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The island Neuwerk is the tourist center of the "Hamburgisches Wattenmeer" national park 1 CuxhavenWebsite of this institutionCuxhaven in the encyclopedia WikipediaCuxhaven in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCuxhaven (Q4197) in the Wikidata database in the North Sea. The Hamburgisches Wattenmeer National Park is the smallest of the three German Wadden Sea Conservation Areas. In addition to Neuwerk, there are only the protected bird islands Scharhörn and Nigehörn in the national park. Politically, these islands belong to Hamburg.


Map of Neuwerk


In the mudflats in front of Neuwerk

The sand island with the character of a marsh served as pasture in the 13th century and its exposed location in the mouth of the Elbe aroused the interest of Hamburg early on, which at that time was still in strong economic competition with Stade. The Duke of Sachsen-Lauenburg transferred half of the island to Hamburg in 1286, who then began to build the 35 meter high defense tower to protect the Outer Elbe in 1299. It became the seat of the island bailiff.

At the end of the 14th century, the Knights von der Lappe, who had meanwhile built a similar tower in Ritzebüttel (today Cuxhaven), turned against Hamburg and briefly captured the island before Hamburg forced the island and Ritzebüttel back from them. Hamburg then expanded the Ritzebüttel office as an outpost in the mouth of the Elbe, and Neuwerk lost its special significance for Hamburg.

Over the centuries, Neuwerk was an important feature in the Outer Elbe and the tower, together with various beacons, barrels and flowers, served as an indispensable navigation aid and rescue station for stranded and crashed ships.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Neuwerk was briefly the scene of clashes between the French and the English, in which the tower was almost blown up.

Neuwerk became a seaside resort at the beginning of the 20th century.

As part of the Greater Hamburg Act under Hitler, Hamburg expanded considerably to include Altona and Wilhelmsburg. In return, Hamburg gave the Ritzebüttel office to Prussia. But as early as 1969 Hamburg exchanged its last rights to port facilities in Cuxhaven for the mudflat area around Neuwerk and Scharhörn. Up until the 1980s, Hamburg actively planned the construction of a deep-water and industrial line for up to 5,000 jobs. A railway embankment would create the connection to the mainland and a nuclear power plant would provide the power supply for steel production.

The geological explorations finally led to the flushing of a new island in 1989, which enlarged the flood-proof area on the Scharhörnplate. This was later baptized Nihorn. In the meantime, Scharhörn and Nighörn have grown together to form a single large island, only a small creek separates them. This is due to a natural phenomenon. Wind and water have consistently deposited more sand and silt, especially on the eastern edges of the two islands, than they removed in the west. Since Scharhörn is also shifting to the southeast by up to 24 m per year, the two islands have now almost merged. On April 9, 1990, the Hamburg watt area became Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park explained. With a total area of ​​13,750 hectares, it has since been Hamburg's largest city park with the fewest trees. In the meantime, the seal population has recovered in a way that was unimaginable at the time thanks to the protective measures and even the gray seal is re-establishing itself in its former habitat. Since 2011, the national park has been inscribed on the World Heritage List as part of the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The island of Neuwerk is today, together with Scharhörn and Nigehörn, a district in the Hamburg-Mitte district. The district has a total area of ​​7.63 km², while the island of Neuwerk itself measures only 3.3 km².


The 7 m high ring dike is also the highest point on Neuwerk. On the fortified crest of the dike, you can easily walk around the island. In the center of the island, framed by the dike, the fields, streets, courtyards and all other buildings on the island are safely protected from storm surges and floods. There is also the elevated Turmwurt, which in turn is enclosed by a dike as a last refuge.
Outside the ring dike is the northern foreland with the radar tower and the bathhouse. A small dike behind a stone bank protects this area, which is grazed by cattle, sheep and horses. These floodplains are very important resting and breeding places for the bird world and are also preferred by the brent geese, for example. You can hike along the waterline from the harbor via the bathhouse to the east beacon on a paved path.
In contrast to the northern part, the eastern foreland is not grazed and is a pure nature reserve. It consists mainly of salt marshes and is criss-crossed by tides. A meadow path leads through the area.

Flora and fauna

  • The barnacle geese and brent geese rest on Neuwerk in spring - Every year between mid-April and mid-May, the bird spectacle with thousands of migratory birds can be observed on the island.


