Zugspitze - Zugspitze

East summit with summit cross

The Zugspitze in the Wetterstein Mountains With a height of 2,962 meters is the highest mountain in Germany and border summit closed Austria. There are three mountain railways that lead to the summit.


Location map of Bavaria
height2,962 m

Valley locations in Upper Bavaria (Werdenfelser Land, Garmischer Talessel) are:

  • Grainau (750 m): Zugspitzdorf and high altitude health resort;

Valley locations in North Tyrol (Except far, Ehrwald Basin) are:

  • Ehrwald (994 m): winter sports community at the foot of the Zugspitze;
  • Lermoos (1004 m): holiday community and winter sports;


Politically, the Zugspitze belongs to the municipalities Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Grainau in Upper Bavaria and to Ehrwald in the Tyrolean Oberland.

In addition to the tourist infrastructure, there are also various transmission systems (including Bavarian and Austrian radio) and various research facilities (Max Planck Institute, Fraunhofer Institute) as well as the weather station of the German Weather Service in the weather tower at the Munich House.


In October 2013 the Zugspitze was the victim of a satirical attack from Austria: A confessing video showed the knocking down of the summit when it was shortened by one meter, then the evidence from the video was exhibited as the alleged Zugspitze peak. The whole thing was a fake and a PR campaign on the occasion of a model construction fair in Vienna, where the "Zugspitz -spitze" could be viewed and had an international response.

As the cover picture of the article shows, the summit of the Zugspitze is not a "peak", but a kind of small plateau on which even several people can stand at the same time and cannot be easily knocked off or even transported away. The "flaw" at the summit, which was actually discovered by an immediate inspection by the Bayerische Zugspitzbahn (BZB), comes from an unfortunate incident of tourist amusement: Several years ago, an "event agency" stretched a flying fox from the Zugspitze summit to the visitor platform as a tourist attraction. The rock at the absolute highest point of the Zugspitze was then used to anchor the zip line, drilled through and concreted over.

Article on the satire attack in the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Tourism history

The east summit of the Zugspitze is Germany's highest peak. But the Zugspitze is also a border summit. Via the meanwhile from the Austrian cable car station and with the Munich house completely closed western summit runs the border between Bavaria and Tyrol. Because the first touristic development took place exclusively through the Reintal and from the German side, the Zugspitze is not only the highest German peak, but also historically the highest German mountain.

Wetterstein with Zugspitze from the south in Seebensee via Ehrwald, left "New World"
  • before "only" 70 million years ago: The northern Limestone Alps unfold in the Tertiary Age. From the geologists' point of view, they are a young mountain range. The valleys were created by glaciers from the Ice Age. The geological stratification of the massif has the peculiarity that older layers (Wetterstein limestone) were sheared over younger layers (chalk); Visible above the Eibsee and from Ehrwald in the region between Ehrwalder Alm and Gamskar.
  • ago approx. 3700 years: The Zugspitze is even clearer "Three thousand meter". Then the entire summit of that time breaks off in a gigantic rock fall, and falls in the area of ​​today's Zugspitze cable car from the Eibsee to the valley. The fragments of the natural disaster of that time are now spread across the alpine pastures in Grainau and Hammersbach. The cause of the event happened without the man-made global warming, which today also threatens the current summit with the associated decline in permafrost and a loss of strength in the rock. The summit has therefore been electronically monitored since August 2007 with test drillings and sensors built into the rock.
  • 1590: The Zugspitze is used in a description of the boundaries of the county Werdenfels first mentioned in a document as "Der Zugspiz".
  • around 1770: First "map" of the Zugspitze (to be viewed in "Alpine Museum" of the DAV in Munich). The path through the Reintal to the Zugspitzplatt and a "gangway" from the Zugspitzplatt to the summit area and on the other side to the Eibsee is already sketched.
  • 1820: The Zugspitze is officially conquered by three people together for the first time. Lieutenant Josef Naus, born in Leschaschau im Except far and in the service of the Bavarian army (mapping Bavaria after the elevation to the kingdom) with servant Maier and the Partenkirchen leader Joh. Georg Teuschl reach the summit via the route through the Reintal.
The summit cross of the Zugspitze

The current summit cross was erected for the first time on October 16, 1993, it is the second in total. The cross is 4.88 meters high, made of steel, and weighs almost 300 kilograms. The weight of the gold leaf is approx. 150 grams.

