Sanok - Sanok

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Sanok(IPA: [ˈSanok] Please click to listen!) is a city in Poland in the voivodeship Subcarpathian.

The city is located in the zone of postglacial valleys, through which south to north the River San hits through. At the foot of the Saana Mountains located, it is at the same time a gateway to the nearby ones Forest Carpathians and Bieszczadywhich attract thousands of tourists every year due to their wild charm.


The oldest traces of the settlement of Sanok are in the northwest area of ​​the Glinica hill 393 m above sea level. (Clay pit), a Neolithic settlement area is at this point. Settlements from the Early Bronze Age to the Latency Period have reached 535 m above sea level at the foot of the Kopacz mountain. found, 1 km from Glinica. From the 14th century to the beginning of modern times, the historical Polish settlement areas on today's castle high bank of the San 317 m n.p.m. -on the right side of the SanRiver - developed 4 km from Kopacz (Hauher) away. Along with Jaslo and Krosno makes it makes that Sub-Carpathian Tricity


Its origins go back to 1150.

Boleslaus Troiden was the first prince of Sanok, he donated the city of Sanok "with German law, that is with Magdeburg law" and gave the bailiwick to his loyal servant von Sandomir by giving him the right to "like everyone in the city." a German, a Pole, a Hungarian or a Ruthene ". So in 1339 the bailiff of Sanok and his children received the town's marketplace and all the buildings around it, namely the town hall and all equipment and income from the schoolworks and bailiffs.

From the late 14th century, but especially in the 15th century, the city flourished as the center of the local market and trading center on the west-east trade route Silesia - Lesser Poland and Galicia: After the first partition of Poland, it fell to Austria in 1772 and has been back to Poland since 1918.

getting there

Map of Sanok

Sanok is over from the west Krakow or Rzeszów best to achieve.

By plane

The closest airport is the Rzeszów-Jasionka AirportRzeszów-Jasionka Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRzeszów-Jasionka Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryRzeszów-Jasionka Airport (Q143265) in the Wikidata database, just under 100 km and 1½ to 2 hours by car from Sanok. The bigger one John Paul II Airport Krakow-BaliceWebsite of this institutionJohn Paul II Airport Kraków-Balice in the Wikipedia encyclopediaJohn Paul II Airport Kraków-Balice in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsJohn Paul II Airport Krakow-Balice (Q581545) in the Wikidata database(IATA: CRC) is about 230 km away.

By train

The 1 Sanok train stationSanok train station in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSanok train station in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSanok train station (Q599990) in the Wikidata database can be reached twice a day with interregional trains (TLK) of the Polish railways from Rzeszów (Travel time 2:40 hours) and four times a day with regional trains from Jasło (1½ hours). Most trains also stop at the station 2 Sanok Miastowhich is a little closer to the city center (1 km from the market square).

Coming from Germany you have to change trains in Poznan or Breslau and Rzeszów. B. from Berlin over 13 hours on the road. From Vienna it is around 14 hours via Katowice and Rzeszów.

By bus

Neobus offers the connection Wroclaw – Katowice – Cracow – Rzeszów – Sanok six times a day. The drive from Wroclaw takes about 8 hours, from Krakow 4 hours and from Rzeszów 1½ hours. The Warsaw – Radom – Rzeszów – Sanok connection (takes 6-7 hours in total) is also offered six times a day. Coming from Germany or Austria, you can take the Flixbus to Breslau, Katowice or Krakow and change there to the Neobus to Sanok.

Sindbad offers a direct bus connection from Lübeck via Hamburg, Berlin, Breslau and Opole to Sanok once a day. The journey from Berlin takes about 16 hours.

Other providers that target Sanok are San bus and Galicja Express.

In the street

The journey from Germany is over Krakow to Rzeszów possible on the A4 motorway (Europastraße 40). From there it goes on the state road 19 (or expressway S19) and the voivodship road 886 to Sanok.

