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Friuli-Venezia Giulia
​((it)Friuli-Venezia Giulia)
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Regional capital
Tourist information office
46 ° 8 ′ 58 ″ N 13 ° 9 ′ 42 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

the Friuli-Venezia Giulia is one of the 5 autonomous regions with special status ofItaly. Still little visited by tourists, the region does not lack charm thanks to its varied palette of landscapes (from the Adriatic beaches of Lignano and Grado and the Triestine Riviera to the high mountains of the Alps and the Carnic and Julian pre-Alps, via the wine-growing hills and the Frioul plain), but also its wide variety of museums and historical monuments from different eras (Roman, Gothic, Renaissance, Austro-Hungarian, contemporary ...).


Located in the far northeast of Italy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (or Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italian) is currently still not very touristy compared to its neighbors (Veneto with Venice in particular); However, it is not lacking in charm, whether in terms of the landscape or its history, which goes back to the time of our ancestors the Celts. Five sites are listed as World Heritage by Unesco: Aquileia, Cividale del Friuli, Palmanova, Palù di Livenza and the Friulian Dolomites.


Usually there are several tourist areas:

  • Trieste, its gulf, its riviera and the Carso,
  • Gorizia, the Collio and the Isonzo plain,
  • Adriatic lagoon coast between the Isonzo and Tagliamento rivers, with Lignano Sabbiadoro and Grado,
  • Udine and its western and eastern hills,
  • Central Friulian Plain,
  • Cividale and the Natisone valleys,
  • Gemona and the Julian Prealps,
  • Carnia (Carnic Alps and Friulian Dolomites),
  • Tarvisiano (Julian Alps),
  • Pordenone, its piedmont, the Carnic Pre-Alps and the Friulian Dolomites.


Names in italics are in Friulian

  • 1 Udine (Udin) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Provincial capital, "capital" of Friuli, parks and gardens, Piazza della Libertà, Loggia del Lionello, Portico del Lippomano, Castello-Civici Musei, Duomo e Museo, Palazzo Arcivescovile, Oratorio della Purità, Museo etnografico del Friuli, Capella Manin, Capella del Monte di Pietà, Piazza Matteoti, Palazzo Valvason Morpugo-Gallerie del Progetto. "Far East Film Festival", "Friuli Doc", "Maratonina della Città di Udine". "Udin & Jazz". "Vicino / Lontano-Premio Terzani".
  • 2 Gorizia (Gurize) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – provincial capital, Castello, Palazzo Attems Petzenstein, Palazzo Coronini Cronberg, Museo della Granda Guerra, Chiesa di Santo Spirito, Chiesa di S. Ignazio .. "Alpe Adria Pupett Festival", "èStoria-Festival Internazionale della Storia", " Vegetario Festival "," Premio Sergio Amidei ".
  • 3 Pordenone (Pordenon) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – provincial capital, Palazzo Comunale, Duomo, Museo civico di Storia naturale, ParCo, Museo diocesano di Arte sacra. "Dedica Festival", "Festa di San Marco-Fortajada", "Le Giornate del Cinema Muto", "Le Voci dell'Inchiesta "," Pordenonelegge "," Rogo della Vecia ".
  • 4 Trieste (Triest) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Capital of the region, capital of the province, "capital" of the Veneto Julian, close to the Slovenian border, Basilica cattedrale di San Giusto, Sinagoga, Piazza della Cattedrale, Castello di San Giusto, Civico Museo dI Storia e d'Arte, Teatro romano, Arco di Riccardo, Basilica forense, Monumento tetrapilo, Mura e frantoio, Chiesa di S. Silvestro, Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, Piazza della Borsa, Canal Grande, Rive, Museo del Mare, Museo Sartorio, Civico Museo Teatrale "Carlo Schmidl", Civico Museo "Revoltella" -Galleria di Arte Moderna, Museo della Risiera di San Sabba, Tram di Opicina, Traghetti, Castello e giardino di Miramare in 8 km. Beaches and tourist port. "Carnevale di Trieste-Palio dei Rioni", "La Barcolana", "La Bavisela", "Le nuove Rotte del Jazz", "Maremetraggio", "Trieste Film Festival", "Trieste Science Plus Fiction Festival" , beaches.
Palace of the Municipality of Trieste

Historic towns

Friuli is full of historic towns and villages from all eras, ranging from Antiquity with Aquileia, to the Renaissance fortifications of Palmanova and taking a short tour through medieval towns such as Cividale del Friuli, Spilimbergo and Venzone.

