Sermide - Sermide

Sermide (left) and Castelmassa from above
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Sermide is a city of Lombardy. From 1 January 2019 the Municipality changed its name to Sermide and Felonica following the incorporation of the municipal territory of Felonica.

To know

Geographical notes

On the right bank of the Po, in the last offshoot of Lombardy, Sermide is opposed to Castelmassa on the opposite Venetian shore. It is 52 km from Mantua, 58 from Modena, 42 from Ferrara, 54 from Rovigo.


It is said that the Sarmatians, who came from Eastern Europe and placed themselves at the service of the Roman emperors between the 4th and 6th centuries AD to defend the nerve centers of the imperial borders, founded Sermide. The place is then mentioned in documents from the eighth century when the Abbey of NonantolaIt then passed under the control of the bishops of Mantua, of the Gonzaga, of Ferrara, then again and definitively of the Gonzagas. The town, which had been fortified, was an obligatory crossing point on the river Po, and therefore enjoyed considerable importance, being in a border area between Mantua, Ferrara, Venice and Modena. The town's fortifications in the mid-seventeenth century were however in ruins, since the borders, thanks to the good relations between the states concerned, no longer required particular defensive systems.

With the fall of the Gonzaga Sermide house it passed to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He actively participated in the wars of the Risorgimento, when it was sacked in retaliation by the Austrian troops, later receiving a gold medal from King Umberto I, who also raised the country to the rank of City on 10 September 1899. The Second World War saw the city undergo several bombings, having strategic objectives such as the railway yard and the bridges over the Po. The end of the conflict left a city severely damaged in most of its buildings.

2012 earthquake

In January 2012 and in the following month of May 2012 strong earthquakes struck a large area of ​​theEmilia seriously damaging numerous centers of the Po Valley of Emilia between the Autostrada del Sole and the course of the Po, especially in the areas of Modena and the neighboring areas of Ferrara and Reggio, also involving the Oltrepò Mantua, belonging to the Lombardy but orographically part of theEmilia. The earthquake, which in Emilia it also cost numerous victims, in the Oltrepò it hit the historic centers of numerous cities causing collapses, subsidence and injuries in churches and ancient monuments and damaging many others. The centers most affected were Wife, Pegognaga, San Giacomo delle Segnate, Poggio Rusco, Quistello, Gonzaga, San Giovanni del Dosso.

How to orient yourself


The municipal area also includes the centers of Caposotto, Malcantone, Moglia, Porcara, Santa Croce,

How to get

How to get around

What see

  • Civic tower. This is what remains of the ancient fortifications of the Municipality of Mantua in the year 1000, enlarged by Ludovico Gonzaga in the fourteenth century, which made Sermide a well-equipped border center. It preserves a coat of arms of the Gonzaga in terracotta. In more recent times it was a prison and also a home; now it is used to host administrative functions of the nearby Town Hall, recently connected to the tower.
  • 1 Parish Church of Saints Peter and Paul.
  • Capuchin Church.
  • Church of the Exaltation of the Cross and San Rocco (to Santa Croce).
  • Magnaguti Palace.
  • Villa Castellani.
  • Villa Schiavi.

Events and parties

  • Palio. Simple icon time.svgfirst half of July. It recalls the passage in the city of the Countess Matilda di Canossa.
  • Monday in the summer. Simple icon time.svgevery Monday in the summer months. A dinner with local dishes is organized and a market of typical products is held.

What to do


Sermide, together with Mirandola, is a typical production area of ​​melon.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 1 Italian post, via Palmiro Togliatti 2, 39 0386 960076, fax: 39 0386 62214.


  • Revere - The Ducal Palace of Gonzaga recalls that, after the numerous traces left in these lands by the Countess Matilde with the Parish churches, the Gonzagas kept the Oltrepò for many centuries and in each of its villages they intervened to design the urban planning, now equipping them with palaces, now of pleasure villas, now of fortifications
  • Parish church of Coriano - The town parish church is one of the many that Matilde di Canossa had built in her vast estates. Remarkable are the remains of frescoes; the momentum of the tall bell tower is astonishing.
  • San Benedetto Po - The Polirone Abbey perpetuates the memory of Matilde di Canossa, the Grand Countess which linked the name of the town to its fame. The majesty and beauty of the church and the convent structures, combined with the wide breadth of the square, make it a destination of great interest.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sermide
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sermide
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