United States - Stany Zjednoczone

United States
United States
Flag of the United States.svg
United States in its region.svg
Capital cityWashington
Systemfederal republic
Currencydollar (USD, $)
$ 1 = 100 cents (¢)
Time zoneUTC -5 to -11 - winter
UTC -4 to -10 - summer
Surface9,631,418 km²
Population331 449 281
Official languagenone at federal level, de facto English
Dominant religionChristianity
Telephone code 1
Electric voltage120 V / 60 Hz
Socket typeA, B
Car codeUSA
Car trafficright hand
Internet domain.us.gov.mil
Administrative map of the United States

United States - large state in North America with an area over thirty times larger than that of Poland. A state with a federal system. There is no single official language set at the federal level, because not all states recognize English as an official language, although it is, of course, in common use. 21 United States 7.98 Full democracy Federalism, republic, presidential system, bicameralism



Although they do not fly to the United States cheap carriersIt is thanks to competition between airlines that ticket prices are relatively low. Ticket to New York can be purchased for about 1.8 thousand. PLN both ways, and up to Chicago for about 2 thousand. zloty. These are prices for tickets with a specified departure and return date, without the right to change dates (as of March 2013). The airports in in Warsaw and Krakow.

Polish carrier (FLIGHT) is the only one offering direct connections from Poland to North America, which results in quite high ticket prices (as of March 2013). Travelers on a budget, and especially students and Euro 26 cardholders, should consider the offers of European airlines offering connecting flights at very attractive prices (e.g. KLM or Finnair). It is worth adding here that, unlike LOT European carriers also offer on-demand entertainment in economy class. Entertainment on demand) - movies, music, radio broadcasts or games.


Poland and other European countries have not maintained regular sea connections for many years. However, you can buy a cruise, usually from London. The cruise lasts up to a week.

By land from neighboring countries

Border crossing

Before crossing the border, from May 2013, we no longer fill in the entry form I 94. It is created automatically after our passport is scanned by an official immigration. However, we are still completing the customs clearance form (one per family).

Crossing the border each time involves a conversation with the immigration officer, whose decision depends on whether he will allow us to enter and for how long he will issue a residence permit. It is true that cases of refusal are individual, but it should be remembered that they are possible. The interview is conducted in English. Usually, we are asked about the purpose and time of the trip, return tickets and means of payment, as well as the place where we intend to stay. Therefore, it is good to prepare answers to these routine questions in advance, which will speed up our briefing. During the conversation with the clerk immigration fingerprints of all fingers are taken and a face photograph is taken (without glasses).

Officials at airports in New York and Chicago are considered more inquisitive, and they are less burdensome at other airports, where the number of Poles crossing the border is smaller. When leaving, please remember to scan your passport at the electronic check-in kiosk.

It is forbidden to transport fresh food to the United States: meat, meat products, fruit and vegetables, bread and cakes, cheese, etc. Random baggage checks are carried out in this regard. In order to detect food in baggage, some airports are checked by specialized scanners. On internal flights, it is forbidden to import or export fresh food to or from Hawaii.

It is forbidden to bring in medicines, even for personal use. It is good to have a certificate from a doctor that you need to take medications constantly, which sometimes helps in discussions with the customs officer. However, it should be added that the control of personal luggage in this respect is an exception, so it is better to put medicines necessary during your stay in the States in your hand luggage. When they confiscate the necessary drugs, we have no choice but to go to the doctor for a prescription. American regulations are more restrictive in this respect than in Poland and the purchase of an over-the-counter cough medicine from us may end up in suspicion of an attempt to extort the drug.


In fact, the official language is American English. There are many differences between the English known from Europe and the one used in the United States, mainly in terms of vocabulary and accents. Sometimes using the wrong word can lead to problems with understanding or misunderstandings. For example: remember that the elevator is not lift (British English), a elevatorand the toilet is not toilet (British English) a rest room. More and more people in the United States use Spanish in their everyday lives. It is so popular that people who know it don't have to worry about not knowing English. Moreover, often Spanish speakers do not know English.