  • 5 Aquileia (Aquileia)  – World Heritage logotype Founded in -181, Aquileia was, at its peak, one of the most important cities of the Roman Empire. Museo paleocristiano, Basilica, Museo archeologico. "Aquileia in Primavera".
Roman ruins of the city of Aquileia
  • 6 Cividale del Friuli (Cividat)  – The Tempietto longobardo, a Lombard religious temple in VIIIe century. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Duomo e Museo Cristiano, Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Monastero di Santa Maria in Valle, Ponte del Diavolo, Ipogeo celtico, Casa medievale. "Messa dello Spadone", "Mittelfest", "Palio di San Donato", "Stazione Topolo-Postaja Topolove" in Grimacco.
  • 7 Campoformido (Cjampfuarmit)
  • 8 Palmanova (Webbed)  – World Heritage logotype, Piazza Grande, Dogal Duomo, Civico Museo storico, Porte e strutture militari. "Pasquetta sui Bastioni", "Palma alle Armi".
City wall of Venzone
  • 9 Venzone (Venčon)  – One of the most beautiful towns in Italy Duomo. Momies. Communal Palace. "Festa della Zucca".

Spa towns and others

  • 10 Arta Terme (Darte)  – in Carnia, near Tolmezzo, spa town. "Lancio das Cidules".
  • 12 Pulfero (Ponbonesec, Pulfar)  – Grotto and Church of San Giovanni d'Antro.

Summer and winter sports resort. Seaside and thermal resorts

The most popular summer and winter sports resorts are:

Mount Coglians
  • 13 Piancavallo di Aviano (Davian)  – Aviano, in the Carnic Pre-Alps of Pordenone, international winter and summer sports resort.
  • 14 Ravascletto-Zoncolan (Ravasclêt)  – In the Carnic Alps of Udine (Carnia), international winter and summer sports resort, one of the authentic villages of Italy.
  • 15 Forni di Sopra (For Disora)  – This international winter and summer sports resort, located just at the foot of the Friulian Dolomites of the Carnic Alps (Carnia), is one of the most beautiful in the region; activities possible all year round. Chiesa di S. Floriano, Museo rural forense. One of the authentic villages of Italy.
  • 16 Tarvisio - Monte Lussari (Tarvis) Logo indicating a link to the website (in Camporosso, part of the municipality of Tarvisio) – In the Julian Alps of Udine (Tarvisiano), near Austria and Slovenia, international winter and summer sports resort.
  • 17 Chiusaforte-Sella Nevea-Canin (Lock) Logo indicating a link to the website – In the Julian Alps of Udine (Tarvisiano), near Slovenia, an international winter and summer sports resort.

Summer sports can be practiced there: trekking, hiking, mountain biking, cycle tourism, bike park, mini-golf, paragliding, hang-gliding, summer tobogganing, canoeing, hydrospeed, canyoning, fishing, climbing, mountaineering, ice rink; and winter sports: downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, winter tobogganing, bob, freeride, sleddog, snowtubing, snowshoes, ice rink; sports halls for some.

Other medium and small regional family resorts are doing more or less their game, mainly in cross-country skiing, hiking and snowshoeing, in the Friulian Dolomites Claut and Cimolais, in the Carnic Alps or Carnia Sauris, Ampezzo, Verzegnis- Sella Chianzutan, Forni Avoltri, Paluzza-Timau, Prato Carnico-Pradibosco, Lauco and Sutrio, in the Julian Alps Cave del Predil, Fusine, Val Saisera, Malborghetto-Valbruna and Pontebba-Passo Pramolo.

