LF1 North Sea Route - LF1 Noordzeeroute

LF1 North Sea Route
ROUTEMarsdiep (Wadden Sea)
HSTden Helder (Start signage)
ABZrgNS station Den Helder (about 2 km)
ABZrgLF10 (> North Sea Cycle Route)- Afsluitdijk
ABZlfLF7 - Alkmaar
HSTBergen by the Sea
HSTWijk aan Zee
ROUTENorth Sea Canal
ABZlfLF20 - Haarlem
HSTZandvoort (NS station)
HSTKatwijk aan Zee
ABZrgLF4 Central Netherlands Route - through Wassenaar
ABZrgLF4 Central Netherlands Route - via station the Hague CS
ABZlfLF12 - Rotterdam
HSTHoek van Holland
HSTNS station Hoek van Holland Haven
ABZrfNorth Sea Cycle Route > (Harwich, United Kingdom/ border, ferry to England)
ROUTENew Waterway
HSTOosterschelde barrier
HSTNorth Beveland
HSTFlushing (NS station)
ABZrgLF13 - Bergen op Zoom
ROUTEWestern Scheldt
ABZlfLF30 - Terneuzen
BORDERBorder Netherlands - Belgium
ABZrgLF5 (> Flanders Cycle Route) - Bruges
HSTNewport (Coastal tram De Lijn)
HSTDiksmuide (NMBS station)
ABZlfLF6 (Flanders Cycle Route >) - Ypres
BORDERBorder Belgium - France
HSTcotton wool

The cyclist follows the North Sea coast of the Netherlands, Belgium and northern France as much as possible via the LF1 North Sea route. This is clearly the case in the Netherlands, where the route for the most part through dune areas really follows the coastline as much as possible. From Dutch Flanders is mainly followed a more inland route. The Flemish and northern French coastlines are therefore less attractive to cycle along, as these coasts are very built-up and therefore also attract a lot of car traffic.

The cycle route through the underlying Flemish polder landscapes and historic cities such as Damme and Diksmuide is well worth the effort.

Past the French Watten, the route changes again. From here on you have to take into account height differences in the form of fairly steep climbs. Polder landscapes make way for a lot of forest and the route continues as Route de la Mer du Nord.

This article is still completely under construction . It contains a template, but not yet enough information to be useful to a traveler. Dive in and expand it!