Armenia - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Arménie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Flag of Armenia.svg
Capital city
Form of State
Telephone prefix
Internet suffix
Flow direction
40 ° 23 ′ 0 ″ N 44 ° 57 ′ 0 ″ E
Official site

TheArmenia is a country of Caucasus, border of the Turkey, of the Georgia, of the'Azerbaijan andIran.



Enclosed in the heights of the Caucasus, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, Armenia is located in Eurasia, straddling Europe and Asia.


Cold winters down to -40 ⁰C.


Armenia, at the beginning of 2001, was the 42nd member country of the Council of Europe but was the first country to have officially adopted Christianity as a religion at the beginning of the fourth century. Despite periods of autonomy, Armenia has been greatly dominated by different empires over the centuries (Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Persian, Ottoman, Russian empires.) In 1828, the country was included in the Russia, then, in 1920 in the U.S.S.R.

The Armenian leaders are concerned about the long conflict between them and theAzerbaijan muslim about Nagorno-Karabakh, a region originally populated by Armenians, but granted to Azerbaijan by Moscow in the 1920s. Armenia and Azerbaijan began fighting in the region in 1988; the struggle intensified after the independence of the two countries in 1991. In May 1994, when the ceasefire was declared, the Armenians controlled not only Nagorno-Karabakh but also part of Azerbaijan proper. On either side, the economy has suffered from the inability of governments to move towards a peaceful solution. Recently, along with the Armenian Diaspora, the Armenian economy has seen its GDP grow impressively.


Holidays and public holidays



True symbol of the Armenian nation, the khachkars are the stone crosses that can be counted in the thousands, without however finding two identical, in the countryside of Armenia, at the foot of churches, or more generally, isolated in the landscape.The most frequently represented form is the cross accompanied by a rosette. Patterns of leaves or clusters or even abstract knots also adorn the sculptures. The khachkars were raised mainly for the salvation of the soul, but also to commemorate a military victory, the building of a church, an unhappy love, or as a form of protection against natural disasters.The first evolved khachkars appeared during the IXe century. The peak of this art is between the 12th and 14th centuries. At the end of XVe century, the Mongol invasion put a brake on the manufacture of khachkars, which resurfaced in the 16th and 17th centuries. Today the tradition continues and the work of khachkar sculptors can be observed in some neighborhoods of Yerevan. Armenia has a little over 40,000 khachkars spread across its territory. Most of them are still standing. One can also observe khachkars directly carved on stone walls. These usually pay homage to a donation. Geghard's khachkar carved in 1213, that of the Holy Redeemer in Haghpat carved in 1273, and that of Goshavank are known to be the finest specimens in Armenia. The Yerevan History Museum as well as the Echmiadzin Cathedral are also home to some of the most beautiful sculptures.To get the most complete overview of this art, it is advisable to visit the khachkar field located in Noradouz, on the western shores of Lake Sevan. This one has about 900 khachkars of different periods and styles.


Map of Armenia
Central Armenia (Yerevan, Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Kotayk)
The political center of Armenia contains a large part of the country's museums and cultural places in Yerevan, the religious center ofEtchmiadzin, the 4 100 m of the Aragats volcano and the monasteries of Khor Virap and Geghard. Much of this region consists of the flat, dry Ararat Valley. The hidden beauty of the Khosrov Preserve is rarely visited.
Lake Sevan region (Gegharkunik)
This region is centered around the lake Sevan located at 2,000 meters altitude, itself surrounded by historical monuments, churches and monasteries, as well as popular beaches. Highlights of a visit to the area include the world's largest Khachkar cemetery, the beaches near Sevanavank Monastery, and the countless fish and crayfish restaurants along the shores. Recently, windsurfing has been reintroduced to the list of recreational activities.
Northern Armenia (Lorri, Shirak, Tavush)
Bordering Georgia to the north, this mountainous region includes many beautiful, isolated churches and monasteries. The Debed valley contains a lot of it. The remote region of Shamshadin is a glimpse of beautiful Armenia that is virtually unvisited.
Southern armenia (Syunik, Vayots Dzor)
DisclaimerThe inclusion of Nagorno-Karabakh can in no way be considered as political support for one of the parties to the conflict relating to its sovereignty.

