Enna (city) - Enna (stad)

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Enna (city) (Sicily)
And after
Position of Enna in Sicily.

And after is the capital of the eponymous province on the Italian Island Sicily.


And after is the capital of the province of the same name in Central Sicily and is located at 931 m above sea level, making it the highest provincial capital of Italy. It has an area of ​​357.18 km² and it has 27,792 inhabitants (2012). Enna also the navel of Sicily mentioned is divided into Enna Alta (highest) and Enna Bassa (lower) which is located at an altitude of about 700 m, many companies and offices have settled here in recent years and the Kore University.Enna is part of the Monti Eric, a broad ridge that rises over the river valley Dittaino, a tributary of the Simeto and the Salso. The town of Enna is at 931 m while the Castle of Lombardy (Castello di Lombardia) is located at an altitude of 991 m. About 9.5 km from Enna is Lake Pergusa and the Riserva Naturale Special Lago di Pergusa which also belongs to Enna city.

Neighborhood municipalities: Agira, Aidone, Assoro, Calascibetta, Caltanissetta (CL), Gangi (PA), Piazza Armerina, pietraperzia, St.Catarina Villarmosa (CL), Valguamera Caropepe and Villarosa.

Apart from tourism, other important income from the Agriculture and Food industry, especially frozen vegetables.


Even in prehistoric times the area was inhabited, archaeological findings prove. Before the first Greek settlement, Sikanen and Siculi lived here. In the 4th century, Enna was strategically conquered by Dionysius and Agathocles, both rulers of Syracuse, conquered. During the Punic Wars, Enna was occupied first by the Carthaginians and then by the Romans, the place was Castrum Hennae called. Until 139 BC, the first Slavic war started in the area around Enna. Only after four years, the Roman army captured the residence of the criminal slave-leader Eunus. After the Romans, the Byzantines ruled. In AD 859, the Arabs captured the city after several years of siege. They gave her the name Qasr Yannah , which was later translated into Italian in Castrogiovanni. In 1088 it was conquered by the Normans. In 1314 it was Frederick II of Sicily who was given the title King of Trinacria (ancient name for Sicily), from this period come the Castello di Lombardia and the Torre di Federico II .

The role of Enna was always of strategic importance due to its central location, while Arab and Norman rule, lost in the centuries that followed and increased in importance. Until 1927 the city was called Castrogiovanni and became the old name of And after restored to its former glory. In 2004, a University was established in Enna, the fourth youngest university in Sicily.

Enna (EN)


In and around And after There are also some films shot, namely: Tre giorni d'anarchia (2003), Rosso Malpelo (2007) and La bella society (2009).


In And after will it be Sicilian dialect (Gallo-Siculo) "il Lombardo" spoken, but is it Italian the official language.

average maximum (°C) 6,56,98,411,817,622,325,425,621,515,812,38,5
average minimum (°C) 2,92,73,86,111,114,917,918,215,010,87,94,8

The climate in And after is quite cool in the Spring, with temperatures between 10-15°C, in the Summer there is no muggy, the temperatures are above 25-30°C, in the Autumn there is a lot of fog and the Winter (January and February) is quite cold with a minimum of 3°C and a maximum of 7-10°C.


By plane

And after does not have its own airport, you are dependent on the nearest one in the area.

From Punta Raisi Airport there is the Trinacria Express nasty Palermo Central Station, duration: 45 min. Price: € 5.80. With the bus company Prestia e Comandé drives from the airport 2 x per hour to Palermo Stazione Centrale (travel time 45 min; price: € 6.30 one way, return € 11.00), with the bus company SAIS Autolinee can you from Palermo travel to Enna, duration: 1.45 hours, price € 10.00 one way, return € 16.00.

By train

track race Catania -And after-Caltanissetta - licata

Enna can be reached all the way from the BeNeLux by train (via Messina and Syracuse) but the journey does take more than 24 hours, see the website of Deutsche Bahn. All train connections are also available on this Dutch website Sicily to find.

By bus

The best and most recommended is to go to Enna by bus, it is on the highway A19, PalermoCatania.You can get in from all major cities in Sicily travel to Enna as it is centrally located, you can even take a bus to larger cities in Italy traveling and with different countries in Europe.Enna has its own city service with 6 lines (SAIS Autolinee), there are 2 bus companies that serve Enna, namely, SAIS and Etna transport.

