Nagasaki (prefecture) - Nagasaki (Präfektur)

Nagasaki Prefecture

Nagasaki(Japanese: 長崎 県, Nagasaki-ken) is a prefecture in the region Kyushu, Japan.


Nagasaki Prefecture is located on the island of Kyushu and is largely surrounded by the East China Sea, only the northeast borders the prefecture saga. Several offshore islands belong to Nagasaki Prefecture.


  • 1 Nagasaki(長崎) - international port city with a long history and a notoriously tragic interlude.
  • 2 Sasebo - second largest city in the prefecture. Sasebo is shaped by American culture as there is a US military base there.
  • 3 Shimabara - The city on a peninsula lies at the foot of the Unzen volcano
  • 4 Hirado - Dutch merchants had a trading post here in the 17th century, and the island served them hidden Christians as a haven.
  • 5 Ōmura - was one of the few places where Christians could live unhindered.

Other goals

  • 1 Tsushima - famous island between the Japanese island of Kyushu and the Korean peninsula.
  • 2 Iki - Island between Tsushima and Kyushu on Tsushima Street
  • Goto Islands - five larger and approx. 140 smaller islands lie in between in the archipelago 6 Shinkamogotō and 7 Gotō



getting there

  • 1 Nagasaki airport, mostly domestic flights, connections also to Shanghai and Seoul.


Tourist Attractions

  • 3 Ounces - the volcano is still active. The last outbreak was in 1995.
  • 4 Saikai National Park - Marine park in the west of the prefecture








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