Alcohol consumption is allowed from the age of 21. This is strictly adhered to. If someone decides to serve alcohol to a person under this age and is noticed by the police, depending on the state, the case could end up in court. It is not worth the risk, the consequences are very serious.

When buying alcohol, we may be asked, regardless of age, for a photo ID. For the so-called urban legends include stories that alcohol can be consumed in public places by putting a bottle in a purse. Maybe it used to be like that, but it's not like that anymore.

Persons under the age of 21 will not be allowed into premises whose main activity is the sale of alcohol, even if they are under the care of their family. When entering certain venues, e.g. music clubs, a person between the ages of 18 and 21 may have large X marks on their hands and a warning "6 feet from the bar".

Driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited, although depending on the state or county, the police may use unconventional forms of checking this condition, e.g. walking in a straight line or hitting the tip of the nose with a finger.

How to pay


The currency of the United States is the US dollar (international symbol USD). When going on a trip, it is good to have a certain amount of cash with you, the rest, if necessary, we will take from an ATM, marked here ATM. Of course, the commands on the screen are different than those we are used to in Europe, but with a little focus you can get through it and the ATM will give you cash. If we exchange money in a Polish currency exchange office, we ask for banknotes from new issues. It is true that the older ones are honored, but fakes are more common among them.

We have denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 dollar banknotes in circulation. We may also get a two-dollar bill being withdrawn from circulation, which is still important. The American specificity are banknotes with high denominations, even 100,000, but these are denominations for interbank trading and let's not fall for 500- or 1000-dollar denominations. Remember that the $ 100 banknote is one of the most counterfeited in the world. So let us not be surprised by the suspicion of cashiers who accept such a denomination, and let us take a fifty dollar bill with us.

The coins are 1-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-cent coins and a one-dollar coin. A 25-cent, that is quarter is used in many vending machines, while the 50 cent coin is not in common use.

Payment cards are in common use. It could not be otherwise, since it was here in the United States that they were born. Visa and Master Cards commonly issued in Poland are honored. However, there may be a problem with "flat" debit cards, so popular in Poland. It's good to have a so-called convex credit card. And these are preferably two different of the two banks.

There are millions of payment terminals in the United States, their replacement with new types, with the ability to read the "chip", is slow and we often meet old-type terminals. This makes it possible to copy data from the magnetic strip and "clone" the payment card. Therefore, it is good to check whether our bank can insure us against such theft. And after returning, let's monitor our bank account for any suspicious transactions. Because it may happen that while already in Poland, we still buy something in the States.

If you pay by card for a meal in a restaurant, remember to add a tip. In some states it is mandatory and then its amount is given in the menu. This is because the restaurant owner pays only the insurance for the waiters, and the tips are what they earn. In some restaurants, they will add it to us immediately. This applies to restaurants, not McDonald's bars.

How to travel inside the United States


Due to the long distances between American cities, flights on internal routes are very popular, and hence inexpensive. Of course, the days of flying for $ 20-30 are a thing of the past, but they are still affordable compared to Europe.

There is an automatic check-in procedure at US airports. You must have your cruise number and your passport scanned. In case of problems, you can ask for help from one of the people on duty.

It should be remembered that the checked baggage is carefully scanned and, in case of doubt, opened by airport security and manually checked. Therefore, you should not lock your luggage with padlocks, as these can be cut off. We encrypt only those combination locks that are adapted to be opened with a universal key. The leaflet placed in the luggage will inform about the fact of manual checking of the suitcase, which takes place without our knowledge. About every fourth or fifth luggage is manually checked.


There are rail connections between major urban centers in the United States. The national carrier is the company Amtrak (1-800-USA-RAIL).


Taking the bus is, apart from hitchhiking, the cheapest alternative. Bus lines cover the whole country and you can get to even small towns. The legendary bus company is Greyhound Bus Lines (1,800-229-9424). It works with many local bus lines.


If we have more time, this is the best way to get around the United States. There are all known car rental companies and the rental prices are lower than in Europe. Due to the long distances traveled, a larger vehicle should be selected. As a rule, the rental cars are equipped with an automatic gearbox.