If you have a lot of time and want to experience more of the landscape and culture, you can also from Upper Silesia from on the national road 28 through the foothills of the Beskids in southern Poland (Wadowice, Nowy Sącz, Krosno) to Sanok. Their course largely corresponds to the historical one Tatra Imperial Road (Brünn – Lemberg) of the Austrian Empire.

The approximately 892 voivodship road connects Sanok or the nearby Zagórz with the Slovak border and Medzilaborce in the Eastern Slovakia - the birthplace of Andy Warhol (approx. 55 km from Sanok, for which you need at least an hour because of the many bends). This route crosses several river valleys along the mountain foot to the Carpathian watershed.

Parking facilities

  • Parking-Zamkowa, on Zamkowa Street, Old Town. Approx. 50 parking spaces.Price: € 0.50 / pc.
  • Parking arena, on Bony Street. 100 free commuter parking spaces, every 30 minutes to the old town.
  • Parking Kaufland, on Bony Street. 50 free commuter parking spaces, every 30 minutes to the old town.
  • Park & ​​Ride parking garage, at 1 Łazienna Street, Old Town. Covered parking lot, approx. 100 parking spaces. Ideal for vehicles up to 2 m high.Price: € 0.50 / pc.
  • Parking Skansen, on Rybickiego Street. Approx. 50 parking spaces.Price: € 0.50 / pc.
  • Parking- "Korty", at the tennis court, on Mickiewicza Street, Old Town. Approx. 50 parking spaces.Price: € 0.50 / pc.
  • Parking-Stokrotka, on F.Giela-Straße, old town. Covered parking lot, ideal for vehicles up to 2 m high, approx. 50 parking spaces.Price: € 0.50 / pc.


It is a 20-30 minute walk from the main train station to Rynek (market square).

Tourist Attractions

Sights in Sanok
Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok

The city's greatest attraction are two above-average museums. In their collections they contain a part of the rich local culture that developed in this area over many centuries in the process of mutual interpenetration between two civilizations of the Orthodox East and the Latin West.

Independently of the art treasures collected in the museums, the monuments of the old town also introduce the climate of the old Sanok - although the oldest ones from the 800-year history of the city have not been preserved - the castle from the 16th to 19th centuries, the Byzantine ones -orthodox church from the 18th century, the parish church and the Franciscan monastery, as well as town houses on the market and in the adjoining streets from the 18th / 19th century. Century


  • 1  Trinity Orthodox Cathedral (Sobór Świętej Trójcy w Sanoku), ul.Zamkowej 14 (10 minutes from the market square). Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTrinity Orthodox Cathedral in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryTrinity Orthodox Cathedral (Q9339021) in the Wikidata database.Erected in 1784 in the classical style, with numerous icons.
  • 2  Franciscan monastery and cruciform church (Kościół i klasztor Franciszkanów w Sanoku), ul.Franciszkańska 7. Franciscan monastery and Kreuzkirche in the encyclopedia WikipediaFranciscan monastery and Kreuzkirche in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFranciscan monastery and cruciform church (Q11746114) in the Wikidata database.The Minorite Monastery was founded in the 14th century. The current baroque building dates from the first half of the 17th century. The church of the Holy Cross, which stands on the market square (Rynek), belongs to the monastery. The church tower was rebuilt in neo-Romanesque style after a fire in 1895. There is also free WiFi here.
  • 3  Parish Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Kościół Przemienienia Pańskiego w Sanoku), ul.Grzegorza 5 (The back shows ul. Wałowa, a few steps south of the market square). Parish Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaParish Church of the Transfiguration in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryParish Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Q11745754) in the Wikidata database.Erected 1874–1887 on the site of a previous building, neo-Romanesque.

Palaces and castles

  • 4  Sanoker Royal Castle (Zamek Królewski), ul.Zamkowa 2 (10 minutes from the market square). Sanoker Royal Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSanoker Royal Castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSanoker Royal Castle (Q1629927) in the Wikidata database.Originally a Gothic hilltop castle from the 14th century. The Polish-Lithuanian King Władysław II Jagiełło (ancestor of the Jagiellonian dynasty) temporarily resided here. In the 16th century it was completely rebuilt into a Renaissance castle. Today it houses the Historical Museum (see below).


