Oristano (Province) - Oristano (Provinz)

The Oristano Province is to the west of Sardinia and occupies about a sixth of the area of ​​the island.


View of the Campidano di Oristano plain

The province was established in 1974 within its current boundaries and covers approx. 3000 km², it includes the following (sub) regions

  • Planargia: the region stretches from the Temo river to the Montiferru massif in the south; the town is the capital Bosa.
  • Montiferru: the volcanic massif of Montiferru consists mainly of basalt rock, the highest point is the Monte Urtigu (1050 m above sea level); the main town is Cuglieri.
  • in the west the Sinis Peninsula into the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the southern tip are the ruins of the Phoenician foundation Tharros.
  • Campidano di Oristano: part of the province belongs to the plain of Campidano, which is located in the southwest of Sardinia from Oristano extends down to Cagliari.
  • Marghine: the region extends from the Abbasanta high plateau to the mountain range in the east that borders the Nuoro Province forms, the main place is Macomer (already belongs to Nuoro Province).
  • Barigadu: in the interior of the island, the land, which is largely overgrown with macchia, extends.
  • Marmilla: the region stretches between Campidano and the central mountain range, in the south the Mannu river forms the border.


Map of Oristano (province)

Outline map of the province of Oristano
Small town of Bosa on the Temo river
  • 1 OristanoWebsite of this institutionOristano in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOristano in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOristano (Q13652) in the Wikidata database, the provincial capital
  • 2 BosaWebsite of this institutionBosa in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBosa in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBosa (Q385538) in the Wikidata database, picturesque town at the mouth of the Temo river
  • 3 CuglieriWebsite of this institutionCuglieri in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCuglieri in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCuglieri (Q385643) in the Wikidata database
  • 4 ConvertiblesWebsite of this institutionCabras in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCabras in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCabras (Q385624) in the Wikidata database, Fishing village on the Stagno di Cabras, the municipality also includes the Sinis Peninsula and the grounds of 5 TharrosWebsite of this institutionTharros in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTharros in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTharros (Q736689) in the Wikidata database
  • 6 AbbasantaWebsite of this institutionAbbasanta in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAbbasanta in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAbbasanta (Q305994) in the Wikidata database
  • 7 ArboreaWebsite of this institutionArborea in the Wikipedia encyclopediaArborea in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryArborea (Q382568) in the Wikidata database
  • 8 TerralbaWebsite of this institutionTerralba in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTerralba in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTerralba (Q389264) in the Wikidata database

Other goals


The Oristano Province was only founded in 1974 as an independent province, previously the areas had become the provinces Nuoro and Cagliari belongs. In the 11th century, the Sardinian rulers succeeded the Byzantine rule Judicates founded, one of which was the Arborea judiciary around the capital Oristanowhich was able to maintain its independence until 1478.


In Sardinia, Italian is the official language, locally the Sardinian dialect is mostly spoken in the province.

getting there

To arrival from mainland Italy to get to the island you have to use either the air route or a ferry connection. The main ferry ports are on the north and east coast of Sardinia, from the commercial port of Oristano there are no passenger ferry connections

  • 1 Olbia located in the northeast of the island
  • 2 Porto Torres located in the northwest of the island
  • 3 Cagliari, the island's capital is located in the south of the island


The most important rail connections are those of the state railroad company Ferrovie dello Stato / Trenitalia operated main axes of Porto Aranci resp. Olbia in the east over Macomer, Oristano to the island capital Cagliari on the south coast. Of Macomer runs a narrow-gauge sideline of the Trenino Verde to Bosawhich is largely only of a tourist nature.

The most important Expressways roughly follow the course of the railway lines: The most important north-south connection in western Sardinia, the SS131 is partly expanded to four lanes and runs from Porto Torres above Sassari (which is bypassed) over Macomer and Oristano further in a south-easterly direction to Cagliari. The branch line of the SS 131CDN connects as an expressway Abbasanta With Nuoro.

The winding road leads to the coastal road SP105/SP49 of Alghero to Bosa, the SS292 leads over Cuglieri in the hinterland and then relatively close to the coast Oristano.

Tourist Attractions






In the province of Oristano, as in the rest of Sardinia, there is a Mediterranean climate, rainfalls are rare in the summer months.


Web links

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