Kostrzyn nad Odrą - Kostrzyn nad Odrą

Kostrzyn nad Odrą
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Kostrzyn nad Odrą(German: Küstrin) is a city in Poland in the voivodeship Lebus at the mouth of the Warta in the Or. The municipality is located to the west of the Oder Küstriner foreland in the federal state of Brandenburg, whose district Küstrin-Kietz belonged to the fortress town of Küstrin together with the now Polish part until the border was drawn along the Oder in 1945.


Kostrzyn is located at the confluence of the Warta in the Oder on Poland's western border with Germany, at the northwest corner of the Warta Estuary National Park(Ujście Warty).

Taster was initially a settlement of the Slavic Pomorans, who from the 10th century had to pay tribute to Poland at times. In the 13th century, the later Küstrin was transferred to the Knights Templar, who were allowed to build a market here under German law. In 1261 Küstrin fell with the then Polish state of Lebus to the Mark Brandenburg, which this area as Neumark designated.

Plan of the fortress town of Küstrin, as of 1921.

From 1535 to 1571 Küstrin was the seat of a separate branch of the Brandenburg Hohenzollern. During this time the castle was built and Küstrin was expanded into a fortress town. In the 17th century this was reinforced to one of the strongest fortresses in Germany. In 1730 Hans Hermann von Katte, the friend of the Prussian Crown Prince Friedrich (later known as Friedrich the Great), was executed in Küstrin, with whom the young succession wanted to flee from the strict educational regime of his father Friedrich Wilhelm I (the "Soldier King"). Friedrich had to watch his friend being beheaded.

After the connection to the railway industry settled in the second half of the 19th century. After the First World War, most of the military facilities were dismantled, but Küstrin became an important garrison town again during the Nazi rule. In the final phase of the Second World War, in January / February 1945, the city was massively destroyed; Küstrin was one of the most heavily damaged cities in East Germany (approx. 90% of the old town).

Street in the abandoned old town.

After 1945 the larger part of what was then Küstrin, east of the Oder, came to Poland, only the Kietz district remained with Germany. Most of the German population was expelled. The rubble of the destroyed old town was largely removed and used for the reconstruction of Warsaw. Today it is an uninhabited desert. Instead, completely new districts were built further inland, so there is hardly any continuity with the pre-war city.

getting there

By plane

  • The airport Berlin Brandenburg AirportWebsite of this institutionBerlin Brandenburg Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBerlin Brandenburg Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBerlin Brandenburg Airport (Q160556) in the Wikidata database(IATA: BER) is the nearest airport (within two hours by train).
  • The airport Poznan Lawica AirportWebsite of this institutionPoznan-Ławica Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPoznan Ławica Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryPoznan Ławica Airport (Q1361639) in the Wikidata database(IATA: POZ) is 175 km away (two hours by car, just under three hours by train).

By train

railway station. Exchange office in the counter hall 8.00-20.00. The boards and city map set up by the taxis on the forecourt provide sufficient tourist information about the place.Open: Tickets 4.50-16.20.
  • With the regional train line 26 from Berlin-Ostkreuz station Berlin-Lichtenberg (every hour, approx. 1:10 hours). For users of German weekend tickets / country tickets, a separate ticket (2019: € ​​1.90) for the Polish section must be purchased.
  • In domestic traffic there are direct connections Gorzów Wielkopolski (Landsberg an der Warthe; not every hour; 30-40 minutes), Szczecin (Stettin; several times a day; approx. 1:40 hours) and Zielona Góra (Grünberg; several times a day; approx. 1:40 hours).

By bus

Küstrin is a stop on a long-distance bus connection, which is seasonal Stettin directly with Lviv and Vinnytsia in Ukraine connects.

In the street

From Berlin, the B 1 federal road leads directly to Küstrin-Kietz and across the Oder border to Kostrzyn. From Frankfurt (Oder) the B 112 leads into the Küstriner foreland. Coming from the south and west, you can take the A 12 bis Fürstenwalde (East) take, from there it continues on country roads. On the Polish side, the national road from 31 leads from Stettin or Słubice and the well-developed voivodship road from Gorzów Wielkopolski to Kostrzyn. From the direction of Poznań you can take the A2 motorway to the junction Rzepin to take.

By bicycle

The Oder-Neisse cycle path leads through Küstrin-Kietz on the German side. From there you can make a detour across the border to Kostrzyn. For example, you can go to by train Frankfurt (Oder) drive and from there cycle the 35 kilometers to Kostrzyn.