The weather on Neuwerk is also shaped by the Gulf Stream and the influence of westerly winds with relatively mild winters and moderately warm summers. There is little snow, and arctic conditions can occur here as well. Due to the constant wind, the summers hardly have any heat waves and the water rarely reaches more than 20 ° C in midsummer. Cool breezes can also be expected on warm summer days. Unfortunately, this is often underestimated because the solar radiation can be very intense even if you don't feel it. The wind often changes the weather very quickly, and rain must be expected all year round. Appropriate clothing is simply a must. Due to the wind, the rain showers are usually only brief, as soon as the umbrellas have disappeared, the sun is shining again until the game starts all over again with the next clouds. Most of the precipitation falls from the end of October to the end of February, the rainiest time is April to July.

getting there

MS Flipper II at the Neuwerk jetty
View of Neuwerk with Watt car
Mudflat hikers and wagons between Cuxhaven and Neuwerk. The island can be seen on the horizon. On the right a rescue beacon, 3 of which have been on the Wattweg since the 1970s. Hikers can get up here when the tide rises and also during thunderstorms. The beacon, which can hold 6 people, has a "Faraday cage". Since the beacons were set up, nobody on the Cuxhafen - Neuwerk mudflat route has been damaged by the weather.

The journey to Neuwerk inevitably always leads over Cuxhaven (For details see there), from there continue

By boat

The Shipping company Cassen Eils is the only shipping company from 1 Cuxhaven from the 2 Neuwerk ferry terminal on (one way approx. 1½ hours). Booking, especially for the return trip to the mainland, is mandatory.

By watt wagon

With the Wattwagen (horse-drawn cart) 2 Cuxhaven-DuhnenCuxhaven-Duhnen in the encyclopedia WikipediaCuxhaven-Duhnen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCuxhaven-Duhnen (Q329034) in the Wikidata database and from 3 Cuxhaven-SahlenburgCuxhaven-Sahlenburg in the encyclopedia WikipediaCuxhaven-Sahlenburg in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCuxhaven-Sahlenburg (Q317102) in the Wikidata database (shorter route) you can get to the island comfortably and traditionally in just over an hour. The horses pull the wagons through knee-deep tides and over muddy mud.

- Watt car rides Werner Stelling.
- Volker Griebel wagon rides
- Watt car rides Hans-Werner Fock
- Wadden mail Jan Brütt

On foot (mudflat hike)

Individual mudflat hike

It is not recommended to hike to Neuwerk and back to the mainland during periods of low water as the Walking time is 2½ - 3 hours one way (10-12 km one way depending on the route). So you either have to take the ferry at least one way, spend the night on the island or look for one of the few suitable days on which you can hike to the island in the morning and back again in the evening. Within Cuxhaven there are bus connections between the jetty at the Old love and Duhnen or Sahlenburg, the starting points of the two mudflat routes.

- to the Tide calendar: In addition to the normal tides, mainly inform about the weather (risk of thunderstorms; risk of fog). Plan the tour in time so that you have reached your destination at low tide if possible.
- Attention: The normal tides can be influenced by special circumstances (e.g. strong wind towards land). The Water level forecast for the Elbe area of ​​the BSH (with data for Cuxhaven and Neuwerk).
- Good to know: One Foot washing station can be found on Neuwerk at the entrance to the National Park House.
- If careless hikers are surprised by the tide, they can find protection in three lifebuoy beacons along the mudflat path. At the top of these beacons, a space designed as a "Faraday cage" offers protection even during thunderstorms.

Guided mudflat walks

There are also guided mudflat hikes in groups on the Cuxhaven - Neuwerk route (for those who do not trust themselves to plan an individual hike). Advantage of the tour (in addition to the care of the guide): On the tour you learn a lot of interesting facts about the mudflats.



The marsh island can easily be explored on foot. Cars are not allowed. However, paths are often not paved, so sturdy shoes are an advantage.

Tourist Attractions

Impressions from Neuwerk
The "stocky" lighthouse
  • The historical one 1 Neuwerk lighthouseNeuwerk lighthouse in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNeuwerk lighthouse in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryNeuwerk lighthouse (Q1821443) in the Wikidata database was already completed in 1310 to protect the Elbe shipping from pirates. The 35 m high tower has been used as a lighthouse since 1814. The building can be visited. Incidentally, the tower is the oldest surviving building in Hamburg. You can also spend the night in the building (info). From the tower at a height of 34 m you have a unique panoramic view of the island. Legend has it that in the dungeon of the tower the notorious pirate Klaus Störtebeker should have sat down. Whether he ever set foot on Neuwerk's soil or even existed is controversial. The lighthouse is a Hamburg monument.
From the viewing platform you not only have a beautiful view over the island, you can also watch the ships passing by on the horizon. But then it is easy to dream, as some passengers would like to have one Freighter voyage to go on board.
  • in the 1 National Park House An interactive exhibition provides information about the protected area, its flora and fauna and its special features. In collaboration with the Jordsand Association the national park administration also offers various guided tours and hikes across the island and through the mudflats.
  • On the 2 Cemetery of the NamelessNameless Cemetery in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCemetery of the Nameless (Q21205543) in the Wikidata database unknown dead washed up in earlier times were buried. It was consecrated on June 22, 1319 by Bishop Konrad von Megara and three other clergymen and redesigned in 1900. Today found dead are transferred to the mainland and buried there.
  • The 1 Amber room is an amber exhibition with sale, is open during the ship lay time
  • The 1 School camp "Meereswoge" is a slightly different school camp: there are no staff, no director and no caretaker in the home. The groups are instructed, advised and then run the business themselves.
  • The 3 OstbakeOstbake in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOstbake (Q27477445) in the Wikidata database dates from 1635 and served as a guide for buoy layers in the Elbe until the 20th century. On the night of January 18, 2007, the storm Kyrill destroyed the already rotten beacon and brought it to collapse completely. The reconstruction took place in 2009, on September 19, 2009 it was ceremoniously reopened. It is a Hamburg monument.
  • The 4 North beaconNordbake in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNordbake (Q27477441) in the Wikidata database served as a bearing mark as early as the 16th century. It was renewed in 1953, but is in poor condition today. It is a Hamburg monument.
  • The 2 Island schoolIsland school in the Wikipedia encyclopediaInselschule in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsInselschule (Q1664496) in the Wikidata database on Neuwerk is a true dwarf school. There was no school operation in the 2015/2016 school year because there were no school-age children at Neuwerk. In the school year 2018/2019 there is again a school with 2 students.