However, if we are planning a longer stay, it is best to buy a used car, which we can sell or give to someone before leaving the United States. Needless to say, this is an option for people who can assess the technical condition of the vehicle.

Road traffic regulations are similar to European ones. The exotic exception are unmarked intersections or marked with a STOP sign on each side. They are governed by the principle of "first in, first pass" - that is, cars go through the intersection in the order in which they appeared. One should also pay attention to the traffic lights usually placed behind the intersection, and not in front of it, as is the case in Poland. With less traffic, a right turn at a red light is allowed.

You must absolutely obey the speed limits, as indicated by the densely placed white signs with the word speed limit and the speed in miles. The American police are in control of this and are against drivers speeding absolute speed. This also applies to completely empty road sections controlled by high-flying planes. Likewise, if you run a red light, you may end up visiting a court. The specificity of more crowded American highways are express lanes, marked on the road with a diamond and an information board, intended for vehicles with more than two passengers. Unauthorized use of this belt may result in a fine of more than $ 300.

In principle, it is respected and published in Poland Driving license. It is also good to have with you International driving licenseas each state has slightly different laws on honoring rights issued outside the United States. And there are cases when state law does not recognize Polish driving licenses. Fortunately, the policemen don't get into the legal complexities.

Refueling takes place in most cases from self-service distributors, where automatic dispensers operating in Poland, maintenance-free networks, are a child's play. It's best to ask someone for help the first time. They do it willingly. They gladly accept cash at gas stations, but more often payments are made with payment cards, most often credit cards.

Characteristic for the United States is road marking according to geographical directions. For example, we have given a road number and a direction Westtherefore, in some cars, the compass is included as standard.

From the other equipment of the car, you can meet a satellite radio, ensuring high sound quality throughout the route.

An administrative division

The United States of America consists of 50 states and cities Washington, D.C., the federal district and the nation's capital. Below is a breakdown of the country into regions from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Map of the United States
New EnglandConnecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Central AtlanticDelaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
SouthAlabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
MidwestIllinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
Great PlainsSouth Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma
Rocky MountainsColorado, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
SWArizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah
Northwest PacificWashington, Oregon

Administratively, the United States is a federation states, with a high degree of autonomy, each with its own local legislation and services (hence the name). The United States manages others as well territories in various parts of the world, the largest of which are: Puerto Rico (which has a special "community" status) i US Virgin Islands on Caribbean and American Samoa, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands in Oceania.

View on Chicago


What is worth seeing

Objects from the UNESCO World Heritage List


In the cities

There are hotels with a business profile in American cities. Overnight in them costs up to $ 170. Hotels of most well-known international chains operate in large metropolises. Here, prices reaching $ 300 are not uncommon. In most hotels, in the room, in line with the Anglo-Saxon tradition, there will be a kettle, cups and instant coffee, coffee whitener and sugar, while tea less often. Although the United States still publishes hotel guides in books, the best solution is to search for the right hotel through numerous internet portals, and check directly on the hotel's website if they have a better offer. Unfortunately, low-priced rooms tend to be of a worse standard. The specificity of American hotels is the lack of breakfast, these are only offered in more expensive hotels. Recently, WiFi in hotels is usually free. An alternative to expensive hotels are hostels. Some of them are concentrated in the organization Youth Hostel. However, do not expect the hostel to be in every smaller town. Prices are up to $ 30 per night. This offer is addressed mainly to younger tourists, although hostels do not have any age restrictions.

On the way

If we leave the centers of large cities and move between them, motels are the cheapest and hassle-free form of accommodation. They are designed for motorized travelers and usually offer two large beds, a large TV, a large bathroom, a coffee corner with an overflow coffee machine and coffee. The latter has a typical "american blend" - a taste not accepted by Europeans. There is also an ironing board in each room, and if there is no iron, we will certainly get it at the reception. There are some major motel chains, such as Super8 [1] or Motel6 [2]. We make reservations via the website. But it is not necessary as there is usually no problem with free rooms. Independent motels usually have "inn" in the name, and the illuminated inscription "Vacancy" informs us about vacancies.

