Kagoshima (prefecture) - Kagoshima (Präfektur)

Kagoshima Prefecture

Kagoshima(Japanese: 鹿 児 島 県, Kagoshima-ken) is a prefecture in the south of the region Kyushu, Japan.


The prefecture consists of the satsumaPeninsula and the Ōsumi Peninsula, in between is the Bay of Kagoshima. Furthermore, the islands of the Ōsumi Islands, the Tokara Islands and the Amami Islands, which lie further south, belong to the prefecture. In the north, Kagoshima borders on the prefectures Kumamoto and Miyazaki.


  • 1 Kagoshima(鹿 児 島) - Capital of the prefecture
  • 2 Ibusuki
  • 3 Hioki
  • 4 Ichiki Kushikino
  • 5 Minamikyushu, Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze pilots
  • 6 Minamisatsuma
  • 7 Makurazaki
  • 8 Tarumizu
  • 9 Soo
  • 10 Shibushi
  • 11 Kanoya

getting there

Daily ferries are available from Kagoshima in 25-26 hours Naha (Okinawa). Operators are A-line and Marix-Line. They take turns driving the route for the same prices: Naze (Amami-ōshima) ↔ Kametoku (Tokunoshima) ↔ Wadomari (Okinoerabujima) ↔ Yoron (Yoronjima) ↔ Motobu (Okinawa) ↔ Naha (Okinawa) (total distance from ¥ 27,000). From Kagoshima at 6 p.m., to Naha the following day at 7 p.m.; return from 7.00 a.m., the next day 8.30 a.m.


Overview of Kagoshima Prefecture

Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Sakurajima volcano. (Sakurajima = cherry blossom island)
  • 2 Uchinoura Space Center


  • Ibusuki. Here, as in many other places, there are hot springs (onsen). Bathing in the hot sand is a specialty. With a Yukata clothed one lies in prepared hollows, then the body is covered with hot sand.


Kagoshima itself is actually safe, but the Sakurajima - a highly active volcano that can spew ash on the city every day - destroyed an entire shrine in 1914 and made the island on which it sat a peninsula.


Climate diagram for Kagoshima City.

For the named southern islands, which are in the transition area between temperate and sub-tropical climate, the bathing season with corresponding temperatures is from the end of April to November.


Map of the Ōsumi islands.
Cape Kishikazaki on Tanegashima, where there is also a not accessible lighthouse.
Crater of the 1 Furudake (2130 m). Because of the difficult terrain, a mountain guide should be hired.

Ōsumi Islands

Administratively, the Ōsumis still belong to Kagoshima. The islands are by speedboat (Toppy ☎ 099-226-0128) can be reached in just over two hours. The Cosmo-Linie (☎ 099-226-6628) operates normal ferries (4 hours), some of which continue from Nishinoomote to Yakushima.

There are airfields on the two large islands on the one hand 2 Tanegashima (Main place 西 之 表 市, Nishinoomote), known for the fact that the Japanese "spaceport" is located here. In 1543 the first Europeans landed in Japan at Cape Kodokura on Tanegashima. These Portuguese sailors brought firearms that appropriate museum in Nishinoomote shows quite a few very old pieces.
Buses operate on the island. The 3 JAXA Space Center can be visited free of charge (closed Mondays and during rocket launches). The almost eight kilometer long sandy beach is nearby Takezaki(竹崎 海岸). At the north end of the island is Yoshinobuzake(吉 信 崎 岩) with numerous small rock islands in front of it.

Another airport is on the almost circular island (ø 26 km; 130 km coastal road) 3 Yakushima island (屋 久 島), which has 13,000 inhabitants and attracts almost 300,000 visitors annually. There are also ferries to Shimama on Tanegashima.
The 4 Yakushima National Park includes much of Yakushima Island, some marine areas and adjacent islets. The summit of the 1913 m high Miyanoura-daké in the center of the park is the southernmost place in Japan where snow falls. Borders on the park ancient Yakushima sanctuary, stand here Japanese cedar trees (Crescent Firs, Cryptomeria japonica), some of which are estimated to be over 2000 years old. The national park and the reserve have belonged to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The ninety percent forested island is the rainiest place in Japan, with an annual fall of 5000-10000 mm. The indigenous, sometimes very aggressive yaku macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) and a very small deer (Cervus nippon yakushimae;屋 久 鹿, Yaku shika). Since 2017, the community has asked for a "voluntary donation for environmental protection" of ¥ 1000 per day in the park; almost eighty percent of the visitors paid it.

  • In the north of the island is the 1  Ferry dock. On the other side of the harbor basin is the youth hostel (278-2 Miyanoura). There are at least 40 minshuku to stay overnight in the village.

The luxurious one in the south of the island Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel is a bar planted on a ridge near a hot spring.
In the east of the island is the small port of Anbo (安 房, Ambo). There are also quite a few minshuku here.

