Parish church of Coriano - Pieve di Coriano

Parish church of Coriano
Parish church of Santa Maria Assunta
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Parish church of Coriano

Parish church of Coriano is a center of the Lombardy, from 1 January 2018 fraction of the new municipality Borgo Mantovano, following the merger with Revere is Villa Poma.

To know

Matilde di Canossa still hovers in this small town in the Po valley where she built one of the numerous parish churches linked to her name.

Geographical notes

Agricultural center of the Lombard plain south of the Po, in the territory ofOltrepò Mantua, is located a short distance - 14 km - from San Benedetto Po.


For a long time it was part of the territory of Revere, until in the nineteenth century the municipal administrative autonomy was recognized. In its territory stands the Destra Secchia Hospital, a hospital that serves a large area of ​​the Oltrepò.

2012 earthquake

In January 2012 and in the following month of May 2012 strong earthquakes struck a large area of ​​theEmilia seriously damaging numerous centers of the Po Valley of Emilia between the Autostrada del Sole and the course of the Po, especially in the areas of Modena and the neighboring areas of Ferrara and Reggio, also involving the Oltrepò Mantua, belonging to the Lombardy but orographically part of theEmilia. The earthquake, which in Emilia it also cost numerous victims, in the Oltrepò it hit the historic centers of numerous cities causing collapses, subsidence and injuries in churches and ancient monuments and damaging many others. The centers most affected were Wife, Pegognaga, San Giacomo delle Segnate, Poggio Rusco, Quistello, Gonzaga, San Giovanni del Dosso.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By car

How to get around

What see

Frescoes in the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta
  • 1 Parish church of Santa Maria Assunta, Gramsci square. 1082 is the year indicated as that of the foundation of the church, commissioned by Matilde di Canossa, lady of the place. With a basilica plan, with three naves with three apses, the interior is harmonious and of a certain grandeur. Many features of the original Romanesque structure have been recovered after the church had undergone a Renaissance makeover. Significant remains of frescoes can still be admired on the walls of the apses and on the side walls. For the most part they are Renaissance frescoes: Santa Agnese, San Rocco and San Sebastiano, Christ in glory surrounded by the symbols of the Evangelists, Sant'Antonio, Santa Lucia and numerous other figures of saints.

An apse preserves the traditional Christ Pantocrator contained in the almond, a sixteenth-century work like a Madonna and Child. A Christ Pantocrator is also depicted in the apse of the main altar, and is the only surviving fresco of a cycle of more ancient representations dating back to the 12th century. The Crucifix is ​​a work of the sixteenth century in carved wood which retains some parts still covered with a layer of gold leaf; the great expressiveness of the still dying face of Christ is noteworthy.

Events and parties

What to do


  • Pieve di Coriano is located in the area called Mantuan truffle road, a path that goes from Felonica to Quistello where is the prized White truffle, which is the protagonist of many tourism promotion initiatives, parties and festivals. In this area from truffles excels Borgofranco sul Po, a country that has joined the small group of City of the Truffle Italian. In support of the white truffle, an association has been created to promote it.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 La Bottega della Carne pizzeria restaurant, Via Cittadella, 16, 39 0386 395052.
  • 2 Pizzeria Bar les Follies, Gramsci Square 7, 39 0386 39168.

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 3 Italian post, Antonio Gramsci Square 6, 39 0386 39216, fax: 39 0386 39216.


  • San Benedetto Po - The Abbey of Polirone perpetuates the memory of Matilde di Canossa, the Grand Countess which linked the name of the town to its fame. The majesty and beauty of the church and the convent structures, combined with the wide breadth of the square, make it a destination of great interest.


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