Russia - Rússia

Flag of Russia.svg
Basic information
CurrencyRuble (RUR)
Areatotal: 17,125,187 km2
Population143,420,309 (est. 2005)
ReligionOrthodox, Muslims and Atheists
Electricity220/50Hz (European socket)
phone code 7
Time zoneUTC 2 to 12

THE Russia (ru:Росси́я) is a country euro-Asian, with territory covering both continents and large cities. The capital of Russia is Moscow.


Russia, officially the Russian Federation or Russian Federation, is a country located in northern Eurasia (Europe and Asia together). It borders the following countries (from northwest to southeast): Norway, Finland, Estonia, latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both through Kaliningrad), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It also makes maritime borders with the Japan (by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk) and with the U.S (through the Bering Strait). With 17,075,400 square kilometers, Russia is the country with the largest area on the planet, covering more than a ninth of the land area. Russia is also the ninth most populous country, with 142 million inhabitants.


The country's history began with the Eastern Slavs, who emerged as a recognized group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries. Founded and run by a noble class of Viking warriors and their descendants, the first East Slav state, the Principality of Kiev, emerged in the ninth century and adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, initiating the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavs who defined Russian culture. The Principality of Kiev finally disintegrated and its lands were divided into many small feudal states. The successor state to the Principality of Kiev was Muscovy, which served as the main force in the process of reunification of Russia and the struggle for independence against the Golden Horde. Muscovy gradually reunited the Russian principalities and came to dominate the cultural and political legacy of the Principality of Kiev. Around the 18th century, the country had a great expansion through the conquest, annexation and exploration of territories, becoming the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history and extended from the Poland, at Europe, until the Alaska, at North America.


Russia dominates nearly half of Europe and a third of Asia. This factor makes Russia possess several different climates. The average annual temperature is 5.5 degrees centigrade. The northernmost region of the country, called Siberia, is the coldest in the entire country. Winter temperatures range from minus 40 to minus 50 degrees Celsius, sometimes reaching minus 60 degrees or even less. To the south, the climate is warmer, with fields and steppes where temperatures reach minus 8 degrees Celsius. Summer in Russia also varies from region to region, with average temperatures of 25 °C. In certain extreme cases, there have been days when temperatures above 45 °C were recorded. The cold from Siberia spreads not only throughout Russia, but also throughout almost all of Europe and much of Asia. Russia is crossed by four climates, arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical. The order of seasons can be classified as follows: Long and snowy winter - Temperate spring - Short and hot summer - Rainy autumn and varies widely across the Russian territory[1]In central Russia are found the lightest, mixed forests, dominated by birch, poplar, oak. The forests of the central zones are divided by steppes. Most steppes are plowed and sown with wheat, rye, maize, sunflower, etc.


Russian regions
far east

Administratively, Russia has 86 subdivisions, with distinct class territories (21 republics, 48 ​​provinces, 7 territories, 7 autonomous districts, 1 autonomous province and 2 federal cities -- Moscow and Saint Petersburg)


Other destinations

  • Lake Baikal

To arrive

  • As of June 7, 2010, Brazilians do not need a visa to enter Russia for tourism [1], for stays of maximum 90 days every 6 months. However, visas are required for work, study or research.
    • Consulates in Brazil:
      • Street Prof. Azevedo Marques, 50, Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, tel: 21 2274-0097
      • Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 1366, São Paulo, tel. 11 3814-4100
      • South Embassies Sector, Quadra 801, Lot A, Brasilia-DF, tel. 61 3223-5094
  • Portuguese need a tourist visa. To obtain it, you need:
    • Invitation also called visa support letter - visa support letter. This letter can be purchased online at the website. [2].
    • Documents (passport valid for 3 months beyond the visa period, 2 photos, travel insurance)
    • Visa application form
    • Payment of fees
      • Consulate in Lisbon: Rua Visconde de Santarém, 59, tel. 218-462-424, 218-462-524 and 218-462-623, fax 218-463-008, [3]

By airplane

Flights departing São Paulo to Moscow by Aeroflot were suppressed. The shortest and fastest way is through the Europe. From there there are flights to the most important cities and also to medium-sized ones. In addition to traditional European airlines, low-cost airlines also operate in the country, serving the Russian capital (Domodedovo international airports[4], 35 km, and Vnukovo[5], 28 km) and St. Petersburg (Pulkovo International Airport):

  • Gives Germany: Air Berlin[7] in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Munich and Stuttgart to Moscow (Domodedovo) and from Berlin to St. Petersburg; €110 the way. Germanwings[8] from Berlin, Cologne, Hannover, Hamburg, Stuttgart to Moscow (Vnukovo) and from Berlin and Cologne to St. Petersburg; $100 a way.

Of boat

By car

By bus/bus

Several companies, including the Eurolines[13], arrive in several Russian cities from various locations in Europe, such as Warsaw, Berlin and Paris (This twice a week -Sat and Mon-, 53h trip, €220 return trip to Moscow, for example).

By train/train

It is possible to reach Russia by train from the Finland, Germany, Poland, Baltic countries and Ukraine. the railroad Transmanchurian turns on Beijing to the railroad Trans-Siberian, more precisely to the city of Cheetah, 6166 km from Moscow. the railroad Transmongolian, unites Beijing with Ulaanbataar, capital of Mongolia, and to the Russian city of Ulan-Ude, also on the Trans-Siberian and 5609 km from Moscow. Some websites sell tickets over the internet.


Trans-Siberian Railway

The country's main means of transport are the train and the automobile.

By airplane

Of boat

By car

In Russia, almost all cars have camcorders, due to the high number of car accidents, and footage can be used as evidence in the event of an accident.

By bus/bus

By train/train

In Russia are the largest railways in the world. The railways are large and very well distributed.

THE Trans-Siberian Railway cuts the country from west to east for 9259 km, from Moscow The Vladivostok, on a trip that lasts more than 6 days.


The official language is Russian (русский or Russkiy in Russian). Don't expect to find English speakers, except in the most posh hotels, restaurants and attractions in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It is not possible to learn the language in a short time; concentrate on memorizing some useful phrases and the Cyrillic alphabet (eg "ресторан" means "restaurant") and get a chance to decipher street names, labels, signs etc.


Kremlevskaya Naberezhnaja Moscow.hires.jpg


Watch the 2018 World Cup matches, which will be held in the country. There is also the Confederations Cup, which will take place in 2017.


  • Matriushka - Painted wooden dolls that sit one inside the other
  • Ushanka - hat for the cold
  • Samovar - indigenous artifact for tea brewing
  • Chocolate - Russian chocolate is great
  • Winter coats in department stores; they are well made, stylish and cheap.
  • military overcoats (sheenel) available at military equipment stores
  • Caviar, Red and black
  • hard cheese - produced in Altai

With the

  • pelmeni (meat dumpling)
  • Blini (crepes)
  • Black bread
  • Borsh (beet soup)
  • piroshki (meat pie or cabbage)
  • Golubsti (cabbage rolls)
  • Ikrá Baklajanaya (eggplant caviar)
  • Shi (cabbage soup)
  • vareniki (Ukrainian dumplings)
  • vinegar (beet salad or cooked vegetables)
  • olivier (potato salad)
  • Shashlyk (Various kebabs from the Caucasus Republics, similar to greek barbecues)
  • Ikrá (caviar)

drink and go out




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