  •    Bus stationis located on the Viale Generale Armando Diaz, a further important bus stop is Piazza Bernini in Enna Bassa..

By car

And after can be reached by private car as well as from Palermo if Catania via the toll-free highway A19 connecting Palermo to Catania. Take the Enna exit via the SS 117 bis (strada statale centro Sicula) via a viaduct which is the longest in Sicily. The SS 561 Pergusina connects Enna to Pergusa. The SS 290 connects Enna with Calascibetta and Alimena. The SS 121 Catanese connects Enna with Villarosa and Leonforte to Catania. The SS 117 bis connects Enna with Piazza Armerina and Gela.

Travel around

By car

Enna is quite conveniently located on the central road network of Sicily and directly connected to the A19 (Palermo-Catania) motorway which toll-free is.

By bus

The city services are provided by SAIS Autolinee, there are 6 city lines. The bus terminal is located on the Viale Diaz, another:

  •    Bus stationPiazza Bernini (Enna Bassa),  39 0935 524111, toll free number: 800 21 10 20. The Terminal Enna Bassa is located in Piazza Bernini from where you can transfer to other places in Sicily.

By train

  •    Stazione di Enna. Enna train station is 3 km north of the city, there is a bus connection from Autolinee SAIS between the station and the city,

on foot

In Enna Alta you can easily reach and explore all the sights on foot. If you want to go to Enna Bassa, take the car or take the city bus (because of the difference in height).

To look at


Cathedral of Enna
  •    Duomo Maria Santissima della VisitazioneVia Roma. Built in 1307 on the ruins of the Proserpina Temple at the initiative of the wife of Frederick III of Aragon. After a devastating fire in 1446, the church had to be thoroughly renovated. On the side is a chapel with a golden nave whose nest contains a statue of the Madonna carried through the city in processions.
  •    Chiesa San Francisco d'Assisic. Dating from the 14th century, this church contains frescoes by Giovanni Battista Bruno, a wooden crucifix from the 14th century and a painting by the Flemish master Simone de Wobreck.
  •    Church of San MarcoVia Vittorio Emanuele. Was built in 1492-1493 after the expulsion of the Jews from Sicily on the ruins of the synagogue in the old Jewish ghetto. Renovated in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  •    Church of San Giuseppe. Dating from the 14th century, it was renovated in 1700 in Baroque style, with a statue of the Holy Family, which is carried through the streets of the city in processions on March 19.
  •    Church of San Agostino. Located on Piazza S.Agostino dating from the 18th century, worth mentioning is a painting by Pietro d'Asar and a statue of the Madonna and Child from the school of Gaginis.
  •    Chiesa di S. ChiaraVia Roma. This church was built in 1614-1616 and was the seat of the Jesuits until 1767. Inside you will find a colored tiled floor.
  •    Chiesa di SS. salvatore. Founded in 1261, an alabaster statue of the Madonna della Vittoria can be found in a niche.
  •    Chiesa di San Francesco di Paola. Dating from 1601 and renovated in the Baroque style, inside is an onyx altar and a cross and two statues of the Madonna di Loreto and San Francesco di Paola, attributed to Gaginis.
  •    Church of San Domenico. With paintings from 1595 by artists from the Borremans School and a sundial from 1742.
  •    Church of Santa Maria la Donna Nuova. Is one of the oldest churches of the city, 12th century, was renovated in 1660 and restored after the bombings of 1943 and in the year 1952.
  •    Church of San Tommaso.
  • Chiesa di Maria SS Del Carmelo
  • Chiesa di SS.Crocefisso
  • Church of Santa Maria del Gesu di Montesalvo

Castles and Palaces

  •    Castello di Lombardia. Built by Frederick II on Arab soil and expanded by the Normans, Frederick III of Aragon built the fortress and made it his residence after he was crowned King of Trinacria. Of the original 26 towers, the Torre Pisana is the best preserved from which you have a great view over the city and region, up to the volcano Etna!
Castle of Lombardy-Enna
  •    Rocca di Cerere. Here are remains of the Roman-era Ceres sanctuary that nestled on a headland northeast of the Castello di Lombardia.
the rock of Cerere-Enna
  •    Torre di Federico II. Located in the west of the city, an octagonal tower house, 24 meters high and 2 floors and a long underground tunnel of 1400 meters that ran from the Castello Nuovo (that's how the tower house was called) to the Castello di Lombardia.


