Grand Est - Grand Est

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Grand Est region

Grand Est is one of the 13 administrative regions in metropolitan France. It is located in the east of France and was transformed from the former regions during the local reform in 2016 Alsace, Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne shaped. Grand Est is adjacent (clockwise, starting in the north) Belgium (Wallonia, Luxembourg, Germany (Federal states Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate and in the east Baden-Wuerttemberg, in the southeast the Switzerland (Cantons Basel city, Basel-Country, Solothurn and law as well as the French regions Burgundy Franche Comté in the south and Île-de-France as Hauts-de-France in the southwest / west.


Departments in Grand Est

Administratively, Grand Est is divided into

In terms of landscape, the region touches on, among other things Rhine Valley, the Vosges, the Moselle valley, the Ardennes and the champagne.


Other goals


The region is extremely diverse in terms of landscape and history. It ranges from Reims, the old city of the coronation of the French kings, to Alsace, which only came to France under Louis XIV and, like Lorraine, has been the bone of contention between Germany and France for the past 150 years.


getting there


Tourist Attractions







Web links

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