The summit cross had to be renovated for the first time from January to April 2009 - the extreme weather conditions dulled the original gilding to pale yellow. The transport to the Zugspitzplatt took place by helicopter, the way into the valley by cog railway.

The restoration was carried out in Lenggries by the metal restorer Gerhard Eiblmeier, on April 22nd, 2009 the cross was flown back from Platt to the summit by helicopter and set up again.
  • 1851: Karl Kiendl, forester from Vordergraseck, leads an expedition to the summit: The first summit cross weighs 150 kilograms and is carried to the summit and set up by a total of 29 men, back then on the western summit.
  • 1873: The first footpath through the Reintal to the mountain is officially inaugurated.
  • 1882 The first summit cross, already badly damaged by lightning strikes, is being renovated in the valley and then rebuilt on the east summit, as the anchoring on the west summit proves to be problematic due to the weathered rock structure.
  • 1897: Construction of the "Munich House" on the summit (first overnight house). Extension of the meteorological tower for weather observation, opened in 1900.
  • 1907: Plans to build a rack railway are not implemented due to financial problems and the outbreak of the First World War.
  • 1923/24: The Bavarian government refuses to build the rack railway for nature conservation reasons. The German Alpine Association is also critical of the project.
  • 1926: Austria inaugurates a cable car from Ehrwald to the Zugspitze.
  • 01.04.1928: Start of construction of the rack railway (competing project with the Austrian cable car).
  • 08.07.1930: Opening of the cog railway on the Zugspitze to the Schneefernerhaus.
  • 1945: the Schneefernerhaus is confiscated by the American troops as a "Recreation Facility".
  • 1952: Reopening of the Schneefernerhaus. Today the house is used as a research station.
  • 1963: The German aerial cableway from the Eibsee to the summit goes into operation.
  • 1985: A new cogwheel tunnel to the "Sonn Alpin" ski station is being tackled.
  • 1987: The 975 m long "Rosi Tunnel" goes into operation (named after the famous skier Rosi Mittermaier-Neureuther). Thanks to the construction work and the purchase of new railcars, the cog railway can keep up with the competition with the cable cars, since ski tourists expect fast and inexpensive transportation up the mountain.
  • 1993 The very first summit cross after a total of 142 years of standing has irreparable damage from wind, weather and joyful shots by American soldiers after the end of the war, today's summit cross is erected. The old summit cross can be seen in the Werdenfelser Heimatmuseum in Garmisch-Partenkirchen can be visited.
  • 2009: The Zugspitze is certainly a "built-in mountain", but the concentration of alpine tourism on the Wetterstein Mountains prevented many other development projects (e.g. on the Watzmann) in the Bavarian Alps. The advantage of the "machined Zugspitze" is that anyone without any alpine knowledge can "climb" the highest mountain in the country. This is not possible in any other Alpine country.
  • 2017: On December 21, 2017, the new cable car between the Eibsee and the summit of the Zugsitze was opened. The Zugspitze cable car, like the Eibsee cable car, is an aerial tramway. The most important innovation are the two cabins for 120 people each and a passenger attendant. One expects them to eliminate the long waiting times. They are glazed all the way down to the floor and have a window heater to ensure an unrestricted view at all times.


Zugspitzplatt with the remains of the snow fern in the summer of 2007. A scientific photo comparison is on www.gletscherarchiv.de to find

Three of the five are currently on the Zugspitze Bavarian glacier counted:


The Plattacher- or Schneeferner on the Zugspitzplatt in the atlas Tyroliensis (1774, survey of the terrain around 1762) is the first graphic representation of a Bavarian glacier, at that time it had an area of ​​up to 300 hectares at times.

The glacier area was already significantly smaller in the 19th century, around 1900 the glacier divided into a northern and a southern part, a former eastern part has now completely disappeared. Today there are still around 30 hectares of land left for the Nördlicher Schneeferner, making it the largest glacier in Bavaria in terms of both area and volume. The southern Schneeferner still has an area of ​​around 5 hectares.


The Höllentalferner is located north of the Zugspitze in the Höllental and has an area of ​​approx. 25 hectares.

getting there

In the street

By train

On the Munich - Innsbruck route (also long-distance traffic) to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen Intercity train station. There is a direct connection to the cog railway on the Zugspitzplatt. The summit cable car then continues to the Zugspitze.

Incidentally, the information from Deutsche Bahn also knows the Zugspitzbahn timetable. Enter "Zugspitze Bf Zugspitzplatt, Garmisch-Partenkirchen" as the destination station. A price information with cog railway is not possible.