Three seaside resorts are known internationally: Lignano in the province of Udine, Grado in the province of Gorizia and the Triestine river in the province of Trieste. The clientele there has been mainly Northeast Italian and Germanic (German, Austrian and Swiss) for a long time. For 30 years, a new Slavic (Slovenian, Croatian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish and Russian) and Scandinavian (Danish, Swedish, Finnish) clientele has been added. Few French speakers (Swiss, Belgians, French), except emigrants and their descendants.

There are also 3 thermal spas: in Arta Terme in Carnia and in Lignano, in the province of Udine, in Grado, in the province of Gorizia.

Other destinations

  • Friulian Dolomites Regional Natural Park  – its valleys (Valcellina, Val Colvera, Val Tramontina and the upper valley of Tagliamento), classified World Heritage logotype, located north-west of the provinces of Pordenone and Udine, close to Veneto.
  • Julian Pre-Alps Regional Nature Park  – located in the northeast of the province of Udine, close to Slovenia.

To go

By plane

  • 1 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Airport (IATA : TRS, Aeroporto di Trieste-Ronchi dei Legionari) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Via Aquileia, 46, 34077 Ronchi dei Legionari, Gorizia (25 km north-west of Trieste), Logo indicating a telephone number  39 041 260 6111 – Flights from Beauvais-Tilled by Ryanair

By train

  • Venezia-Trieste line,
  • Venezia-Udine line,
  • Trieste-Gorizia-Udine line,
  • Tarvisio-Udine line,
  • line Nova Gorica (Slovenia) -Trieste Campo Marzio,
  • Gorizia-Bled tourist train (Slovenia).

By car

  • by highways Autostrada A4 Italia.svg, Autostrada A23 Italia.svg , Autostrada A28 Italia.svg and Autostrada A34 Italia.svg.
  • by national roads SS 13 Pontebbana: Conegliano-Tarvisio, SS 14 Venezia-Trieste, SS 56 Gorizia-Udine.

By bus / boat

To speak

The predominant language isItalian, its unrecognized Venetian dialects, but there are also recognized minority languages Friulian, german and Slovenian, with them also their respective dialects, in this autonomous region.

To buy

Local handicrafts can be bought everywhere, such as wooden sculptures from Carnia and the Friulian Dolomites, artistic ceramics from Zoppola and Carnia, objects in copper and wrought or wrought iron, mosaic from Spilimbergo, cutlery from Maniago, jewelry and watchmaking from Carnia, Friulian "scarpets" slippers, artistic fabrics from Carnia, lavender and its derivatives from Venzone, food and wine specialties, such as cold meats (hams, sausages , speck, sausages, ...), goose and its derivatives, cheeses, like montasio, asino, ricotta affumicata, pecorino friulano (cow, goat, sheep), yellow, white or red polenta, fruits , jams, vegetables and local aromatic herbs, pastries and sweets, like gubana and strucchi, esse biscuits, pordenone, claps, zimui and friulani from Cormons, favette from Trieste and Gorizia, ..., from Illy de Trieste coffee, red wines, blah ncs, rosé, sparkling and spirits, such as Friulian grappa and sliwovitz, craft beers, farmhouse ciders and perries, local mineral waters, fruit juices and homemade syrups.


There are several types of regional cuisine: triestine, gorizienne, frioulane and carnique.

Between the great vintages, the grappa from Frioul, Tergeste olive oil, and culinary specialties, the region offers an incredible range of products and dishes that will make your taste buds happy:

Cold cuts, meats and cheeses

San Daniele ham
  • the Prosciutto di San Daniele (Cru Ham), in the province of Udine, is the most famous raw ham in Italy (after Parma), also with a PDO (protected designation of origin), it can be eaten either plain (with nothing) or with a little olive oil or even a slice of melon.
  • the Prosciutto di Cormons (raw ham) is rarer in the province of Gorizia.
  • the Prosciutto del Carso (raw ham), even more, in the province of Trieste.
  • the Prosciutto di Sauris (raw ham) is less known, having an IGP, a product of the German-speaking islet of Carnia, in the Carnic Alps, in the province of Udine.
  • the Speck di Sauris or Italian speck, from the same village.
  • The Pitina Where Peta Where Petuccia is a typical sausage from Val Tramontina and Valcellina in the Friulian Dolomites, in the province of Pordenone.
  • The Sauc or bondiola from Pordenone.
  • the Salame friulano-Salam is known throughout the region and far beyond.
  • the Cotto di Trieste, lightly smoked, is produced on the Triestin Carso tray.
  • THE'goose from Friuli and its derivatives: sausage, raw ham, speck, etc.
  • Cheeses from the province of Trieste, Tabor, Jarnar, Zepek, Liptauer, Monte Re.
  • the Montasio Friulano (AOC) is a cow's milk cheese; it is a cooked pressed dough. It is not very salty, it takes on taste as it ages, as well as its characteristic color. Eat fresh or melted on Polenta.
  • the Formai dal Cit and theAsino are cheeses from Valtramontina and Val d'Arzino, in the Carnic Pre-Alps of the province of Pordenone.
  • The Ricotta affumicata di malga friulana of Tarvisiano, the Formadi Frant de la Carnia, and many others Caprino Friulano and Pecorino Friulano from the Haut-Frioul mountain.
  • To complete the non-exhaustive list, other Friulian cheeses: Cuc, Cook, Scuete Frant, Crema del Friuli, Crema del Cuc.

Fish, seafood and shellfish

All kinds of fish, seafood and shellfish from the Adriatic Sea, and freshwater from the lakes, rivers, ponds and streams of the region. A specialty: smoked trout from San Daniele and Carnia.

Dishes, products and specialties

  • The Jota triestine is a soup made from beans, potatoes and sauerkraut.
  • the minestrone barley and beans.
  • the Paparot , typically Friulian minestrone, with spinach and polenta.
  • the Pistum, a specialty of Valtramontina, are grated bread gnocchi, kneaded with sugar, eggs, aromatic herbs and raisins with meat broth.
  • The Cjarsons are agnolotti from Carnia, in the upper Friuli of Udine.
  • The Gnocchetti alle Ortiche, the Klotznudl, small ravioli with ricotta and pear, the gnocchi of potato and plum in Gorizia, seasoned with melted butter, cinnamon, sugar and smoked ricotta.
  • The Blecs, frioulana, triestine, gorizienne.
  • The Porcina is a typical preparation of Triestine cuisine based on steamed pork and served with mustard and horseradish.
  • the Kaiserfleisch de Gorizia is a rack of pork sprinkled with fresh horseradish served with sauerkraut.
  • The Cueste, a Friulian specialty, are grilled pork ribs.
  • the Sguazeto a la friulana, minced veal.
  • the Muset is more typically Friulian, it is a pork sausage cotechino, which is sometimes served with the Brovada, a preparation where the acid turnips, macerated in the vinasse, are cut into thin strips and cooked in a pan with bacon.
  • The Lulagne, another Friulian specialty, are grilled sausages with herbs.
  • Many other cold cuts such as Pancetta friulana, the Marcundela, the Purcel vein or Lonza, the Pindulis' or Brusaula.
  • In the whole region, you can also taste very good Goulash and Baccalà (cod), triestins, goriziens and frioulans.
  • The Cevapcici, appetizing meatballs and onions, are cooked with triestine, gorizienne and resiane.
  • the game plains, hills and mountains also occupy an important place.
  • the Frico is a particular preparation of peasant origin which made it possible to use the cheese rinds transforming them into a simple but very tasty dish. Today we prepare the frico with a base of cheese Montasio, slowly cooked, to which you can add other ingredients such as potatoes or onions.
  • In the whole region, you can also taste very good Polente both corn flour and buckwheat which accompany the "main courses".
  • Along the Adriatic coast, in addition to Risotti classic seafood, we serve very tasty cuttlefish in sauce with polenta, hake and Granzevola (spider crab) with triestine, lobsters Alla busara and fish soups. Fish, molluscs, crustaceans are used to prepare different soups - sea cicada soup is very good, simpler dishes such as macerated sardines are also tasty; in Grado, the Boreto is famous, it is a succulent dish made from fish.
  • In sweets and desserts, we find the Gubana of Cividale del Friuli and the Natisone valleys, and its biscuits derived from Strucchi, the Biscotti Esse di Raveo, s-shaped cookies from the Carnia, cookies Pordenone, the Presnitz, the Pinza and the Putizza of the Julian Veneto, the Palacinke, a kind of sweet omelet with jam or chocolate, the Cuguluf, kind of pannetone, the "Favette dei Morti" of Trieste and Gorizia, and Ghibanizza, made with ricotta, honey and apples, the Krapfen or Bomboloni, filled donuts, either with jam or fruit compote, or with spread, or with chocolate, and even with ricotta !, and pies Sacher triestins Strudel, the Crostate of fruits, Crostui Friulians Fritulas and the Dolci based on ricotta from Haut-Frioul, honeys from the plains and the mountains, artisanal jams.
  • With regard to fruits and vegetables: apples, pears, kiwis, cherries, peaches, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, figs, potatoes, squash, white and green asparagus, garlic from Resia, forest mushrooms, forest fruits, beans Borlotti, Radic di Mont of the Carnia and the Pordenonais valleys, Rosa di Gorizia, red radish from this city, aromatic herbs.
  • Condiments and preserves: the Pest, canned condiment made from pork bacon and garden greens with aromatic herbs, from Fagagna, in the western hills of the province of Udine, the Ont di Carnia (melted butter), Savors di Carnia, cider vinegars and wine.
  • Finally wines and spirits: friulano, refosco, vitovska, ribolla gialla, pignolo, schiopettino, terrano, ramandolo, picolit, tazzelenghe, prosecco friulano, sauvignon, pinot, chardonnay, ..., grappa friulana, slivowitz,...

