Carnet de passage - Carnet de Passage

The Carnet de passage (also Carnet de Passages) is a customs document for temporary, duty free Import of motor vehicles. The validity is usually one year. It is usually issued by the automobile clubs based in the respective home country for a fee and a deposit. In numerous countries, especially in Africa Carrying it is compulsory, in others it is recommended.


If you want to enter certain countries with your vehicle, you usually have to pay import duties. To avoid this, the Carnet de Passage was introduced. The carnet is a kind of passport for the vehicle and is associated with a deposit. The amount of the deposit to be deposited depends on the travel destination. The deposit is used to pay a customs debt should the vehicle be sold. The carnet itself contains the details of the vehicle including the chassis and engine number as well as several tripartite pages for documentation. In the case of import and export, a section of each page is stamped and cut off by the customs authorities. The third section with the import and export stamp remains in the carnet and serves as proof of the entry and exit of the vehicle. After the return, the re-importation of the vehicle must be confirmed by the local customs authorities with a stamp. The carnet is then presented to the issuing organization and the deposit paid back. If parts are missing, very expensive punitive tariffs may apply.


Two international associations are responsible for the Carnet de Passage, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme (AIT). In most cases, the exhibition is delegated to the national automobile clubs. In Germany it will be from ADAC issued. Since 2019, the ADAC has no longer issued pre-dated Carnets, i. H. the day of issue is the first day of validity. Extensions should be requested 6-8 weeks in advance. In Switzerland it is at ACS available.


The costs for the, non-transferable, Carnet consist of the fees and one deposit or. Bank guarantee. The amount of the fee varies according to the issuer and the status of the applicant. For members of the ADAC it costs 230, - € and for non-members 330, - € (2019). In addition, there is the deposit or guarantee, the amount of which depends on the vehicle type and the current value. In some countries there are special regulations that require higher deposits (e.g. Egypt, Iran, on the Indian subcontinent and the South African customs union).


A Carnet de Passage is mandatory for these countries (As of November 2019), for other countries it is recommended to take it with you. As a precautionary measure, inform yourself at Foreign Office and the respective automobile clubs about the exact entry regulations of the countries.

The Carnet is recommended for the following countries:


Before starting your journey, it is best to make a copy to make it easier for you if you should lose your Carnet de Passage.

You have to have the Carnet de Passage everyone Present the border upon entry and exit. One section is always retained at the border and the last one remains in the carnet. So always make sure that a certificate remains in the carnet. Not every border official is familiar with the procedure. Here you shouldn't rely on one is also possible leave, otherwise you can have problems leaving the country. This is especially true in Africa. If you are on the road for more than a year, you should get one in good time Follow-up carnet strive. If the vehicle is irreparably damaged by an accident while traveling, this must be documented by the local police and coordinated with the customs authorities in order to avoid fines.

See also

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