Felonica - Felonica

Church of Santa Maria Assunta
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Felonica is a center of the Lombardy. From 1 January 2019 its municipal territory was incorporated by the Municipality of Sermide; the new administrative body took on the name of Sermide and Felonica.

To know

On the right bank of the Po, Felonica is the easternmost town in the Lower Lombardy region of the whole Region.

Geographical notes

Located in the extreme tip of the Lombard plain south of the Po, Felonica goes to the borders with the Ferrara and the Polesine Rovigo; is 58 km from Mantua, 64 from Modena, 35 from Ferrara, 50 from Rovigo.


The existence of the town is linked to the reclamation of the Benedictine friars and the foundation of the Abbey of Santa Maria Assunta, already mentioned in a document of 944. Later the Abbey was favored by the protection of Matilde di Canossa, who allowed its development ; around the abbey the inhabited center was consolidated that slowly had come to form. At Felonica a Waldensian community was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century, still present with its own sacred building built in 1905 in the locality of Arginino.

2012 earthquake

In January 2012 and in the following month of May 2012 strong earthquakes struck a large area of ​​theEmilia seriously damaging numerous centers of the Emilian Po Valley between the Autostrada del Sole and the course of the Po, especially in the areas of Modena and the neighboring areas of Ferrara and Reggio, also involving the Oltrepò Mantua, belonging to the Lombardy but orographically part of theEmilia. The earthquake, which in Emilia it also cost numerous victims, in the Oltrepò it hit the historic centers of numerous cities causing collapses, subsidence and injuries in churches and ancient monuments and damaging many others. The centers most affected were Wife, Pegognaga, San Giacomo delle Segnate, Poggio Rusco, Quistello, Gonzaga, San Giovanni del Dosso.

How to orient yourself


The municipal area also includes the town of Quatrelle.

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • 1 Parish church of Santa Maria Assunta. It is in its aspect a Romanesque-Gothic construction, located at the foot of the Po embankment, with the town behind it. Romanesque is the style of the facade, enlivened by buttresses; there are also placed two terracotta bas-relief panels which constitute the only traces of the decorations of the ancient Matildic church; there are represented a dragon and a lamb, and they are crude and extremely simple. A rose window stands out on the Gothic portal. On the left stands the bell tower, built after the first building of the church.
The building has a single nave, a characteristic which is certainly due to the renovations that the church has undergone over time; the primitive construction perhaps had the three canonical naves of the Romanesque churches. It houses frescoes and wooden sculpture works. Among the frescoes, aSt. Paul which is attributed to Fermo Ghisoni, a disciple of Giulio Romano; a Crucifixion of Jesus surrounded by St. John and the Madonna; a Enthroned Madonna and Child, Sant'Antonio, San Giacomo Maggiore and Santa Liberata; a Saint Lucia which can be placed at the beginning of the fifteenth century.
Also of great interest is the Sacristy, an eighteenth-century room between the rectory and the presbytery, with an elegant vaulted ceiling, in which valuable liturgical furnishings and vestments are preserved, as well as paintings and statues.
  • 2 Cavriani Palace, Town Hall square. The large Palazzo Cavriani was put up for sale in 1886 by the heirs of the Marquis Cesare Cavriani and became the municipal seat, as well as housing the post office, medical clinic, schools and apartments for doctors and municipal employees. Now only the post office and the doctor's office remain, as the first floor needs consolidation and safety works. The eighteenth-century building has a balcony on the facade and five sandstone statues on the roof as decoration; represent mythological characters: Hercules - the force -; Venus - the love -; Ceres - abundance-; Minerva -wisdom-; a putto -innocence-; they are popularly called i sinc galantòm in Felonica the five gentlemen of Felonica. Next to the main body of the building, a sixteenth-century tower is perhaps the remnant of a pre-existing construction.
  • 3 Museum of the Second World War of the Po river, Town Hall Square, 39 0386 66180, @. Ecb copyright.svg5 euro full - 3 euro reduced. Simple icon time.svgSundays and holidays from 3 to 7 pm - closed on New Year's Eve, Easter, Christmas. It collects documents, videos, relics relating to the war period; Felonica was found to be a point of passage for the retreating German troops, and a point of connection between the US Fifth Army and the English Eighth Army.

Events and parties

What to do


  • The tiròt is a typical focaccia from Felonica, pulled by hand in the pan before being baked, made with soft wheat flour, lard, yeast, water and salt, with a local ingredient: onion. Already in the nineteenth century the cultivation of onions gave a great production, so much so that for the conservation of the Felonica onion warehouses were built, a factory was born for the production of wooden boxes with which to market it; large quantities of blond onions were sent by train to France, Germany and Sweden, and this agricultural production with the related and induced trade employed almost the whole country. The end of the seventies marked the beginning of the crisis, slowly leading to the closure of all the warehouses and making the yellow onion of Felonica a limited production vegetable. Consequently also the tiròt he fell into oblivion a little; its production is kept alive thanks to the Pro Loco that every Sunday from June to September proposes the tiròt baked from two ovens in the town, which prepare it following the ancient tradition.
  • Felonica is located in the named area Mantuan truffle road, a route that goes from Felonica to Quistello where the prized is found White truffle, which is the protagonist of many tourism promotion initiatives, parties and festivals. In this area from truffles excels Borgofranco sul Po, a country that has joined the small group of City of the Truffle Italian. In support of the white truffle, an association has been created to promote it.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Trattoria La Pace, Via G. Garibaldi, 129 (closed on Mondays), 39 0386 916077.
  • 2 Pizzeria L'Oasi, Via Argine Valle, 50 (Closed on Tuesday), 39 0386 916175.

Where stay

Average prices


  • 1 La Bicocca, via Garibaldi 170, 39 0386 62866.
  • 2 Corte Nigella, Via Argine Valle, 75, 39 0386 66222.
  • 3 Court Proof, Via Argine Valle, 72, 39 0386 66493.


  • 1 Carabinieri station, Via Martiri della Libertà, 18, 39 0386 66100.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 3 Italian post, Town Hall Square 1, 39 0386 66118.


  • San Benedetto Po - The Abbey of Polirone perpetuates the memory of Matilde di Canossa, the Grand Countess which linked the name of the town to its fame. The majesty and beauty of the church and the convent structures, combined with the wide breadth of the square, make it a destination of great interest.
  • Parish church of Coriano - The town parish church is one of the many that Matilde di Canossa had built in her vast estates. Remarkable are the remains of frescoes; the momentum of the tall bell tower is astonishing.
  • Sermide - On the right bank of the Po, it preserves Matildic traces and Gonzaga remains of fortifications and villas.}}
  • Ferrara - The city and the Este family are inseparable. The Este house had Ferrara from the early thirteenth century to the end of the sixteenth century and made it a city of art and a refined and cultured court at European level. The castle, the cathedral, the palace of the diamonds are its best known monuments.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Felonica
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Felonica
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).