Golden triangle - Goldenes Dreieck

Golden Buddha at the border triangle of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar

The Golden triangle is a cross-border region in South East Asia. For this purpose, the border area between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand counted, sometimes the extreme northwest Vietnam and parts of southern China's province Yunnan.

The region is characterized by inaccessible, jungle-covered mountainous terrain. It is home to a large number of ethnic groups, which are simply referred to as "mountain peoples". The term "golden triangle" was coined in the 1970s when this region was responsible for 90% of world opium production. However, drug cultivation has decreased massively since then.

In recent times, especially in the Thai tourism industry, the immediate triangle of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar (near the village of Sop Ruak in Chiang Saen) called the "Golden Triangle". However, this point is only a small part of this much larger region.


Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
Landscape in the Daen Lao mountain range in the north of the Thai province of Chiang Rai
Image: 2014 June 1, Mae Fa Luang District.jpg
Landscape in the Daen Lao mountain range in the north of the Thai province of Chiang Rai

There is no generally binding delimitation of the "Golden Triangle" area. In a broader sense, it covers an area of ​​approx. 950,000 km² (almost three times the size of Germany). The following units can be counted for this purpose:

Landscape on the Pai River north of Pai City, Mae Hong Son Province
In the jungle of Xishuangbanna
Black River Valley in the Vietnamese province of iện Biên
People's Republic of China


  • Narrowing, the former capital of an autonomous Tai principality, is now sometimes referred to as the “capital” of the Golden Triangle
  • Panghsang, Border town to China, de facto capital of the autonomous Wa State and headquarters of the United Wa State Army, for a long time an important center of drug smuggling, today a casino
  • Tachilek, Border town with Thailand
Santikhiri and the surrounding area
People's Republic of China
  • Jinghong, historical capital of the Principality of Sipsong Panna der Tai Lü
  • Pu’er, known for its high quality tea
  • Điện Biên Phủ, the former capital of a principality of the "Black Tai", according to legend the original home of the Tai peoples; Site of the decisive battle in the First Indochina War (1954)
  • Lai Chau, former capital of a principality of the "White Tai"

Other goals

Wat Phra That Doi Tung (Temple on the Mountain)


Akha smoking opium

The mountainous countries in the north of Southeast Asia - summarized in the Southeast Asian massif - are very sparsely populated due to their inaccessible location, but have a great ethnic diversity, which means that many different peoples and tribes live here. Partly due to the remoteness, partly due to their own (for some outsiders seeming backward) way of life, these people largely escaped the control of the neighboring states into the 20th century and lived in their own forms of society.

Opium cultivation has flourished here since the end of the 19th century, and the drug was mainly sold to China and Europe, but also to Southeast Asian countries. The opium poppy production became the basis of life for many members of the mountain tribes.

Khun Sa, one of the most active drug barons in the Golden Triangle in the 1980s

After the end of the Second World War and the emergence of modern nation states, various armed groups withdrew into the densely forested mountainous country, for example parts of the nationalist groups who had fled the People's Republic of China Kuomintang, the various separatist groups of the Shan (Shan State Army, Shan United Army, Shan United Revolutionary Army, Tai Revolutionary Army) and Wa (Wa National Army, United Wa State Army) in Burma (now Myanmar) and the anti-communist Hmong guerrillas in Laos. They also took over the drug trade in the areas they controlled and fought - partly with the support of the American secret service CIA - against the respective government. Their leaders became "drug barons" and "warlords". The CIA even helped with the opium trade in order to be able to sell weapons to the groups it supported without receiving any funding from parliament.

Tea plantation at Santikhiri

A certain rethink has started since the 1980s and the US is now fighting drug cultivation and trafficking. On the Thai side in particular, opium poppy cultivation was successfully pushed back by securing other sources of income for the residents with alternative cultivation products such as coffee, tea or strawberries - the sale of which is marketed under the auspices of the royal family - and tourism. At the same time, the infrastructure was expanded, from which both the social development of the population (health care, education) and the security forces benefited. In Thailand, all militant groups are either disarmed or displaced. In Laos and Myanmar, the use of opium is tolerated a little more.

After the Shan United Revolutionary Army was disarmed in 1996 and the Shan State Army-South and United Wa State Army signed a peace agreement with the Myanmar government in 2012 and 2013, the Myanmar part of the region can also be regarded as largely pacified. Overall, the Golden Triangle has lost a lot of its importance in international opium production - in favor of the “Golden Crescent” (Afghanistan – Iran – Pakistan). Today, in illegal laboratories in the Myanmar border area, it is more synthetic Methamphetamine made that mixed with caffeine in Thailand as Ya ba ("Crazy drug" or "drug of madness") and is a serious social problem, especially in the northern provinces.


