Entratic - Entratico

Entratico - the sanctuary
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Entratic is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

According to recent studies it seems that the town has a Celtic origin, as evidenced by the original name which in that language meant "cave village".

Geographical notes

The town is located on the left bank of the Cherio river, in Cavallina Valley in the territory from Bergamo in the area of Prealps and great Lombard lakes, about 20 kilometers from Bergamo.


There have been numerous changes in the name: from Lantradico (10th century) to Lintratico (13th century), passing to Intratico in the 16th century, to definitively become Entratico in the 18th century.

The first document in which the name of the town is mentioned dates back to the year 830, when an act confirms the sale of a house in San Carpoforo di Trescore in that of Lintradico. Cavallina valley, was affected by the fratricidal clashes between Guelphs and Ghibellines. In particular in 1393 the clashes reached such bloody levels that there were numerous killings and injuries, only with the arrival of the Republic of Venice the situation normalized, so much so that no more significant episodes occurred in the village, which followed the political fate of the rest of the Bergamo area.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A4 motorway Italy.svg A4 motorway Milan-Venice, Seriate exit for those coming from Milan, Grumello-Telgate exit for those coming from Venice.
  • State Road 42 Italia.svg The state road 42 passes through the municipal area del Tonale and Mendola.

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon * Railway station a Bergamo (15 km).

How to get around

What see

  • Horn hole. The main attraction of the town is certainly this cave about 400 meters long where you can admire the results of the erosion of the water that has created very special very suggestive effects on the surrounding rocks. Inside the cave excavations have been carried out which have allowed the discovery of remains of human presence dating back to the Stone Age. Numerous stories and popular legends have been created around it, involving ghosts and goblins. The cave, illuminated and carefully marked, can be visited on holidays.
  • Bus del castel. It is the medieval village with the remains of a small castle and the parish church dedicated to San Martino, built on a small pre-existing church in the 16th century. Inside, the left altar was designed by the architect Giovanni Francesco Lucchini.
  • Sanctuary of the Annunciata. Built in the second half of the 16th century and recently restored, it presents remarkable paintings: a canvas of San Carlo in meditation by Francesco Zucco, a fresco with the Annunciation (unknown artist), and numerous works by Vittorio Manini including the nativity of the Madonna, San Giovanni and le Marie, the Marriage of the Virgin and Pietà with the Magdalene.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, Piazza Aldo Moro, 6, 39 035 945369.


  • Endine lake - It offers the visitor the practice of sporting activities such as fishing, boating, windsurfing and trekking, but also simple walks. There are numerous leisure opportunities, including beaches and renowned restaurants scattered along the lake shore.
  • Lake IseoIseo, Pisogne, Lovere, Sarnico is Monte Isola are the cities of this lake formed by the Oglio which with its waters has filled the glacial valley carved by the glacier of the Valcamonica. It is the fourth largest among the great Lombard lakes, and like the others it enjoys a good tourist activity.
  • Clusone - Main center of the Val Seriana, it boasts important architectural testimonies both religious and civil. It is a tourist center of good standing.
  • Trescore Balneario - Main center of the Cavallina Valley, is a bit 'the capital. Its thermal baths are a highlight.
  • Bergamo - Its historic center stands on a relief surrounded by the fortifications erected by Venice, which held the city for centuries. The Duomo and the Colleoni Chapel are the best known monuments of the ancient city, or Bergamo Alta.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Entratic
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Entratic
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