  • Circular hike on the Inseldeich: The inhabited part of the island is protected from storm surges by a dike. From the dyke you have beautiful views over the island and the dyke foreland used as pasture. You should plan a good hour for a circular hike if you don't stop off somewhere in between.
  • 1 Bathing areas at the radar tower: Neuwerk does not have a sandy beach. At high tide, you can swim at the bathing spots on the island. Information on the current water temperatures on Neuwerk is available on site or as an overview at Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany.
  • Mudflat hike from Neuwerk to Vogelinsel 5 ScharhornScharhörn in the encyclopedia WikipediaScharhörn in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsScharhörn (Q3073) in the Wikidata database: Scharhörn is only accessible on foot (5 km Wattweg). The sandy island is dated Jordsand Association supervised.
    • The island may only be entered after registering with the Vogelwart. (Tel .: (0)4721 28584)
    • Entering 6 Ni hornsNighörn in the encyclopedia WikipediaNigehörn in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNi horns (Q3081) in the Wikidata database is prohibited.
  • 2 Mini golf at the restaurant "Zum Anker"


They know how to dine well at Neuwerk. Nobody has to worry about going hungry here. There are a surprising number of restaurants for the size of the island.

  • 1  To the anchor, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)4721 29561, Fax: 49 (0)4721 28825, Email: .To the anchor on Facebook.Old-fashioned restaurant in the Hotel Nige-Hus with regional cuisine. Also the secret heart of Neuwerk called.
  • 2  Smokehouse Tüdelüt, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)4721 29561, Fax: 49 (0)4721 28825, Email: . Rustic ambience in the garden of the Hotel Nige-Hus, where salmon, halibut, butterfish and mackerel are smoked by hand, and bread is baked in an oven (made of old stones from the Neuwerker lighthouse).
  • 3  Tower tavern, Lighthouse 1, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)172 4718596.Turmschenke on Facebook.Simple restaurant in the lighthouse.
  • 4  House lake view, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)4721 20360, Email: . Restaurant with home-style cuisine and a sheltered café garden with homemade cake specialties.
  • 5  Hus aft Diek, House 8, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)4721 29076, Fax: 49 (0)4721 28277, Email: .Hus aft Diek on Facebook.Home cooking, Saturday is stew day.
  • 6  The old fisherman's house, Neuwerk 4, 27499 Hamburg-Insel Neuwerk. Tel.: 49 (0)4721 29043, Fax: 49 (0)4721 29630, Email: .The old fisherman's house on Facebook.Restaurant with fresh and regional cuisine and a large outdoor terrace.


Of course, there is no real nightlife on Neuwerk. But there is a lot of peace and quiet and the natural sounds of the sea and the birds, which can also be enjoyed at night. Nowhere in Hamburg can you see so many stars at night. But you can also sit down for a cozy tea party in the evening.


There are several guesthouses with guest rooms and holiday apartments on the island, and overnight stays in straw are also possible. If you like it a little more classy, ​​you can use the lighthouse With some hosts you can also pitch your own tent.

A host list is on the private Island side by Mortimer Griepentrog.

Practical advice

In the summer months, the post is transported by ferry to Neuwerk, in the winter months the "Wattenpost" takes care of this, with a delivery person transporting letters and parcels to the island twice a week with the Watt car (see also: web links).


  • Peter Bussler: Neuwerk - island in the Wadden Sea, Publisher: Atelier Im Bauernhaus, 1st edition, ISBN 978-3-8813-2975-0
  • Kurt Eisermann: Neuwerk - an island of relaxation with a history, Publisher: Schünemann, 1st edition, ISBN 978-3-8691-8047-2
  • Oliver Neß: Visiting Neuwerk, Publisher: Die Hanse in der Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1st edition, ISBN 978-3-4345-2571-4

Web links

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