Winter sports in the Swabian Alb - Wintersport auf der Schwäbischen Alb

Ski lift in Römerstein

The Swabian Alb is not very well known as a winter sports area. Of course, this region has no particularly high mountains, the Lemberg as the highest peak with 1015 m height cannot compete with the Feldberg in the Black Forest or with the Brocken in the Harz, let alone with the mountains of the Alps. Nevertheless, the offer is diverse and the snow reliability is comparable to that of the Black Forest and the other German low mountain ranges.

getting there

In the street

You can get to the western part of the Swabian Alb via the A81, in the east it goes A7 by Eastern Alb and Stauferland, and the A7 crosses the Middle Swabian Alb and the Alb-Danube region. Most ski areas can be easily reached by car. There are usually enough parking spaces available.

By train

The Swabian Alb is practically all around connected to the rail network. However, many of the smaller places where winter sports are possible are not connected to the rail network. However, it is still possible to travel by rail StuttgartUlm as well as the rail line running from Ulm above Heidenheim an der Brenz to Bask leads.

Winter sports overview

Alpine skiing

Overview of the existing ski lifts (Fl = floodlight, SK ski course, SBK snowboard)

regionName of the ski liftdealsphoneRun length
Eastern AlbOstalb ski lifts BaskFl, SK07361 42210800m / 1200 m
Bopfingen, Sandberg ski liftFl, SK07362 37 97, 07362 801-0-22340 m
Essingen Hirtenteich ski centerFl, SK, SBK, 2 drag lifts 1 children's lift07665 5830 Snow Telephoneup to 1.5 km
Lauchheim, Kapfenburg ski liftFl, SK, SBK07363 6112300 m
Nattheim, Ramenstein liftFl, SK07321 97 84-0 Gde. Nattheim300 m
Neresheim, Ski lift on the KlosterbergSK for beginners07326 6646200 m
Rosenberg, Hohenberg ski liftFl, SK07967 6261, 07967 84 77300 m
StauferlandBöhmenkirchSchnittlingen forest ski liftFl, SK0173 5909178300m
Böhmenkirch Treffelhausen ski liftsFl07322 6108
Donzdorf, Ski lift on the RindersteigeFl07162 24648
Gerstetten Greuth ski liftFlSnowflake. 07323 919288
Heidenheim Hochberg ski liftFl, SK, Hosted Hut07321 458 74750 m
Heidenheim Albuch ski liftFl, SK, kiosk, baby ski lift 120 m07321 666 50500 m
Helfensteiner LandWiesensteig Bläsiberg ski lifts in SchöntalSK, ski club hut, 3 lifts07335 6310500m - 1000m
Laichingen Laichingen ski liftFl07333 6430400 m
Alb-Danube regionLaichingen Laichingen ski liftFl07333 64 30400 m
Merklingen Ski lift sewage treatment plantonly on weekends07337 96 20-0
Westerheim Halde ski centerSK, snowboards allowed, 4 liftsSnowflake. 07333 6039280 - 350 m
Westerheim Heuberg ski liftSK, snowboard allowed07333 68 44200 m
Middle Swabian AlbEngstingen: Kohltal ski liftSK, lift restaurant07129 3910
Hohenstein children's ski lift Meidelstetten07387 9870-12200m
Lichtenstein Traifelberg ski liftFl, SK350 m
Lichtenstein-Holzelfingen, Heutal ski liftFl, SK07129 4323450 - 600 m
Lichtenstein-Holzelfingen, Salach ski liftFl, SK07129 5522750 m
Mehrstetten Skilift BöttentalFl07381 934264250 m
MünsingenDottingen ski liftsFl, SK07381 5017001500m
Münsingen ski lift BöhmFl07381 8668300 m
Münsingen ski lift ZiegelhäuserFl07381 931763350 m
Roman stone Donnstetten ski liftFl, SK, snow cannon, restaurant07382 609400 m
Roman stone Salzwinkel ski lift07333 5212400 m
SonnenbühlSonnenbühl ski liftsFl, SK, Genkingen, Erpfingen07128 92518300-700 m
St. Johann-Upfingen Beiwald ski liftFl, SK, snowboard slope07122 3566450 m
Trochtelfingen-Hausen alpine liftFl07124 2640500 - 1500 m
TeckBeuren, Bleiche ski liftFl, ski hut07025 2807, 07025 910500300 m
LaucherttalHettingen, Laiernberg liftFl, SK, Hosted Hut07574 935550300 m
Neufra, Roter-Bühl-LiftFl, SK07574 505250 m
DonauberglandFridingen Ski lift at the "Antoni"Fl, SK07463 445, 07463 837-0800 m
Frittlingen lift on the GrüblehangFl07426 96240
GosheimFl, SK07426 3838
Leibertingen, Kreenheinstetten ski clubFl, SK07129 7117250 m
Mühlheim an der Donau, Kanape ski liftFl, SK07463 626, 07463 8903
Tuttlingen Shepherd carts MöhringenFl07461 99340
ZollernalbAlbstadtEbingen ski liftFl, SK, SBK, children's lift 60 mSnow report: 0731 160 1204630 m
Albstadt Lautlingen ski liftFl, SK07431 3307400m
Albstadt Onstmettingen ski liftFl, SK, SBK, 2 lifts07432 22335200 m
Albstadt Pfeffingen ski liftSK, SBK07431 123 63250 m
Albstadt Truchtelfingen ski liftFl, SK, SBK0173 756 8581300 m
Albstadt Tailfingen ski liftFl, SK, SBK, FIS racetrack07432 3322500m -850 m
Burladingen, children's lift in Hirschau07475 8920
Meßstetten Täle ski liftFl07431 61323600 m
Meßstetten ski lift WagnershaldeSK07431 62945400 m
Meßstetten-Tieringen Oberstocken ski liftFl, SK07436 407400 m
Winterlingen, DickelochFl, SK07434 516, 07434 2122300 m