  • On the winter weekends are from the German railway Munich Combination tickets to Platt and incl. Day ski pass offered (adults € 45, as of 2010).


Mountain railways

Eibsee cable car summit station

The Bavarian Zugspitzbahn operates the Eibsee cable car to the summit (built in 1963) and the rack railway from the main train station Garmisch-Partenkirchen to the tunnel station on the Zugspitzplatt with a cable car connection to the summit.

  • Eibsee cable car Eibsee summit: journey time approx. 10 min:
Price example adults 2020: Round trip ticket rack railway - summit cable car - Eibsee cable car: € 59.50
  • The Rack railway from Garmisch-Partenkirchen (via Grainau, Hammersbach, Eibsee) to the Zugspitzplatt); Travel times: Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Zugspitzplatt: approx. 58 min; Summit cable car: approx. 3.5 min.Price example for adults 2020: round trip ticket € 59.50
Fares for adults from the Eibsee station: same as the Eibsee cable car;
  • The Austrian cable car leads from Ehrwald to the summit (first lift built in 1926; the new lift has a technology showroom in the valley station); Travel time approx. 7 min;
Price example adult fares 2018/2019: summit ticket ascent and descent: € 46.50 (glacier ticket with Zuspitzplatt € 58).

For more price information on special prices for children and groups, including discounts, see the railways under Web links.

Tourist Attractions

  • summit - The famous golden cross stands on the east summit of the Zugspitze, it dates from 1993.
The east summit is exactly 2962.06 m high, the rest of the summit area and the former west summit are built up. For the heavily frequented access from the visitor platform to the east summit, which is secured with steel ropes and iron rungs, sturdy shoes require a head for heights and surefootedness. On the few meters of the short route, oncoming traffic is always to be expected due to the rush.
The deepest German land spot Incidentally, is exactly 3.54 m below sea level (to be found in the Wilster Marsch east of Brunsbüttel).
  • Viewing platforms - The German and Austrian Zugspitzbergbahn operate viewing platforms on their respective mountain sides, which open up the entire summit area of ​​the Zugspitze (with the exception of the eastern summit). From here you can safely enjoy the overwhelming panorama in all directions. Depending on the weather, the view extends over 200 km to the south into the central Alps from the Großglockner to the Tauern to the Wildspitze in the Ötztal Alps in the west and north in the foothills of the Alps to Munich and beyond. The price level of the catering establishments (German Zugspitzbahn, Austrian Zugspitzbahn and also Munich house) corresponds to the height of the mountain and even exceeds the costs for the ascent and gastronomy of the three-thousand-meter peaks visible above.
  • Mountain hut Munich house - The accommodation house of the Munich Alpine Club was the first building on the western summit in 1879. The house is open in the summer months. The observation station of the German weather service is attached to the Munich house, see also the section Accommodation;
  • Adventure museum "Fascination Zugspitze" - The museum of Tyrolean Zugspitzbahn is located in the mountain station.
  • Schneeernerhaus (2650 m) at the foot of the southern slope from Zugspitzplatt to Zugsitze.
Opened in 1931 as the highest hotel in Germany at the time and at that time the terminus of the Bavarian Zugspitzbahn cog railway.
An avalanche on May 15, 1965 from the slope to the Zugspitze claimed ten lives and left many seriously injured. The accident stopped the further expansion of the hotel and was the reason for the introduction of the state avalanche warning service in Bavaria in 1967. The opening of the glacier cable car from Zugspitzplatt (Sonn-Alpin) to the Zugspitz summit in 1992 meant the end of the hotel, the train station of the The rack railway was relocated to the Sonn-Alpin station.
Today the building serves as a research station for the Federal Environment Agency and the consortium "Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus" (UFS) consisting of the German Weather Service, the Technical University of Munich and other research centers. The climate researchers find optimal conditions here because of the clean and almost exhaust-free air. From the seventh floor of the Schneefernerhaus, a corridor several hundred meters long, the so-called "Kammstollen", leads into the rock of the Zugspitze to below the summit area and offers optimal conditions for exploring the permafrost.
Höllentalklamm near Hammersbach
  • Hell Valley Gorge near Hammersbach / Grainau - wild gorge with waterfalls, catwalks with bridges over the raging gorge, stairs and narrow tunnels;
From the chargeable parking lot in Hammersbach (753 m) near Graiau on the B23 towards Ehrwald in approx. 1 ½ hours to the entrance hut (1047 m, managed) at the end of the gorge, in about 1 hour through the gorge to 1193 m at the beginning of the gorge; another 1/2 hour to the serviced Höllentalangerhütte (1381 m) in the valley floor of the idyllic Höllentalanger with a view of the Zugspitz; Rainwear helpful;
Open from the end of May (depending on snow conditions) to October; Höllental entrance hut: Tel. 08821/8895; inaccessible in winter due to acute avalanche danger;
Admission adults: 3.- €, reduced 1.- € (DAV members);