Have a drink / Go out

Wine regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Drinks such as cider and farmhouse perry, fruit juices, artisanal syrups,

  • beers Moretti, Castello di Udine from Udine, Theresianer from Trieste, 'Resiutta of Val Resia and Agribeer by Sauris,
  • mineral waters Paradiso Pocenia, Dolomia, Goccia di Carnia and Pradis,
  • the above-mentioned wines, white, red, rosé, sparkling,
  • local spirits.


There is a full range of accommodation options in the region, both in terms of comfort and price:

  • natural or serviced campsites, with bungalows, on the coast and in the mountains
  • natural or equipped parking areas for motor homes, in many places
  • few youth hostels
  • holiday centers and holiday villages, on the coast and in the mountains
  • unusual accommodation: tree houses, tipis, yurts
  • mountain huts
  • farm-inns ("Agriturimo"), in many places
  • "Albergo diffuso", typical of the Friulian mountains and more recently of the plain and the hills
  • rooms without breakfast ("Affitacamere") and furnished tourist accommodation (apartments and houses) everywhere with locals
  • guest rooms at the inhabitant ("B&B"), more and more numerous, with breakfast, but without table d'hôtes
  • hotel residences in large cities, on the coast and in the mountains
  • hotels and pensions, from very cheap to luxury (o to 5 local stars), even in the smallest isolated mountain village, sometimes.


In northeastern Italy, you can visit the neighboring regions of Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige:

  • Veneto  – Venice, international airport, the islands of its lagoon and the beaches of the Venetian Adriatic coast (Bibione, Caorle, Lido di Jesolo, Eraclea Mare, Cavallino, Sottomarina, Rosolina, Albarella).
  • Padua  – Squares, palace, baptistery, chapel, cathedral, basilica, museums, botanical garden.
  • Vicenza  – UNESCO sites: Olympic Theater, Chiericati Palace, Palladian Basilica, Villa Capra Valmarana-La Rotonda. Galleries of Palazzo Leoni Montanari. Church of Santa Corona. Basilica of Monte Berico. Villa Valmarana Ai Nani. Palladian Villas in the area World Heritage logotype, spa resort of Recoaro Terme, at the foot of the Little Vicentine Dolomites.
  • Verona  – Basilicas, cathedral, tower, museums, Roman remains including arenas, churches, squares, gardens, airport, and Lake Garda.,
  • Treviso  – City center, cathedral, museum, church. low-cost airport.

In the two neighboring countries, Austria and Slovenia:

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Destinations located in the region