The so-called coupons. In tourist service centers (e.g. at the highway, on the state border) there are brochures with them. Thanks to them, sometimes we get breakfast included in the price, and sometimes it is even a 50% discount on the price of a motel or hotel. But these coupons apply not only to accommodation, but also to purchases. It should be added that motels are also located on the outskirts of all cities. So if we have a car and we are not afraid of parking problems in the center, it is a good alternative to a hotel. Rates for a motel room range from $ 15 to $ 70.

In national parks

In national parks, having a tent, sleeping bag and mat, we can spend the night at designated campsites. And an additional attraction, in such parks as Yellowstone or Yosemite, can be the night visits of bears, which is why everything that can be eaten is transferred to well-closed steel boxes, remembering to take food out of the car, because nice bears can demolish it in search of something for food. If, on the other hand, we do not have camping equipment, national parks have various types of mobile homes at exorbitant prices (often over $ 200).


The United States is a multi-ethnic and multicultural country, therefore in large urban clusters, such as New York or Los Angeles, we can find restaurants with dishes from all cuisines of the world, including Polish cuisine. The further away from such agglomerations, the more we enter the hamburger and french fries zone, but in small towns and villages there are many non-chain local restaurants. In provincial restaurants it takes the form of a sliced ​​loaf of bread. Restaurants in city centers are really very expensive. It is good to check out smaller restaurants in the side streets, especially those where police cars are parked at lunchtime, there is a chance it will be cheaper and tasty.

In some top restaurants, tables are reserved for days in advance. Reservations in such establishments can be made via the Internet.

Of course, all the fast food chains known from Poland operate, and additionally those that have not yet come to us, e.g. Denny's [3] or Norm's [4]. An interesting network is the chain of restaurants connected to the shop (going to the restaurant through the shop is obligatory) called Cracker Barrel[5]. The restaurant building, its decor and menu refer to the former American province.

There are also well-developed takeaways (takeout), especially those with Chinese food.

American hotels or motels, especially the cheaper ones, do not offer breakfast. Usually there is at least one bar offering such a meal in the immediate vicinity. The menu offered is different than what we are used to. Don't expect rolls and cold cuts (though that can happen too). Usually, these are warm breakfasts with scrambled eggs and hash browns - which can be both fried potatoes, small potato pancakes and triangular potato croquettes. Pancakes are another dish Pancakes mistakenly called pancakes in our company. They are about 10 cm in diameter and about 1 cm thick, and they are made with baking powder. They are usually served with a variety of syrups. The taste is very "chemical". Almost in every motel / hotel where breakfast is available, you can make waffles, as well as milk and cereals. Breakfast is usually until 9 AM or 10 AM, after that everything is taken, only coffee remains.


mobile network

In cities, mobile phones usually have full coverage. In smaller centers you can meet the second generation network. European LTE is not compatible with US and our phone may not support it. The roaming rate is around PLN 10 per minute of calls to Poland and PLN 5 per minute of incoming calls. Sending an SMS costs PLN 1.6 (as of September 2014). When traveling for a long time or in a group of friends, it is good to buy at least one SIM card from one of the operators. This can be done by buying such a card in a large store or one of the company's many showrooms. For $ 60 phone and internet charges, 20 for a SIM card, we get monthly access to the telephone network with unlimited minutes for calls within the United States and 3 GB of internet transfer (as of August 2014). This card only works in the United States.

Keep in mind, however, that due to the sheer size of the United States, cell phones may not work outside of larger population centers. Then, wealthy people are recommended to rent a satellite phone from the Irydium network.


Internet is usually available in public places such as restaurants and bars. Most hotels also offer free internet access. Internet cafes, so popular until recently, have completely disappeared, while in hotels there are computer stations with the possibility of printing pages.

Diplomatic representations

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington

2640 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

Telephone: 202 499 17 00

Fax: 202 328 62 71

Web page: https://wasburghton.msz.gov.pl/pl/

E-mail: [email protected]

US Embassy in Warsaw

Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31

00-540 Warsaw

Telephone: 225 04 20 00

Fax: 225 04 26 88

Web page: https://pl.usembassy.gov/pl/

E-mail: [email protected]

This website uses content from the website: United States published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0