The respective official languages ​​(Burmese, Lao, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese), numerous minority languages ​​(especially Shan). English partly as Lingua franca.

getting there

Due to the impassable location, the means of transport of choice is the plane. The nearest international airports are in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai (Thailand), Luang Prabang (Laos) as well Jinghong (Xishuangbanna Gasa) in China.

Smaller airports with scheduled connections are in Ban Houayxay, Luang Namtha, Muang Xay (Laos); Narrowing, Monghsat, Tachilek (Myanmar); Mae Hong Son, Pai (Thailand); Pu’er (China) as well Điện Biên Phủ (Vietnam).

The train station closest to the Golden Triangle is in Chiang Mai. From there it is a several hour bus ride to this region.

Especially the places in the Thai part are easily accessible by long-distance or regional buses. The provider is recommended Greenbus, which takes quite modern and comfortable buses from Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai to Mae Sai, Chiang Saen and the "Golden Triangle" at the triangle. There are also trips from Chiang Rai to Bokeo (Laos) and from there to Luang Namtha and Kunming in China. Minivan transport is available from Chiang Rai or Mae Sai to Fang.


Tachilek / Mae Sai border crossing

The only border crossing to the Myanmar part of the Golden Triangle open to tourists is TachilekMae Sai. This can be exceeded with a valid visa. Other border crossings between Thailand and Myanmar as well as all crossings between China and Myanmar are generally only intended for locals. In order to use them, you need a special permit, which must be obtained at least 14 days before the trip. In order to travel to distant parts of the country such as Shan State, you usually need a travel permit. Those found without them may even face prison sentences. The best way to book this part of the Golden Triangle is with a state-certified travel agency or guide. You also have to carry your passport with you at all times in Myanmar.

Tourist Attractions

Memorial to the Kuomintang Martyrs
  • The triangle between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand in Sop Ruak at Chiang Saen: golden Buddha statue on a decorative ship on the banks of the Mekong; two museums on the history of opium poppy production and the opium trade (The House of Opium and Hall of Opium)
  • Santikhiri: Memorial to the martyrs of the Kuomintang, tomb of General Tuan Xi-Wen (former drug lord and warlord), Phra Boromathat Chedi and Princess Mother Hall (temple and pagoda in honor of the Princess Mother Srinagarindra, grandmother of the Thai King)
  • Tha tone: Wat Thaton (large temple complex that extends over several hills)
  • Doi Tung: royal villa, botanical garden and temple on the mountain


An Akha village in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand
Inflatable boats for white water rafting on the Taeng River in the north of Chiang Mai Province
  • Trekking with visits to hill tribe villages
  • Kayaking and rafting on the white water rivers
  • Bird watching in Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park or Doi Ang Khang




There are luxury accommodations in the Thai part of the Golden Triangle, including one Luxury tent of the Four Seasons hotel chain (from approx. 50,000 THB / approx. 1300 € per night) and a Anantara five star resort with elephant camp (from 34,000 THB / 850 € per night). For simpler accommodations see the local articles.


Armed conflict is still smoldering in parts of northern Shan State in Myanmar. Most rebel groups in Shan State have signed a ceasefire or even a peace agreement with the government, but some have not yet surrendered their weapons, so the situation is still tense. In the border areas of Myanmar in particular, there is a danger from unmarked minefields.

Attacks by armed gangs can also occur in the border area between Thailand and Myanmar. Trekking tours should generally only be undertaken well prepared and ideally undertaken in a tour group with an expert guide.

In Laos in particular, many roads are in poor condition. In the rainy season, entire stretches of road can be washed away. Many vehicles - not least the intercity buses - are in poor technical condition. The drivers are sometimes drunk.

Large parts of the Golden Triangle are high risk areas for malaria and dengue fever. You should therefore protect yourself from mosquito bites both day and night, for example with long, light-colored clothing and insect repellent. Medical care outside urban centers, especially in Laos and Myanmar, is severely limited or non-existent.


There is a tropical climate. There are three seasons: cool and dry (December – February), hot and dry (March – April), and warm and rainy (May – November). There are strong temperature fluctuations during the day: in January, temperatures can drop below 10 ° C at night, but rise above 25 ° C during the day. In March the thermometer even fluctuates between 14 and 32 ° C.


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