  • 5  Old Town Hall (Stary ratusz), Rynek 16 (at the market square). Old Town Hall in the Wikipedia encyclopediaAltes Rathaus in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOld Town Hall (Q24941916) in the Wikidata database.Erected in 1786 in an eclectic style. It is painted in a striking pastel pink.
  • 6  new town hall (Ratusz), Rynek 1. New town hall in the Wikipedia encyclopediaNew town hall in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNew Town Hall (Q24941915) in the Wikidata database.Exactly opposite the old town hall is today's seat of the city administration. The building was built in 1875–80 as the administrative seat of the then Sanok district in the crown land of Galicia and Lodomeria. The style can also be described as eclectic (typical of the k. U. K. Period), it is painted lime green. The historical coat of arms of the Sanok region can be seen on the facade - a yellow double-headed eagle on a blue background - which also corresponds to the coat of arms of today's Powiat (district) Sanocki.
  • 7  Villa Zaleski (Willa Zaleskich), plac św. Jana 1. Villa Zaleski in the encyclopedia WikipediaVilla Zaleski in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsVilla Zaleski (Q9374742) in the Wikidata database.Villa built 1896–1910 for the important doctor Karol Zaleski.
  • 8  Ramerówka (Arkady), ul.Grzegorza 2. Ramerówka in the Wikipedia encyclopediaRamerówka in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRamerówka (Q9303822) in the Wikidata database.Listed two-story building from the 19th century (after 1872). It is named after the Jewish Ramer family who originally lived here. Then the city bought the building to set up a reading room for the citizens. Later it housed a cinema. During the German occupation (1939–45), not only were the Jewish owners expropriated, but the facade on the ground floor was also rebuilt: the arcades, which gave the building its nickname "Arkady", were created. Today it houses a restaurant and various shops.


  • 9  Schwejk figure by Adam Przybysz (Ławeczka Józefa Szwejka w Sanoku), ul. 3 Maja (10 minutes from the market square). Schwejk figure by Adam Przybysz in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSchwejk figure by Adam Przybysz in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSchwejk figure by Adam Przybysz (Q9394075) in the Wikidata database.Created by the Polish artist Adam Przybysz, inaugurated in 2003.


  • 10  Folk architecture museum (Muzeum Budownictwa Ludowego w Sanoku), ul.Romualda Traugutta 3, Ż Wirki i Wigury 6a (Biała-Góra district, on Rybicki Street). Museum of Folk Architecture in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of Folk Architecture in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMuseum of Folk Architecture (Q773526) in the Wikidata database.The museum's ethnographic park shows traditional ways of life and work in the Sub-Carpathian region. Here you can spend many hours while visiting the farmsteads of Oberländer (Forest Germans), Unterländer, Bojkien and Lemken, as well as the sacred objects closely related to the village architecture.
  • 11  Historical museum in Sanok (Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku), ul.Zamkowa 2. Historical museum in Sanok in the encyclopedia WikipediaHistorical museum in Sanok in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHistorical Museum in Sanok (Q6393841) in the Wikidata database.In the halls of the old castle, where the museum of local history has its exhibition rooms, you can get acquainted with the prehistory of the Sanok region and admire a collection of Hutsul products as well as sacred and secular paintings from the 16th to 20th centuries. The museum also invites you to a permanent exhibition by a contemporary painter Zdzisław Beksiński - a native of Sanoker.

Streets and squares

  • 12  Marketplace (Rynek). Marketplace in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMarketplace in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMarketplace (Q9324510) in the Wikidata database.In the central square of the city are among others. the two town halls (Rynek 1 and 16), the small synagogue (Rynek 10) and several listed classicist houses from the first half of the 19th century.
  • 13  3 Maja Street (May 3rd Street). Ulica 3 Maja in the Wikipedia encyclopediaUlica 3 Maja in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsUlica 3 Maja (Q16612561) in the Wikidata database.Promenade and shopping street in the city center. It goes in a south-westerly direction from the market square (Rynek).


