South America - Südamerika

South America is known for tropical dream beaches, lively port metropolises, colorful festivals, green rainforests and ancient traditions. The land mass in the south of the American double continent has much more to offer: here you will also find the highest mountains outside the Himalayan system, rough subpolar glaciers, high deserts and waterfalls. A continent in transition.

Catedral metropol, Brasilia

The largest country in South America not only offers the carnival of Rio, the Copacabana and the Amazon rainforest, but a variety of landscapes from the coast to almost the Andes, including one of the largest wetlands in the world, the Pantanal. In addition, a large number of interesting cities, such as the futuristic and well-planned capital Brasilia or the colonial Salvador. In addition, a cultural scene pulsates on an international level.

Northern and Central Andes
Peru Machu Picchu Sunrise 2.jpg

The northern and central Andes enchant with ancient cultures and well-preserved baroque towns. Pre-Columbian traditions have been preserved here, which are expressed in the numerous festivals. The legacies of the ancient civilizations offer the tourist their own magic. Contrasting landscapes between the rainforest and high desert can be found as well as beautiful, deserted beaches. Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake, impresses with its atmosphere, as does the unique fauna of the Galápagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador.

Bolivia - Ecuador - Colombia - Peru

Cono Sur
Lago Futalaufquen, Argentina

Not all of South America is tropical: The countries of the Cono Sur (Südkonus) can also be very different, as the glaciers in Argentina and Chile show. But here, too, there is culture in the metropolises, such as Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile, as well as diverse landscapes from desert to rainforest. That's how it is Aconcagua the highest mountain outside of Asia, and the Patagonian steppe one of the windiest areas on earth. The coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific beckons with marine mammals such as killer whales and sea lions, and the elegant tails of the seas, the penguins. The southernmost outpost of the remnants of the British Empire are South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the Falkland Islands. A controversial natural paradise off the coast of Argentina.

Argentina - Chile - Falkland Islands - Paraguay - South Georgia - Uruguay

Venezuela and the guayanas
Khirsah, Guyana

The northern countries of the subcontinent draw attention to themselves with their dreamlike Caribbean beaches, modern cities and old penal colonies. In the middle of it French Guiana, one of the most curious outposts of the European Union, with its one ultra-modern space center. In terms of culture, there is a colorful mixture of different influences, especially in the three Guayanas. Indian traders, African slaves and three different European colonial powers contributed to this. The Spanish-speaking Venezuela offers the Tepuis, huge table mountains, including the Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world.

French Guiana - Guyana - Suriname - Venezuela
Buenos Aires-Plaza Congreso-Pensador de Rodin.jpg

The cities of South America show the diversity of the continent. Buenos Aires (Picture), is known as the city of tango and as the neo-baroque Paris of South America. Rio de Janeiro is known for its beautiful location on the beach and its carnival, while the even bigger one São Paulo is a multicultural boomtown with more inhabitants than Austria and Switzerland combined. Bogotá, Quito and La Paz impress with their location at a lofty height over 2500 m, while the neighboring Lima not a great climate, but offers a well-preserved baroque old town. In complete contrast to this, the planned city Brasilia and the financial metropolis Santiago de Chile.
Activities in South America
  • hike: Especially in the Andean countries, there are countless paths that often lead to historical sites. In the national parks, too, the range of trails is getting better and better.
  • bicycle: Almost unknown as a means of transport 20 years ago, the mountain bike is currently being discovered as a flexible travel device. The adventure factor is not neglected, because the infrastructure for cyclists is still underdeveloped.
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