Rogaland - Rogaland

The Fylke Rogaland is in the southwest part of Norway. It belongs to the part of the country Vestlandet.


Vestlandet map E 39 Rv 13

The communes of Rogaland are divided into five Districtswho also market themselves together for tourism:

  • Haugalandet / Karmøy, With 1 HaugesundWebsite of this institutionHaugesund in the encyclopedia WikipediaHaugesund in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHaugesund (Q109036) in the Wikidata database as the main town
  • Ryfylke, consisting of the inland communities between 2 SaudaWebsite of this institutionSauda in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSauda in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSauda (Q485297) in the Wikidata database as the largest place in the north and 3 ForsandWebsite of this institutionForsand in the travel guide Wikivoyage in another languageForsand in the Wikipedia encyclopediaForsand in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryForsand (Q484309) in the Wikidata database in the south
  • North Jæren, with the coastal communities between 4 RandabergWebsite of this institutionRandaberg in the encyclopedia WikipediaRandaberg in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsRandaberg (Q492115) in the Wikidata databaseand 5 SandnesWebsite of this institutionSandnes in the travel guide Wikivoyage in a different languageSandnes in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSandnes in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSandnes (Q27587) in the Wikidata database, including Norway's third largest city 6 StavangerWebsite of this institutionStavanger in the Wikipedia encyclopediaStavanger in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryStavanger (Q25416) in the Wikidata database.
  • Jæren, the coastal communities between Ha and Klepp
  • Dalane, the southernmost parishes with 7 EgersundWebsite of this institutionEgersund in the encyclopedia WikipediaEgersund in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsEgersund (Q1020025) in the Wikidata database as the largest place.

The Communer from Rogaland are, in alphabetical order:



The most populous places in Rogaland are

Other goals



The rural communities of Rogaland are a stronghold for the Norwegian variant Nynorsk. However, almost every municipality has a local variant. In the cities, in particular Stavanger and Haugesund, Bokmål is mainly spoken. For travelers in the region, however, this fact will hardly be of importance if they are not dependent on reading long administrative texts, since Nynorsk in its pure form is actually only available in written language. In everyday language, the spoken Nynorsk (spoken by 10-15% of the Norwegian population) and the spoken Bokmål (spoken by the majority of the population) are so similar that tourists with only rudimentary Norwegian language skills will hardly notice any differences.

getting there

  • Per ship: International Car ferries control the port cities Egersund and Haugesund at. For travelers with destination Rogaland, the ferries also come to Kristiansand or Mountains into consideration.
  • By plane: Airports with international connections, even if not always with direct flights from Germany Sola near Stavanger, Haugesund on Karmoy and Flesland at Mountains.


The real thing begins north of Stavanger Fiordland. Especially on coastal roads are common Ferries to use, even if more and more of it through bridges The bridges are mostly toll.

In Stavanger is a City toll to be paid for driving in the city center (car 20 NOK), in Sola and Randaberg are to be paid for cars 5 NOK, which is also valid at the other toll stations within 1 hour.

Tourist Attractions

The outstanding destinations in Rogaland are the fjords:

  • 1  BoknafjordBoknafjord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBoknafjord in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBoknafjord (Q225004) in the Wikidata database
  • 2  FrafjordFrafjord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaFrafjord in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsFrafjord (Q649275) in the Wikidata database
  • 3  HafrsfjordHafrsfjord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHafrsfjord (Q1303218) in the Wikidata database
  • 4  HøgsfjordHøgsfjord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHøgsfjord in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHøgsfjord (Q1280401) in the Wikidata database
  • 5  LysefjordLysefjord in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLysefjord in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLysefjord (Q549376) in the Wikidata database
    • the 6 Pulpit RockPreikestolen in the Wikipedia encyclopediaPreikestolen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsPreikestolen (Q746223) in the Wikidata database, the rock pulpit drops 604 m vertically into the Lysefjord.
    • the 7 KjeragboltenKjeragbolten in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKjeragbolten in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryKjeragbolten (Q1477173) in the Wikidata database, a boulder wedged in a crevice at a height of 1000 m at the end of the Lysefjord near Lysebotn.

Another goal:

  • Stavanger as the first city in Norway to benefit from the oil boom, which im Norsk Oljemuseum is documented.


The varied nature of Rogaland enables numerous activities on water, on land and in the air.

  • The flat beaches Jærens and up Karmoy invite hardened natures to swim in the mostly fresh sea.
  • This region is also great for cycling, with very moderate inclines but an often stiff breeze from the sea.
  • Inland, especially in Ryfylke, there are numerous hiking opportunities in varied nature and great views from the peaks.
  • The Suldalslågen in the commune Suldal is considered a paradise for salmon anglers. But also countless other bodies of water and also the open sea exert an attraction on Petri disciples.
  • For the very brave, Kjerag, already quoted, has proven to be a Mecca Base jumpers established where you can parachute yourself from the 1000 m high, vertically sloping cliff edge.



The metropolises of Rogaland, Stavanger and Haugesund, offer numerous opportunities for evening activities.



Rogaland is on the southwest coast. On the one hand, the sea ensures lower temperature fluctuations over the course of the year than in the interior of the country, on the other hand, most low-pressure areas arrive via the Atlantic and rain down on the first mountain ranges.



Web links

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