Casalpoglio - Casalpoglio

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Map of Italy

Casalpoglio is a fraction of Castel Goffredo, in the area Lombardy.

To know

Geographical notes

It is found in the fertile Po Valley of the campaign valance in the territory of Castel Goffredo, from which it is 3 km. It is the most populous fraction of the municipality, with more than 200 inhabitants and has its own parish.

When to go

Maximum (° C)481317222629282418105
Minimum (° C)-3-137111518171493-2
Precipitation (mm)605464699275738562847454

Source: Eurometeo

Preferably spring and in September-October. Continental climate with sultry summer, foggy late autumn and harsh winter.

Positive effects have the morainic hills which, very often, manage to create a bit of coolness. Average annual rainfall amounts to 1,060 mm, on average distributed over 88 rainy days, with a relative minimum in winter, maximum peak in autumn and secondary maximum in spring for accumulations.


Of Roman origins (Casalis Polionis), legend has it that the poet was born in this hamlet Virgil. In reality it is more likely that the poet's mother was from Casalpoglio. In this area a tombstone from the Roman era was found, preserved in the Civic Museum of Brescia, finely worked, dedicated by P. Magius to his wife.

From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century Casalpoglio belonged to the Republic of Venice and dependent on the square of Buttonhole. With the fall of the Venetian republic, the municipality was initially included in the district IX of the Chiese, department of Benaco, to later pass to the district IX of Asola. In 1801 it was assigned to the district IV of Castiglione delle Stiviere, Mincio department and two years later aggregated to the municipality of Casalmoro, losing its autonomy. In 1815 it was able to regain its autonomy thanks to the aggregation to the 17th district of Asola. In 1859 it was assigned to the district of Castiglione delle Stiviere, district III of Asola.

On April 20, 1873, the municipal council of Casalpoglio resolved the definitive aggregation of the municipality to that of Castel Goffredo, which was sanctioned by a royal decree on October 5 of the same year. It was merged and suppressed in 1928, becoming a fraction.


How to orient yourself

How to get

Black poplar (Populus nigra), monumental tree near Casalpoglio
Austrian border stone in marble dated 1756

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car

State and provincial roads


The closest motorway exits are:

On the train

The nearest stations are:

How to get around

What see

Church of San Lorenzo
  • 1 Church of San Lorenzo. From the eighteenth century, with eighteenth-century frescoes and the altarpiece with the Martyrdom of San Lorenzo.
  • 2 S. Apollonio estate, Via S. Apollonio 6 (From the center of Castel Goffredo follow the signs for Casalpoglio), 39 0376 781314, fax: 39 0376 772672, @. Simple icon time.svgOpen from April to October. The garden park covers an area of ​​70,000 square meters.

Events and parties

Refer to the facilities of Castel Goffredo.

What to do

Refer to the structures of Castel Goffredo.


Castel Goffredo, weekly market on Thursdays
  • In the numerous hosiery factories in the area, equipped with a factory shop, it is possible to buy women's socks and tights, men's socks, women's underwear and swimwear at factory prices.
  • 1 Weekly market on Thursdays, piazza Martiri della Liberazione and adjacent streets - Castel Goffredo (every Thursday morning).
  • 2 Farmer's market, Piazza Mazzini - Castel Goffredo (every Sunday morning). Simple icon time.svg8.00-12.30.

How to have fun

Refer to the structures of Castel Goffredo.

Where to eat

Refer to the structures of Castel Goffredo.

Where stay

Refer to the structures of Castel Goffredo.


Castel Goffredo, citadel of health


  • 14 Pharmacy, Piazza Martiri della Liberazione - Castel Goffredo, 39 0376 779132.
  • 15 Pharmacy, Piazza Mazzini - Castel Goffredo, 39 0376 770146.

How to keep in touch

Post office

Keep informed


Castel Goffredo, Piazza Mazzini
  • Castel Goffredo - The industrialized "city of the sock" of modern times has a past as a Gonzaga capital which has endowed it with an important historical center; the squares, the arcades, the churches, the palaces permeate it with the unmistakable atmosphere that characterizes the urban planning of the Gonzagas.
  • Lake Garda - It is one of the great Lombard lakes; the eastern shore is Venetian, the tip to the north it is thirty. A destination for climatic tourism since the nineteenth century, every coastal town lives and develops with tourism. Main destinations are Sirmione, Desenzano del Garda, Salò, Riva del Garda, Garda, Peschiera del Garda.
  • Alto Mantovano - Borderland of the Duchy of Mantua, which pursued the dream of obtaining an outlet on Lake Garda without ever realizing it, developed the courts of cadet branches of the Gonzaga family. Castel Goffredo, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Carpenedolo retain the urban layout and monuments of that era. The post-war period saw good employment development, with a consequent increase in well-being and population.
  • Solferino - The famous battle of the Risorgimento of 24 June 1859, which saw the Austrians defeated, handed down the name of the town to history, like the nearby center of Saint martin. The Risorgimento Museum recalls the epic of those years, together with the Ossuary which houses the bones of 7,000 fallen from that carnage. The town also preserves a fortress and a Gonzaga castle.
  • San Martino della Battaglia - Contemporary to that of Solferino, the Risorgimento battle linked in the town's toponym saw the defeat of the Austrians during the second war of Independence. On the hill of the confrontation there is a commemorative tower; an ossuary holds thousands of remains of fallen soldiers from the opposing armies.
  • Castiglione delle Stiviere - City of the Red Cross and of San Luigi Gonzaga, protagonist in the wars of the Risorgimento, it was a Gonzaga center; it retains a beautiful historic core that extends over the morainic hills south of Lake Garda. After the war it experienced a strong economic expansion that favored an important demographic growth, making it the reference center of theAlto Mantovano.


In the municipal area

  • Rural churches and oratories of Castel Goffredo - The itinerary, entirely in the green countryside rich in waterways, runs through the numerous places of worship, which boast ancient traditions and are the sign of a widespread religiosity, since the sixteenth century.

Other itineraries

Morainic hills of Lake Garda
  • In the lands of the Gonzagas - An itinerary through the centers, large and small, which were the capitals of the Gonzaga cadet branches: principalities, marquisates, duchies which, within the Mantuan state structure, enjoyed real independence, often minted coins and held refined courts that rivaled that of Mantua, embellished their urban centers by equipping them with elegant architecture - churches, squares, palaces, walls, towers - and characteristic urban views such as the typical Gonzaga arcades.
  • Morainic hills of Lake Garda - On the first corrugations of the Po plain that becomes a hill, where the great lake basin of the Lake Garda, the route touches towns and cities that were the domain of Gonzaga, Venice, Scaligero, and then became the scene of the bloody battles of the Risorgimento that were the prelude to the unification of Italy. To the tourist, historical and naturalistic importance the area combines an oenological interest as an area of ​​production of wines from the hills, tokai, merlot and claret.
  • Places of the battle of Solferino and San Martino - The itinerary runs through the places where the historic one took place on 24 June 1859 battle of Solferino and San Martino.
  • Way of faith and solidarity - The itinerary runs through the places where two saints lived, St. Luigi Gonzaga is Saint Angela Merici, and a blessed one, Paola Montaldi; where important pages of the Risorgimento and saw the birth of the Red Cross.

Useful information

  • 20 Lost property office, Piazza Martiri della Liberazione - Castel Goffredo, 39 0376 770437. At the traffic police.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Casalpoglio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Casalpoglio
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