Visas - Wizy

Visas - information useful when traveling - i.e. whether a visa is needed to enter the country, and if so - how can it be obtained?


There are few countries in Europe that require a visa from Polish citizens - these are:

  • Belarusthe information is here.
  • Russia - the visa application must be filled in electronically in English or Russian, it must be submitted to the Russian Visa Center in Warsaw (ul. Starościńska) as standard insurance and a voucher for stay. You can use the intermediation of a travel agency, they have mastered the entire procedure.
  • Turkey (e-Visa, cost $ 30 (as of: 2019))


In Asia, a visa is required to enter a number of countries:


Almost all of America has embraced Poland in visa-free travel - the only countries that require visas are:

In all cases, the visa is not available at the border.


Africa is practically entirely covered by visa traffic, with a few exceptions:


A visa is required for Australia (eVisitor, completed electronically, free of charge) i Papua-Nw. Guinea (visa at the airport).

Visa run

Visa run is extending your stay in a given country - but how?


We want to stay in Thailand for 28 days without a visa. We enter by land. When crossing the border by land, the visa-free regime covers stays of up to 15 days (30 by plane). However, a 4-week trip to Thailand by land can be arranged - on the 15th day after arriving in Thailand, we have to go to the border - from Burma it can be exceeded, for example, in Mae Sai (or Ranong). A visa You can get Burmese at these crossings at the border for $ 10 / person - entitles you to move 5 km from the border crossing for 2 weeks. After visiting (or not) the border town, we have to go back to Thailand - another such trip in 2 weeks (after 4 such trips, the passage should be changed - the counter resets). Or you can do it at the border Lao (visa 30 USD / person), or Malaysian (no visa is needed, but the border is in the very south of the country).

What is it about

If the example above did not explain to you what visa runIt is clearer: if the period of staying without a visa ends in a country, and we still want to stay, we leave for a few hours / a few days to a neighboring country, and then we come back.


IN USA visa run is not recommended - if we have a tourist visa, we live there permanently and travel every six months, e.g. to Canada - immigration authorities can withdraw us from the border and prohibit re-entry.