinking water for a few pesos. In this way, a reusable container is both a better choice environmentally and financially.

The water system of Mérida it is unusually good by Mexican standards; for some visitors it is the only Mexican city where they can drink tap water. Outside of this city the situation is different. In small towns the local water can be very bad and bottled water is recommended.

It would be difficult for anyone visiting this area not to taste it Tequila, which should be used in moderation. For the more adventurous souls, theabsinthe it is legal in Mexico and for this reason too moderation is suggested.

THE fresh fruit juices they are very popular in Yucatán and freshly squeezed orange juices can be found in most markets.

THE dairy product, including cheeses, should be avoided, unless you are sure they were made with pasteurized milk.


In Mexico there is a strict drug possession policy. Be very careful with the "weed" too. The local police are hopelessly corrupt and love to pinch unwary tourists with small amounts of marijuana. The controversial threat of long prison sentences often has as its main purpose the collection of bribes, which in some areas is half of all money held by the traveler.

Caution is also recommended for long bus journeys, particularly across state borders, as there are police or military checkpoints and passengers may be asked to identify themselves and / or be searched. In general, however, such controls seem to be aimed at locals, especially in the Zapatista territories in Chiapas.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Yucatán Peninsula
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Yucatán Peninsula
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