This purely practical distinction is due to the fact that the travel conditions in this region accessible only from Armenia, are very different from those in the rest of Azerbaijan.


Other destinations

Yerevan and Mount Ararat
  • In Yerevan:
    • More than 40 museums and art galleries.
    • Brandy Distillery.
    • Opera
    • The arts and crafts market, every weekend along Boulevard Pavtos Biuzand
    • The painters' market, every weekend in Saryan park
  • West of the country:
    • Hovhannavank Monastery (Aragatsotn region)
    • Yeghvard Church (Aragatsotn region)
    • Amberd Fortress (Aragatsotn region)
    • The Holy See of Etchmiadzin (Armavir region)
    • The ruins of Zvartnots (Armavir region)
    • Gumri town (Shirak region)
    • Mantash reservoir (Shirak region)
  • In the center :
    • Garni and his pagan temple (Ier century)
    • Geghard monastery (12th century) carved out of the rock
    • Khosrov National Reserve (Ararat region)
    • The monastery of Khor Virap region of Ararat)
    • Garni temple
    • Geghard's Church
Haghartsin monastery
  • In the north of the country:
    • Sanahin Monastery (UNESCO World Heritage Site - Lori region)
    • Haghbat Monastery (Lori region)
    • The city of Idjevan (Tavoush region)
    • The city of Dilijan (Tavoush region)
    • Haghartsin monastery (Tavoush region)
    • Goshavank monastery (Tavush region)
Lake Sevan
  • East of the country:
    • Noradouz Khachkars Field (Geharkunik region)
    • Selim Caravanserai (Geharkunik region)
    • Lake Sevan (Geharkunik region): Nestled in the heart of the mountains, this immense expanse (three times Lake Geneva) is the second highest lake in the world. It peaks at more than 1 900 m above sea level.
Noravank Monastery
  • In the south of the country:
    • Ughtasar petroglyph field (Syunik region)
    • The megalitic site of Zorats Karer (Syunik region)
    • Tatev Monastery (Syunik region)
    • The falls of Saki (Syunik region)
    • Jermuk spa resort (Vayots Dzor region)
    • Noravank monastery (Tavoush region)

To go


A passport valid 3 months after the return date is required for citizens of theEuropean Union, of the Swiss, of the Norway, of the'Iceland, of Liechtenstein, of the'Argentina, member countries of the CIS and the Georgia, no visa is necessary if the total length of stay is less than 180 days per year. For other citizens, from countries not appearing on this listing, a tourist visa can be requested at the embassy or at the airport upon payment of a fee of 3000 drams for a short stay visa (21 days) or 15,000 drams (120 days). Visas are free for minors.

  •      Armenia
  •      Exemption from Visa
  •      Visa on arrival
  •      Visa required

By plane

Arrival is mainly via Zvartnots International Airport fromYerevan which is well renovated.Many foreign companies offer flights to Armenia: Air France, British Airways, Lufthansa, Aeroflot, CSA, Syrian Airways, Austrian Airways, etc.

On a boat

By train

A daily connection between Yerevan and Tbilisi in Georgia. This train is extended to Batumi in summer.

By bus

From Georgia, it is possible to travel Tbilisi - Yerevan by road in matchroutka, collective minibuses present throughout the former USSR.

Many possibilities exist from Tbilisi Central Station. However, departures also exist from Samgori station (Metro Line 1, south of the city) where prices may be more advantageous in order to avoid the tourist traps of the Central Station.

In January 2018, due to the closure of the main road axis between Georgia and Armenia via the center of the country, the journey was made through the region of Tavush, border of Azerbaijan and classified red by the MAEDI. However the journey is worth the adventure, because of the beauty of the mountainous landscapes crossed with the highlight being the length of the Lake Sevan towards Yerevan.

Several bus lines connect Armenia toIran For about 40 $ and at the Georgia for about ten dollars.