Kanagatake (金 岳) on Kuchinoerabujima (口 永良 部 島, Ambo, also Kuchierabu called) can be reached twice a week by ferry from Miyanoura (Yakushima) in two hours. In the main village (本村, Honmura; sic) there are three minshuku. The island with its two volcanoes, whose landscapes are the main reason to visit, inhabit 140 people. In 2013, two students attended the local high school. Because of the volcanic activity there are numerous (contained) hot springs.

Four of the remaining seven islands in the group are inhabited.
They close to the south Tokara Islands at.

Mishima Islands

Administratively form the islands 4 Takeshima, 5 Kuroshima (黒 島), 6 Iōjima and 7 Shōwa Iōjima the locality Mishima-mura. The latter arose as a result of a volcanic eruption in 1934 and is uninhabitable. There are no commercial flights to the Iōjima landing site. There are some minshuku on all three inhabited islands.

The islands can be reached by ferry, which runs three times a week Mishima (☎ 099-222-3141) from Kagoshima. The route is three hours to Takeshima (竹 島) ↔ Iōjima (硫黄島) ↔ Kuroshima-Osato ↔ Kuroshima-Katadomari. Departure time from the respective terminal ports is 8.30 or 9.30 a.m., arrival in the early afternoon.

As the name suggests, Takeshima is almost completely overgrown with bamboo. The number of cows there is said to be greater than that of the residents (around 80). Near the Cape Seri (セ リ 岬, Seri misaki) live wild horses. Insofar as livestock is farmed on the islands, it is the black Okinawa cattle, which are raised for their good meat.

Iōjima (Eng. "Sulfur island") got its name because of the very active volcano in the west of the island, which is also responsible for the yellow-reddish color of the sea. The last census found 142 residents. The island is scenic, but there are no beaches only rocky coast. Freed peacocks have spread across the island; about a quarter of these have mutated to have white feathers. There are five minshuku that also take care of the tourists and a small grocer, but no gas station. The Sakamoto Onsen by the sea (坂 本 温泉) can only be reached via a winding road. The "eastern" boiling hot spring Higashi onsen is in truth on the south coast. In the small harbor basin (a storm protection) of Ōurakō (大 浦 港)Numerous colorful fish can be observed, which can be reached on foot via a staircase behind the unused airfield.

The two villages with a total of 175 inhabitants, on the 16 km² Kuroshima, Ōsato and Katadomari (片 泊) connects a road through the north of the island, the rest of the interior is mountainous. There is no beach here either. The interior of the island is made up of six peaks, all 500-600 m high and suitable for hiking. Cattle breeders spread around the island with their pastures.

Tokara and Amami Islands

The archipelago Tokara rettō(吐 噶 喇 列島), also Shichi-tō (七 島) between Kyūshu and the Amami Islands you can take the community-owned ferries on the way to Amami-ōshima Tokara Line Drive directly from Kagoshima (☎ 099-222-2101) usually twice a week. The twelve small islands stretching over 160 km together form the village of Toshima (十 島; 100 km², 650 inh.), Which is why it is marketed as the “longest village in Japan”. The seven inhabited islands of Kuchinoshima are approached, 8 Nakanoshima (the largest; several onsen, 3 directly at the harbor), Suwanosejima (with a very active volcano), Tairajima, Akusekijima, Kodakarajima (¾ km², 37 inh.) And 9 Takarajima (4 minshuku near the post office). Climatically, you are in the transition area to the subtropics, with average temperatures around 20 ° C, with 2700 mm of rain. There are no supermarkets or restaurants, you can eat in the accommodation. The locals order their supplies in Kagoshima and have them delivered by ferry. Camping is possible, supplies should be brought from the mainland.
The observatory on Nakanoshima, with a 60 cm lens, is accessible free of charge. There is also the only museum on the island (歴 史 民俗 資料 館, Rekishi-minzoku-shiryokan) the group.
AT Akusekijima, instead of the all-Japanese O-Bon, a mask god celebrates on August 15th Boze dedicated festival (ボ ゼ 祭) with sometimes bizarre disguises.

Amami Islands(奄 美 群島, Amami-gunto). The three largest inhabited islands are Amami-Ōshima (505 km², 66,000 inhabitants. Tokunoshima (徳 之 島; 277 km², 27000 inh.) And Okinoerabujima (沖 永良 部 島, 94 km², 15,000 pop). The islands were annexed to Japan as early as 1871 and were under American administration from 1945-53.
The port of Amami-Ōshima is 10 Nazé 名 瀬 = (奄 美 市, Amami-shi). There is plenty of accommodation here and even something like nightlife. The luxurious ryokan is located on the offshore islet of Yagi-jima, which is accessible via a bridge Amami Seaside Hotel (☎ 0997-52-5511). The place can be reached once a week with the slow ferry of the Tokara line described above or once a day as a stop on the Kagoshima ↔ Naha lines. The airport (IATA: ASJ), 22 km from the capital, is also served by both Tokyo airports, Osaka and Fukuoka. JAC takes care of the regional operations from / to Kagoshima, Kikai, Okinoerabu, Tokunoshima, Yoron.

