Maya civilization - Maya civilization

The Maya civilization was one of the great Mesoamerican and Pre-Columbian civilizations. The Maya were renowned for having the most sophisticated and developed writing system in the Western Hemisphere as well as their monumental achievements in art, architecture and astronomy. At its height, the Maya cultural area spanned the Yucatan Peninsula and highlands of Chiapas in Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and parts of western Honduras and El Salvador.


Contrary to popular belief, the Maya people and their cultural heritage never really died. There are millions of people who identify as Maya and speak Mayan languages and despite the turmoil that was created by the Spanish conquest, many of them have carried on traditions that have existed for over a thousand years.


Map of Maya civilization


  • 1 Calakmul. One of the two Maya superpowers along with Tikal during the Classic Period. The rivalry with Tikal was intense, with both city-states and their vassals engaging in Cold War and actual wars over many centuries. Calakmul (Q272771) on Wikidata Calakmul on Wikipedia
  • 2 Chichen Itza. Arguably the most popular Maya archeological site among tourists. It was one of the largest Maya cities and incorporated a diverse range of architectural styles. Chichen Itza (Q5859) on Wikidata Chichen Itza on Wikipedia
  • 3 Coba. Coba (Q1104936) on Wikidata Coba on Wikipedia
  • 4 Edzna. An impressive site in Campeche state, with a long period of occupation spanning the Preclassic to Postclassic periods. Edzna (Q774512) on Wikidata Edzna on Wikipedia
  • 5 Izamal. A sacred town and place of pilgrimage among the Maya faithful. Two great Maya temples, one dedicated to the sun god Kinich Kak Moo and another to the creator Itzamatul, are still standing and visible from a great distance. Izamal (Q1020762) on Wikidata Izamal on Wikipedia
  • 6 Palenque. Palenque was a medium-sized city that contained some of the finest Maya art and architecture. It is one of the most studied Maya archeological sites. Palenqué (Q181427) on Wikidata Palenque on Wikipedia
  • 7 Toniná. An aggressive warmongering city-state that was rivals to Palenque for much of its history in the western Maya region. Toniná (Q1042074) on Wikidata Toniná on Wikipedia
  • 8 Tulum. One of the best preserved coastal sites and one of the last cities to be constructed. Served as the major port for Coba. Jade, copper, gold, obsidian, salt and textiles were all traded on the shores of Tulum. Tulum (Q725883) on Wikidata Tulum on Wikipedia
  • 9 Uxmal. Considered to have the most characteristic Yucatan architectural style, Uxmal thrived between the 7th and 10th centuries. Uxmal (Q213232) on Wikidata Uxmal on Wikipedia
  • 10 Xcaret. A busy port of navigation and trade on the eastern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Some of the original structures have been enveloped in an ecotourism park. Xcaret (Q1435909) on Wikidata Xcaret on Wikipedia
  • 11 Yaxchilan. Yaxchilan (Q662263) on Wikidata Yaxchilan on Wikipedia


A monkey pot from the cave of Actun Tunichil Muknal.
  • 12 Actun Tunichil Muknal. The cave contains skeletal remains, some of whom were sacrifice victims, and elaborate pottery from the Pre-Classical Period (700-900). Actun Tunichil Muknal (Q344570) on Wikidata Actun Tunichil Muknal on Wikipedia
  • 13 Altun Ha. The most famous artifact discovered at Altun Ha was the "Crown Jewel of Belize", the jade head of the Maya sun god Kinich Ahau. One of the country's greatest national treasures, the jade head appears on nearly all banknotes in Belize. Altun Ha (Q446176) on Wikidata Altun Ha on Wikipedia
  • 14 Caracol. At first a client state of Tikal, Caracol surged in prominence from the early 7th century. During its golden age, Caracol supported a population more than twice that of Belize City, the largest city in modern Belize, and covered a much wider area. Caracol (Q1035336) on Wikidata Caracol on Wikipedia
  • 15 Lamanai. Famous for a trio of temples: the Jaguar Temple, Mask Temple and High Temple. All of them have been fairly well preserved though face the ongoing battle of being covered by the dense jungle growth. Lamanai (Q968562) on Wikidata Lamanai on Wikipedia
  • 16 Lubaantun. Emerged during the late Classic Period. What distinguishes Lubaantun from other sites is its unusual architecture, with black slate being the primary material used instead of limestone, and its large collection of small ceramic figurines. Lubaantun (Q529147) on Wikidata Lubaantun on Wikipedia
  • 17 Xunantunich. The best known structure at the site is "El Castillo", Belize's second tallest pyramid. Xunantunich thrived for about a century longer than nearby sites. Xunantunich (Q1646630) on Wikidata Xunantunich on Wikipedia