By car

Borders with Turkey and theAzerbaijan are closed.


Very little indication in the Latin alphabet, especially in Yerevan

By bus

This system is very developed all over the country, cheap, many buses are very old and very slow. The destination is almost always indicated in Armenian on the front of the bus, so it is best to ask for confirmation of the route. The 2 bus stations as well as the bus stations in Yerevan provide access to the provincial towns.

By subway

Cheap but only a line to Yerevan.

By taxi

It is possible to travel across the country by taxi for reasonable prices, and taxis are plentiful in Yerevan. It is the most used mode of transport.

To contact taxi companies:

Carmel: (10) 21 02 11

Caruso: (10) 58 00 14

City Cab: (10) 28 79 99

Franspark: (10) 28 35 53

Peg Taxi: (10) 56 56 10

Smile Taxi: (10) 56 75 75 - (10) 58 30 30 - (10) 27 16 66

Taxi Alex: (10) 20 90 90

Taxi Cavalier: (10) 55 12 99

Taxi Karat: (10) 54 35 43

Taxi Tour: (10) 49 99 94

Taxi Z: (10) 58 85 58

By train

Armenian railway network.

The network and rolling stock to Soviet standards. Yerevan Central Station is located on Sassountsi David Square. Trains go in the direction of Sevan and of Tbilisi in Georgia and Batumi in summer.

By plane

A single inner line between Yerevan and Gumri.

By car

The rules of the highway code are different from European and American standards, the signage is sometimes confusing. It seems better to hire a driver, unless you are used to these rules of conduct.

The state of the roads is often uncertain and the driving of locals is sometimes dangerous, which implies extreme caution. Night trips are to be avoided outside large urban areas. Beware of the local driving style and the sometimes uncertain quality of the road network.

Very few expressways exist in Armenia.

The fuel distribution is normal even if the service stations are more spaced in the mountainous areas, a high proportion of vehicles run on gas.

No blood alcohol level is tolerated in Armenia if you want to get behind the wheel.

What is the speed limit 60 km / h in the city.

Addresses of car rentals without driver :

- Sixt : "Zvartnots" Airport / 42, rue Acharian - (10) 23 47 60

- Armenia Reviews : 33 Sayat - Nova Ave (10) 51 63 63

- AR Tour Rent : 10 Pushkin Street - (10) 56 63 59

- Elitar & Hertz Rent a Car : 7, rue Abovian - (10) 58 48 18

- Beumonde Service Thrifty Armenia : Armenia Mariott Hotel - (10) 59 99 95

- Tourorent : Abobian Street, Sil Plazza - (10) 54 10 25

- EET : 15, rue Toumanian - (10) 54 42 05

- Europcar : 8, rue Kievian - (10) 22 94 95


TheArmenian is the official language.

However, the Russian is spoken by almost all Armenians.

  • Barev: hello
  • Kenats: cheers
  • Zugaran: toilets
  • Chnorakalutyun or thank you: thank you



100,000 drams banknote

Armenian currency is the dram (դրամ, AMD). Dram is accepted everywhere and in rare cases US dollars will be accepted for large purchases, but Dram remains the only legal tender for trade. US dollars, Euros and rubles can be exchanged almost anywhere in the country, other major currencies are also easy to exchange. Foreign exchange bureaus and commercial banks generally do not charge a commission and the rates are almost always very competitive.

ATMs (Bankomats) are widely available in major cities, but outside of Yerevan you should have a major system like Visa or MasterCard on your card for this to work.

Credit cards are not yet widely accepted except in Yerevan.

Exchange rate

Exchange rate (indicative in January 2013):

  • = 538 dram
  • 1 USD = 404 dram
  • 1 £ = 646 dram
  • 1 RUB = 13.24 dram


Not to be missed at any price: Armenian meat grilled over a fire in all the country's restaurants: pork, chicken, beef ... Armenians are said to express all their love in their cuisine. Armenian gastronomy is a tasty mix of Eastern and Western cuisines.