A good ninety percent of Amami-Ōshima is wooded and mountainous. The botanical garden on Amami-Ōshima is worth seeing, the status of World Natural Heritage has been applied for for the national park, which was designated in 2017. Among other things, the amami rabbit is protected (Pentalagus furnessi) as Garrulus lidthi, a brightly plumed raven bird. As the only Japanese island there are breeding grounds for leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) on some of the narrow sandy beaches. Whales and dolphins can be seen seasonally. There is a distinct language and culture on the islands, especially the shima uta called music is characteristic. That is also pronounced Utaki belief(御 嶽). The second larger town is Setouchi in the south (瀬 戸 内 町).
From the nearby port of Koniya (古 仁 屋) there is a daily ferry connection to the two villages Kakeroma(加 計 呂 麻 島). This is a place for those who love seclusion. Pension Marine Blue offers itself as decent accommodation (2018: ¥ 9000-10000).
You can also get there from Koniya Ukeshima(請 島) with the second port Ikeji (池 地; 100 pop) and Yoro (与 路 島, 150 inhabitants in the village).

On 11 Kikaijima(喜 界 島), accessible by ferry from 8000 people. You can also go with JAC fly from Kagoshima. The relatively flat island is characterized by agriculture. It is free from poisonous snakes. There are several minshuku and that in terms of accommodation Business Hotel Hayashi (☎ 0997-65-3838). The island is popular for snorkeling, the Sugira-Beach is directly behind the golf course, which is laid out next to the runway. From the end of the beach the “Esplanado” leads (遊 歩 道) called footpath on the west coast to the village of Araki. In the nature park south of it there are old, wide spreading banyan trees (Ficus benghalensis) to admire. The ring road 619 leads around the island. In the interior of the island there are designated hiking trails with viewpoints. At Ufuyaguchi there are accessible grottos in the limestone.

“Cattle Sumo” on Tokunoshima (drawing from 1895).

The port called Tokunoshima (248 km²) is weather dependent in Kametsu or Hetono (平 土 野). The small airfield is served twice a day by Kagoshima and Amami-Ōshima; It is less common to go to Naha, which can also be reached in ten hours by ferry. Other localities are Kametsu (亀 津), Main village of Tokunoshima site (徳 之 島 町, Tokunoshima-cho) as well as Amagi 天 城 町. The south of the island is the village of Isen ((伊 仙 町). In the crater above the place, a freshwater lake was created by damming. The Okinawa bullfights ("cattle sumo") are popular. The nocturnal amami rabbit can also be found here. At the northern tip, there are the so-called 400-year-old sago palm trees Kanami Sotetsu- "Tunnels made of trees." At the lookout point; Inutabu-misaki (犬 田 布 岬) has been a memorial since 1968 with a memorial plaque, only in Japanese, for the 2500 who died on April 7, 1945 Yamato(大 和 慰 霊 塔), the largest warship ever built. American fighter pilots have shot at survivors floating in the sea, a war crime that went unpunished.
The first house on the square is in the main town Hotel Grand Ocean Resort (☎ 81 997-83-3333). The hotels are cheaper New Nishida and Lexton as well as the Chitose Ryōkan, which are all within a few minutes' walk of each other at the harbor.

The ferries head south only every other day 12 China (知名 町) at the southern tip of Okino-Erabujima Stop, the 1½ km long is nearby Yakomo-Beach. There is a campsite under the summit of Mt. Daisen there. Thousands of Erabu lilies bloom during the season (Lilium longiforum) wild.
One kilometer from the port in Wadomari (和 泊 町), there at the pier that Seaworld Hotel, is this Tarano Onsen(タ ラ ソ お き の え ら ぶ), a new adventure pool cum wellness oasis with all the chicanery. The wind turbine built for the power supply is visible from afar.
The surrounding coral reef on the north side of the island is popular with snorkelers, sea snakes, rays and large turtles can be seen. At the northwest end of the island, near Cape Tamina, you can see the Shōryū-Come caves.

The south adjoining island 13 Yoron-tō (syn. 与 論 島; 20 km², 5800 inh.) Is geographically and culturally part of the actual Okinawa. Tens of thousands of sun-hungry Japanese invade here. The ferry to Naha, via Montobu, takes a good five hours. It is a two hour drive from Wadomari. There are daily flights from Naha and Kagoshima. Practically the entire east coast including the reef in front of it is part of the Amamiguntō National Park.
The best hotel on the island that Pricia, is near the village of Chabana (茶花), at the northern tip of the runway. At the other end of the island, it is right on the sea Akasaki Beach Resort(赤 崎 海水 浴場)


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