Höllentalanger with Zugspitze, the ascent runs roughly in the middle, at the top a little to the left of the center of the picture, "board" halfway up the picture, Zugspitze summit set back in the middle notch on the horizon
the "ladder" at the end of the Höllentalanger
the board"

Via ferratas

For general information, see Via ferrata

For the fit "hobby mountaineer" there are three possible climbs to the summit:

Ascent through the Höllental

The route through the Höllental to the summit was walked for the first time on September 26, 1876 by Franz Tillmetz, Franz Johannes with the guides Johann and Joseph Dengg.

The ascent is one of the most beautiful and varied mountain journeys in the Eastern Alps and a joy for ambitious and experienced mountain hikers if the conditions are right (favorable weather).

  • Surefootedness and a head for heights are essential.
  • The total length of the ascent (from the Höllentalangerhütte, height difference approx. 1581 m, see section Accommodation) for which a suitable level of fitness is required; you should note that the strenuous via ferrata has to be mastered at the end of the tour. One or the other will also feel the absolute height, the Zugspitze is just under three thousand meters.
  • The lake, especially in late summer, which is already heavily gored (crampons or at least Grödel are often required; crevasses can be avoided if you keep to the track, which is usually well laid because of the heavy crowds, in the middle of the glacier)
  • In the via ferrata area there is an extreme risk of lightning strikes during storms. The summit should be reached as early as possible (2 p.m.) in unsafe weather (thunderstorms approaching from the west are not visible in Höllental!).
  • At the resting place in front of the glacier on the scree of the moraine, rockfall from the rocks of the Waxenstein ridge is possible: Put on your helmet!
  • Guide times: from the parking lot in Hammersbach / Grainau (758 m) in approx. 2 hours to the Höllentalangerhütte (1381 m). An overnight stay is recommended there; from the Höllentalangerhütte to the back of the valley floor, over crags and notches, iron clips and the "ladder" to the "Brett", then in rocky terrain and over the arduous gravel of the moraine hills to the Höllentalferner. With the crampon over the not too steep glacier (some crevasses!), at the edge of the chasm after removing the crampons directly into the via ferrata (the lower entrance with iron clamps was expanded because of the receding glacier; in the later summer you will often choose the upper entrance because of the fading ). Walking time to the via ferrata approx. 3-4 hours from the Höllentalangerhütte. Continue on the well-insured via ferrata (if there is a risk of thunderstorms: Not board), another approx. 3 hours to the summit (as of summer 2007).
  • If you want to descend into the Höllental again, to avoid oncoming traffic, plan the timing so that you have already left the area of ​​the via ferrata before the onslaught of the summit aspirants from the Höllentalangerhütte.
  • the last cable car from the Zugspitze to the Eibsee is at 4.40 p.m. and should be reached if you don't want to spend the night or come back on foot.

Ascent through the Reintal

Start at the ski stadium in Partenkirchen, then through the Partnach Gorge. Then via forest paths to the Bockhütte (managed, no overnight stay), to the Reintalangerhütte (registration required for an overnight stay as part of a two-day tour!). So far, hardly any gain in altitude, but very long distances. After the Reintalangerhütte up to the Knorrhütte (2053m), the variant "Felsensteig" leads past the "Veitsbründl" (spring). After the Knorrhütte, first a steep ascent, then easier over the Zugspitzplatt on the right-hand side ("White Valley"). New markings and orientation poles (2008), however, there can be considerable orientation problems in fog. At the "Sonnalpin" (mountain station of the cog railway) via the insured easy via ferrata, which leads over the "Sandreiße" (gravel slope) past the Schneeernerhaus to the Zugspitzgrat and then finally to the summit - or from Sonnalpin with the glacier cable car to the summit.

