Raveo - Raveo

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Raveo is a center of the Friuli Venezia Giulia.

To know

It is part of the club dei Authentic villages of Italy.

Geographical notes

The town is located in a verdant valley on the slopes of Mount Sorantri (896 m), in Val Degano, on the right bank of the stream of the same name, in the Alpine region of Carnia.


Some scholars identify the origin of the name of Raveo in the root of the Latin term rapum, that is turnip; another less fanciful explanation states that Raveo derives from the prelatin rava, that is landslide, landslide.

The history of Raveo is linked to that of Carnia: the territory was already inhabited in pre-Roman times, as demonstrated by the recent archaeological excavations on Mount Sorantri, which highlighted the existence of a Celtic village, which later became the seat in Roman times. , when Raveo was part of the X REGIO, of a highland settlement defended by a wall.

The first documented news dates back to 1234, a period in which the town is subject to the Pieve di Enemonzo. The plague that invaded the Friuli, between the end of the fourteenth century and the fifteenth century, caused a massacre in Raveo in 1360 which survived only 7 people who became the masters of the seven local stavoli with adjacent grassy area (it is known that Ariis, Bearz, Floride, Iaconis, Pecol, Stiefin and Valino). Later it was part of the Patriarchate of Aquileia until 1420, the year of its fall by the Venetians. The country remained so under Venice until 1797, when with the Treaty of Campoformido all of Friuli-Veneto was ceded to the Hapsburg Empire.

Returning to Italy in 1866, following the third war of independence, he was overwhelmed in 1917 by the rout of Caporetto, and many of its inhabitants had to leave their homes and take refuge to the right of the Piave to escape the Austro-Hungarian advance. During the Cossack occupation of the Second World War, Raveo was the seat of an important garrison, consisting of about 300 soldiers (keep in mind that the municipal population at the time was about 700 inhabitants), and they were Cossacks and Germans, in November of 1944 to clash with the partisans in one of the bloodiest battles for liberation that Carnia remembers; at the end of the battle, the partisans came out victorious, inflicting considerable losses on the enemy.

In 1976 the country, while not registering victims, was seriously damaged by the earthquake, but in the following years it faced the period of reconstruction with great fortitude, which gave the country the predominantly modern aspect it has today and letting it shine through. unfortunately only in some parts, what must have been the original layout of Raveo with its imposing stone houses and its hidden courtyards.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the hamlet of Esemon di Sopra.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • from Venice-Trieste: Venice - Trieste motorway. Continue on the A23 for UdineTarvisio, pass the Udine sign and exit at the toll booth CarniaTolmezzo. Continue along the provincial road SS 52 up to Tolmezzo, the capital of Carnia.
  • from Tarvisio: highway Udine-Tarvisio Carnia-Tolmezzo exit; continue along the provincial road SS 52 up to Tolmezzo.
  • from the Veneto: There are two main access routes from Veneto. The first, from Cadore, through Sappada; the second from the Mauria Pass, through the SS 51B, for those coming from Belluno or Curtain.

On the train

  • The closest stations are those of Udine-Tarvisio and the Carnia station.

How to get around

What see

The parish church
  • Parish Church of San Floriano Martire and Santa Maria. The church was built between 1864 and 1907 on a project by Girolamo D'Aronco, incorporating the previous church of 1834 Church of San Floriano Martire and Santa Maria on Wikipedia church of San Floriano Martire and Santa Maria (Q96472828) on Wikidata
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte Castellano. Built in 1619 on the site of an ancient church dedicated to Mary's motherhood, it is handed down as the place of an apparition. It is located along an ancient path that led to the haymaking sites in Vailde, Luvieis and Pani, and was a privileged resting place for prayer.
  • Church of the Blessed Virgin. Behind it stands the small hermitage convent of Monte Castellano founded by the Franciscan friars in 1686. The monastery, which grew in number of religious, flourished until the suppression of the Order decreed by the Italic law of 1810. Today it is privately owned, and is accessible only on special occasions.
  • Location Pani. It is located on a plateau at an altitude of 900 m where there are several rustic settlements built on the typical architectural model of Carnia; some of them have been recovered with a careful restoration, while others are now in a state of neglect.
  • 1 Cladonde waterfall.
  • Remains of the castle of Raveo.
  • House of Miàn. Villa that probably preserves a seventeenth-century façade overlooking the internal courtyard. The rear facade, which has now become the main one, dates back to the 18th century and has a fine stone portal from 1768.
  • Ucèl's house. Dating back to the 18th century, it has the remains of two lowered arches in the main facade.
  • House of the Medìl. Characterized by a suspended corner gallery on the second floor, and by an elliptical stone portal dating back to 1766.

Events and parties

  • Flavors of Carnia. Simple icon time.svgsecond Sunday of December. Market exhibition of the typical agri-food products of Carnia, where it is possible to taste, among other things, the characteristics of Raveo, renowned biscuits that have, as the name suggests, the shape of an S.

What to do


  • Raveo cookies with their characteristic Esse shape.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Osteria Da Pinù, Via Norsinia, 21 / B, 39 340 4758463.

Where stay


  • 4 Fraction Esemon di Sopra, 1 (to Esemon upstairs), 39 0433 759025.

How to keep in touch

Post office



  • Churches of Carnia - Ten ancient parish churches that were once not only centers of worship but also seats of civil power.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Raveo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Raveo
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