Tikal Temple I, also known as Temple of the Great Jaguar.
  • 18 Aguateca. Likened to Pompeii because of the remarkable preservation of how everyday people lived in Maya times. Aguateca (Q398094) on Wikidata Aguateca on Wikipedia
  • 19 El Mirador. A large preclassic Maya site which was abandoned by the end of the 9th century and never to be inhabited again. Buried deep in the jungle, the remoteness of El Mirador has prevented it from becoming a popular tourist site. El Mirador (Q504904) on Wikidata El Mirador on Wikipedia
  • 20 Iximche (Tecpan Guatemala). The Postclassic capital of the highland Kaqchikel Maya, and focus of the first short-lived Spanish colonial settlement. Iximche (Q263509) on Wikidata Iximche on Wikipedia
  • 21 Mixco Viejo (Jilotepeque Viejo). The postclassic capital of the highland Chajoma (or eastern Kaqchikel) Maya, which for many years was confused with the capital of the Pocomam Maya. Well restored. Mixco Viejo (Q652792) on Wikidata Mixco Viejo on Wikipedia
  • 22 Nakbé. A major Middle Preclassic site that was important throughout the Maya sphere because of its extensive limestone quarries, a key material used to build many of the grand temples. Nakbe (Q1964016) on Wikidata Nakbe on Wikipedia
  • 23 Piedras Negras. Compared to other sites, Piedras Negras is known for its sculptural wealth. Piedras Negras (Q2031261) on Wikidata Piedras Negras (Maya site) on Wikipedia
  • 24 Qʼumarkaj. The most well known late postclassic Maya city that was based in the highlands. Qʼumarkaj was a thriving city until the Spanish conquest. Many structures in the site remain but archaeologists have not done much restoration work on some of the ruins. The core of the city contains a central plaza, many temples, palaces that have been reduced to rubble, and a Mesoamerican ballgame court. Qʼumarkaj (Q15063939) on Wikidata Qʼumarkaj on Wikipedia
  • 25 Quirigua. A small Classic period site that became embroiled in the greater political maneuverings of its time and dramatically rebelled against Copan (Honduras), its overlord. The site has an impressive body of sculpted stelae in a similar style to Copan. Quiriguá (Q318422) on Wikidata Quiriguá on Wikipedia
  • 26 Takalik Abaj (Kooja). An important Preclassic and Classic Maya city that had important links with the Olmecs and Teotihuacan, and a large amount of interesting sculpture on display. Takalik Abaj (Q1509537) on Wikidata Takalik Abaj on Wikipedia
  • 27 Tikal (Yax Mutal). The preeminent Maya city of the Classic Periods and lowlands. Tikal was a political and cultural superpower in its time, extending its influence far beyond. Tikal (Q181172) on Wikidata Tikal on Wikipedia
  • 28 Zaculeu (Saqulew). The Classic and Postclassic capital of the Mam Maya, which fell to the Spanish after a bloody siege in 1525. Zaculeu (Q139979) on Wikidata Zaculeu on Wikipedia


  • 29 Copán Ruinas. Was the capital city of a kingdom during the Classical Period for four centuries. On the Mesoamerican southeastern frontier, the city was almost completely surrounded by non-Maya people. Famous for its elaborate stelae. Copán Ruinas (Q2191693) on Wikidata Copán Ruinas on Wikipedia
  • 30 El Puente. El Puente (Q3720992) on Wikidata El Puente (Maya site) on Wikipedia

El Salvador

  • 31 San Andrés (Campana San Andrés). On the southernmost fringes of the Maya cultural sphere, San Andrés was the capital of a locally important regional capital during the Classic period. San Andrés, El Salvador (Q2000719) on Wikidata San Andrés, El Salvador on Wikipedia
  • 32 Tazumal. On the southernmost fringes of the Maya cultural sphere, Tazumal was a major city from the preclassic all the way to the late postclassic period. It contains some of the oldest metal artifacts in Mesoamerica. Tazumal (Q690372) on Wikidata Tazumal on Wikipedia


The staples of the Maya diet were maize (corn), squash, beans and chili peppers. Corn was always nixtamilized (soaked in limewater or lye), which added vitamins to the corn and made it a complete protein. Many types of meals were made from corn, including tortillas, tamales and gruels of varying consistencies. Cassava was also a widely grown crop, the energy and nutrient-rich tuber vegetable playing its part in sustaining a dense population for its time.

Meats were mostly obtained by hunting though dogs and turkeys may have been domesticated. The most common source of game was white-tailed deer. In the coastal areas, and in the larger inland cities where transportation networks were well developed, seafood was part of the Maya diet.

The Maya were the first people to cultivate the cacao plant and drink an ancient form of chocolate. Avocados were a commonly eaten fruit and used in a variety of dishes.


See also

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