  • Difference in altitude 2205 m, total walking time 7 to 10 hours, approx. 22 km distance; or as a two-day tour (overnight stay in the Reintalangerhütte or Knorrhütte); longest and easiest summit ascent.

Ascent from Tyrol

  • Ascent from Austria: easy via ferrata over the Wiener Neustädter Hut on a partially secured route over the Zugspitz-Südwestgrat. Surefootedness and a head for heights required, risk of falling rocks, absolutely avoid if there is a risk of thunderstorms;
  • Route: From Ehrwald-Obermoos (1225 m, valley station of the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn) over the ski run or from Ehrwald-Tal (1000 m) over the Georg-Jäger-Steig up to the Gamskar, then to the Ehrwalder Köpf, where the new Bahn the route is crossed (2070 m) to Wiener-Neustädter-Hütte (2213 m). After crossing the Austrian Schneekar at the "Stopselzieher", a natural chimney, access to the easy via ferrata. At the abandoned old station of the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn (2830 m) you reach the Zugspitzkamm, from there on an easy path to the summit.
  • Difference in altitude approx. 1740 m from Ehrwald-Obermoos; Total walking time approx. 5 ½ hours, shortest ascent.
  • Another simple ascent variant from Austria is the ascent from Ehrwald over the Ehrwalder Alm and the Hochfeldernjoch to the "Gatterl", then over the Plattsteig to the Knorrhütte and from here on as in the Ascent through the Reintal from the German side.

Anyone who is caught by a thunderstorm in the via ferrata area despite all caution; away from the iron insurance / steel cable: acute danger to life from lightning strike!

Zugspitzplatt ski area

As the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze also has the only German "glacier ski area". Even if from Schneeerner There is not much left on the Platt, because of its altitude the ski area has good snow reliability (telephone announcement about snow depth at 08821-797979). The ski area can be reached directly by cog railway (Sonnalpin station) and is particularly characterized by its location in a high alpine setting. From the point of view of the sporting challenge, the Zugspitzplatt is to be classified as more moderate overall: Given the steeper slopes in a glacier ski area, the glacier flow here is mostly split, these steeper areas of the glacier ski areas are therefore usually not accessible to piste guests. On the west side towards the Schneefernerkopf, the slopes of the Platt (name!) Are also somewhat steeper.

Price example winter prices Zugspitze 2018/2019: Adult day ski pass: € 46.50

  • To the Schneeferner - The glacier has already melted a lot. A scientific photo comparison is here in Glacier archive to find. Further information can also be found on Bavarian glaciers.
  • Data of the ski area - The area has 17 km of slopes between 2000 and 2720 m. The upper part of the ski area lies on the remains of the Schneeerner. The ski season usually lasts until the end of May and usually starts again in early to mid-November. If the weather cooperates (which rarely happens) you can go back to the higher slopes as early as mid-October.
  • Sledding - On the Zugspitzplatt there are also two larger toboggan runs and a small family slope near Sonn Alpin: Here you can either go downhill with your own wooden toboggan or rent a sledge on Sonn Alpin at the toboggan hut ("Zipfelbob" toboggan with helmet for € 13 , Status 01-2019). The use of tires, tubes or similar devices is not permitted.
1. Toboggan run at the "Sonnenkar" chairlift below Sonn Alpin: North of the 6-seater chairlift there is a relatively new toboggan run that runs parallel to ski run No. 9. With a length of around 1.2 km, it has around 28 rapid meters in altitude. It goes uphill again by chairlift.
2. Toboggan run parallel to the "Wetterwandereck" chairlift: this toboggan run can only be reached using the "Sonnenkar" toboggan slope. It has a roughly estimated length of 1.6 to 1.8 km with an altitude difference of around 280 m.
  • SonnAlpin: Glacier restaurant in rustic Bavarian style, show kitchen, glass rondel; on the Zugspitzplatt;
  • Igloo village - In the winter season 2005/2006 it was possible to spend the night in an igloo on the Zugspitzplatt for the first time. The snow village even has a whirlpool (see also Igloo village).

Jubilee ridge

The "Jubilee Ridge" (also Jubiläumsweg or Jubelgrat) is the connecting ridge from the Zugspitze (2962 m) over the Inner, Middle and Outer Höllentalspitzen (2737 m, 2740 m, 2716 m), Vollkarspitze (2630 m) and Hochblassen (2706 m) to the Alpspitze (2628 m). The route requires the safe mastery of the third level of difficulty of the UIAA climbing scale and is therefore reserved for experienced mountaineers.