  • 14  city ​​Park (Park miejski im. Adama Mickiewicza). City park in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCity Park (Q11811627) in the Wikidata database.On the 364 m above sea level. M. high park hill above the city; 10 hectare landscaped garden. In the park there are among others. a memorial to General Tadeusz Kościuszko (Polish national hero, fought alongside George Washington in the American War of Independence and was the leader of the Polish uprising against the Polish and Russian occupation in 1794) and a viewing platform.


  • Sanok summer fair, at the market square. The popular festival in August.
  • Podkarpackie Trójmiasto, at the market square. The Pre-Carpathian Tricity is the largest folk festival in the region at the end of August.
  • Sanok Christmas market, in the Sanok open-air museum. During the Advent season.

Events near Sanok

  • Wierzbin. Wickerman folk festival at the end of May in Kiczera on a meadow of the Vola-Sękowa Vocational School for Folk Art, about 20 km southwest of Sanok.


The largest shopping market in the city is Kaufland, located in the south-east in the direction of Lesko at Bony-Strasse 10 (Landesstrasse 28).


Sanoks Restaurant serve regional specialties of the house and the region, the dishes of the Polish and European cuisine. The Oberland cuisine is related to the Slovak cuisine and cuisine in Austria and Silesia due to its cultural and regional proximity. A typical Sanok Oberland dish from the Beskids is pork chop with various side dishes, pork knuckle, croquettes with warm beetroot soup and cabbage rolls with minced rice and minced meat. Numerous vegetarian dishes, especially puff pastries with different fillings, are really great. The range of drinks is similar to that in Germany. The local beer is very good and drinkable (there is often unfiltered beer).



It is worth mentioning the following restaurants to try these dishes:

  • 1  Stary credens, at Michaelplatz 4 (Plac Michała 4). Old chest of drawers.
  • 2  Dworek Sanocki, 2 Pułku Strzelców Podhalańskich Street 30. Sanok's manor house.
  • 3  Karczma Karpackie Jadło, at the market square - Rynek 12. Tavern Carpathian dishes, free Wi-Fi.
  • Figa z Makiem, 34 Kościuszki Street. Fig and poppy seeds.


Bars, pubs and trendy restaurants


  • 4  Pod Zegarem, at the market square - Rynek 15. Restaurant to the tower clock, free Wi-Fi.
  • Off road 66, Crossing at Bony / Mickiewicz-Straße 38. Bar, pub.Open: 24 hours.
  • 1  Nobo Cafe, 21 Sobieskiego Street. Bar, free Wi-Fi.
  • 2  horn, at the market square - Rynek 1. Pub, free wi-fi.
  • Berhida, Crossing on Daszyński and Kościuszki streets. Bar, pub.
  • Rudera, 4 Podgórze Street. Music bar.
  • 3  Panic, 2 Pułku Strzelców Podhalańskich Street 1. Music bar.
  • International fast food chains also have branches in the city center, such as Mc Donalds, at 15 Słowackiego Street



  • 1  Kmicic, Czerteż 110, 38 - 500 Sanok. Motel.
  • 2  Pod Trzema Różami, 13 Jagiellońska Street, 38 - 500 Sanok. Hotel Restaurant To the three roses.
  • 3  Hotel Jagielloński, Jagiellońska 49, 38 - 500 Sanok.
  • 4  Hotel Bona, 47 Białogórka Street, 38 - 500 Sanok.
  • 5  Hotel Sanvit, 1 Łazienna Street, 38-500 Sanok.

Practical advice

  • 1  Centrum Informacji Turystycznej, am Marktplatz, Rynek 14. Tourist information office.


In the vicinity of Sanok:


  • "The Beast of Sanok" by Bartlomiej Rychter (2009)

Web links

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