  •    Prefettura (Teatro Garibaldic), Piazza Garibaldic. Today the seat of the Town Hall is located here.
City Hall

Streets and Squares

  • Via Roma and the Via Pergusa, these two roads run through the city from north to south;
  • Piazza Vittorio Emanuele - with the Chiesa San Francesco d'Assisic;
  • Piazza Garibaldic - with the Prefecture;
  • Piazza Mazzini - here is the Duomo Maria Santissima della Visitazione;


  •    Museum of AlessiaPalazzo della Canonica / Via Roma 465 39 0935 503165. The Palazzo della Canonica has an archaeological section, a coin collection with coins from Greek, Roman and Byzantine times, an art gallery with Byzantine icons and paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries, and a section of the cathedral with vestments and sacred objects.
  •    Regional Archaeological Museum of EnnaPiazza Giuseppe Mazzini 8 (Duomo),  39 0935 5076304fax machine: 39 0935 5076323. Mon-Fri 9:00-13:00. Free entrance to Palazzo Varisano (where Al Garibaldi slept and his famous saying O Roma o Morte la!, should have done), with the finds from Cozzo Matrice / Pergusa, the necropolis Real Mense / Calascibetta, Capodarso, Cerami and Pietraperzia.
Panorama over the castle of Lombardy


  • on May 31 The patron saint of the city of Enna is celebrated annually, Maria Santissima degli Visitazione
  • La Settimana Santa, in the week of Easter, this party is worth recommending to visit Enna.

To do

  • view the Villa Romana del Casalea - Piazza Armerina with its world famous mosaic floors (bikini girls)
  •    Morgantina (SS 561 and SS 117 bis, 41 km southeast of Ennan). Archaeological site with necropolis and Greco-Roman theatre.and centurion are the most important places to visit.
  •    Lago di PergusaIt more from Pergusa and her autodromo (car racing circuit) is about 9.5 km south of Enna..
  •    Calascibetta. Calascibetta is located opposite Enna at 7 km, visit the picturesque town with its narrow streets and the Chiesa Matrice from the 14th century.
Panorama Calascibetta
  •    Nicosia. Nicosia, located north of Enna and accessible by the SS 117 and SS 121 48 km away, is famous for its procession and Cathedral of San Nicolo
  •    Troina. Troina is located northeast of Enna via the SS 121 at 60 km, with the Cathedral Maria SS Annunziata
  •    Lago Nicoletti. The lake is located northwest of Enna at 13.5 km via the SS 121, there is a 25 meter high dam, the lake was used for water sports (fishing and water skiing) and as an airport (Idrascalo di Enna) for seaplanes
  •    Lago di Villarosa. Oasi Fluvial del Valle Morello, via the SS 121 from Enna to the west (17 km) you reach the Lake of Viilarosa with its Museo del Treno (Train Museum) and city Villarosa little further.
  •    Riserva Naturale Orientata Monte Altesina. Located north of Enna via the SP 80 at 20 km, Nature Reserve with a nice walking area.
  •    Riserva Naturale Sambughetti / Campanito. Park, with 2358 ha. area the largest nature reserve, is located north of Enna (65 km) and northeast of Nicosia and ceramic, with the Monte Sambughetti (1558 m) and the Monte Campanito (1514 m). It National Park of Nebrodic borders to the north.


Typical regional dishes are:

  • Pan di Dittaino - a typical regional bread;
  • Piacenza Enna - a type of cheese to which saffron has been added, characterizes the color and taste;
  • Cassatella Agira - sweet pastry in the shape of a half moon filled from a mixture of cocoa, almonds, chopped lemon zest and other ingredients;
  • Vucciddate - similar to the cassatella Agira but filled with dried figs, almonds and jam.

And after

Lago di Pergusa

Going out

  •    Disco Pub MargaritaPiazza Margherita 14, Leonforte (EN) (Leonforte SS 121, 22.9 km northeast of Ennan),  39 0935 902278.

stay overnight

And after




Lago di Pergusa


Medical assistance

  • Ospedale Umberto I, ViaTrieste, Enna
  • Pronto Soccorso: 118


Emergency number: 112

For those who observe the normal precautions, Enna can be called completely safe.

all around

Panorama over the Province of Enna, with a view of the Etna . Volcano
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