New world

The "New world" is a demanding high-alpine ski run and leads from the Schneefernerkopf with an altitude difference of 2000 m Ehrwald. The route has inclines of over 40 degrees and a vertical rock drop that can only be overcome by abseiling down a steep gully. This downhill route is therefore reserved exclusively for excellent skiers and should only be undertaken with appropriate alpine experience and / or accompanied by a mountain guide. The best season is March / April.


Mountain huts and alpine pastures without regular accommodation.

1  Hell Valley Entrance Hut (1,054 m, DAV section Garmisch-Partenkirchen), Am Gipsbruch 13, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen (at the entrance of the Höllentalklamm). Tel.: 49 (0)8821 8895. There are drinks, snacks and also simple warm meals (soups etc.).Open: mid-May to mid-October.

Ascent from Hammersbach and always along the Hammersbach: just under an hour for approx. 2.7 km and an ascent of approx. 300 meters.

2  Hochthörlehütte (Hochtörlenhütte, 1,527 m), Hof 3b, A-6632 Ehrwald (Between Eibsee and Zugspitze). Tel.: 43 (0)664 645 48 49. The new hut building was reopened at the end of June 2013.Open: beginning of June to beginning of November, no day of rest.

Popular station for hikers and mountain bikers, the hut is located on the mountain bike Transalp from Bavaria via Tyrol to Lake Garda

Easiest approach from the Eibsee.


The Zugspitze is the most visited summit in Germany, also among mountaineers, and also with many international guests. The mountain huts are always occupied or overcrowded during the season and on the weekends, so making a reservation in advance is strongly recommended.

There are places with accommodation at the foot of the Zugspitze Garmisch-Partenkirchen with the Zugspitzdorf Grainau and Hammersbach in Germany as well Ehrwald and Lermoos in Austria.

on the Zugspitze

3  Munich house (2,964 m, DAV section Munich) (on the western summit of the Zugspitze). Tel.: 49 (0)8821 2901.

Mountaineering accommodation and only regular accommodation on the summit of the Zugspitze. Since the mountain stations of the two cable cars from Ehrwald and Grainau are directly connected to the panoramic sun terrace of the Munich house, this is always at least "well occupied" with many "cable car climbers" when the weather is nice. If you are a real mountaineer a little later, you may have to look for a place.

A reservation is not possible on the weekends, the allocation of the camps takes place only after the end of operation of the railways.

Equipment: 30 mattress dormitories; no drinking water, no washroom and no drying room due to water scarcity (peak!);

Opening times: mid-May to the end of September;

Igloo village - In the winter season 2005/2006 it was possible to spend the night in an igloo on the Zugspitzplatt for the first time. The snow village even has a whirlpool (see also Igloo village).

on the climbs

New construction of the Höllentalangerhütte

4  Höllentalangerhütte (1,381 m, DAV section Munich), P.O. Box 1650, 82456 Garmisch-Part. (in the Höllentalanger). Tel.: 49 (0)8821 88 11.

Equipment since 2015: 46 mattress dormitories and 60 beds, washrooms, showers and toilets available, drying rooms, no winter room;

Opened: end of May to October; family-friendly, usually well occupied on the weekends; absolutely inaccessible in winter due to acute avalanche danger;

The much-visited Höllentalangerhütte, built in 1893, was one of the "originally" preserved mountain huts, a Redevelopment was urgently needed. The hut was demolished in autumn 2013 for the new building. The new hut building planned for around 4.5 million euros for 2014/15 is intended to be a showpiece for applied environmental protection, the modern design meets with opposition from the traditionalists. The new building was opened in August 2015.

Access to the hut from the Hammersbach car park / Grainau (770 m) through the Hell Valley Gorge: approx. 2 h.

Tour options: Zugspitze, see climbs above; over the Riffelscharte and Riffelspitze (2262 m) to the Eibsee;


5  Knorrhütte (2,052 m, DAV section Munich), Zugspitzplatt 1, 82475 Zugspitze (at the upper end of the Reintal to the Zugspitzplatt). Tel.: 49 (0)8821 506756, Mobile: 49 (0)179 6048 247.

Opened: June to September; "family-friendly" leadership.

Equipment: 28 room dormitories and 80 mattress dormitories, washrooms with shower, drying room, winter room. Because of the difficult management at high altitude, the prices also adjust to the level of the Zugspitze: the Knorrhütte is not an "inexpensive" mountain hut.