Nordic skiing

Overview of cross-country trails in the Swabian Alb area. (DS = double track trails, RWL = circular hiking trails)

regionplaceTrailsLengths and ArtInfo, phone
Eastern AlbBaskEaster bookRWL, 3 kmAalen tourist service
07361 525358
Cuckoo stoneRWL, 6 km
FürsitzRWL, 5 km
BraunenbergRWL, 10 km
SimmisweilerRWL, 12 km
HohenbergRWL, 9 km
Ebnat SouthRWL, 6 km
BopfingenBopfinger trailDL, medium, 7 kmRies-Ostalb tourism association
07362 801-0/-22
Unterriffing trailDL, easy, 6.5 8.5 km
ThingsDischinger trailRWL, 5 10 15 km07327 451
EllwangenSchönenberg traileasy, 4 kmTourist info
07961 84303
Rotenbach traileasy-medium, 4 12 km
LauchheimCross-country ski run in the Hülerner FeldDL, 7 km07363 850
NattheimRamenstein trailDL medium, skating, 5 10 km, night 2 km07321 97840
NeresheimNeresheim-SchweindorfRWL, easy, 12.5 kmTourist info
07326 8149
Neresheim-OhmenheimRWL, easy, 4-5 km
RosenbergVirngrund trailDL, inclines, 5 8 10 km07967 8546
StauferlandBöhmenkirchHochberg trailRWL, DS, 3 3.5 km medium difficultyInfo, trail map
Gde. Böhmenkirch
07332 9600 0
Heidhöf trailDL, 6 13 km, easy
Messelberg trailDL, easy-difficult, 7 13 km
Gerstetten3 trailsRWL, 7.5 - 17 kmSnowflake. 07323 919288
Heidenheim an der BrenzAsang trailRWL, easy, 4kmTourist information
07321 327340
Hühnerfeld trailRWL, easy, 5.5 km
Moldenberg trailRWL, easy, 12 km
Reutenen trailRWL, easy, 6 km
Talhof trailRWL, easy, 5 km
Krätzental trailRWL, easy, 5.5 km
KoenigsbronnOchsenberger trail10 kmGde. Königsbronn
07321 96250
Zanger trail, Brenzelspur14 km
LautersteinLauterstein trailRWL, skating, 10 km07332 96690
Schwäbisch GmündGmündener Loipe5 km07332 5366
Alb-Danube regionAltheimHirschental trailDL, easy, 15 km07340 96010
HeraldstattHeroldstatt trailsRWL, DL, easy, 7.5 - 11 kmHerodstatt parish
07387 987012
Sports home EnnabeurenRWL, DL, 6 km
to Magolsheim-BuchtalRWL, 12 km
LaichingenFloodlit trailRWL, skating track, 1 km, floodlit Tues Thurs.Tourist info
07333 8516
2 trails at the ski liftRWL, DL, 6 11 km
Book trailRWL, 7.5 km
MerklingenRam stable10 km07337 96200
WesterheimAlb-Bad trailRWL, DL, skating, beginnersSnow phone
07333 6039
Schertelshöhlen trailDL, beginners, 12 km
Halde cross-country ski centerRWL, DL, beginners, easy 12 3.5 km
Helfensteiner LandBad DitzenbachBad Ditzenbacher Alb trailRWL 11-12 km07334 6911
Geislingen an der SteigeHamlet o.H.DL, easy-medium, 3 10 km07331 41144
Cross-country ski run towards GerstettenDL, RWL, 30 km
Middle Swabian AlbBad UrachAuental trail, Dottinger L.2.5 km 6.5 km07125 94320
EngstingenKohltal trail4 10 km07129 3910
ErkenbrechtsweilerBerghaus trail7 km07026 9501228
GomadingenSternberg-, Jörgenbühl-L.DS, medium, 8 or 4.5 kmTourist info Gomadingen