There are also long-distance cycle paths through Kostrzyn EuroVelo 2 (Berlin – Poznan – Warsaw) and European cycle route R1 (Berlin ↔ Piła ↔ Elblag ↔ Kaliningrad).

Of Gorzów Wielkopolski it is 45 kilometers to Kostrzyn, there is a separate cycle path parallel to the road and along the edge of the Warta Estuary National Park.


The city is a rail traffic hub. This is where the routes cross Szczecin (Stettin)Wrocław (Breslau) and Berlin-Kostrzyn ↔ Gorzów Wielkopolski (Landsberg on the Warta). There is a road and rail border crossing to Küstrin-Kietz.

Local buses go through the train station, the stop is to the right of the exit about thirty meters (past the boutique).

Tourist Attractions

Ruin of the Marienkirche.
Bastion Philip.
Reconstructed Berlin Gate.
  • From the completely destroyed after World War II Old town / fortress the foundation walls have been exposed. A walk through the ruins of the completely devastated city, partially overgrown by vegetation, can be enchanted, bizarre but also eerie. Some speak of a "Pompeii on the Oder."
  • The Bastions of the fortress (King, Queen, Brandenburg and Philip) are partially preserved.
  • Museum fortress Küstrin (Muzeum Twierdzy Kostrzyn), in the Philipp Bastion, ul.Graniczna 1. Tel.: 48 95 752 0045, Email: . Open: May – October Tue-Fri 11 am–2pm (last admission 1pm), Sat-Sun 10 am–6pm (last admission 5pm), in the winter half-year by appointment only.Price: full payer 8 PLN. or 2 €, schoolchildren and students half, free entry on Tuesdays.
  • The Berlin Gate has been reconstructed.
  • The railway station (formerly Küstrin-Neustadt) and the Water tower are among the few preserved historical buildings from the time before the Second World War.


  • The construction of an indoor swimming pool started in summer 2018.


After Polish prices have largely been brought into line with EU levels, the days of bargains on markets for everyday items are over. The comparatively large number of retailers for building supplies and tiles is striking.

  • 1  rondo. As the name suggests, a round mall. The largest store is the supermarket Intermarche There are still two discounters in the area. If you look from the attached petrol station in the direction of the river, the village's pouffe cannot be overlooked with its clear signage.
  • 2  Lidl Polska, ul. Niepodleglości 1.
  • Otherwise several supermarkets and numerous retail stores in the city area.

Gas stations

Kostrzyn is popular for "tank tourism," as the fuel is much cheaper here than in neighboring Germany.

  • BP station, ul. Graniczna 1, near the border crossing.
  • 1  Statoil station, ul. Sikorskiego 1, near the border crossing.
  • Shell Station, ul. Chyrzyno 1, near the border crossing.


  • Restaurant in Hotel Bastion.



  • 1  Bastion hotel-restaurant, Graniczna 15 (At the border crossing). Open: restaurant 6.00-24.00.Price: single 150 PLN, double 230 PLN, weekend discount 20 PLN p.p .; Groups of more than 20 people 80 PLN. p.P.
  • 2  Dom Turysty, Piastowska 8 (From the station exit 50 meters, past the post office, the brick building). Old hotel, neatly renovated inside with impeccable bathrooms, simple but well-kept rooms. There is no better way to do it in this price category. WLAN in the upper floors so slow that it can hardly be used. One speaks German.Price: Single: 70 PLN. (Shared bathroom), 100 PLN. (en suite); Double 90/140 PLN., N.d.
  • Although the shield Hostel Hanging above the door of a side entrance of the station in 2019, has been closed since 2017.

Accommodation is available, among other things. on the German side im Küstriner foreland.


  • 1  Fort Gorgast, Fort Gorgast, 15328 Küstriner Vorland. For rent for events in the casemates.Open: (only Friday in winter).Price: € 2.50, guided tour € 3.50.
  • 2  Fort Zorndorf (Fort Sarbinowo), near Sarbinowo east of Kostrzyn.


  • Toczewski, Andrzej; Fortress Küstrin 1945; Warsaw 2015 (Bellona); ISBN 9788311134270
  • Association for the History of Küstrins e.V .; Küstrin in old views; Küstrin-Kietz 1995, 2 vols.

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