Approach through the Reintal: from the ski stadium in Partenkirchen through the Partnach Gorge and the Reintal approx. 7 hours; from the Ehrwalder Alm over the Gatterl approx. 4 1/2 hours (mountain climb, a secured point).

6  Wiener Neustädter Hut (2,209 m Austrian tourist club), Zugspitzplatt 1, 82475 Zugspitze (on the Austrian western slope of the Zugspitze above Ehrwald). Tel.: 43 (0)676 730 44 05.

Opened: from the beginning of July to the end of September

Equipment: 25 beds, 10 dormitories, a laundry room, dry toilets, no winter room;

Approach: from Obermoos via the Binderweg in 3 hours (partly secured path)

Crossings: Münchner Haus (Zugspitze summit) 2 1/2 - 3 h and Knorrhütte 3 1/2 h (both partially secured via ferratas)

7 Reintalangerhütte: the hut is located in the lower part of the ascent to the Zugspitze via the Reintal and is therefore an option as accommodation on this ascent, for more detailed information about the hut, see the article on Wetterstein.


The climate of the Zugspitze as a scarce "three-thousand-meter peak" is high alpine and has nothing to do with the climate at the valley station of the mountain railway. Strong winds, rapid weather changes, fog as a result of the clouds and sudden thunderstorms are possible at the summit, the temperatures are always constant even in summer considerable lower than in the valley area.

A windproof jacket or anorak and a sweater should be carried by everyone who wants to leave the protected mountain station of the cable car and want to stay longer in the outside area of ​​the visitor platforms. This also applies to hot days in midsummer.

Weather forecast - 4-day forecast from Meteomedia GmbH for the Zugspitze

Climate of the ZugspitzeJanFebMarchAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec  
Mean highest air temperature in ° C-8.6-8.7-7.5-
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C-13.6-13.8-12.6-9.9-5.4-2.4-0.10.0-1.8-4.3-9.5-12.3O-7.1
Precipitation in mm189154186199172185183170115109158184Σ2004
Rainy days in the month161416161618171612101315Σ179
Relative humidity in%777780868891888781717574O81.3
Length of sunshine per day3.

The observation period, which is only taken into account for a short time, must be taken into account for the climatic data. Das langjährige Mittel der Tagestemperaturen auf der Zugspitze liegt bei -4,8°C und das langjährige Mittel der jährlichen Niederschlagsmenge liegt bei 2003,1 mm.

Das absolute Maximum der Tagestemperaturen liegt bei 17,9°C (gemessen am 05. Juli 1957). Das absolute Minimum der auf der Zugspitze gemessenen Temperaturen liegt bei -35,6°C (am 14. Februar 1940).


  • Bernd Ritschel, Tom Dauer: Faszinierende Zugspitze. Bruckmann, 2007, ISBN 3765445509 ; 143 Seiten (deutsch, auch in Englisch erhältlich).
  • Charly Wehrle: Das Reintal: Der alte Weg zur Zugspitze. Panico-Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3936740011 ; 238 Seiten. 19,80€
  • Marc Ritter: Kreuzzug. Droemer, 2012, ISBN 978-3426226186 ; 560 Seiten. Thriller: Attentäter sprengen den Tunnel der Zugspitzbahn, den Mast der Seilbahn und nehmen die 5000 Besucher auf dem Gipfel als Geisel.
  • Klaus Wege ; Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach (Ed.): Die Geschichte der Wetterstation Zugspitze. 2000, Geschichte der Meteorologie 4, ISBN 978-3-88148-353-7 ; 104 Seiten.


Siehe auch den entprechenden Abschnitt im Artikel zum Wetterstein.

  • Deutscher Alpenverein (DAV) (Ed.): Nr. BY 8 (1:25.000) Wettersteingebirge, Zugspitze. 2010, Alpenvereinskarte Bayerische Alpen, ISBN 9783937530406 . 9,80 €.
  • Deutscher Alpenverein (DAV) (Ed.): 04/1 Wetterstein, Mieminger Gebirge. 2009 (5th edition), DAV Alpenvereinskarte 1:25.000, ISBN 978-3928777193 . 9,80 €.

Web links


  • Webcams Bayrische Zugspitzbahn;
  • WebcamsSchneefernerhaus, Panoramablicke über das Zugspitzplatt;
  • Webcam Tiroler Zugspitzbahn (2962 m);
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