07385 969633
Holzweise trailDS, easy, 5 km
Hohenstein-MeidelstettenDachenstein trailRWL 5.5 kmHohenstein community
07387 987012
Hohenstein-ÖdenwaldstettenÖdenwaldstettener L.RWL, 6-8 km
PodsRietenlauhalleDS easy, 4 km07125 96860
Glider airfieldDS easy, 4 km
Lenningen-SchopflochPfulb trail8 kilometers07026 9501 228
Asch trail8 kilometers
MehrstettenBöttental trailDS, medium, 12 km07381 934264
Mountain trailDS, difficult07381 93830
MünsingenDottinger trailsDS, easy, 7 km07381 182145
Roman stoneRömersteiner trail6 kmRömerstein Tourist Office
07382 93980
Aglishardter trail8.2 km
Böhringer trail9.5 km
SonnenbühlSwabian trailDS medium, 10 km07128 92518
St. JohannCross-country trail at the stud5 kmTourist office St. Johann
07122 9231
Auental trail2.5 km
TrochtelfingenGrafental trailDS easy, 5-12 km07124 4821
Double foldsBühlhof trailDS, easy, 5.2 km 9 km07373 20520
TeckBeurenPanorama trail (thermal baths)DS medium difficulty 5 km07025 2807
LaucherttalBingenHochberg trailRWL, DS, intermediate, 3 3.5 km07571 74070
GammertingenCross-country ski run on the old pathRWL, easy, 5 kmNeufra Ski Club, 07574 505
NeufraKohlloipeRWL easy, 6, 10 km
VeringenstadtCircular hiking trailRWL 4-6 km classic, 2-4 km easy skatingTSV Veringenstadt 07577 3460
DonauberglandBubsheimBubsheimer trail7 kmSnow: 0170 7835891
FridingenMountaineering trailRWL 5 km07463 837 0
GosheimGosheimer trail6 km, biathlon courses for childrenGosheim Ski Club 07426 1811
IrndorfDrei-Kreuz, Eichfelsen, HardtRWL, easy, 8.5 6 4.5 km07466 227
KolbingenKolbinger trail8 kilometersGde. Kolbingen 07463 97083
LeibertingenPanoramic. Kreenheinst.RWL 6, 14 kmSki club 07570 1251
Mühlheim on the DanubeKapfloipe, Mühlheimer LoipeRWL 3 km, 4, 10 km07463 8903
Renquishausen6, 10 km07429 99029
SigmaringenFürstenhöhe trailSki club Sigmar., 07571 64126
Stetten a.k. marketStetter trail6, 10 km RWL, DS, easy-medium difficultySki club Tel. 07579 933325
TuttlingenFrom the Esslingen sports field12 km07461 99340
WehingenWehinger trail4.5 kmSki club 07426 3427
WormlingsDeutsche Bank trail13 kmSnow phone 0170 783 5891
Russberg cross-country ski runRWL 10 km07461 92760
ZollernalbAlbstadtHeersbergRWL, DS, easy, partly skating, 12 kmSnow phone
07431 160 1221
Tourist information
07431 1601204
Ochsenberg-LerchenfeldRWL, DS, easy, 19 km
Degerfeld Castle RocksRWL, DS, easy, 17 km
Raichberg trailRWL, DS, easy, partly skating, 16 km
Burladingen-SalmendingenKornbühl trail5 km 14 kmTel. 07475 892-0
Meßstetten"Alter Hau" car park6-14 km, 10 km skating routeCity administration: 07431 63490
Vacation. Tieringen 07436 92910
Parking at the sports field2-20 km
WinterlingsDickeloch, by the ski liftRWL, 10 km, partly illuminatedWSV Winterlingen 07434 516


