European long-distance hiking trail E4 - Europäischer Fernwanderweg E4

The European long-distance hiking trail E4 leads from Spain to the Greek part Cyprus.


Route symbol for the E4 of the European Hiking Association

The E4 is made up of many long-distance hiking trails. Often they are GR X on national and regional territory. Part of the route is still being laid out, especially the routes in Bulgaria and Romania. After completion, this long-distance hiking trail will run from Gibraltar through Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.


Map of the E4

getting there

Here we go

Spain (2750 km)

France (1100 km)

See also the overview page of the GR X trails Grandes Randonnées

The Vercors is a very arid area; You walk for days without finding a well.

Switzerland (500 km)

Austria and Germany (1500 km)

  • There are two options from Bregenz:
    • Nordalpenweg (in Tyrol partly also Adlerweg) to Lake Neusiedl. The main route of the Eagle Walk runs from St. Johann in Tirol along the Wild Emperor, through the Brandenberg Alps, through the Rofan and Karwendel Mountains, the Lechtal Alps to St. Anton am Arlberg. The length of the main route is 280 km.
    • Maximiliansweg and Voralpenweg over Salzburg and Vienna to Lake Neusiedl. Here the E4 crosses the E10.
  • Parts of the Ostösterreichischer Grenzlandweg and a connection to Kőszeg.

Hungary (1300 km)

Bulgaria (250 km)

Pirin Mountains

Greece (2000 km)

Pindus Mountains in Greece

Along the cities Florina and Edessa, over the mountain Olympus, the monastery of Kalambaka, through the Pindus Mountains, over Mount Parnassos, Delphi, Tripoli and Sparta to Kastellion in the south of the Peloponnese

Part of the way around Olympus is on this page described with.

Cyprus (640 km)


The E4 is one of the most demanding hiking trails. It runs through high European mountains, including the Sierra Nevada, the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Rila-Mountains in Bulgaria, it rises above the highest peaks on the Greek mainland Crete. Large parts of the E4 can only be hiked in summer and not in winter and require experience in mountain hiking. Some sections in Austria and some mountains in Greece can only be mastered by alpinists. In summer some areas like the Sierra Nevada, the Pyrenees, the Vercors and in Greece Accommodation and places to eat rarely. So you have to be prepared for it.


Another potential major threat across Europe is now ticks. The Borrelia bacterium can only be stopped by treatment with antibiotics. You can protect yourself against the other disease caused by a virus, the TBE, by vaccinating yourself well in advance of your trip. You should be checked or checked for ticks every evening.

Other dangers along the route are minor. Wild boars are usually shy. They are rarely found near the coast. Rabies has become rare. Usually the crime rate along such routes is not high either.



Web pages

  • Website of the European Hiking Association e.V.
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