Dolma is a most appetizing dish prepared with meat or rice stuffed with vine leaves or vegetables.

Khorovats are skewers of beef, lamb, pork or chicken marinated for hours and then cooked on the grill. Accompanied by grilled tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, they offer a very fragrant meal.

Fish lovers will feast on ichkhan, a salmon trout nicknamed the "prince" of Lake Sevan.

In Armenian cuisine, bread is the main food. There are a large number of Armenian breads but the most traditional is Lavache. The preparation of Lavache is part of a centuries-old tradition of finely flattening the dough before baking it in a special clay oven called "tonir".

Armenia is known the world over for its Brandy. This is prepared with spring water and an assortment of white grapes grown in the Ararat plain.

Armenians also appreciate vodka, called oghi. In the villages, different fruits such as blackberries, apricots and grapes are fermented to distill a very fragrant vodka.

To see: - The wine cellar of the village of Areni- The Brandy distillery of Ararat: visit of the factory, cognac tasting and viewing of a film on the legendary Armenian brandy - The preparation of lavache among the peasants .- The cover of Mashtots Avenue in Yerevan to enjoy the colors and scents of the stalls of fresh fruits and dried fruits, fresh vegetables and many spices.

To drink

Local drinks: tan (made from milk), beer, wine (especially red), vodka and brandy.


In cities and tourist areas, hotels of all classes and for all budgets.
In rural areas, as long as you speak Armenian, Russian or have a good dictionary, it is possible to stay in very friendly and typical bed & breakfasts.


To work

Jobs on
For volunteering: or


Travel warningEmergency telephone number:
Police :102
Firefighter :101

Security in Armenia is one of the many strengths of the destination. The provincial towns and outskirts of Yerevan are often not lit in the evening, but it is safe to walk around.

Government travel advice

  • Logo representing the flag of the country BelgiumBelgium (Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country CanadaCanada (Government of Canada) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country FranceFrance (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Logo representing the flag of the country of SwitzerlandSwiss (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) Logo indicating a link to the website


No vaccine is required to enter Armenian territory. However, it is best to be up to date with your vaccinations against diphtheria, polio and tetanus. The water from the fountains found in cities and along the roads is drinkable. However, outside of Yerevan it is best to drink mineral water. There are many well-stocked pharmacies in Yerevan and in the main cities.


Armenians are like all other Europeans in their ways and lifestyle, although in some ways they are on the traditional end of the spectrum. Unlike Europe today, Armenia remains deeply religious and women occupy a place in society that Western Europe has not seen for generations.

Do not hesitate to talk about the Karabakh conflict and the settlement in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Unlike Azerbaijan, this is not a touchy subject, nor something on tiptoe.

Turkey still denies the issue of the Armenian genocide, in which up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Young Turk government during World War I. If you were wondering if this had happened, you would probably be seen as ignorant or rude. More information about the Armenian Genocide can be obtained by visiting the museum at the “Tsitsernakaberd” Genocide Monument.

Many Armenians believe that Russian rule saved Armenia from complete Turkish extermination, and many Armenians are Slavophiles. Armenians don't care that you speak to them in Russian, unlike other post-communist countries.

It is very common to give up your seat to an older passenger in public transport. Usually, men also cede their seats to women. It is also considered polite to let women get on the bus, train or room first, and the “women first” rule is considered important.

When visiting churches, men and women are expected to dress modestly (i.e. no shorts, miniskirts, tank tops / blouses), although most churches say nothing to passing tourists. . Admission is free, so lighting a candle can be a nice gesture, but it's completely optional. You should always speak calmly when visiting a church.


To call locally, dial: 00 374 city code number of the correspondent.

City codes:

Ashtarak: 43

Ararat: 78

Ardachat: 45

Armavir (Oktemberian): 47

Dilizhan: 720

Yerevan: 2

Goumri (Leninakan): 69

Kotaik (Abovyan): 61

Talin: 490

Vanadzor (Kirovakan): 57

Yetchmiadzin: 59

There are many internet cafes in Yerevan and most hotels (especially Yerevan ones) offer internet connection.

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