regionplaceLocation of the toboggan runsphonelength
Alb-Danube regionHeraldstattToboggan runs in Ennabeuren and Sontheim
WesterheimAt the Halde, Heuberg and Ostwang ski lifts away from the slopes07333 966612200 - 350 m
Middle Swabian AlbMehrstettenSauhalde / Wiesenburren07431 63490400 m
Roman stonenext to the Donnstetten and Zainingen ski lifts tobogganing07382 939821
St. Johann-Upfingenat the Beiwald ski lift07122 3566
LaucherttalHettingenTobogganing possible next to the Laiernberg lift07381 93830
ZollernalbAlbstadtnext to the Pfeffingen, Lautlingen, Onstmettingen, Truchtelfingen ski lifts07431 1601204
Meßstettenon the Wagnershalde ski slope07431 63490400 m

Ice skating

placeIce rinkFurther information / phone
BaskAalen ice rinkIce rink, Tel. 07361 68851
BalingenArtificial ice rink WasserwiesenIce hockey club ESV Zollern-Alb Balingen, Tel. 07433 4622
Ehingen (Danube)Groggensee natural ice rinkCity Marketing / Tourism Ehingen, Tel. 07391 503217, free admission
EsslingenRichard Hirschmann ice rinkESG Esslingen, Tel. 0711 311120
GoeppingenIce rink GöppingenTel. 07161 704 00, currently closed
Heidenheim an der BrenzIce rink in BrenzparkCity administration Heidenheim, Tel. 0721 3275210
ReutlingenIce skating leisure centerReutlingen ice rink Tel. 07121 370580
Sonnenbühl-ErpfingenIce rinkTourist information Sonnenbühl Tel. 07128 92518
UlmIce rink in the Atlantis theme parkIce rink, Wiblinger Str. 55, 89231 Ulm / Neu-Ulm, Tel. 98599-13
WernauIce rinkIce rink, Stadionweg, 73249 Wernau, Tel. 07153 37575



There is suitable terrain in Westerheim at Wiesensteig and Tieringen at Albstadt. Courses on this are offered by the Skywalker kite school

Ski jumping

  • Mehrstetten: a small natural jump (25 m long) is by the ski lift, only prepared for events
  • Meßstetten: The Ski club, Tel. 07431 61323 operates 3 jumps:
K60 (critical point at 60 m, jumps up to 70 m
K40 year-round hill, inrun track with ceramics
K20 school jump, next to the K40 hill, covered with plastic matting, all year round


placeactivityFurther information / phone
Bad UrachSled dog rideThomas Heu, Tel. 07381 500011
Berghulen near Blaubeuren,Sleigh rides, carriage ridesCarriage and carriage museum Tel. 07344 8980
GomadingenCarriage and sleigh ridesMain and state stud Marbach, Tel. 07385 969541
HayingenSleigh rides, carriage ridesJ. Bock Hayingen-Maxfelden, Tel. 07386 424
HohensteinWinter trail riding"Alb Cowboy" Willi Wolf, Hohenstein-Meidelstetten, Tel. 07387 579
NeufraSleigh rides, carriage ridesUwe Link, Tel. 07574 2500
Roman stoneSleigh rides, carriage ridesSchepper holiday farm, Tel. 07382 229
TrochtelfingenSleigh rides, carriage ridesFam. Keller Tel. 07124 686


It's always a coat colder in the rough Alb. The old saying illustrates the climatic difference between the much milder one Neckar basin and the heights of the Alb. The Swabian Alb as a winter sports region is in the shadow of the Black Forest. And not in terms of brand awareness, but primarily because of the location. Most of the winds in southern Germany come from the west, and so many clouds first rain down when they cross the Black Forest. Precipitation is therefore somewhat rarer on the Alb, and the duration of sunshine is correspondingly longer. The harsher climatic conditions are caused by the altitude and the wind on the plateaus. This is especially true in winter. There are fewer clouds, and accordingly more sun during the day. At the same time it cools down more overnight in winter, in the Alb it is colder at comparable altitudes than in the Black Forest. Although less snow falls in comparison, it usually stays longer. Nevertheless, it must be stated that there have been winters in recent years when the ski lifts in the region, to the chagrin of the operators, sometimes could not even stay in operation for a whole month.

Sports shops in the region


Web links

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